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Työssä tutkittiin tehokasta tietojohtamista globaalin metsäteollisuusyrityksen tutkimus ja kehitys verkostossa. Työn tavoitteena oli rakentaa kuvaus tutkimus ja kehitys sisällön hallintaan kohdeyrityksen käyttämän tietojohtamisohjelmiston avulla. Ensin selvitettiin käsitteitä tietämys ja tietojohtaminen kirjallisuuden avulla. Selvityksen perusteella esitettiin prosessimalli, jolla tietämystä voidaan tehokkaasti hallita yrityksessä. Seuraavaksi analysoitiin tietojohtamisen asettamia vaatimuksia informaatioteknologialle ja informaatioteknologian roolia prosessimallissa. Verkoston vaatimukset tietojohtamista kohtaan selvitettiin haastattelemalla yrityksen avainhenkilöitä. Haastatteluiden perusteella järjestelmän tuli tehokkaasti tukea virtuaalisten projektiryhmien työskentelyä, mahdollistaa tehtaiden välinen tietämyksen jakaminen ja tukea järjestelmään syötetyn sisällön hallintaa. Ensiksi järjestelmän käyttöliittymän rakenne ja salaukset muokattiin vastaamaan verkoston tarpeita. Rakenne tarjoaa työalueen työryhmille ja alueet tehtaiden väliseen tietämyksen jakamiseen. Sisällönhallintaa varten järjestelmään kehitettiin kategoria, profiloitu portaali ja valmiiksi määriteltyjä hakuja. Kehitetty malli tehostaa projektiryhmien työskentelyä, mahdollistaa olemassa olevan tietämyksen hyväksikäytön tehdastasolla sekä helpottaa tutkimus ja kehitys aktiviteettien seurantaa. Toimenpide-ehdotuksina esitetään järjestelmän integrointia tehtaiden operatiivisiin ohjausjärjestelmiin ja ohjelmiston käyttöönottoa tehdastason projektinhallinta työkaluksi.Ehdotusten tavoitteena on varmistaa sekä tehokas tietämyksen jakaminen tehtaiden välillä että tehokas tietojohtaminen tehdastasolla.


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The subject of this master’s thesis was developing a context-based reminder service for mobile devices. Possible sources of context were identified and analyzed. One such source is geographical location obtained via a GPS receiver. These receivers consume a lot of power and techniques and algorithms for reducing power consumptions were proposed and analyzed. The service was implemented as an application on a series 60 mobile phone. The application requirements, user interface and architecture are presented. The end-user experiences are discussed and possible future development and research areas are presented.


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WAP tulee olemaan tulevaisuudessa tärkeässä roolissa, kun etsitään sopivaa tiedonsiirtoprotokollaa uusille mobiilipalveluille. Vaikka WAP jollain tavalla epäonnistui ensimmäisessä tulemisessaan sen suosio varmasti tulevaisuudessa tulee kasvamaan. WAP:in heikko suosio ei johtunut niinkään protokollan tiedonsiirto ominaisuuksista, vaan WAP-palveluiden kehittymättömyydestä. Tulevaisuuden palvelut kuitenkin ovat kehittyneempiä ja WAP:in suosio tulee kasvamaan. Viimeisimpänä WAP:ia käyttävänä palveluna on esitelty MMS. Kun uudet WAP:iin pohjautuvat palvelut yleistyvät, asettaa se uusia vaatimuksia myös WAP gateway:lle. Työssä tarkastellaan erilaisia mahdollisuuksia mitata mobiilisti WAP palvelujen palvelun tasoa. Työssä myös toteutetaan mobiili WAP palveluiden mittauskomponentti, joka toimii osana laajempaa ohjelmistoa. Tarkoituksena on toteuttaa mittauskomponentti, joka emuloi mahdollisimman hyvin todellista loppukäyttäjää.


