999 resultados para Transporte rodoviario - Pantanal Mato-Grossense (MS)


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The aim of this paper was to genetically characterize Toxoplasma gondii isolates from free range chickens in regions of Brazilian territory in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) where T. gondii strains have never been studied. In total, T. gondii isolates from 22 free range chickens were included in this study. Fifty chickens from Eldorado, thirty from Rio Verde and ten from Aquidauana were sampled between January and April 2007. In relation to the genetic diversity of T. gondii isolates from chickens in MS, the magnitude of the diversity in the isolates sampled in this study was comparable to the overall diversity in a composite data set. These 22 isolates in MS revealed 11 genotypes, whereas the 321 isolates ever genotyped in Brazil have revealed 95 genotypes. The values of Simpson`s Diversity Index for the whole population of T. gondii isolates in Brazil, the whole population of T. gondii isolates from chickens in Brazil and the population surveyed in this study were 0.97, 0.95 and 0.90, respectively. Seven of the 11 genotypes revealed from chicken isolates from MS are newly described genotypes and six of them each have a single isolate. In conclusion, the results obtained from isolates in MS corroborate previous studies on T. gondii isolates in Brazil, thus confirming their diversity and atypicality. Nonetheless, the applicability of PCR-RFLP markers for epidemiological inferences remains controversial. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O rio Cuiabá é responsável por 80% da produção pesqueira do Estado de Mato Grosso. Sua pesca empresarial é sustentada essencialmente pela captura de peixes migradores. A produção pesqueira regional depende, portanto, das flutuações sazonais do nível dos rios e da formação periódica de grandes planos inundáveis. Fatores de redução desta ictiofiauna são apresentados com vistas a subsidiar sua conservação.


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In the Southern Pantanal, the hyacinth macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus), an endangered species, often chooses the manduvi tree (Sterculia apetala) as a nesting site, because of its physical properties. In addition, the chemical composition of the wood may also contribute to a nesting selection by the hyacinth macaws. The objective of this study was to determine the main chemical components of S. apetala bark for two seasons, and evaluate its fungicidal potential. Bark samples from S. apetala trees with and without nests of A. hyacinthinus were collected in January (wet season) and August (dry season) of 2012. The inhibition of mycelium growth (MGI) from tree samples with and without nests were assessed using a phytochemical analysis to evaluate their antifungal activity against Trichoderma sp. Phytochemical analysis confirmed the presence of phenolic compounds and flavonoids. In both seasons, samples obtained from nested trees had higher content of total phenols than those collected from non-nested trees. The average content of total flavonoids was higher in January for samples with nest and in August for samples without nest. All selected samples showed antifungal activity, and those with nest collected in August (peak of hyacinth macaw breeding) resulted in an MGI of 51.3%. Therefore, this percentage, related to the content of flavonoids and the presence of coumarins, may influence the reproductive success of hyacinth macaws and other species of birds, in this region. This is the first chemical study report with the stem bark of S. apetala.


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This work reports a survey of Leptospira spp in pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) in the Pantanal wetlands of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil by serology and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Seventy pampas deer were captured in the dry season and surveyed using PCR, microscopic agglutination test (MAT) (n = 51) and by both techniques (n = 47). PCR detected infections in two pampas deer and MAT detected infections in three. Through sequencing and phylogenetic analyses, the PCR-amplified fragment detected in deer was identified as Leptospira interrogans. Serovars Pomona and Butembo were detected using MAT and the highest titre was 200 for serovar Pomona. Epidemiological aspects of the findings are discussed.


