884 resultados para Turboalbero MatLab Simulink modello dinamico mappe prestazionali turbina Allison
Los sistemas de alarmas constituyen un elemento clave en las plantas modernas de procesos industriales. A lo largo de los años, los mismos han ido evolucionando de la mano del importante desarrollo en la industria del software, para pasar de ser simples paneles de anunciación y lámparas cableadas hasta complejos sistemas inteligentes que asisten al operador en sus funciones de operación. En el desarrollo de este trabajo se planteó diseñar un Sistema Avanzado de Alarmas para el Reactor Nuclear de Investigación RA6 contemplando las nuevas tecnologías existentes para incorporar mejoras a la actual sala de control. Para ello se trabajó siguiendo la metodología propuesta por la guía de diseño de sistemas de alarmas ANSI / ISA- SP-18. Para asistir al diseño y la verificación del sistema se utilizó un modelo termohidráulico de la planta desarrollado en Matlab/Simulink. Entre las nuevas herramientas incorporadas en el prototipo final obtenido se pueden mencionar: creación de archivos históricos, asignación de prioridades, supresiones de alarmas según estado operativo, filtrado y agrupamiento de alarmas.
Nella seguente tesi è descritto il principio di sviluppo di una macchina industriale di alimentazione. Il suddetto sistema dovrà essere installato fra due macchine industriali. L’apparato dovrà mettere al passo e sincronizzare con la macchina a valle i prodotti che arriveranno in input. La macchina ordina gli oggetti usando una serie di nastri trasportatori a velocità regolabile. Lo sviluppo è stato effettuato al Laboratorio Liam dopo la richiesta dell’azienda Sitma. Sitma produceva già un tipo di sistema come quello descritto in questa tesi. Il deisderio di Sitma è quindi quello di modernizzare la precedente applicazione poiché il dispositivo che le permetteva di effettuare la messa al passo di prodotti era un PLC Siemens che non è più commercializzato. La tesi verterà sullo studio dell’applicazione e la modellazione tramite Matlab-Simulink per poi proseguire ad una applicazione, seppure non risolutiva, in TwinCAT 3.
Secondo la sismologia storica, Venezia non è mai stata colpita in modo diretto da terremoti nel suo immediato sottosuolo, tuttavia ha riportato diversi danni in occasione di terremoti limitrofi. Nella presente tesi è stato studiato il comportamento sotto sisma di due principali opere veneziane: il ponte degli Scalzi (1934) eretto da E. Miozzi e il ponte della Costituzione (2008), disegnato da S. Calatrava. Accoppiando il modello dinamico dei due ponti con lo spettro di risposta del sito, abbiamo riscontrato che il ponte della Costituzione si colloca nel plateau dello spettro, quindi a periodi per i quali l’accelerazione attesa sulla struttura è massima. Questo non depone a favore della sua sicurezza, considerati anche i problemi statici che la struttura presenta. Il ponte degli Scalzi presenta invece una rigidezza tale da non mostrare amplificazione significativa tra il moto alla fondazione e quello della struttura sovrastante. Le misure di microtremore ambientale effettuate sul sottosuolo in prossimità delle fondazioni dei due ponti hanno mostrato che esso amplifica il moto per risonanza a 0.5 Hz. Questa frequenza è sufficientemente lontana da quelle proprie dei due ponti in esame, per cui si può ritenere che non ne influenzi significativamente la dinamica. Infine, abbiamo osservato che i valori di accelerazione verticale misurati sulla sua sommità del ponte della Costituzione, generati principalmente dal traffico pedonale, superano i limiti di comfort proposti dall’Eurocodice EN UNI 1990.
Los sistemas de alarmas constituyen un elemento clave en las plantas modernas de procesos industriales. A lo largo de los años, los mismos han ido evolucionando de la mano del importante desarrollo en la industria del software, para pasar de ser simples paneles de anunciación y lámparas cableadas hasta complejos sistemas inteligentes que asisten al operador en sus funciones de operación. En el desarrollo de este trabajo se planteó diseñar un Sistema Avanzado de Alarmas para el Reactor Nuclear de Investigación RA6 contemplando las nuevas tecnologías existentes para incorporar mejoras a la actual sala de control. Para ello se trabajó siguiendo la metodología propuesta por la guía de diseño de sistemas de alarmas ANSI / ISA- SP-18. Para asistir al diseño y la verificación del sistema se utilizó un modelo termohidráulico de la planta desarrollado en Matlab/Simulink. Entre las nuevas herramientas incorporadas en el prototipo final obtenido se pueden mencionar: creación de archivos históricos, asignación de prioridades, supresiones de alarmas según estado operativo, filtrado y agrupamiento de alarmas.