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Lyhyen kantaman langattomat kommunikaatioteknologiat tarjoavat mahdollisuuden toteuttaa erilaisia paikkasidonnaisia palveluita käyttäjille kohtuullisilla kustannuksilla. Opastejärjestelmä, joka ohjaa käyttäjän paikasta toiseen, on yksi tälläinen palvelu. Tässä työssä esitetään langattomaan Bluetooth teknologiaan perustuva opastejärjestelmä. Muita langattomia teknologioita verrataan Bluetoothiin opastejärjestelmän toteuttamisen kannalta. Erilaisia järjestelmän arkkitehtuuri vaihtoehtoja käyttäjän paikantamiseen esitellään. Paikkatietoja hyödynnetään opasteviestin muodostamisessa. Tapoja muodostaa käyttäjän reitti kahden paikan välillä toimistorakennuksessa esitetään. Työn tulos on halpa langatonta Bluetooth teknologiaa hyödyntävä opastejärjestelmä, jota voidaan käyttää myös muiden langattomien paikkasidonnaisten palveluiden tuottamiseen.


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Tämä työ esittelee uuden tarjota paikasta riippuvaa tietoa langattomien tietoverkkojen käyttäjille. Tieto välitetään jokaiselle käyttäjälle tietämättä mitään käyttäjän henkilöllisyydestä. Sovellustason protokollaksi valittiin HTTP, joka mahdollistaa tämän järjestelmän saattaa tietoa perille useimmille käyttäjille, jotka käyttävät hyvinkin erilaisia päätelaitteita. Tämä järjestelmä toimii sieppaavan www-liikenteen välityspalvelimen jatkeena. Erilaisten tietokantojen sisällä on perusteella järjestelmä päättää välitetäänkö tietoa vai ei. Järjestelmä sisältää myös yksinkertaisen ohjelmiston käyttäjien paikantamiseksi yksittäisen tukiaseman tarkkuudella. Vaikka esitetty ratkaisu tähtääkin paikkaan perustuvien mainosten tarjoamiseen, se on helposti muunnettavissa minkä tahansa tyyppisen tiedon välittämiseen käyttäjille.


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Tämä diplomityö käsittelee sääntöpohjaisen verkkoon pääsyn hallinnan (NAC) ratkaisuja arkkitehtonisesta näkökulmasta. Työssä käydään läpi Trusted Computing Groupin, Microsoft Corporationin, Juniper Networksin sekä Cisco Systemsin NAC-ratkaisuja. NAC koostuu joukosta uusia sekä jo olemassa olevia teknologioita, jotka auttavat ennalta määriteltyyn sääntökantaan perustuen hallitsemaan suojattuun verkkoon pyrkivien laitteiden tietoliikenneyhteyksiä. Käyttäjän tunnistamisen lisäksi NAC pystyy rajoittamaan verkkoon pääsyä laitekohtaisten ominaisuuksien perusteella, esimerkiksi virustunnisteisiin ja käyttöjärjestelmäpäivityksiin liittyen ja paikkaamaan tietyin rajoituksin näissä esiintyviä puutteita verkkoon pääsyn sallimiseksi. NAC on verraten uusi käsite, jolta puuttuu tarkka määritelmä. Tästä johtuen nykymarkkinoilla myydään ominaisuuksiltaan puutteellisia tuotteita NAC-nimikkeellä. Standardointi eri valmistajien NAC-komponenttien yhteentoimivuuden takaamiseksi on meneillään, minkä perusteella ratkaisut voidaan jakaa joko avoimia standardeja tai valmistajakohtaisia standardeja noudattaviksi. Esitellyt NAC-ratkaisut noudattavat standardeja joko rajoitetusti tai eivät lainkaan. Mikään läpikäydyistä ratkaisuista ei ole täydellinen NAC, mutta Juniper Networksin ratkaisu nousee niistä potentiaalisimmaksi jatkokehityksen ja -tutkimuksen kohteeksi TietoEnator Processing & Networks Oy:lle. Eräs keskeinen ongelma NAC-konseptissa on työaseman tietoverkolle toimittama mahdollisesti valheellinen tietoturvatarkistuksen tulos, minkä perusteella pääsyä osittain hallitaan. Muun muassa tähän ongelmaan ratkaisuna voisi olla jo nykytietokoneista löytyvä TPM-siru, mikä takaa tiedon oikeellisuuden ja koskemattomuuden.