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Six individuals of the palm A. phalerata, in Poconé floodplains of Mato Grosso, were sprayed with a synthetic pyrethroid (0.25% concentration) in order to study the biomass, diversity, and richness of the canopy arthropods. A total of 17,188 (238.7±80.6 ind./m²) arthropods belonging to 22 Orders, was collected in a 72 m² funnel area. Two hours after spraying, 58.9% of the total number fell into the funnels, 37.6% was obtained by shaking the trees, and finally, 3.5% after cutting and washing all the palm leaves. The Coleoptera (27.4%), Hymenoptera-Formicidae (19.0%), Collembola (13.6%), Psocoptera (10.7%), Diptera (9.0%) and Araneae (6.4%) were the predominant. The total biomass was 15.1 g dry weight (0.4mg/m²; 0.13+0.04/tree). A total of 4,715 beetles representing 48 families and 326 morphospecies were obtained. Tenebrionidae (22.9%), Curculionidae (22.0%), Carabidae (10.9%) and Staphylinidae (7.9%) were the most abundant, while Curculionidae (44 spp.), Staphylinidae (40 spp.) and Chrysomelidae (34 spp.) presented the largest number of morphospecies. Herbivores (37.5%) were the dominant in the trophic guilds of adult Coleoptera, followed by predators (35.4%), fungivores (14.6%), and saprophages (12.5%). Although most arthropod Orders were represented in all the palms sampled, analysis of variance showed no significant differences in their composition, however there was a significant difference in their frequency of occurrence.


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Seis palmeiras de Attalea phalerata foram amostradas durante a fase aquática (cheia) no Pantanal de Mato Grosso (fevereiro/2001), utilizando-se a metodologia de nebulização de copas "canopy fogging". Este estudo objetivou avaliar a composição, distribuição espacial, guildas comportamentais, biomassa e sazonalidade da comunidade de Araneae em copas dessa palmeira que forma adensamentos monodominantes, típicos nessa região. Um total de 1326 aranhas foram coletadas em 99 m² de área amostral (13,4 + 8,2 indivíduos/m²), representando 20 famílias, sendo Salticidae e Araneidae as mais abundantes. A biomassa total de 704 aranhas em três palmeiras correspondeu a 0.6172 mg de peso seco (0,0123+ 0,04 mg/m²). Dez guildas comportamentais demonstraram a coexistência de diferentes espécies em um mesmo habitat. Representantes de Salticidae, Oonopidae e Ctenidae dominaram entre as caçadoras, e Araneidae e Dictynidae, dentre as tecelãs. A análise de distribuição espacial demonstrou que a maior abundância de aranhas ocorreu na região central da copa, provavelmente devido à quantidade de recursos disponíveis nesse local. A comparação desses resultados com aqueles obtidos durante o período de seca, demonstra diferenças sazonais influenciadas pelo pulso de inundação, principalmente com relação à composição das famílias amostradas entre os períodos de seca e cheia.


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Três indivíduos da palmeira Attalea phalerata Mart (Arecaceae) foram amostrados durante a fase aquática (cheia) no Pantanal de Mato Grosso (fevereiro/2001) utilizando-se a metodologia de nebulização de copas "canopy fogging". Este estudo objetivou avaliar a diversidade, hábitos alimentares e a distribuição espacial da comunidade de Formicidae em copas dessa palmeira que forma adensamentos monodominantes, típicos nessa região. Cada palmeira foi nebulizada uma única vez e realizadas três coletas subseqüentes. Um total de 966 formigas, pertencentes a 6 subfamílias, 13 tribos e 29 espécies foram amostradas em 49 m² de área amostral (19,7±52,7 indivíduos/m²) representando 3,9% do total de artrópodes obtidos. Myrmicinae foi a subfamília mais representativa, com 6 tribos e 14 espécies, destacando-se Solenopsidini com 5 espécies. Formicinae foi a segunda subfamília mais abundante com 3 tribos e 8 espécies. Pheidole sp. 2 foi dominante na amostragem geral (284 indivíduos; 29,4% da captura total) seguida por Camponotus (Myrmobrachys) crassus (182 individuos; 18,8%) e Crematogaster (Orthocrema) sp. 1 pr. quadriformis (119 individuos; 12,3%). Os índices de diversidade foram consideráveis (H'=2,185; D= 0,835) apesar de demonstrarem baixos valores de equitabilidade (0,649 e 0,248, respectivamente). Este resultado demonstra a heterogeneidade da comunidade de Formicidae associada à copa dessa palmeira. A análise da distribuição espacial desmonstrou que a maior abundância e riqueza de Formicidae ocorrem na região central da copa, próximo ao caule.


