954 resultados para Triton X-100


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El estudio del plan de bioseguridad de granjas de engorde de las cuatro empresas avícolas de engorde de Nicaragua se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar las medidas de bioseguridad, permitiéndonos: conocer las fortalezas y debilidades, desarrollo tecnológico y distribución de las cuatro empresas por departamento. La información se recopiló en el formato de encuesta de medidas de bioseguridad del MAGFOR, que consiste en un stop de 86 preguntas dirigidas a investigar su cumplimiento, las respuestas se analizaron mediante incorporación de datos en hoja electrónica en Excel y procesadas en Acces para estudiarlas con la formula V/TP x 100; El nivel tecnológico se calculó agregando un valor a cada pregunta con un puntaje de 2 a 5 para dar un peso o ponderación especifica, 2 las de menor tecnología y 5 las de mayor nivel ténológico. Encontrándose que el 78% de la encuestas del plan de bioseguridad es aprobado con rango de 98 a 60% de cumplimiento, estas son consideradas fortalezas para las granjas y el 22% tienen un menor nivel de aceptación considerándose las debilidades de las mismas. En el nivel tecnológico 26 de 44 granjas poseen la categoría alta que es mayor o igual al 80% de tecnología, 13 tienen una categoría media del 60% a 79% y 4 poseen un nivel bajo menor al 59%. Todas ellas ubicadas en los departamentos de Carazo, Estelí, Granada, León, Madríz, Managua. Masaya, Matagalpa y nueva Segovia, siendo Masaya la que presenta mayor cantidad de granjas.


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Frente a los efectos de la degradación de hábitat por fragmentación que enfrentan los bosques de nuestro país, es importante conocer las especies de fauna silvestre que mantienen relación ecológica con estos fragmentos aislados y que promueven el desarrollo de la vegetación a consecuencia de sus actividades y hábitos. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar y comparar la diversidad de fauna silvestre (vertebrados terrestres) en dos fragmentos de bosque seco secundarios de diferentes edades y tamaños (15 años, 3.5 ha; 11 años, 2.8 ha) en bosque seco tropical, Nandarola, Nandaime, e identificar los gremios alimenticios de las especies. Se establecieron seis transeptos de 20 x 100 m en el fragmento de 15 años denominado “La Chipopa” y tres transeptos de iguales dimensiones en el fragmento de 11 años denominado “La Zorra”, en estos se cuantificó la diversidad de anfibios, reptiles y mamíferos. En el extremo de cada transepto se estableció un punto de muestreo de 25 m de radio para evaluar diversidad de aves, se realizaron 17 observaciones distribuidas en ocho meses. Como resultados se determinaron 2 especies de anfibios, 10 de reptiles, 26 de aves y 7 de mamíferos. La riqueza de especie para los cuatro grupos fue mayor en La Zorra (69 especies) comparada con La Chipopa (49 especies). Los índices demostraron una mayor diversidad de reptiles, aves y mamíferos en La Zorra al compararse con La Chipopa según los índices ecológicos de Shannon-Wiener y Simpson. Se identificaron nueve gremios alimenticios en los dos sitios de estudio. El gremio más grande fue el Insectívoro involucrando a 26 especies, para los gremios importantes en la dispersión de frutos y semillas, y en la polinización: los Frugívoros, Granívoros Nectarívoros fueron determinadas 12, 10 y 2 especies respectivamente. Pese a las diferencias en edades y tamaños el fragmento de La Zorra presenta la mayor diversidad de vida silvestre comparado con La Chipopa, pero esas diferencias no son significativas. En sí la presencia de dispersores de semillas y frutos es muy baja en ambos sitios, en cuanto a los vertebrados polinizadores solo se determinó una especie. El 44% de las especies son exclusivas de bosques intervenidos y lugares abiertos.


