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Uranium (U) concentrations and activity ratios (d234U) of authigenic carbonates are sensitive recorders of different fluid compositions at submarine seeps of hydrocarbon-rich fluids ("cold seeps") at Hydrate Ridge, off the coast of Oregon, USA. The low U concentrations (mean: 1.3 ± 0.4 µg/g) and high 234U values (165-317 per mil) of gas hydrate carbonates reflect the influence of sedimentary pore water indicating that these carbonates were formed under reducing conditions below or at the seafloor. Their 230Th/234U ages span a time interval from 0.8 to 6.4 ka and cluster around 1.2 and 4.7 ka. In contrast, chemoherm carbonates precipitate from marine bottom water marked by relatively high U concentrations (mean: 5.2 ± 0.8 µg/g) and a mean d234U ratio of 166 ± 3 per mil. Their U isotopes reflect the d234U ratios of the bottom water being enriched in 234U relative to normal seawater. Simple mass balance calculations based on U concentrations and their corresponding d234U ratios reveal a contribution of about 11% of sedimentary pore water to the bottom water. From the U pore water flux and the reconstructed U pore water concentration a mean flow rate of about 147 ± 68 cm/a can be estimated. 230Th/234U ages of chemoherm carbonates range from 7.3 to 267.6 ka. 230Th/234U ages of two chemoherms (Alvin and SE-Knoll chemoherm) correspond to time intervals of low sealevel stands in marine isotope stages (MIS) 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. This observation indicates that fluid flow at cold seep sites sensitively reflects pressure changes of the hydraulic head in the sediments. The d18OPDB ratios of the chemoherm carbonates support the hypothesis of precipitation during glacial times. Deviations of the chemoherm d18O values from the marine d18O record can be interpreted as to reflect temporally and spatially varying bottom water and/or vent fluid temperatures during carbonate precipitation between 2.6 and 8.6°C.
Drilling was undertaken at five sites (739-743) on ODP Leg 119 on a transect across the continental shelf of Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, to elucidate the long-term glacial history of the area and to examine the importance of the area with respect to the development of the East Antarctic ice sheet as a whole. In addition to providing a record of glaciation spanning 36 m.y. or more, Leg 119 has provided information concerning the development of a continental margin under the prolonged influence of a major ice sheet. This has allowed the development of a sedimentary model that may be applicable not only to other parts of the Antarctic continental margin, but also to northern high-latitude continental shelves. The cored glacial sedimentary record in Prydz Bay consists of three major sequences, dominated by diamictite: 1. An upper flat-lying sequence that ranges in thickness from a few meters in inner and western Prydz Bay to nearly 250 m in the outer or eastern parts of the bay. The uppermost few meters consist of Holocene diatom ooze and diatomaceous mud with a minor ice-rafted component overlying diamicton and diamictite of late Miocene to Quaternary age. The diamictite is mainly massive, but stratified varieties and minor mudstone and diatomite also occur. 2. An upper prograding sequence cored at Sites 739 and 743, unconformly below the flat-lying sequence. This consists of a relatively steep (4° inclination) prograding wedge with a number of discrete sedimentary packages. At Sites 739 and 743 the sequence is dominated by massive and stratified diamictite, some of which shows evidence of slumping and minor debris flowage. 3. A lower, more gently inclined, prograding sequence lies unconformably below the flat-lying sequence at Site 742 and the upper prograding sequence at Site 739. This extends to the base of both sites, to 316 and 487 mbsf, respectively. It is dominated by massive, relatively clast-poor diamictite which is kaolinite-rich, light in color, and contains sporadic carbonate-cemented layers. The lower part of Site 742 includes well-stratified diamictites and very poorly sorted mudstones. The base of this site has indications of large-scale soft-sediment deformation and probably represents proximity to the base of the glacial sequence. Facies analysis of the Prydz Bay glacial sequence indicates a range of depositional environments. Massive diamictite is interpreted largely as waterlain till, deposited close to the grounding line of a floating glacier margin, although basal till and debris flow facies are also present. Weakly stratified diamictite is interpreted as having formed close to or under the floating ice margin and influenced by the input of marine diatomaceous sediment (proximal glaciomarine setting). Well-stratified diamictite has a stronger marine input, being more diatom-rich, and probably represents a proximal-distal glaciomarine sediment with the glaciogenic component being supplied by icebergs. Other facies include a variety of mudstones and diatom-rich sediments of marine origin, in which an ice-rafted component is still significant. None of the recovered sediments are devoid of a glacial influence. The overall depositional setting of the prograding sequence is one in which the grounded ice margin is situated close to the shelf edge. Progradation was achieved primarily by deposition of waterlain till. The flat-lying sequence illustrates a complex sequence of advances and retreats across the outer part of the shelf, with intermittent phases of ice loading and erosion. The glacial chronology is based largely on diatom stratigraphy, which has limited resolution. It appears that ice reached the paleoshelf break by earliest Oligocene, suggesting full-scale development of the East Antarctic ice sheet by that time. The ice sheet probably dominated the continental margin for much of Oligocene to middle Miocene time. Retreat, but not total withdrawal of the ice sheet, took place in late Miocene to mid-Pliocene time. The late Pliocene to Pleistocene was characterized by further advances across, and progradation of, the continental shelf. Holocene time has been characterized by reduced glacial conditions and a limited influence of glacial processes on sedimentation.
