804 resultados para Trapping.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Física - Física Aplicada pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
We present results, obtained by means of an analytic study and a numerical simulation, about the resonant condition necessary to produce a Localized Surface Plasmonic Resonance (LSPR) effect at the surface of metal nanospheres embedded in an amorphous silicon matrix. The study is based on a Lorentz dispersive model for a-Si:H permittivity and a Drude model for the metals. Considering the absorption spectra of a-Si:H, the best choice for the metal nanoparticles appears to be aluminium, indium or magnesium. No difference has been observed when considering a-SiC:H. Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation of an Al nanosphere embedded into an amorphous silicon matrix shows an increased scattering radius and the presence of LSPR induced by the metal/semiconductor interaction under green light (560 nm) illumination. Further results include the effect of the nanoparticles shape (nano-ellipsoids) in controlling the wavelength suitable to produce LSPR. It has been shown that is possible to produce LSPR in the red part of the visible spectrum (the most critical for a-Si:H solar cells applications in terms of light absorption enhancement) with aluminium nano-ellipsoids. As an additional results we may conclude that the double Lorentz-Lorenz model for the optical functions of a-Si:H is numerically stable in 3D simulations and can be used safely in the FDTD algorithm. A further simulation study is directed to determine an optimal spatial distribution of Al nanoparticles, with variable shapes, capable to enhance light absorption in the red part of the visible spectrum, exploiting light trapping and plasmonic effects. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
This work measures and tries to compare the Antioxidant Capacity (AC) of 50 commercial beverages of different kinds: 6 wines, 12 beers, 18 soft drinks and 14 flavoured waters. Because there is no reference procedure established for this purpose, three different optical methods were used to analyse these samples: Total Radical trapping Antioxidant Parameter (TRAP), Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC) and Ferric ion Reducing Antioxidant Parameter (FRAP). These methods differ on the chemical background and nature of redox system. The TRAP method involves the transfer of hydrogen atoms while TEAC and FRAP involves electron transfer reactions. The AC was also assessed against three antioxidants of reference, Ascorbic acid (AA), Gallic acid (GA) and 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl- 2-carboxylic acid (Trolox). The results obtained were analyzed statistically. Anova one-way tests were applied to all results and suggested that methods and standards exhibited significant statistical differences. The possible effect of sample features in the AC, such as gas, flavours, food colouring, sweeteners, acidity regulators, preservatives, stabilizers, vitamins, juice percentage, alcohol percentage, antioxidants and the colour was also investigated. The AC levels seemed to change with brand, kind of antioxidants added, and kind of flavour, depending on the sample. In general, higher ACs were obtained for FRAP as method, and beer for kind of sample, and the standard expressing the smaller AC values was GA.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry
The thrust towards energy conservation and reduced environmental footprint has fueled intensive research for alternative low cost sources of renewable energy. Organic photovoltaic cells (OPVs), with their low fabrication costs, easy processing and flexibility, represent a possible viable alternative. Perylene diimides (PDIs) are promising electron-acceptor candidates for bulk heterojunction (BHJ) OPVs, as they combine higher absorption and stability with tunable material properties, such as solubility and position of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) level. A prerequisite for trap free electron transport is for the LUMO to be located at a level deeper than 3.7 eV since electron trapping in organic semiconductors is universal and dominated by a trap level located at 3.6 eV. Although the mostly used fullerene acceptors in polymer:fullerene solar cells feature trap-free electron transport, low optical absorption of fullerene derivatives limits maximum attainable efficiency. In this thesis, we try to get a better understanding of the electronic properties of PDIs, with a focus on charge carrier transport characteristics and the effect of different processing conditions such as annealing temperature and top contact (cathode) material. We report on a commercially available PDI and three PDI derivatives as acceptor materials, and its blends with MEH-PPV (Poly[2-methoxy 5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene]) and P3HT (Poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl)) donor materials in single carrier devices (electron-only and hole-only) and in solar cells. Space-charge limited current measurements and modelling of temperature dependent J-V characteristics confirmed that the electron transport is essentially trap-free in such materials. Different blend ratios of P3HT:PDI-1 (1:1) and (1:3) show increase in the device performance with increasing PDI-1 ratio. Furthermore, thermal annealing of the devices have a significant effect in the solar cells that decreases open-circuit voltage (Voc) and fill factor FF, but increases short-circuit current (Jsc) and overall device performance. Morphological studies show that over-aggregation in traditional donor:PDI blend systems is still a big problem, which hinders charge carrier transport and performance in solar cells.
