863 resultados para Urban space reproduction


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The modern citieshave been born of the processes of industrialization, urbanization, which have been characterized by violence, resulting in social inequality, spatial segregation, the struggle for survival, the authoritarianism of the government and the establishment of exclusive orders genre, which has  prevented the enjoyment of the rights differential. In order to understand these complexities and  transform power relations that develop and reproduce it, this article analyzes the main theoretical  contributions and methodological approaches that feminist and gender studies have been conducted on the city, urban space and the right to city, which are valuable contributions to the definition of  the right to the city of women as a collective right to universal construction


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This article analyzes the public transportation of passengers in Bogota as an experience in Vich social, politic, esthetic, and moral relations interfere and participe when moulding the passengers’ behavior in order to adequate it to urban space and movement.


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El interés de este estudio de caso es comparar las dinámicas de uso y apropiación del espacio público en parques de origen formal e informal, y discutir sus implicaciones en la vida social y urbana, teniendo como zonas el parque Villa de la Torre (informal) y el parque Cayetano Cañizares (formal). Este trabajo se enmarca en conceptos de uso y apropiación del espacio público, a partir de los cuales se examinan las dinámicas de formalidad e informalidad de los parques zonas de estudio, explorando qué efectos puede tener su origen, y revisando si el parque informal implica falta de apropiación y usos conflictivos, o si por el contrario, las dinámicas que en espacios públicos se dan pueden incluir dinámicas positivas y negativas indistintamente de su origen.


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A composição do espaço urbano parece hoje uma questão um pouco esquecida na prática da construção da cidade. Este processo de empobrecimento da riqueza formal e compositiva do espaço urbano esclarece-se quando entendidas as prioridades que disciplinas várias adquirem no planeamento, que passa a actuar a uma macro-escala, movendo o centro das preocupações urbanísticas para campos excêntricos à composição formal, alicerçada sobre a experimentação compositiva e a criatividade individual do projectista. É o percurso desta mudança que este artigo procura traçar sumariamente, relacionando-o com o processo de desenho ao longo das suas diversas fases.


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The city is not only a visual environment, but it is also sonorous and therefore the “unintentional hearing which is much more influencing” is involved in an urban space experience just as sight is. Beginning with Assunto’s consideration in Il paesaggio e l’estetica, the analysis we provide cannot avoid outlining the peculiarities of aestetic fruition of the city seen as a space we cross, in which we live and in which we, as a matter of fact, are agent actors. And it is as a consequence of this peculiarity that silence has a leading role in our urban experience. Seen as a presence of itself, it is a positive value especially if we consider that nowadays modernity is expressed through its absence. It is an absence that reaches its climax in the experience of the metropolis. Besides Assunto, there is another witness of this in Simmel’s The Metropolis and Mental Life from which our analysis cannot leave out of consideration. Given that this analysis is a sort of analytic excursus it develops around a well defined barycentre represented by the acoustic experience of the city that focuses on the presence/absence of silence as a result of modernity. Taking the first steps from Assunto and Simmel’s assumptions, this work takes into account the theme of silence in the metropolis and introduces it as a loss of interval and thus uses the analysis carried out by Dorfles in L’intervallo perduto and in Horror Pleni. The metropolitan experience is highly characterized by a sensory disorientation for which we can detect a “strong” starting, the Great War, which shows a caesura that outlines the edges of a new mental world. It shows the systematic use of modern technique, of its sonorous universe and urbanization which appears as a corollary of this picture.


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En este ensayo la teoría de Karl Marx, sobre el bien de consumo y sobre los valores de uso e intercambio, así como también las reflexiones de la feminista De Luce Irigaray, expuestas en “Women on the Market”, nos ayudan a analizar las relaciones sociales en el siglo XIX y a ver al espacio de Lima como un gran mercado, en donde la sociedad burguesa hace uso de los objetos de moda para aparentar una posición social alta. En este espacio urbano, que aparece recargado de objetos de compra y venta, Margarita y Lucía se presentan como compradoras, pero no solo de objetos sino también de cuerpos, de esta manera, Margarita es un cuerpo exhibido en la gran vitrina que es Lima, en donde la clase alta debe observarla, aceptarla o rechazarla. Ella es mestiza, pero su origen no interesa, sino cómo luce su cuerpo y qué ostenta o aparenta tener, con lo cual ella, finalmente, consigue marido. En este ensayo se ve cómo el cuerpo femenino tiene un valor de intercambio, pues al ostentar puede aspirar a un candidato de clase alta también, sin embargo, en esta novela todos los cuerpos femeninos y masculinos llegan a tener un valor de uso o intercambio que no se mide por lo que se es, sino por lo que se aparenta por medio de la moda y sus lujos.


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Children and urban space – relations between competence, age and participation In this paper we focus on how children and adults discuss children’s competence in urban space, and how this relates to the age of the child. Spatial competence is linked to the possibility to experience and participate in urban space. Gaining spatial competence thus requires children to be allowed to make experiences in public space. However, our research suggests that age is the organizing norm regarding who is viewed as competent enough to gain access to and participate in urban space. Firstly, spatial competence is related to age-based categories, where children and adults are viewed as homogeneous categories. Adults are viewed as spatially competent while children are viewed as non-competent. Secondly, spatial competence is related to chronological age and defined from an adult perspective which means that increased chronological age is equated with increased competence. It is shown that chronological age is the organizing norm also for how children order other children within the category of children in terms of how spatially competent they are


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In the introduction to his history of the relationship between the body and the city in Western civilisation, Richard Sennett includes an anecdote about attending a cinema in New York. Sennett uses the story of watching film as a way of commenting on the place of the body and senses within urban settings and is concerned to document 'physical sensations in urban space' as a way of addressing what he sees as the 'tactile sterility which afflicts the urban environment.'[1] While Sennett's work performs an important task by drawing attention to various historical conditions implicated in urban and metropolitan experience, it is possible to rework the categories he deploys - bodies, the city, and film - into a very different argument concerning representations of the city. Indeed the three categories coalesce in the so-called city film - works which include the 'city symphony' of the 1920s and subsequent documentary representations of urban spaces, among them the New York City films of the 1940s and 1950s, and films of non-Western cities produced in the decades from the 1960s to the present - within which the city is realised through a focus on people.


