849 resultados para Triage Scales
The aim of this paper is to explore the utility of the United States norms for United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland populations. The Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID III) is a globally used developmental assessment for typically developing and clinical samples of children aged 1 to 42 months. A UK norming exercise (REF) confirmed the suitability of US norms for UK based research and practice. However, debate has continued concerning the utility of the US norms in other countries. This paper further explores the utility of the US norms for the UK and ROI populations using BSID III developmental outcome data from two samples of over one thousand typically developing children.
This article combines practitioner insight and research evidence to chart how principles of partnership and paramountcy have led to birth family contact becoming the expected norm following contested adoption from care in Northern Ireland. The article highlights how practice has adapted to the delay in proposed reforms to adoption legislation resulting in the evolution of increasingly open adoption practices. Adoption represents an irrevocable transfer of parental responsibility from birth to adoptive parents and achieves permanence and legal security for children in care who cannot return to their birth family. Its enduring effect, however, makes public adoption a contentious field of child welfare practice, particularly when contested by birth parents. This article explores how post-adoption contact may be viewed as reconciling the uneasy interface between paramountcy principles and parental rights to respect for family life. The article highlights the complexity of adoptive kinship relationships following contested adoption from care, and how contact presents unique challenges that mitigate against meaningful and sustainable connections between the child and their birth relatives. In conclusion, a call is made for sensitive negotiation and support of contact arrangements, and the development of practice models that are informed by an understanding of the workings of adoptive kinship.
Estudamos problemas do cálculo das variações e controlo óptimo no contexto das escalas temporais. Especificamente, obtemos condições necessárias de optimalidade do tipo de Euler–Lagrange tanto para lagrangianos dependendo de derivadas delta de ordem superior como para problemas isoperimétricos. Desenvolvemos também alguns métodos directos que permitem resolver determinadas classes de problemas variacionais através de desigualdades em escalas temporais. No último capítulo apresentamos operadores de diferença fraccionários e propomos um novo cálculo das variações fraccionário em tempo discreto. Obtemos as correspondentes condições necessárias de Euler– Lagrange e Legendre, ilustrando depois a teoria com alguns exemplos.
Introduzimos um cálculo das variações fraccional nas escalas temporais ℤ e (hℤ)!. Estabelecemos a primeira e a segunda condição necessária de optimalidade. São dados alguns exemplos numéricos que ilustram o uso quer da nova condição de Euler–Lagrange quer da nova condição do tipo de Legendre. Introduzimos também novas definições de derivada fraccional e de integral fraccional numa escala temporal com recurso à transformada inversa generalizada de Laplace.
We consider some problems of the calculus of variations on time scales. On the beginning our attention is paid on two inverse extremal problems on arbitrary time scales. Firstly, using the Euler-Lagrange equation and the strengthened Legendre condition, we derive a general form for a variation functional that attains a local minimum at a given point of the vector space. Furthermore, we prove a necessary condition for a dynamic integro-differential equation to be an Euler-Lagrange equation. New and interesting results for the discrete and quantum calculus are obtained as particular cases. Afterwards, we prove Euler-Lagrange type equations and transversality conditions for generalized infinite horizon problems. Next we investigate the composition of a certain scalar function with delta and nabla integrals of a vector valued field. Euler-Lagrange equations in integral form, transversality conditions, and necessary optimality conditions for isoperimetric problems, on an arbitrary time scale, are proved. In the end, two main issues of application of time scales in economic, with interesting results, are presented. In the former case we consider a firm that wants to program its production and investment policies to reach a given production rate and to maximize its future market competitiveness. The model which describes firm activities is studied in two different ways: using classical discretizations; and applying discrete versions of our result on time scales. In the end we compare the cost functional values obtained from those two approaches. The latter problem is more complex and relates to rate of inflation, p, and rate of unemployment, u, which inflict a social loss. Using known relations between p, u, and the expected rate of inflation π, we rewrite the social loss function as a function of π. We present this model in the time scale framework and find an optimal path π that minimizes the total social loss over a given time interval.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Tese de doutoramento, Geologia (Geologia Económica e do Ambiente), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014
Introduction: Several scores are commonly used to evaluate patients' postoperative satisfaction after lateral ankle ligament repair, including: AOFAS, FAAM, CAIT and CAIS. Comparing published studies in the literature is difficult, as the same patient can have markedly different results depending on which scoring system is used. The current study aims to address this gap in the literature by developing a system to compare these tests, to allow better analysis and comparison of published studies. Patients and methods: This is a retrospective cohort study of 47 patients following lateral ankle ligament repair using a modified Broström-Gould technique. All patients were operated between 2005 and 2010 by a single surgeon and followed the same post operative rehabilitation protocol. Six patients were excluded from the study because of concomitant surgery. Patients were assessed by an independent observer. We used the Pearson correlation coefficient to analyse the concordance of the scores, as well as scatter plots to assess the linear relationship between them. Results: A linear distribution between the scores was found when the results were analysed using scatter plots. We were thus able to use the Pearson correlation coefficient to evaluate the relationship between each of the different postoperative scores. The correlation was found to be above 0.5 in all cases except for the comparison between the CAIT and the FAAM for the activities of daily living (0.39). We were, therefore, able to compare the results obtained and assess the relative concordance of the scoring systems. The results showed that the more specific the scale is, the worst the score is and inversely. So the CAIT and the CAIS appeared to be more severe than the AOFAS and the FAAM measuring the activities of daily living. The sports subscale of the FAAM demonstrated intermediate results. Conclusion: This study outlines a system to compare different postoperative scores commonly used to evaluate outcome after ankle stabilization surgery. The impact of this study is that it makes comparison of published studies easier, even though they use a variety of different clinical scores, thus facilitating better outcome analysis of operative techniques.
