1000 resultados para UDK:662


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Prosthetic joint replacement is one of the most successful surgical procedures of the last century and the number of implanted artificial joints is rapidly growing. While the result of the procedure is generally positive, infections may occur leading to patient suffering, surgeon's frustration and important costs to the health system. Infection after prosthetic joint replacement is thus a feared complication as healing rates can be low, functional result poor and satisfaction of the patient abysmal. However, if a patient-adapted treatment of infected total joints is used, an overall success rate of above 90 % can be obtained. The patient-adapted treatment concept is based on five strong pillars: teamwork, understanding biofilm, proper diagnostics, proper definition and classification and patient-tailored treatment.


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Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a rare genetic disease. Today we are able to propose an adapted and efficient management to the patients with this rare disorder (and their families) thanks to a strong collaboration of clinicians and researchers. Recent knowledge regarding the genetics of OI permits an accurate diagnosis of the specific type of OI and its own molecular mechanism, a genetic counseling for family planning and prenatal diagnosis, and in addition more targeted therapeutic options. A specific support with re-education for patients with OI is necessary and efficient. To optimize patient care, a multidisciplinary consultation is proposed at the CHUV, moreover a web site is available for patients, families and therapists: www.infomaladiesrares.ch


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Delirium is an acute disorder of attention and cognition seen relatively commonly in people aged 65 yr or older. The prevalence is estimated to be between 11 and 42 per cent for elderly patients on medical wards. The prevalence is also high in nursing homes and long term care (LTC) facilities. The consequences of delirium could be significant such as an increase in mortality in the hospital, long-term cognitive decline, loss of autonomy and increased risk to be institutionalized. Despite being a common condition, it remains under-recognised, poorly understood and not adequately managed. Advanced age and dementia are the most important risk factors. Pain, dehydration, infections, stroke and metabolic disturbances, and surgery are the most common triggering factors. Delirium is preventable in a large proportion of cases and therefore, it is also important from a public health perspective for interventions to reduce further complications and the substantial costs associated with these. Since the aetiology is, in most cases, multfactorial, it is important to consider a multi-component approach to management, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological. Detection and treatment of triggering causes must have high priority in case of delirium. The aim of this review is to highlight the importance of delirium in the elderly population, given the increasing numbers of ageing people as well as increasing geriatric age.


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This study explored ethnic identity among 662 students (326 mestizos and 336 indigenous) from the Intercultural University of Chiapas (IUCh). Scholars suggest that ethnicity is more salient for ethnic minority adolescents than for adolescents who are members of the ethnic majority. The aims for this study were: 1) to determine the structure and validity of ethnic identity as measured by the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure in a sample of majority and minority ethnic groups from Intercultural University in Chiapas, and 2) to examine the variability of ethnic identity across ethnic groups. Specifically, it was hypothesized that the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure would show two factors, and that ethnic groups would differ on ethnic identity. The results supported the hypotheses