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In the present paper different representations of urban character that influence environmental cognition are tested. Two main features involved in urban identity are the functional and social aspects of urban environment. Land use of lots is aggregated into different intensity measures that explore functional characterization of urban spaces. Social presence related to residential use and movement in urban space are also evaluated by intensity and social-economic characteristics. All selected attributes come from normal governmental data bases. Thus, one of the challenges is to transpose/interchange data from different scale units into a unique spatial representation unit, creating a common spatial base in a GIS environment.


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This paper engages with the notion of interspace by examining an understudied and unpublished cycle of mosaics and frescoes destined for the main hall of the Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome’s south-western suburb of EUR, a major building project by Roman architect Adalberto Libera. It first provides a socio-historical and aesthetic background to the building of EUR as Rome’s international exposition of 1942, which aimed to celebrate the achievements of Italian (and fascist) civilisation. It then focuses on the concept of Romanità (or Roman-ness) as a mythical and idealised past that was engaged on a number of levels as a teleological foundation for the advent (and eternity) of fascist rule. This past was adopted, interpreted and made manifest at the urban scale in the master plan of EUR, at the architectural scale in the buildings and at the interior scale in the decorative programs incorporated in each. It argues that the Palazzo dei Congressi allows us to gain further insight into the notion of interspace as it exemplifies this on a number of physical, symbolic and temporal levels. Physically, in the urban space, architectural form and interiors; symbolically, in the content and compositional layout of the mosaics; and temporally, in the use of historical elision and conflation between mythical pasts and idealised present.


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Modelling and mapping ethnicity is a methodological approach used to understand the changing socio-spatial structure of the city. Such an approach uses a range of indicators to identify ethnic groups, map them in urban space and explain the changing nature of ethnic concentrations. The unintended consequences, however, are the labelling, marginalisation and exclusion of ethnic minorities. Critical approaches, in contrast, focus on making visible the politics of representation that mark and stereotype ethnic minorities and ethnic concentrations. Within contemporary research on ethnicity such work has drawn attention to the exercise of power in the constitution of ethnic identities, the invisibility of whiteness and the inherent tensions that are likely to arise in negotiating ethnic cultural differences in local places. Although this article draws attention to such tensions in a particular place, Dandenong, it engages in this discussion to argue that the everyday negotiation of cultural difference also provides the potential to blur fixed ethnic boundaries and contribute to interethnic understanding and a sense of belonging. Drawing on in-depth interviews with people who live and/or work in Dandenong, suburban Melbourne, this article underlines that such positive insights from everyday multiculturalism have the potential to inform and broaden policy debates on diversity and social inclusion in the multicultural city.


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Train stations are places of connection in our cities and are the gateways of urban space. They represent one of the most exciting places to experience. Some stations make great destinations offering shops, restaurants, museums and exhibition spaces to commuters. While new architecture at railway stations acknowledges heritage, the urban spaces around them provide excellent public areas and rationalise functional needs. Grand spaces with monumental structures, including constant movement of people and trains makes for an exhilarating experience. Modern or historic, great train stations add another level of excitement in the regeneration of our cities. Adding into the mix of the sustainability paradigm, place making of railway stations transforms into sustainable urban centres and signature architecture, but how does it support an environmentally sustainable future? This paper reflects the journey of exploring the challenging situations of balancing the requirements between historic, operational, functional, economic and innovative sustainable design solutions during the Flinders Street Station Design Competition in Melbourne. The author highlights how the unique spatial, social and cultural circumstance of this world-renowned city railway station possesses specific resilient and sustainable design answers to a public realm and city space that challenges established thinking.


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 'Conversation' was part of Melbourne Urban Screens Festival at Federation Square from 3 - 5 Oct. 2008 and Rotterdam International Film Festival (38th : 2009 : Rotterdam, The Netherlands) from 21 Jan. - 1 Feb. 2009. Both events curated by Mirjam Struppek


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Placemaking in the developed world can be understood as a concept where through a social and political process, value and meaning in a particular setting is created. This focus of placemaking revolves around a setting in the urban environment, its role as a unique setting and, importantly, the people that make up this place: all of which is focused on a highly structured and formal participatory planning process.The role of placemaking in Latin America’s informal settlements, however, is largelyuntested. With more than 75% of Latin America’s population living in cities since 2001and over 30% (128 million people) of the urban population estimated to reside in what the United Nations define as slums; these informal settlements can offer alternative ways of thinking about urban space and the transformation of spaces people live in. In essence, informal settlements are, to a large extent, what people make of them through their own initiative and imagination. What they achieve is remarkable considering their limited resources and sometimes nonexistent participation in formal planning.Through empirical data collected in 2013 and 2014, this paper discusses how in theabsence of a formal participatory planning process (as the west or developed worldmay perceive it) and lack of resources the barrio of Caracoli, in Bogotá has been ableto create value and meaning in their place. This has been possible, despite social and economic difficulties –which are not to be forgotten-, through inventiveness and the richness of community members’ lives. In this sense, it can be argued that informal settlements can offer a different path to understanding the concept of placemaking currently dominating the developed world.