Knowledge of the spatial distribution of hydraulic conductivity (K) within an aquifer is critical for reliable predictions of solute transport and the development of effective groundwater management and/or remediation strategies. While core analyses and hydraulic logging can provide highly detailed information, such information is inherently localized around boreholes that tend to be sparsely distributed throughout the aquifer volume. Conversely, larger-scale hydraulic experiments like pumping and tracer tests provide relatively low-resolution estimates of K in the investigated subsurface region. As a result, traditional hydrogeological measurement techniques contain a gap in terms of spatial resolution and coverage, and they are often alone inadequate for characterizing heterogeneous aquifers. Geophysical methods have the potential to bridge this gap. The recent increased interest in the application of geophysical methods to hydrogeological problems is clearly evidenced by the formation and rapid growth of the domain of hydrogeophysics over the past decade (e.g., Rubin and Hubbard, 2005).
Through a case-study analysis of Ontario's ethanol policy, this thesis addresses a number of themes that are consequential to policy and policy-making: spatiality, democracy and uncertainty. First, I address the 'spatial debate' in Geography pertaining to the relevance and affordances of a 'scalar' versus a 'flat' ontoepistemology. I argue that policy is guided by prior arrangements, but is by no means inevitable or predetermined. As such, scale and network are pragmatic geographical concepts that can effectively address the issue of the spatiality of policy and policy-making. Second, I discuss the democratic nature of policy-making in Ontario through an examination of the spaces of engagement that facilitate deliberative democracy. I analyze to what extent these spaces fit into Ontario's environmental policy-making process, and to what extent they were used by various stakeholders. Last, I take seriously the fact that uncertainty and unavoidable injustice are central to policy, and examine the ways in which this uncertainty shaped the specifics of Ontario's ethanol policy. Ultimately, this thesis is an exercise in understanding sub-national environmental policy-making in Canada, with an emphasis on how policy-makers tackle the issues they are faced with in the context of environmental change, political-economic integration, local priorities, individual goals, and irreducible uncertainty.
This study sought to compare the results of the Motivation Assessment Scale (MAS; Durand & Crimmins, 1988), Questions About Behavior Function Scale (QABF; Matson & Vollmer, 1996) and Functional Analysis Screening Tool (FAST; Iwata & Deleon, 1996), when completed by parent informants in a sample of children and youth with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) who display challenging behaviour. Results indicated that there was low agreement between the functional hypotheses derived from each of three measures. In addition, correlations between functionally analogous scales were substantially lower than expected, while correlations between non-analogous subscales were stronger than anticipated. As indicated by this study, clinicians choosing to use FBA questionnaires to assess behavioural function, may not obtain accurate functional hypotheses, potentially resulting in ineffective intervention plans. The current study underscores the caution that must be taken when asking parents to complete these questionnaires to determine the function(s) of challenging behaviour for children/youth with ASD.