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Value chain collaboration has been a prevailing topic for research, and there is a constantly growing interest in developing collaborative models for improved efficiency in logistics. One area of collaboration is demand information management, which enables improved visibility and decrease of inventories in the value chain. Outsourcing of non-core competencies has changed the nature of collaboration from intra-enterprise to cross-enterprise activity, and this together with increasing competition in the globalizing markets have created a need for methods and tools for collaborative work. The retailer part in the value chain of consumer packaged goods (CPG) has been studied relatively widely, proven models have been defined, and there exist several best practice collaboration cases. The information and communications technology has developed rapidly, offering efficient solutions and applications to exchange information between value chain partners. However, the majority of CPG industry still works with traditional business models and practices. This concerns especially companies operating in the upstream of the CPG value chain. Demand information for consumer packaged goods originates at retailers' counters, based on consumers' buying decisions. As this information does not get transferred along the value chain towards the upstream parties, each player needs to optimize their part, causing safety margins for inventories and speculation in purchasing decisions. The safety margins increase with each player, resulting in a phenomenon known as the bullwhip effect. The further the company is from the original demand information source, the more distorted the information is. This thesis concentrates on the upstream parts of the value chain of consumer packaged goods, and more precisely the packaging value chain. Packaging is becoming a part of the product with informative and interactive features, and therefore is not just a cost item needed to protect the product. The upstream part of the CPG value chain is distinctive, as the product changes after each involved party, and therefore the original demand information from the retailers cannot be utilized as such – even if it were transferred seamlessly. The objective of this thesis is to examine the main drivers for collaboration, and barriers causing the moderate adaptation level of collaborative models. Another objective is to define a collaborative demand information management model and test it in a pilot business situation in order to see if the barriers can be eliminated. The empirical part of this thesis contains three parts, all related to the research objective, but involving different target groups, viewpoints and research approaches. The study shows evidence that the main barriers for collaboration are very similar to the barriers in the lower part of the same value chain; lack of trust, lack of business case and lack of senior management commitment. Eliminating one of them – the lack of business case – is not enough to eliminate the two other barriers, as the operational model in this thesis shows. The uncertainty of the future, fear of losing an independent position in purchasing decision making and lack of commitment remain strong enough barriers to prevent the implementation of the proposed collaborative business model. The study proposes a new way of defining the value chain processes: it divides the contracting and planning process into two processes, one managing the commercial parts and the other managing the quantity and specification related issues. This model can reduce the resistance to collaboration, as the commercial part of the contracting process would remain the same as in the traditional model. The quantity/specification-related issues would be managed by the parties with the best capabilities and resources, as well as access to the original demand information. The parties in between would be involved in the planning process as well, as their impact for the next party upstream is significant. The study also highlights the future challenges for companies operating in the CPG value chain. The markets are becoming global, with toughening competition. Also, the technology development will most likely continue with a speed exceeding the adaptation capabilities of the industry. Value chains are also becoming increasingly dynamic, which means shorter and more agile business relationships, and at the same time the predictability of consumer demand is getting more difficult due to shorter product life cycles and trends. These changes will certainly have an effect on companies' operational models, but it is very difficult to estimate when and how the proven methods will gain wide enough adaptation to become standards.


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Maantieteen lainattavien monografioiden kokoelma sisältää 7288 (7.8.2007) nidettä. Kokoelma on luokiteltu UDK-luokituksen mukaisesti. Asiasanoituksessa on käytetty YSA:n asiasanoja sekä tarpeen vaatiessa vapaita asiasanoja. Kopioinnissa tulleita asiasanoja ei ole poistettu, vaan ne ovat käytössä (esim. Kongressin asiasanat). Monografiat ovat pääosin englannin-, suomen, saksan- ja ruotsinkielisiä. Kirjat ovat vapaasti käytettävissä ja lainattavissa. Laina-aika on 28 vuorokautta. Kokoelman kehittäjien tavoitteena on aina ollut korkeatasoinen maantieteen tieteellinen kokoelma, joka vastaa ainelaitoksen tutkijoiden, opettajien ja opiskelijoiden tarpeita. Laitoksen johto on pitänyt tärkeänä riittävää budjetointia hankinnan tarpeisiin. Hankintapäätökset on tehnyt tieteenalan asiantuntija, yleensä laitoksen johtaja yhteistyössä kirjaston kanssa. Käyttäjät ovat pääsääntöisesti olleet omalta ainelaitokselta, mutta tieteenalan luonteen vuoksi kokoelman käyttäjiä ovat myös lukuisten lähitieteiden tutkijat ja muut yksityishenkilöt. Maantieteen kokoelma sisältää myös laajan aluesuunnittelun kokoelman.


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Invocatio: [Alpha et Omega].


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Invocatio: Divina adfulgente gratia.


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Invocatio: [hepreaa].


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Invocatio: D.D.


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Invocatio: Divina adfulgente gratia. Ded.: Gustavus Adolphus Humble, Olavus Osander, Andreas Eckerstedt, Peturs Kexerus, Andreas Ståhl, Sveno Fovelin, Samuel Lyseen, Henricus Bereen, Zacharias Tobiis, Lars Eckman [ruots. runo].


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Invocatio: Q.F.F.Q.S.


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Arkit: E4 F2.