Creative ways of utilising renewable energy sources in electricity generation especially in remote areas and particularly in countries depending on imported energy, while increasing energy security and reducing cost of such isolated off-grid systems, is becoming an urgently needed necessity for the effective strategic planning of Energy Systems. The aim of this research project was to design and implement a new decision support framework for the optimal design of hybrid micro grids considering different types of different technologies, where the design objective is to minimize the total cost of the hybrid micro grid while at the same time satisfying the required electric demand. Results of a comprehensive literature review, of existing analytical, decision support tools and literature on HPS, has identified the gaps and the necessary conceptual parts of an analytical decision support framework. As a result this research proposes and reports an Iterative Analytical Design Framework (IADF) and its implementation for the optimal design of an Off-grid renewable energy based hybrid smart micro-grid (OGREH-SμG) with intra and inter-grid (μG2μG & μG2G) synchronization capabilities and a novel storage technique. The modelling design and simulations were based on simulations conducted using HOMER Energy and MatLab/SIMULINK, Energy Planning and Design software platforms. The design, experimental proof of concept, verification and simulation of a new storage concept incorporating Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) fuel cell is also reported. The implementation of the smart components consisting Raspberry Pi that is devised and programmed for the semi-smart energy management framework (a novel control strategy, including synchronization capabilities) of the OGREH-SμG are also detailed and reported. The hybrid μG was designed and implemented as a case study for the Bayir/Jordan area. This research has provided an alternative decision support tool to solve Renewable Energy Integration for the optimal number, type and size of components to configure the hybrid μG. In addition this research has formulated and reported a linear cost function to mathematically verify computer based simulations and fine tune the solutions in the iterative framework and concluded that such solutions converge to a correct optimal approximation when considering the properties of the problem. As a result of this investigation it has been demonstrated that, the implemented and reported OGREH-SμG design incorporates wind and sun powered generation complemented with batteries, two fuel cell units and a diesel generator is a unique approach to Utilizing indigenous renewable energy with a capability of being able to synchronize with other μ-grids is the most effective and optimal way of electrifying developing countries with fewer resources in a sustainable way, with minimum impact on the environment while also achieving reductions in GHG. The dissertation concludes with suggested extensions to this work in the future.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Eletrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Eletrónica Industrial
Depuis le lancement du premier satellite Spoutnik 1 en 1957, l’environnement spatial est de plus en plus utilisé et le nombre de débris orbitaux se multiplie naturellement, soit par des explosions, des collisions ou tout simplement par les opérations normales des satellites. Au-delà d'un certain seuil, la densité des débris orbitaux risque de créer une réaction en chaîne incontrôlée : l’effet Kessler. L’élimination des débris orbitaux en basse altitude permettrait de limiter cette réaction et ainsi de préserver l’environnement spatial afin de pouvoir l’utiliser de façon sécuritaire. L’élimination des débris orbitaux est une opération complexe et coûteuse. Elle consiste à déplacer des objets spatiaux inactifs vers une orbite basse pour mener à leur désintégration dans la basse atmosphère terrestre. En utilisant les perturbations orbitales, il est possible de réduire le coût du carburant requis pour effectuer les manœuvres orbitales nécessaires à l’élimination de ces débris. L'objectif principal de cette étude consiste à développer une procédure et une stratégie de commande autonome afin de modifier l'orbite des satellites non opérationnels (débris) pour mener à leur désintégration naturelle tout en optimisant les facteurs carburant et temps. Pour ce faire, un modèle d’atmosphère basé sur le modèle de Jacchia (1977) est développé. Un modèle de la dynamique du satellite inclut aussi les perturbations principales, soit : traînée atmosphérique, non sphéricité et distribution non uniforme de la masse de la Terre. Ces modèles ainsi qu'un algorithme de commande optimale pour un propulseur électrique sont développés et le tout est validé par simulations numériques sur Matlab/Simulink. Au terme de cette étude, les conditions optimales dans lesquelles il faut laisser un débris afin qu'il se désintègre dans la basse atmosphère de la Terre en quelques semaines seront données (type d'orbite : altitude, inclinaison, etc.) ainsi que le coût en carburant pour une telle mission. Cette étude permettra de prouver qu'il est possible de réaliser des missions d'élimination des débris orbitaux tout en réduisant les coûts associés aux manœuvres orbitales par l'utilisation des perturbations naturelles de l'environnement.
Este artículo presenta un resultado de investigación financiado con recursos propios en el que se expone un modelo en espacio de estados de un rectificador trifásico controlado active front end. Utilizando este modelo se deriva una ley de control orientado al voltaje (VOC), enfocado en el comportamiento como carga resistiva, factor de potencia unitario, el cual es probado mediante simulación usando el Toolbox SimPowerSystem en Simulink de Matlab®.