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Los animales silvestres obtienen refugio, hábitat, alimento y agua de la cobertura que les ofrece la vegetación dentro del bosque. En los años 60s, la mayoría de las áreas boscosas de Nandarola fueron deforestadas y usadas en la producción agrícola de granos (frijoles, maíz, arroz) y áreas ganaderas. Los campos fueron recientemente abandonados y están siendo colonizados por un joven bosque secundario (González, 2005). La fauna silvestre también sufre procesos de colonización de las áreas abandonadas, de esta forma, es importante conocer que especies son las primeras en ser parte de esa colonización y evaluar los cambios en composición de las comunidades animales en el tiempo, principalmente porque muchos vegetales dependen de éstos para realizar procesos biológicos y ecológicos tan importantes como lo son la dispersión y la polinización. Hasta el momento se han realizados dos muestreos para el monitoreo de la fauna silvestre en un parche de bosque seco secundario de 3.5 ha en Nandarola, realizándose 17 visitas en el primero (año 2007) y 15 en el segundo (año 2009), distribuidas en ocho meses (octubre-mayo en cada muestreo). El área era agrícola y fue abandonado hace 17 años con fines de convertirlo en área forestal. Para la toma de datos se establecieron seis transectos de 20 x 100 m y seis puntos de conteo de 25 m de radio. Fueron contados e identificados todos los animales silvestres de los grupos mamíferos, aves, reptiles y anfibios mediante la técnica de avistamiento, para los cuales se calculó, se comparó la riqueza, abundancia, diversidad biológica y se describió la composición de especie, la preferencia de hábitat, los hábitos alimenticios y también se determinaron las especies de probable ocurrencia en el área de estudio. En promedio entre los dos muestreos fueron determinaron 113 individuos, agrupados en 35 especies, 34 géneros y 26 familias de fauna silvestre. De estas especies cuatro fueron mamíferos, 21 aves, siete reptiles y tres anfibios. Las familias más representadas según el número de especies fueron: Columbidae (3 especies) e Iguanidae (3). Las especies con mayor promedio de abundancia fueron: Campylorynchus rufinucha (22.5 individuos), Thryothorus pleurostictus (11.5), Calocitta formosa (10.5), Turdus grayi (8), Pachyrampuhus aglaiae (7), Eumomota supersiliosa (6.5) y Trogon melanocephalus (6). La abundancia y la riqueza no varió significativamente entre los muestreos, la diversidad fue mayor en el primero, debido al aumento de la dominancia específica (principalmente por Campylorynchus rufinucha ) en el segundo muestreo. El grupo de los mamíferos, reptiles y anfibios fue poco representado en el área de estudio, pudiéndose deber a factores antropogénicos. El paisaje esta mayormente representado por especies de aves de hábitats abiertos y que se alimentan mayoritariamente de invertebrados y semillas. Por otro lado con una relación menos específica los mamíferos y reptiles fueron principalmente de hábitats generalistas y mayormente consumidores de frutas, hierbas y vertebrados. Entre las especies de probable ocurrencia en el área de estudio se determinaron: Bufo coccifer, Boa constrictor, Ctenosaura similis, Mabuya unimarginata, Amazilia rutila, Aratinga canicularis, Ciccaba virgata, Crax rubra, Polyborus plancus, Dasypus novencintus, Dasyprocta punctata, Felis pardalis, Felis wiedii, Philander opossum, Nasua narica, Odocoileus virginianus, Procyon lotor, Puma concolor, Sylvilagus sp, Tayassu tajacu, entre otros.