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Due to the existence of free software and pedagogical guides, the use of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) has been further democratized in recent years. Nowadays, it is quite usual for practitioners and decision makers with no or little knowledge in operational research to run their own efficiency analysis. Within DEA, several alternative models allow for an environmental adjustment. Four alternative models, each user-friendly and easily accessible to practitioners and decision makers, are performed using empirical data of 90 primary schools in the State of Geneva, Switzerland. Results show that the majority of alternative models deliver divergent results. From a political and a managerial standpoint, these diverging results could lead to potentially ineffective decisions. As no consensus emerges on the best model to use, practitioners and decision makers may be tempted to select the model that is right for them, in other words, the model that best reflects their own preferences. Further studies should investigate how an appropriate multi-criteria decision analysis method could help decision makers to select the right model.


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Occupational hygiene practitioners typically assess the risk posed by occupational exposure by comparing exposure measurements to regulatory occupational exposure limits (OELs). In most jurisdictions, OELs are only available for exposure by the inhalation pathway. Skin notations are used to indicate substances for which dermal exposure may lead to health effects. However, these notations are either present or absent and provide no indication of acceptable levels of exposure. Furthermore, the methodology and framework for assigning skin notation differ widely across jurisdictions resulting in inconsistencies in the substances that carry notations. The UPERCUT tool was developed in response to these limitations. It helps occupational health stakeholders to assess the hazard associated with dermal exposure to chemicals. UPERCUT integrates dermal quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) and toxicological data to provide users with a skin hazard index called the dermal hazard ratio (DHR) for the substance and scenario of interest. The DHR is the ratio between the estimated 'received' dose and the 'acceptable' dose. The 'received' dose is estimated using physico-chemical data and information on the exposure scenario provided by the user (body parts exposure and exposure duration), and the 'acceptable' dose is estimated using inhalation OELs and toxicological data. The uncertainty surrounding the DHR is estimated with Monte Carlo simulation. Additional information on the selected substances includes intrinsic skin permeation potential of the substance and the existence of skin notations. UPERCUT is the only available tool that estimates the absorbed dose and compares this to an acceptable dose. In the absence of dermal OELs it provides a systematic and simple approach for screening dermal exposure scenarios for 1686 substances.


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In this paper the authors propose a new closed contour descriptor that could be seen as a Feature Extractor of closed contours based on the Discrete Hartley Transform (DHT), its main characteristic is that uses only half of the coefficients required by Elliptical Fourier Descriptors (EFD) to obtain a contour approximation with similar error measure. The proposed closed contour descriptor provides an excellent capability of information compression useful for a great number of AI applications. Moreover it can provide scale, position and rotation invariance, and last but not least it has the advantage that both the parameterization and the reconstructed shape from the compressed set can be computed very efficiently by the fast Discrete Hartley Transform (DHT) algorithm. This Feature Extractor could be useful when the application claims for reversible features and when the user needs and easy measure of the quality for a given level of compression, scalable from low to very high quality.