A smart solar photovoltaic grid system is an advent of innovation coherence of information and communications technology (ICT) with power systems control engineering via the internet [1]. This thesis designs and demonstrates a smart solar photovoltaic grid system that is selfhealing, environmental and consumer friendly, but also with the ability to accommodate other renewable sources of energy generation seamlessly, creating a healthy competitive energy industry and optimising energy assets efficiency. This thesis also presents the modelling of an efficient dynamic smart solar photovoltaic power grid system by exploring the maximum power point tracking efficiency, optimisation of the smart solar photovoltaic array through modelling and simulation to improve the quality of design for the solar photovoltaic module. In contrast, over the past decade quite promising results have been published in literature, most of which have not addressed the basis of the research questions in this thesis. The Levenberg-Marquardt and sparse based algorithms have proven to be very effective tools in helping to improve the quality of design for solar photovoltaic modules, minimising the possible relative errors in this thesis. Guided by theoretical and analytical reviews in literature, this research has carefully chosen the MatLab/Simulink software toolbox for modelling and simulation experiments performed on the static smart solar grid system. The auto-correlation coefficient results obtained from the modelling experiments give an accuracy of 99% with negligible mean square error (MSE), root mean square error (RMSE) and standard deviation. This thesis further explores the design and implementation of a robust real-time online solar photovoltaic monitoring system, establishing a comparative study of two solar photovoltaic tracking systems which provide remote access to the harvested energy data. This research made a landmark innovation in designing and implementing a unique approach for online remote access solar photovoltaic monitoring systems providing updated information of the energy produced by the solar photovoltaic module at the site location. In addressing the challenge of online solar photovoltaic monitoring systems, Darfon online data logger device has been systematically integrated into the design for a comparative study of the two solar photovoltaic tracking systems examined in this thesis. The site location for the comparative study of the solar photovoltaic tracking systems is at the National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan, R.O.C. The overall comparative energy output efficiency of the azimuthal-altitude dual-axis over the 450 stationary solar photovoltaic monitoring system as observed at the research location site is about 72% based on the total energy produced, estimated money saved and the amount of CO2 reduction achieved. Similarly, in comparing the total amount of energy produced by the two solar photovoltaic tracking systems, the overall daily generated energy for the month of July shows the effectiveness of the azimuthal-altitude tracking systems over the 450 stationary solar photovoltaic system. It was found that the azimuthal-altitude dual-axis tracking systems were about 68.43% efficient compared to the 450 stationary solar photovoltaic systems. Lastly, the overall comparative hourly energy efficiency of the azimuthal-altitude dual-axis over the 450 stationary solar photovoltaic energy system was found to be 74.2% efficient. Results from this research are quite promising and significant in satisfying the purpose of the research objectives and questions posed in the thesis. The new algorithms introduced in this research and the statistical measures applied to the modelling and simulation of a smart static solar photovoltaic grid system performance outperformed other previous works in reviewed literature. Based on this new implementation design of the online data logging systems for solar photovoltaic monitoring, it is possible for the first time to have online on-site information of the energy produced remotely, fault identification and rectification, maintenance and recovery time deployed as fast as possible. The results presented in this research as Internet of things (IoT) on smart solar grid systems are likely to offer real-life experiences especially both to the existing body of knowledge and the future solar photovoltaic energy industry irrespective of the study site location for the comparative solar photovoltaic tracking systems. While the thesis has contributed to the smart solar photovoltaic grid system, it has also highlighted areas of further research and the need to investigate more on improving the choice and quality design for solar photovoltaic modules. Finally, it has also made recommendations for further research in the minimization of the absolute or relative errors in the quality and design of the smart static solar photovoltaic module.
Este trabalho propõe uma metodologia de tradução para igualar o programa de controle de PLC no ambiente Matlab/Simulink. A lista traduz automaticamente o programa de controlo de PLC para a linguagem. de software Matlab/Simulink. O programa do PlC é traduzido para uma função bloco do Matlab, dentro do ambiente Matlab/Simulink, que irá controlar o modelo do processo industrial, desde que a simulação seja executada. As entradas e saídas da lista de tradução do PLC depende do tipo de autómato que é escolhido. A lista de tradução será compatível com um ficheiro Matlab/Simulink que corresponde tradução de programa de controle de PLC. ABSTRACT: This work proposes a translation methodology to equa1 the program of control of PLC in the environment Matlab/Simulink. The list translates automatically the program of control of PLC for the language of software Matlab/Simulink. The program of the PlC is translated for a function block of the Matlab, inside the environment Matlab/Simulink, which will be going to control the model of the industrial process, since the simulation is executed. The entries and exits of the translation list of the PLC it depends on the type of automaton that is chosen. The translation list will be compatible with a filing cabinet Matlab/Simulink that corresponds translation of program of control of PLC.
