954 resultados para Trio-sonatas (Flute, violin, continuo)
Musical Score. Commissioned by Pauline Kim Harris. A virtuosic set of variations on the famous Talking Heads song for solo violin.
The Biomuse Trio (R. Benjamin Knapp, Eric Lyon, Gascia Ouzounian) was formed in 2008 to perform computer chamber music integrating performance, laptop processing of sound and the transduction of bio-signals for the control of musical gesture. The work of the ensemble encompasses hardware design, audio signal processing, bio-signal processing, composition, improvisation and gesture choreography. The Biomuse Trio has performed and lectured across North America and Europe, including at BEAM Festival, CHI, Diapason Gallery, Green Man Festival, Issue Project Room, NIME, Science Gallery Dublin, STEIM and TheatreLab NYC.
Performance by Elizabeth McNutt
The mapping problem is inherent to digital musical instruments (DMIs), which require, at the very least, an association between physical gestures and digital synthesis algorithms to transform human bodily performance into sound. This article considers the DMI mapping problem in the context of the creation and performance of a heterogeneous computer chamber music piece, a trio for violin, biosensors, and computer. Our discussion situates the DMI mapping problem within the broader set of interdependent musical interaction issues that surfaced during the composition and rehearsal of the trio. Through descriptions of the development of the piece, development of the hardware and software interfaces, lessons learned through rehearsal, and self-reporting by the participants, the rich musical possibilities and technical challenges of the integration of digital musical instruments into computer chamber music are demonstrated.