This work demonstrates the role of defects generated during rapid thermal annealing of pulsed laser deposited ZnO/Al2O3 multilayer nanostructures in presence of vacuum at different temperatures (Ta) (500–900 C) on their electrical conductance and optical characteristics. Photoluminescence (PL) emissions show the stronger green emission at Ta 600 C and violet–blue emission at TaP800 C, and are attributed to oxygen vacancies and zinc related defects (zinc vacancies and interstitials) respectively. Current–voltage (I–V) characteristics of nanostructures with rich oxygen vacancies and zinc related defects display the electroforming free resistive switching (RS) characteristics. Nanostructures with rich oxygen vacancies exhibit conventional and stable RS behavior with high and low resistance states (HRS/LRS) ratio 104 during the retention test. Besides, the dominant conduction mechanism of HRS and LRS is explained by trap-controlled-space-charge limited conduction mechanism, where the oxygen vacancies act as traps. On the other hand, nanostructures with rich zinc related defects show a diode-like RS behavior. The rectifying ratio is found to be sensitive on the zinc interstitials concentration. It is assumed that the rectifying behavior is due to the electrically formed interface layer ZnAl2O4 at the Zn defects rich ZnO crystals – Al2O3 x interface and the switching behavior is attributed to the electron trapping/de-trapping process at zinc vacancies.
In Brazilian Amazonia, 20 genera and more than 200 species of polistine wasps are recorded. Local faunas with 70 to 80 species are usually found in non floodable forest environments. However, a variety of wetlands exist in the region, the most expressive in surface area being varzea systems. In this paper, information is presented on polistines from two areas of wetlands in the Brazilian states of Amazonas and Amapá. These are reciprocally compared and also with nearby terra firme locations. Collecting methods consisted of active search for nests, handnetting and automatic trapping of individuals. Forty-six species of 15 genera were collected in Mamirauá, AM, most being widespread common wasps. However, five species deserve special mention in virtue of rarity and/or restricted distribution: Metapolybia rufata, Chartergellus nigerrimus, Chartergellus punctatior, Clypearia duckei, and Clypearia weyrauchi. In Região dos Lagos, AP, 31 species of 9 genera were collected, nearly all being common species with the exception of some Polistes, like P. goeldi and P. occipitalis. Even though less rich than vespid faunas from terra firme habitats, the Mamirauá fauna proved to be quite expressive considering limitations imposed by the hydrological regime. In Região dos Lagos, however, the very low diversity found was below the worst expectations. The virtual absence of otherwise common species in environments like tidal varzea forests along Araguari River is truly remarkable. The causes of low diversity are probably related to isolation and relative immaturity of the region, allied to strong degradation of forested habitats.
In recent years, there has been an increasing number of studies on carrion fly communities due to their medical importance and as a consequence of the large number of studies on forensic entomology. Surprisingly few studies have adressed with the asynantropic flies of the Amazon, and none were done in Colombia. A faunistic study of asynantropic flies of the families Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Muscidae and Fannidae in three different landscapes of the Colombian Amazon is presented, trapping effectiveness is assessed, and the first record of Mesembrinella batesi (Aldrich, 1922) and Fannia femoralis (Stein, 1897) from Colombia is reported.
The effectiveness of ecological researches on small mammals strongly depends on trapping techniques to survey communities and populations accurately. The main goal of this study was to assess the efficiency of three types of traps (Sherman, Tomahawk and Pitfall) to capture non-volant small mammals. We installed traps in 22 forest fragments in the southern Brazilian Amazonia. We captured 873 individuals belonging to 21 species; most of the individuals (N = 369) and species (N = 19) were trapped using Pitfalls, followed by Shermans (N = 271 individuals; N = 15 species) and Tomahawks (N = 233 individuals; N = 15 species). Pitfalls trapped a richer community subset of small mammals than the two other types of traps, and a more abundant community subset than Tomahawks. Proechimys sp. was the most abundant species trapped (N = 125) and Tomahawk was the most efficient type of trap to capture this species (N = 97 individuals). Neacomys spinosus and Marmosops bishopi were more trapped in Pitfalls (N = 92 and 100 individuals, respectively) than Shermans and Tomahawks. Monodelphis glirina was more trapped in Shermans and Pitfalls than Tomahawks. Species composition trapped using the three types of traps were distinct. Pitfalls captured a more distinct subset of the small mammal community than the two other live traps. We recommend the association of the three types of traps to reach a more comprehensive sampling of the community of small mammals. Thus, as stated by previous studies, we also recommend the complementary use of Shermans, Tomahawks and Pitfalls to account for a thorough sampling of the whole small mammal community in researches conducted in the tropical forests of Amazonia.
The temporal variability of benthic macrofauna on Cassino beach, southernmost Brazil, was studied for a period of one year (June 2004 to May 2005) based on monthly sampling. Three sites were selected distant 50m from each other. At each site, 3 transects were established, 2m equidistant from one another. Each transect extended from the base of the primary dunes to the inner surf zone at approximately 1m in depth, with 7 or 8 sampling levels. Within transects, the distance between the levels was 20m until the upper swash zone, from which distance was 10m until the 1-meter isobath. The temporal variation in the abundance of benthic macrofauna observed in the present study can be attributed to (1) the positive effects of the recruitment peaks and migration of particular species to the swash zone and (2) negative effects of the migration of some species to deeper waters, as well (3) as mortality through natural causes (stranding and action of predators) and (4) human causes (harvesting and vehicle transit). We attribute the expressive abundance increase of benthic macrofauna to recruitment. The stranding, that is, the trapping of the organisms on the upper parts of the beach, is likely the main cause of abrupt drops in benthic macrofauna abundance.