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Terrestrial arthropods from tree canopies in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil. This study represents a contribution to the knowledge of the diversity of arthropods associated to the canopy of Vochysia divergens Pohl (Vochysiaceae). Three trees individuals were sampled during two seasonal periods in this region: a) by spraying one tree canopy during high water (February); b) by fogging two tree canopies during low water (September/October). The 15,744 arthropods (183.2±38.9 individuals/m²) obtained from all three trees (86 m²) represented 20 taxonomic orders, 87.1% were Insecta, and 12.9% Arachnida. The dominant groups were Hymenoptera (48.5%; 88.9 individuals/m²), mostly Formicidae (44.5%; 81.4 individuals/m²), followed by Coleoptera (14.0%; 25.5 individuals/m²) and Araneae (10.2%; 19.5 individuals/m²), together representing 62.5% of the total catch. Fourteen (70%) of all orders occurred on three trees. Dermaptera, Isoptera, Neuroptera, Odonata, Plecoptera and Trichoptera were collected from only one tree. Of the total, 2,197 adult Coleoptera collected (25.5±11.3 individuals/m²), 99% were assigned to 32 families and 256 morphospecies. Nitidulidae (17.9% of the total catch; 4.6 individuals/m²), Anobiidae (16.7%; 4.3 individuals/m²), Curculionidae (13.2%; 3.4 individuals/m²) and Meloidae (11.4%; 2.9 individuals/m²) dominated. The communitiy of adult Coleoptera on V. divergens indicated a dominance of herbivores (37.8% of the total catch, 127 spp.) and predators (35.2%, 82 spp.), followed by saprophages (16.2%, 32 spp.) and fungivores (10.8%, 15 spp.). The influence of the flood pulse on the community of arboreal arthropods in V. divergens is indicated by the seasonal variation in evaluated groups, causing changes in their structure and composition.


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Variação do peso fresco em Cornops aquaticum (Bruner) (Orthoptera, Acrididae) associado a Eichhornia azurea (Sw) Kunth (Pontederiaceae) em uma baía no Pantanal de Poconé, Mato Grosso. Cornops aquaticum (Bruner, 1906) (Orthoptera, Acrididae) desenvolve seu ciclo de vida sobre macrófitas aquáticas da família Pontederiaceae. Como os gafanhotos são capazes de responder às mudanças sazonais, a alternância de períodos que ocorre no Pantanal pode refletir em sua biologia. Este estudo foi desenvolvido no Pantanal de Poconé - MT, com o objetivo de avaliar possíveis variações no peso fresco dos adultos e ninfas de C. aquaticum. Durante o período de março/2006 a fevereiro/2007 coletaram-se mensalmente, 50 indivíduos de C. aquaticum. Um total de 600 indivíduos foi avaliado, sendo 43,5 % adultos e 56,5 % ninfas. Os maiores valores de peso fresco total ocorreram nos meses de setembro (9,106g; 0,182g/indivíduo) e outubro/2006 (8,865g; 0,177g/indivíduo) e os menores em março/2006 (3,413g; 0,068g/indivíduo). Nos indivíduos adultos os maiores pesos frescos foram registrados em setembro/2006 (8,680g; 0,223g/indivíduo) e outubro/2006 (8,654g; 0,234g/indivíduo), no final do período de seca, e o menor em março/2006 (1,792g; 0,138g/indivíduo), durante o período de cheia. As ninfas tiveram o maior peso fresco em abril/2006 (2,913g; 0,076g/indivíduo) início da vazante, enquanto o menor peso fresco ocorreu em outubro/2006 (0,211g; 0,016g/indivíduo) início da enchente. Apenas a variação no peso fresco médio das fêmeas foi significativa (f = 6,43; p = 0,001), com os maiores registros durante o período de enchente, o que pode evidenciar uma estratégia reprodutiva.