The western South Atlantic boundary currents represent a sensitive system within the global thermohaline circulation (THC). We investigated the impact of deglacial THC changes on the western tropical Atlantic studied in six high resolution sediment cores from the upper continental slope of Brazil. The stratigraphy of the cores is mainly based on 14C AMS dating of monospecific foraminiferal samples. Changes in the upper layer tropical ocean during the deglaciation are inferred from stable oxygen isotope measurements on planktic and benthic foraminifera. Variations in the delta18O residuals are assumed to be mainly temperature related. During the Oldest and Younger Dryas cooling periods, two major deglacial THC disturbances are reported from North Atlantic sediment cores. Concomitant to the repeated THC slowdown, we observe an upper layer warming in the tropical ocean. A reduced northward heat export from the tropical areas during these periods (weak North Brazil Current) is additionally reflected by low meridional gradients in the stable oxygen records. This generally agrees with results from coupled ocean atmosphere models.
We investigate the redistribution of terrigenous materials in the northeastern (NE) South American continental margin during slowdown events of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). The compilation of stratigraphic data from 108 marine sediment cores collected across the western tropical Atlantic shows an extreme rise in sedimentation rates off the Parnaíba River mouth (about 2°S) during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1, 18-15 ka). Sediment core GeoB16206-1, raised offshore the Parnaíba River mouth, documents relatively constant 143Nd/144Nd values (expressed as epsilonNd(0)) throughout the last 30 ka. Whereas the homogeneous epsilonNd(0) data support the input of fluvial sediments by the Parnaíba River from the same source area directly onshore, the increases in Fe/Ca, Al/Si and Rb/Sr during HS1 indicate a marked intensification of fluvial erosion in the Parnaíba River drainage basin. In contrast, the epsilonNd(0) values from sediment core GeoB16224-1 collected off French Guiana (about 7°N) suggest Amazon-sourced materials within the last 30 ka. We attribute the extremely high volume of terrigenous sediments deposited offshore the Parnaíba River mouth during HS1 to (i) an enhanced precipitation in the catchment region and (ii) a reduced North Brazil Current, which are both associated with a weakened AMOC.
Se abordará la película Nosilatiaj. La belleza (2012) de la directora argentina Daniela Seggiaro. Punto de partida es la premisa planteada por numerosas teóricas feministas acerca de la producción de un cine capaz de superar el fuerte carácter normativizador de lo que Teresa De Lauretis describe como una "tecnología de género". La historia de Yolanda, la adolescente Wichí que vive como criada en la casa de una familia criolla, se desdobla en dos planos que parecen trenzarse y que aportan la reconstrucción de una subjetividad configurada en tanto que otredad. Para el análisis se recurrirá al trabajo realizado por Britta Sjogren acerca de la voz femenina. Sjogren sostiene que la voz sirve a la construcción de un sujeto a partir de la consideración de subjetividades múltiples. A través del uso de la voz en off es posible trabajar otro tipo de agenciamiento femenino dentro de la pantalla, por su carácter de superador de este marco constreñido. Invita entonces a conceptualizar el deseo en la relación cinemática, como ligado a otras instancias más allá de la visión o de la imagen. Y la plasmación del deseo femenino es lo que Claire Johnston consideraba esencial en la producción de un "contra-cine"
Vertical profiles of light scattering at a right angle and turbidity profiles in seawater indicating suspended matter concentration in the near-bottom nepheloid layer (NNL) were measured simultaneously with temperature, salinity, and density profiles at the continental slope off the northwestern Africa. About 100 stations 5' apart in latitude and longitude were carried out over an ocean area of 6100 sq. km. Special features of the NNL variability in the area were analyzed. It was found that some structural parameters of the NNL (maximum transparency depth, that is the upper boundary of NNL; NNL thickness; maximum and total turbidity) correlate with ocean depth. On the average, thickness of the NNL in the area is 20-40% of the ocean depth. At most stations the NNL is fairly strong. In the shelf region NNL turbidity was influenced by the intensive near-shore upwelling. Formation of ''high-energy near-bottom layers'' in the shelf region resulted from passing of a mesoscale cyclonic eddy that caused redistribution of measured quantities within the entire water column.