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El maíz al igual que otros cultivos es atacado por un complejo de plagas que cuasan merma en la producción. Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith ( Lep. Noctidae) es una de las plagas claves en el cultivo del maíz. El costo de control de S. Frugiperda asciende hasta US$ 9,500.000 anulaes utilizando Chlorpyrifos (Lorasban 4 E) ( hrusca y Gladstone), 1987). Con el propósito de disminuir los costos de control de S. frugiperda se buscan alternativas de control que disminuyen la utilización de los productos químicos: es un candidato con potencial para ser utilizado como insecticida microbial para control de plagas lepidopteras (Ignoffo, 1981). Nomuraea fileye ha sido objeto de muchos estudios en Nicaragua para tratar de implementar su uso. Se realizó una evaluación de la acción residual de conidias de N. Fileyi en el follaje de maíz aplicado para control de SA. Frigiperda: Se probo el efecto sobre la acción residual de dos dosis de conidias; 4.1 x1012 conidias /0.4 ha. Y 4.1 x1011 conidias /0.4 ha y el efecto de tres formulasciones de conidias: conidias mas agua; conidias mas adherente Tritòn x-100 al 0.05% y conidias mas adherente protectivo melaza al 0.05%. El estudio se realizó en el Centro Nacional de Investigación de Granos Básicos “ San Cristóbal” del MIDINRA, Managua, el diseño experimental fue bloques completamente al Azar: las pruebas de acción residual consistieron en bioensayos con larvas de S. Frugiperda y hojas de maíz tratado con conidias recolectadas en el ensayo a los 0,1,2,4y 9 días después de aplicación. Se encontró que no existe efecto significativo de dosis y formulaciones de conidias sobre acción residual: sin embargo hubo una tendencia a obtener una mayor acción residual con la utilización de adherentes: con el adherente protectivo melaza debido a la acción residual hasta 4 días después de aplicación debido a la acción de protección que ejerce sobre las conidias: Se encontró efecto significativo del tiempo de exportación de conidias en el campo sobre acción residual. La acción residual fue poca debido probablemente a la influencia negativa de factores ambientales: El viento y la lluvia provocan diseminación de las conidias: el Vientos y la lluvia provocan diseminación de las conidias: La radiación solar inactiva las conidias reduciendo el periodo de desintegración en el follaje hasta solamente 2-3 días (Ignoffo, 1977). Sabiendo que la acción residual en el follaje del maíz es poca, se debe hacer la aplicación de conidias cuando esté presente en el hospedero en el cultivo: De esta menara habrá mayor oportunidad de inicia un brote de epizootia de micosis en el cultivo. Para investigaciones futuras se recomienda probar dosis más altas de conidias y el uso de adherente protectivos para tratar bajo diferentes condiciones ambientales para comprobar los resultados obtenidos.


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The superconducting and magnetic properties of splat cooled amorphous alloys of composition (La100-xGdx)80Au20 (0 ≤ x ≤ 100) have been studied. The La80Au20 alloys are ideal type II super-conductors (critical temperature Tc = 3.5° K ). The concentration range (x less than 1) where superconductivity and spin-glass freezing n1ight coexist has been studied in detail. The spin-glass alloys (0 less than x less than 70) exhibit susceptibility maxima and thermomagnetic history effects. In the absence of complications due to crystal field and enhanced matrix effects, a phenomenological model is proposed in which the magnetic clusters are treated as single spin entities interacting via random forces using the molecular field approach. The fundamental parameters (such as the strength of the forces and the size of clusters) can be deduced from magnetization measurements. The remanent magnetization is shown to arise from an interplay of the RKKY and dipolar forces. Magnetoresistivity results are found to be consistent with the aforementioned picture. The nature of magnetic interactions in an amorphous matrix is also discussed. The moment per Gd atom (7µB) is found to be constant and close to that of the crystalline value throughout the concentration range investigated. Finally, a detail study is made of the critical phenomena and magnetic properties of the amorphous ferromagnet: Gd80Au20. The results are compared with recent theories on amorphous magnetism.


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The lattice anomalies and magnetic states in the (Fe100-xMnx)5Si3 alloys have been investigated. Contrary to what was previously reported, results of x-ray diffraction show a second phase (α') present in Fe-rich alloys and therefore strictly speaking a complete solid solution does not exist. Mössbauer spectra, measured as a function of composition and temperature, indicate the presence of two inequivalent sites, namely 6(g) site (designated as site I) and 4(d) (site II). A two-site model (TSM) has been introduced to interpret the experimental findings. The compositional variation of lattice parameters a and c, determined from the x-ray analysis, exhibits anomalies at x = 22.5 and x = 50, respectively. The former can be attributed to the effect of a ferromagnetic transition; while the latter is due to the effect of preferential substitution between Fe and Mn atoms according to TSM.

The reduced magnetization of these alloys deduced from magnetic hyperfine splittings has been correlated with the magnetic transition temperatures in terms of the molecular field theory. It has been found from both the Mössbauer effect and magnetization measurements that for composition 0 ≤ x ˂ 50 both sites I and II are ferromagnetic at liquid-nitrogen temperature and possess moments parallel to each other. In the composition range 50 ˂ x ≤ 100 , the site II is antiferromagnetic whereas site I is paramagnetic even at a temperature below the bulk Néel temperatures. In the vicinity of x = 50 however, site II is in a state of transition between ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism. The present study also suggests that only Mn in site II are responsible for the antiferromagnetism in Mn5Si3 contrary to a previous report.