In order to evaluate the efficiency of different mammalian survey methods, we compared traditional sampling techniques (use of camera-traps on roads and artificial trails, track censuses, and direct field visualization) with an alternative sampling design (camera-traps positioned in natural areas such as natural trails and shelters). We conducted the study in a deciduous Atlantic-Forest park in southern Brazil, and additionally compared our results with a previous intensive study carried out in the same area. Our considerably smaller sampling effort (example: 336 trap.day for our camera-traps versus 2,154 trap.day for the earlier study) registered the presence of 85% of the local known species, with camera-traps being 68% efficient. Moreover, shelter camera-traps revealed a different species composition regarding most of other sampling methods. This sampling strategy involving natural forest sites was therefore able to effectively optimize the chances of evaluating species composition in a shorter period, especially with respect to lower-density and cryptic species, as well as to detect species that avoid open, disturbed sites such as roads and man-made forest trails.
Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada al National Research Institute for Food and Nutrition, Itàlia, des de novembre del 2006 fins a febrer del 2007. La capacitat antioxidant total (TAC) en plasma pot ser un bon biomarcador del estat antioxidant dels humans. Prenent les mostres de dos projectes diferents de recerca s’ha mesurat la TAC mitjançant el FRAP (ferric reductant antioxidant potencial) i el TRAP (total radical-trapping antioxidant parameter ). D’una banda el PREDIMED, és un estudi prospectiu aleatoritzat i controlat, amb una cohort d’ individus sense patología vascular coneguda, però amb un alt risc de patir-la. En aquest es valora la utilitat d’una intervenció dietética del tipus mediterrània en la prevenció primària de la malaltia cardiovascular. L’altre és el de biodisponibilitat en humans dels metabòlits dels polifenols presents en els solubles de cacau, un estudi crònic (28 dies) on es vol mesurar la influència de la llet en l’absorció dels polifenols del cacau, en voluntaris amb elevat risc de sofrir patologia cardiovascular.
Twenty one opossums (Didelphis marsupialis) from disturbed primary forest in the vicinity of Manaus, and seven from an isolated island of secondary vegetation within the city of Manaus, were examined for the presence of Leishmania. Of the opossums from the primary forests, 13 (61.9%) were found to be positive for Leishmania braziliensis guyanenesis. One additional opossum was found to be positive for Le. mexicana amazonensis. A simple and economical trapping technique for opossums is presented here, and a control method in special cases is suggested.
We have designed a vaccine model based on induction of cell-mediated immunity and shown that it protects mice against Schistosoma mansoni infection. Mice are immunized by intradermal injection with schistosome antigens plus BCG. Resistance is dependent on the route of antigen presentation and the adjuvant chosen. The pattern of resistance correlates with sensitization of T lymphocytes for production of gamma interferon, a macrophage activating lymphokine that stimulates the cellular effector mechanism of protection. Purified schistosome paramyosin, a muscle cell component present in soluble parasite antigenic preparations, is immunogenic for T lymphocytes and induces resistance when given intradermally with BCG. It is likely that this protein, and possibly other soluble molecules that are released by the parasites of a challenge infection, induce a cellular inflammatory response resulting in larval trapping and/or killing by activated macrophages. These results verify the feasibility of a vaccine against schistosomiasis based on induction of cell-mediated immune resistance mechanisms.
Crocidura russula is restricted to the vicinity of human dwellings in the northern parts of its range and in the mountain regions of Central and Western Europe. In order to better understand the causes of such a distribution, a population was studied in a rural mountain habitat (750 m above sea level), where the species was found almost exclusively in the neighbourhood of human dwellings. The study was conducted on a 2000 m2 area, over a period of 20 months, by live-trapping and radioactive tracking. The abundance, the local distribution and the behaviour of the shrews vary greatly throughout the year. In summer, they chiefly inhabit areas with a dense herbaceous cover or shruby vegetation; they are mainly active at ground level, in the litter. In autumn, changes in the environmental conditions (lowering of temperatures, subsidence of the herbaceous vegetation, presence of snow) create important energetic problems. At that time, the shrews gradually become more active around and inside compost-heaps and buildings. The microclimate of such environments is mild and prey are numerous. The winter population is reduced (reaching its lowest level in late winter) and consists only of shrews frequenting these sites. The observed spatial distribution is the result of the energetic dependence of the wintering shrews on human dwellings and their surroundings. This dependence is probably related to the physiological characteristics of the species. In the prospected region, Crocidura russula is the only shrew which regularly takes advantage of man-made habitats; the maintenance of the species in the rural mountain enviroment is probably favoured by the social organization of the populations in winter. The other native Soricids are observed only occasionaly int he neighbourhood of human dwellings.