Currently the uncertain system has attracted much academic community from the standpoint of scientific research and also practical applications. A series of mathematical approaches emerge in order to troubleshoot the uncertainties of real physical systems. In this context, the work presented here focuses on the application of control theory in a nonlinear dynamical system with parametric variations in order and robustness. We used as the practical application of this work, a system of tanks Quanser associates, in a configuration, whose mathematical model is represented by a second order system with input and output (SISO). The control system is performed by PID controllers, designed by various techniques, aiming to achieve robust performance and stability when subjected to parameter variations. Other controllers are designed with the intention of comparing the performance and robust stability of such systems. The results are obtained and compared from simulations in Matlab-simulink.
Time-optimal response is an important and sometimes necessary characteristic of dynamic systems for specific applications. Power converters are widely used in different electrical systems and their dynamic response will affect the whole system. In many electrical systems like microgrids or voltage regulators which supplies sensitive loads fast dynamic response is a must. Minimum time is the fastest converter to compensate the step output reference or load change. Boost converters as one of the wildly used power converters in the electrical systems are aimed to be controlled in optimal time in this study. Linear controllers are not able to provide the optimal response for a boost converter however they are still useful and functional for other applications like reference tracking or stabilization. To obtain the fastest possible response from boost converters, a nonlinear control approach based on the total energy of the system is studied in this research. Total energy of the system considers as the basis for developing the presented method, since it is easy and accurate to measure besides that the total energy of the system represents the actual operating condition of the boost converter. The detailed model of a boost converter is simulated in MATLAB/Simulink to achieve the time optimal response of the boost converter by applying the developed method. The simulation results confirmed the ability of the presented method to secure the time optimal response of the boost converter under four different scenarios.
This thesis presents a load sharing method applied in a distributed micro grid system. The goal of this method is to balance the state-of-charge (SoC) of each parallel connected battery and make it possible to detect the average SoC of the system by measuring bus voltage for all connected modules. In this method the reference voltage for each battery converter is adjusted by adding a proportional SoC factor. Under such setting the battery with a higher SoC will output more power, whereas the one with lower SoC gives out less. Therefore the higher SoC battery will use its energy faster than the lower ones, and eventually the SoC and output power of each battery will converge. And because the reference voltage is related to SoC status, the information of the average SoC in this system could be shared for all modules by measuring bus voltage. The SoC balancing speed is related to the SoC droop factors. This SoC-based load sharing control system is analyzed in feasibility and stability. Simulations in MATLAB/Simulink are presented, which indicate that this control scheme could balance the battery SoCs as predicted. The observation of SoC sharing through bus voltage was validated in both software simulation and hardware experiments. It could be of use to non-communicated distributed power system in load shedding and power planning.
In this report, we develop an intelligent adaptive neuro-fuzzy controller by using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) techniques. We begin by starting with a standard proportional-derivative (PD) controller and use the PD controller data to train the ANFIS system to develop a fuzzy controller. We then propose and validate a method to implement this control strategy on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware. An analysis is made into the choice of filters for attitude estimation. These choices are limited by the complexity of the filter and the computing ability and memory constraints of the micro-controller. Simplified Kalman filters are found to be good at estimation of attitude given the above constraints. Using model based design techniques, the models are implemented on an embedded system. This enables the deployment of fuzzy controllers on enthusiast-grade controllers. We evaluate the feasibility of the proposed control strategy in a model-in-the-loop simulation. We then propose a rapid prototyping strategy, allowing us to deploy these control algorithms on a system consisting of a combination of an ARM-based microcontroller and two Arduino-based controllers. We then use a combination of the code generation capabilities within MATLAB/Simulink in combination with multiple open-source projects in order to deploy code to an ARM CortexM4 based controller board. We also evaluate this strategy on an ARM-A8 based board, and a much less powerful Arduino based flight controller. We conclude by proving the feasibility of fuzzy controllers on Commercial-off the shelf (COTS) hardware, we also point out the limitations in the current hardware and make suggestions for hardware that we think would be better suited for memory heavy controllers.
The work presented in this thesis has been part of a Cranfield University research project. This thesis aims to design a flight control law for large cargo aircraft by using predictive control, which can assure flight motion along the flight path exactly and on time. In particular this work involves the modelling of a Boeing C-17 Globemaster III 6DOF model (used as study case), by using DATCOM and Matlab Simulink software. Then a predictive control algorithm has been developed. The majority of the work is done in a Matlab/Simulink environment. Finally the predictive control algorithm has been applied on the aircraft model and its performances, in tracking given trajectory optimized through a 4DT Research Software, have been evaluated.