Electrical resistance has also been measured as a function of temperature and composition. The resistive anomalies observed in the Mn-rich alloys are believed to result from the effect of the antiferromagnetic Brillouin zone on the mobility of conduction electrons.


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Introduction In the preantibiotic era Streptococcus pyogenes was a common cause of severe pneumonia but currently, except for postinfluenza complications, it is not considered a common cause of community-acquired pneumonia in adults. Aim and Material and Methods This study aimed to identify current clinical episodes of S. pyogenes pneumonia, its relationship with influenza virus circulation and the genotypes of the involved isolates during a decade in a Southern European region (Gipuzkoa, northern Spain). Molecular analysis of isolates included emm, multilocus-sequence typing, and superantigen profile determination. Results Forty episodes were detected (annual incidence 1.1 x 100,000 inhabitants, range 0.29-2.29). Thirty-seven episodes were community-acquired, 21 involved an invasive infection and 10 developed STSS. The associated mortality rate was 20%, with half of the patients dying within 24 hours after admission. Influenza coinfection was confirmed in four patients and suspected in another. The 52.5% of episodes occurred outside the influenza seasonal epidemic. The 67.5% of affected persons were elderly individuals and adults with severe comorbidities, although 13 patients had no comorbidities, 2 of them had a fatal outcome. Eleven clones were identified, the most prevalent being emm1/ST28 (43.6%) causing the most severe cases. Conclusions S. pyogenes pneumonia had a continuous presence frequently unrelated to influenza infection, being rapidly fatal even in previously healthy individuals.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Oceanographic, hydrologic, and climatic data collected during 1916-'87 in Puget Sound's Main Basin (~200 m x 5 km x 100 km) and approaches oscillate at low frequency between two regimes (I, II). The oscillation accounts for a large fraction of the interannual variability (41-75%) and the zero crossings between regimes span approximately a decade. ... The transition between regimes is accompanied by substantial changes in the horizontal pressure and density fields between the Pacific coast and the mixing zones leading to the Basin, as well as within the Basin itself.


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Bacterial lipoproteins (LP) are a family of cell wall components found in a wide variety of bacteria. In this study, we characterized the response of HUCL, a telomerase-immortalized human corneal epithelial cell (HCEC) line, to LP isolated from Staphylococcus (S) aureus. S. aureus LP (saLP) prepared by Triton X-114 extraction stimulated the activation of NF-kappa B, JNK, and P38 signaling pathways in HUCL cells. The extracts failed to stimulate NF-kappa B activation in HUCL cells after lipoprotein lipase treatment and in cell lines expressing TLR4 or TLR9, but not TLR2, indicating lipoprotein nature of the extracts. saLP induced the up-regulation of a variety of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines (IL-6, IL-8, ICAM-1). antimicrobial molecules (hBD-2, LL-37, and iNOS), and homeostasis genes (Mn-SOD) at both the mRNA level and protein level. Similar inflammatory response to saLP was also observed in primarily cultured HCECs using the production of IL-6 as readout. Moreover, TLR2 neutralizing antibody blocked the saLP-induced secretion of IL-6, IL-8 and hBD2 in HUCL cells. Our findings suggest that saLP activates TLR2 and triggers innate immune response in the cornea to S. aureus infection via production of proinflammatory cytokines and defense molecules. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Three different kinds of viruses, the spherical virus SCSV with a diameter of about 280 nm, the rhabdovirus SCRV with a size about 250 x 120 nm, and the baculovirus SCBV with a size about 200 x 100 nm, were observed from the tissues of diseased mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi with outbreak of infection and acute lethality. This phenomenon implicated that the reason why the epizootic disease of mandarin fish could not be quenched by only one kind of virus vaccine can be explained by the fact that the fish may be infected by different kinds of viruses. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the complexity of virus pathogens in the prevention strategy for mandarin fish diseases.


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Herbivory and burrowing activity of mammals may influence the species composition and diversity of plant communities. The effect of corridors and holes systems constructed by root vole (Microtus oeconomus Pallas) on the plant species diversity was studied in the habitat of high - mountain meadow (3250 in a.s.l in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China). By using grid method, these disturbances were studied on 16 plots (100 cm x 100 cm) distributed in 4 transects in studied area, in August 2000 and 2001. The disturbance intensity index, D, was calculated as the percent of the ground surface disturbed by voles in the study area. Plant species were identified and counted on the same plots. In total 46 plant species were identified - 39% of this number was considered as sensitive to the vole disturbances as their occurrence and/or abundance decreased along the disturbance intensity. Generally, a significantly negative correlation (r = - 0.911 P < 0.01) between vole aboveground disturbances and plant species diversity (H') was found. The results suggest that root vole ground disturbances, especially in the form of actively utilized holes and corridors have significantly negative influence on plant species diversity in high-mountain grassland habitat.