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This study explores personal liberty in psychiatric care from a service user involvement perspective. The data were collected in four phases during the period 2000-2006 in psychiatric settings in Finland. Firstly, patient satisfaction and factors associated with user involvement were studied (n = 313). Secondly, patients’ experiences of deprivation of their liberty were explored (n = 51). Thirdly, an overview on patients’ options for lodging complaints was conducted, and all complaints (n = 4645) lodged in Finland from 2000 to 2004 were examined. Fourthly, the effects of different patient education methods on inpatients’ experiences of deprivation of liberty were tested (n = 311). It emerged that patients were quite satisfied, but reported dissatisfaction in restrictions, compulsory care and information dissemination. Patients experienced restrictions on leaving the ward and on communication, confiscation of property and coercive measures as deprivation of liberty. Patients’ experienced these interventions to be negative. In Finland, the patient complaint process is complicated and not easily accessible. In general, patient complaints increased considerably in Finland during the study period. In psychiatric care the number of complaints was quite stable and complaints led more seldom to consequences. An Internet-based patient education system was equivalent with traditional education and treatment as usual in supporting personal liberty during hospital care. This dissertation provides new information about the realization of patients' rights in psychiatric care. In order to improve patients' involvement, systematic methods to increase personal liberty during care need to be developed, the procedures for patients lodging complaints should be simplified, and patients' access to information needs to be ensured using multiple methods.


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Learning of preference relations has recently received significant attention in machine learning community. It is closely related to the classification and regression analysis and can be reduced to these tasks. However, preference learning involves prediction of ordering of the data points rather than prediction of a single numerical value as in case of regression or a class label as in case of classification. Therefore, studying preference relations within a separate framework facilitates not only better theoretical understanding of the problem, but also motivates development of the efficient algorithms for the task. Preference learning has many applications in domains such as information retrieval, bioinformatics, natural language processing, etc. For example, algorithms that learn to rank are frequently used in search engines for ordering documents retrieved by the query. Preference learning methods have been also applied to collaborative filtering problems for predicting individual customer choices from the vast amount of user generated feedback. In this thesis we propose several algorithms for learning preference relations. These algorithms stem from well founded and robust class of regularized least-squares methods and have many attractive computational properties. In order to improve the performance of our methods, we introduce several non-linear kernel functions. Thus, contribution of this thesis is twofold: kernel functions for structured data that are used to take advantage of various non-vectorial data representations and the preference learning algorithms that are suitable for different tasks, namely efficient learning of preference relations, learning with large amount of training data, and semi-supervised preference learning. Proposed kernel-based algorithms and kernels are applied to the parse ranking task in natural language processing, document ranking in information retrieval, and remote homology detection in bioinformatics domain. Training of kernel-based ranking algorithms can be infeasible when the size of the training set is large. This problem is addressed by proposing a preference learning algorithm whose computation complexity scales linearly with the number of training data points. We also introduce sparse approximation of the algorithm that can be efficiently trained with large amount of data. For situations when small amount of labeled data but a large amount of unlabeled data is available, we propose a co-regularized preference learning algorithm. To conclude, the methods presented in this thesis address not only the problem of the efficient training of the algorithms but also fast regularization parameter selection, multiple output prediction, and cross-validation. Furthermore, proposed algorithms lead to notably better performance in many preference learning tasks considered.