Oxygen-isotope ratio measurements are presented for the planktonic species Globigerinoides ruber collected from shallow-water, upper-slope sediments from Holes 820A and 820B in 280 m of water, on the seaward edge of the Great Barrier Reef. Correlation of the Site 820 isotope curve with deep-sea reference curves of the Pacific Ocean (Core V28-238, Hole 677A, Hole 607A) permits the definition of isotope stages 1 to 19 in the top 145 m of Holes 820A and 820B. However, paleontological data indicate that stages 4 and 7 might be missing and that two hiatuses occur at a depth of 8.05 to 12.1 and 34.55 to 35.8 mbsf. Using deep-sea Hole 677A as a reference for ice-volume variations, we determine the difference in isotopic signature between it and Site 820. We propose that this difference is a regional signal representing a progressive 4°C increase in surface-water temperature at Site 820. The proposed temperature change was initiated at about 400 k.y. and corresponds to a change from high-to-low frequency variations in Pleistocene isotope signals. We postulate that these changes may have catalyzed the growth of the Great Barrier Reef. The shift also coincides with changes in seismic character and some physical and chemical sediment characteristics.
This report contains the occurrence data for dinoflagellate cysts recorded from 163 samples taken from Sites 902 through 906, during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 150. The dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) stratigraphy has been presented in Mountain, Miller, Blum, et al. (1994, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.150.1994), and was based on these data. This report provides the full dinocyst data set supporting the dinocyst stratigraphic interpretations made in Mountain, Miller, Blum, et al. (1994). For Miocene shipboard dinocyst stratigraphy, I delineated 10 informal zones: pre-A, and A through I, in ascending stratigraphic order. These zones are defined in Shipboard Scientific Party (1994a, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.150.103.1994), and are based on my studies of Miocene dinocyst stratigraphy in the Maryland and Virginia coastal plain (de Verteuil and Norris, 1991, 1992; de Verteuil, 1995). This zonation has been slightly revised (de Verteuil and Norris, 1996), and the new formal zone definitions are repeated below. Each new zone has an alpha-numeric abbreviation starting with "DN" (for Dinoflagellate Neogene). The equivalence between the informal zones reported in Mountain, Miller, Blum, et al. (1994), and the new DN zones is illustrated in Figure 1. For clarity, I delineated both zonations in the range charts that accompany this report (Tables 1-6). De Verteuil and Norris (1996a), using these and other data, correlated the DN zonation with the geological time scale of Berggren et al. (1995). Figure 2 summarizes these correlations and can be used to check the chronostratigraphic position of samples in this report, as determined by dinocyst stratigraphy. A thorough discussion of the basis for, and levels of uncertainty associated with, these correlations to the Cenozoic time scale can be found in de Verteuil and Norris (1996a). The Appendix lists all the dinocyst taxa recorded during shipboard analyses of Leg 150 samples. Open nomenclature is used for undescribed taxa. The range charts and Appendix also include reference to several new taxa that de Verteuil and Norris (1996b) described from Miocene coastal plain strata in Maryland and Virginia. Names of these taxa in Tables 1 through 6 and in the Appendix of this report are not intended for effective publication as defined in the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN, Greuter et al., 1994). Therefore, taxonomic nomenclature contained in this report is not to be treated as meeting the conditions of effective and valid publication (ICBN; Article 29).
Se abordará la película Nosilatiaj. La belleza (2012) de la directora argentina Daniela Seggiaro. Punto de partida es la premisa planteada por numerosas teóricas feministas acerca de la producción de un cine capaz de superar el fuerte carácter normativizador de lo que Teresa De Lauretis describe como una "tecnología de género". La historia de Yolanda, la adolescente Wichí que vive como criada en la casa de una familia criolla, se desdobla en dos planos que parecen trenzarse y que aportan la reconstrucción de una subjetividad configurada en tanto que otredad. Para el análisis se recurrirá al trabajo realizado por Britta Sjogren acerca de la voz femenina. Sjogren sostiene que la voz sirve a la construcción de un sujeto a partir de la consideración de subjetividades múltiples. A través del uso de la voz en off es posible trabajar otro tipo de agenciamiento femenino dentro de la pantalla, por su carácter de superador de este marco constreñido. Invita entonces a conceptualizar el deseo en la relación cinemática, como ligado a otras instancias más allá de la visión o de la imagen. Y la plasmación del deseo femenino es lo que Claire Johnston consideraba esencial en la producción de un "contra-cine"
Se abordará la película Nosilatiaj. La belleza (2012) de la directora argentina Daniela Seggiaro. Punto de partida es la premisa planteada por numerosas teóricas feministas acerca de la producción de un cine capaz de superar el fuerte carácter normativizador de lo que Teresa De Lauretis describe como una "tecnología de género". La historia de Yolanda, la adolescente Wichí que vive como criada en la casa de una familia criolla, se desdobla en dos planos que parecen trenzarse y que aportan la reconstrucción de una subjetividad configurada en tanto que otredad. Para el análisis se recurrirá al trabajo realizado por Britta Sjogren acerca de la voz femenina. Sjogren sostiene que la voz sirve a la construcción de un sujeto a partir de la consideración de subjetividades múltiples. A través del uso de la voz en off es posible trabajar otro tipo de agenciamiento femenino dentro de la pantalla, por su carácter de superador de este marco constreñido. Invita entonces a conceptualizar el deseo en la relación cinemática, como ligado a otras instancias más allá de la visión o de la imagen. Y la plasmación del deseo femenino es lo que Claire Johnston consideraba esencial en la producción de un "contra-cine"