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This study combined high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), advanced chemometrics and pathway enrichment analysis to analyse the blood metabolome of patients attending the memory clinic: cases of mild cognitive impairment (MCI; n = 16), cases of MCI who upon subsequent follow-up developed Alzheimer's disease (MCI_AD; n = 19), and healthy age-matched controls (Ctrl; n = 37). Plasma was extracted in acetonitrile and applied to an Acquity UPLC HILIC (1.7μm x 2.1 x 100 mm) column coupled to a Xevo G2 QTof mass spectrometer using a previously optimised method. Data comprising 6751 spectral features were used to build an OPLS-DA statistical model capable of accurately distinguishing Ctrl, MCI and MCI_AD. The model accurately distinguished (R2 = 99.1%; Q2 = 97%) those MCI patients who later went on to develop AD. S-plots were used to shortlist ions of interest which were responsible for explaining the maximum amount of variation between patient groups. Metabolite database searching and pathway enrichment analysis indicated disturbances in 22 biochemical pathways, and excitingly it discovered two interlinked areas of metabolism (polyamine metabolism and L-Arginine metabolism) were differentially disrupted in this well-defined clinical cohort. The optimised untargeted HRMS methods described herein not only demonstrate that it is possible to distinguish these pathologies in human blood but also that MCI patients 'at risk' from AD could be predicted up to 2 years earlier than conventional clinical diagnosis. Blood-based metabolite profiling of plasma from memory clinic patients is a novel and feasible approach in improving MCI and AD diagnosis and, refining clinical trials through better patient stratification.


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A solvent-vapour thermoplastic bonding process is reported which provides high strength bonding of PMMA over a large area for multi-channel and multi-layer microfluidic devices with shallow high resolution channel features. The bond process utilises a low temperature vacuum thermal fusion step with prior exposure of the substrate to chloroform (CHCl3) vapour to reduce bond temperature to below the PMMA glass transition temperature. Peak tensile and shear bond strengths greater than 3 MPa were achieved for a typical channel depth reduction of 25 µm. The device-equivalent bond performance was evaluated for multiple layers and high resolution channel features using double-side and single-side exposure of the bonding pieces. A single-sided exposure process was achieved which is suited to multi-layer bonding with channel alignment at the expense of greater depth loss and a reduction in peak bond strength. However, leak and burst tests demonstrate bond integrity up to at least 10 bar channel pressure over the full substrate area of 100 mm x 100 mm. The inclusion of metal tracks within the bond resulted in no loss of performance. The vertical wall integrity between channels was found to be compromised by solvent permeation for wall thicknesses of 100 µm which has implications for high resolution serpentine structures. Bond strength is reduced considerably for multi-layer patterned substrates where features on each layer are not aligned, despite the presence of an intermediate blank substrate. Overall a high performance bond process has been developed that has the potential to meet the stringent specifications for lab-on-chip deployment in harsh environmental conditions for applications such as deep ocean profiling.


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Complexes of arsenic compounds and glutathione are believed to play an essential part in the metabolism and transport of inorganic arsenic and its methylated species. Up to now, the evidence of their presence is mostly indirect. We studied the stability and Chromatographic behaviour of glutathione complexes with trivalent arsenic: i.e. AsIII(GS)3, MA III(GS)2 and DMAIII(GS) under different conditions. Standard ion chromatography using PRP X-100 and carbonate or formic acid buffer disintegrated the complexes, while all three complexes are stable and separable by reversed phase chromatography (0.1% formic acid/acetonitrile gradient). AsIII(GS)3 and MAIII(GS)2 were more stable than DMAIII(GS), which even under optimal conditions tended to degrade on the column at 25 °C. Chromatography at 6 °C can retain the integrity of the samples. These results shed more light on the interpretation of a vast number of previously published arsenic speciation studies, which have used Chromatographic separation techniques with the assumption that the integrity of the arsenic species is guaranteed. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2004.