Au croisement de l’anthropologie médicale, de la communication, du design industriel et des nouvelles technologies de l’information, ce mémoire se penche sur les difficultés communicatives rencontrées par le personnel médical et les patients de provenances culturelles variées dans le milieu des urgences hospitalières à Montréal. Dans l’optique d’améliorer l’échange au poste de triage, la réflexion porte principalement sur la pertinence et les caractéristiques d’un support visuel d’appoint. Elle aborde la problématique par l’étude des concepts de perception, de compréhension, d’interprétation et de représentation graphique sous les angles théoriques de la communication visuelle (Benjamin, Berger, Dibi-Huberman), de la sémiologie du discours social (Verón) et du jeu herméneutique (Gadamer). Les systèmes symboliques de cent cinquante images, illustrant sur Internet trois symptômes propres à la gastro-entérite, ont été analysés d’après une méthodologie mixte quantitative et qualitative afin d’identifier leurs sens dénotatifs et connotatifs. Les résultats appuient le recours à des images pour contourner les barrières langagières et révèlent l’existence d’une culture médicale visuelle internationale dont le code iconographique est hybride et pluriculturel. Ces nouvelles informations indiquent des critères de performance et des hypothèses concernant les changements occasionnés par l’ajout d’un support visuel dans la dynamique communicationnelle de l’ETC. La recherche ouvre aussi une piste vers l’étude herméneutique du produit en design industriel.
La surveillance de l’influenza s’appuie sur un large spectre de données, dont les données de surveillance syndromique provenant des salles d’urgences. De plus en plus de variables sont enregistrées dans les dossiers électroniques des urgences et mises à la disposition des équipes de surveillance. L’objectif principal de ce mémoire est d’évaluer l’utilité potentielle de l’âge, de la catégorie de triage et de l’orientation au départ de l’urgence pour améliorer la surveillance de la morbidité liée aux cas sévères d’influenza. Les données d’un sous-ensemble des hôpitaux de Montréal ont été utilisées, d’avril 2006 à janvier 2011. Les hospitalisations avec diagnostic de pneumonie ou influenza ont été utilisées comme mesure de la morbidité liée aux cas sévères d’influenza, et ont été modélisées par régression binomiale négative, en tenant compte des tendances séculaires et saisonnières. En comparaison avec les visites avec syndrome d’allure grippale (SAG) totales, les visites avec SAG stratifiées par âge, par catégorie de triage et par orientation de départ ont amélioré le modèle prédictif des hospitalisations avec pneumonie ou influenza. Avant d’intégrer ces variables dans le système de surveillance de Montréal, des étapes additionnelles sont suggérées, incluant l’optimisation de la définition du syndrome d’allure grippale à utiliser, la confirmation de la valeur de ces prédicteurs avec de nouvelles données et l’évaluation de leur utilité pratique.
Contexte : Pour les patients atteints d’une polyarthrite rhumatoïde débutante (PARD), l’utilisation de médicaments antirhumatismaux à longue durée d’action améliore les résultats pour les patients de manière significative. Les patients traités par un rhumatologue ont une plus grande probabilité de recevoir des traitements et donc d’avoir de meilleurs résultats de santé. Toutefois, les délais observés entre le début des symptômes et une première visite avec un rhumatologue sont souvent supérieurs à la recommandation de trois mois énoncée par les guides de pratiques. Au Québec, le temps d’attente pour voir un rhumatologue à la suite d’une demande de consultation est généralement long et contribue aux délais totaux. Objectifs : Nous avons évalué la capacité d’un programme d’accès rapide avec un triage effectué par une infirmière à correctement identifier les patients avec PARD et à réduire leur temps d’attente, dans le but d’améliorer le processus de soin. Méthodes : Une infirmière a évalué tous les nouveaux patients référés en 2009 et 2010 dans une clinique de rhumatologie située en banlieue de Montréal. Un niveau de priorité leur a été attribué sur la base du contenu de la demande de consultation, de l’information obtenue à la suite d’une entrevue téléphonique avec le patient et, si requis, d’un examen partiel des articulations. Les patients avec PARD, avec une arthrite inflammatoire non différentiée, ou atteints d’une autre pathologie rhumatologique aiguë étaient priorisés et obtenaient un rendez-vous le plus rapidement possible. Les principales mesures de résultat étudiées étaient la validité (sensibilité et spécificité) du triage pour les patients atteints de PARD ainsi que les délais entre la demande de consultation et la première visite avec un rhumatologue. Résultats : Parmi les 701 patients nouvellement référés, 65 ont eu un diagnostic final de PARD. Le triage a correctement identifié 85,9% de ces patients et a correctement identifié 87,2% des patients avec l’une des pathologies prioritaires. Le délai médian entre la demande de consultation et la première visite était de 22 jours pour les patients atteints de PARD et de 115 pour tous les autres. Discussion et conclusion : Ce programme d’accès rapide avec triage effectué par une infirmière a correctement identifié la plupart des patients atteints de PARD, lesquels ont pu être vus rapidement en consultation par le rhumatologue. Considérant qu’il s’agit d’un programme qui requiert beaucoup d’investissement de temps et de personnel, des enjeux de faisabilités doivent être résolus avant de pouvoir implanter un tel type de programme dans un système de soins de santé ayant des ressources très limitées.