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This thesis concentrates on developing a practical local approach methodology based on micro mechanical models for the analysis of ductile fracture of welded joints. Two major problems involved in the local approach, namely the dilational constitutive relation reflecting the softening behaviour of material, and the failure criterion associated with the constitutive equation, have been studied in detail. Firstly, considerable efforts were made on the numerical integration and computer implementation for the non trivial dilational Gurson Tvergaard model. Considering the weaknesses of the widely used Euler forward integration algorithms, a family of generalized mid point algorithms is proposed for the Gurson Tvergaard model. Correspondingly, based on the decomposition of stresses into hydrostatic and deviatoric parts, an explicit seven parameter expression for the consistent tangent moduli of the algorithms is presented. This explicit formula avoids any matrix inversion during numerical iteration and thus greatly facilitates the computer implementation of the algorithms and increase the efficiency of the code. The accuracy of the proposed algorithms and other conventional algorithms has been assessed in a systematic manner in order to highlight the best algorithm for this study. The accurate and efficient performance of present finite element implementation of the proposed algorithms has been demonstrated by various numerical examples. It has been found that the true mid point algorithm (a = 0.5) is the most accurate one when the deviatoric strain increment is radial to the yield surface and it is very important to use the consistent tangent moduli in the Newton iteration procedure. Secondly, an assessment of the consistency of current local failure criteria for ductile fracture, the critical void growth criterion, the constant critical void volume fraction criterion and Thomason's plastic limit load failure criterion, has been made. Significant differences in the predictions of ductility by the three criteria were found. By assuming the void grows spherically and using the void volume fraction from the Gurson Tvergaard model to calculate the current void matrix geometry, Thomason's failure criterion has been modified and a new failure criterion for the Gurson Tvergaard model is presented. Comparison with Koplik and Needleman's finite element results shows that the new failure criterion is fairly accurate indeed. A novel feature of the new failure criterion is that a mechanism for void coalescence is incorporated into the constitutive model. Hence the material failure is a natural result of the development of macroscopic plastic flow and the microscopic internal necking mechanism. By the new failure criterion, the critical void volume fraction is not a material constant and the initial void volume fraction and/or void nucleation parameters essentially control the material failure. This feature is very desirable and makes the numerical calibration of void nucleation parameters(s) possible and physically sound. Thirdly, a local approach methodology based on the above two major contributions has been built up in ABAQUS via the user material subroutine UMAT and applied to welded T joints. By using the void nucleation parameters calibrated from simple smooth and notched specimens, it was found that the fracture behaviour of the welded T joints can be well predicted using present methodology. This application has shown how the damage parameters of both base material and heat affected zone (HAZ) material can be obtained in a step by step manner and how useful and capable the local approach methodology is in the analysis of fracture behaviour and crack development as well as structural integrity assessment of practical problems where non homogeneous materials are involved. Finally, a procedure for the possible engineering application of the present methodology is suggested and discussed.


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Customer specific functionalities are a challenging part of procurement and invoice automation environments. In Basware Enterprise Purchase to Payment product family the customer specific reports are supported only in a basic level without any seamless interface between all EPP products. Also other customer specific functionalities are not supported as there is no customizable interface between the applications and only the most common features are implemented to the products themselves. In this thesis foundations are created for a new web based value added module where it is possible to create seamless customer specific functionalities throughout the whole EPP product family. The work is implemented in a Proof of Concept type of piloting. The system is created in user centered way where the users are able to explain their requests and determine their needs. The result is an excellent foundation for a module that can be developed further.


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New luminometric particle-based methods were developed to quantify protein and to count cells. The developed methods rely on the interaction of the sample with nano- or microparticles and different principles of detection. In fluorescence quenching, timeresolved luminescence resonance energy transfer (TR-LRET), and two-photon excitation fluorescence (TPX) methods, the sample prevents the adsorption of labeled protein to the particles. Depending on the system, the addition of the analyte increases or decreases the luminescence. In the dissociation method, the adsorbed protein protects the Eu(III) chelate on the surface of the particles from dissociation at a low pH. The experimental setups are user-friendly and rapid and do not require hazardous test compounds and elevated temperatures. The sensitivity of the quantification of protein (from 40 to 500 pg bovine serum albumin in a sample) was 20-500-fold better than in most sensitive commercial methods. The quenching method exhibited low protein-to-protein variability and the dissociation method insensitivity to the assay contaminants commonly found in biological samples. Less than ten eukaryotic cells were detected and quantified with all the developed methods under optimized assay conditions. Furthermore, two applications, the method for detection of the aggregation of protein and the cell viability test, were developed by utilizing the TR-LRET method. The detection of the aggregation of protein was allowed at a more than 10,000 times lower concentration, 30 μg/L, compared to the known methods of UV240 absorbance and dynamic light scattering. The TR-LRET method was combined with a nucleic acid assay with cell-impermeable dye to measure the percentage of dead cells in a single tube test with cell counts below 1000 cells/tube.