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Temporal variation in the composition of ant assemblages (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) on trees in the Pantanal floodplain, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. In this paper we investigate how seasonal flooding influences the composition of assemblages of ants foraging on trees in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul. During the flood in the Pantanal, a large area is covered by floods that are the main forces that regulate the pattern of diversity in these areas. However, the effects of such natural disturbances in the ant communities are poorly known. In this sense, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of temporal variation in assemblages of ants foraging on trees in the Pantanal of Miranda. Samples were collected during a year in two adjacent areas, one who suffered flooding during the wet period and another that did not suffer flooding throughout the year. In 10 sites for each evaluated habitat, five pitfall traps were installed at random in trees 25 m apart from each other. In the habitat with flooding, the highest richness was observed during the flooding period, while there was no significant change in richness in the area that does not suffer flooding. The diversity of species between the two evaluated habitats varied significantly during the two seasons. Most ants sampled belong to species that forage and nest in soil. This suggests that during the flood in flooded habitats, ants that did not migrate to higher areas without flooding adopt the strategy to search for resources in the tree canopy.


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Fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) and their parasitoids on cultivated and wild hosts in the Cerrado-Pantanal ecotone in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Information on frugivorous flies in cultivated or wild host plants and their parasitoids in the Cerrado-Pantanal ecotone in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul is presented and discussed. Fruit fly samples were collected weekly in specific fruit trees, and McPhail® traps were installed in the same trees for a period of two years. The fruit flies infested ripe and unripe fruits of Averrhoa carambola L., Schoepfia sp., Psidium guajava L. and Pouteria torta (Mart.) Radlk and mature fruits of Anacardium occidentale L. and Inga laurina (Sw.) Willd. Nineteen fruit fly species were obtained with the combination of sampling methods (collecting fruits and trapping), nine of them obtained with both methods, five found only in fruits and five only in traps. This is the first record of Anastrepha striata Schiner in a species of Sapotaceae, as well as for A. castanea Norrbom and A. daciformes Bezzi in Schoepfia sp. (Olacaceae), and for A. distincta Greene in fruits of P. guajava in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Fruit collections simultaneously associated with capture of fruit flies by McPhail traps in the same host plants are essential to understand the diversity of fruit flies and their relationship with hosts and parasitoids. Species of Braconidae and Pteromalidae were recovered, where Doryctobracon areolatus (Szépligeti) was the most abundant parasitoid in larvae of tephritids infesting both cultivated and wild host fruits.


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Among the soils in the Mato Grosso do Sul, stand out in the Pantanal biome, the Spodosols. Despite being recorded in considerable extensions, few studies aiming to characterize and classify these soils were performed. The purpose of this study was to characterize and classify soils in three areas of two physiographic types in the Taquari river basin: bay and flooded fields. Two trenches were opened in the bay area (P1 and P2) and two in the flooded field (P3 and P4). The third area (saline) with high sodium levels was sampled for further studies. In the soils in both areas the sand fraction was predominant and the texture from sand to sandy loam, with the main constituent quartz. In the bay area, the soil organic carbon in the surface layer (P1) was (OC) > 80 g kg-1, being diagnosed as Histic epipedon. In the other profiles the surface horizons had low OC levels which, associated with other properties, classified them as Ochric epipedons. In the soils of the bay area (P1 and P2), the pH ranged from 5.0 to 7.5, associated with dominance of Ca2+ and Mg2+, with base saturation above 50 % in some horizons. In the flooded fields (P3 and P4) the soil pH ranged from 4.9 to 5.9, H+ contents were high in the surface horizons (0.8-10.5 cmol c kg-1 ), Ca2+ and Mg² contents ranged from 0.4 to 0.8 cmol c kg-1 and base saturation was < 50 %. In the soils of the bay area (P1 and P2) iron was accumulated (extracted by dithionite - Fed) and OC in the spodic horizon; in the P3 and P4 soils only Fed was accumulated (in the subsurface layers). According to the criteria adopted by the Brazilian System of Soil Classification (SiBCS) at the subgroup level, the soils were classified as: P1: Organic Hydromorphic Ferrohumiluvic Spodosol. P2: Typical Orthic Ferrohumiluvic Spodosol. P3: Typical Hydromorphic Ferroluvic Spodosol. P4: Arenic Orthic Ferroluvic Spodosol.


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A serra da Bodoquena, localizada no Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, apresenta particularidades nos seus solos, que diferem de outras regiões do bioma cerrado-pantanal. Este trabalho teve como objetivo ampliar o conhecimento dos solos formados sobre calcário, por meio da caracterização dos seus atributos físicos, químicos, mineralógicos e da matéria orgânica. Foi selecionada uma topossequência sobre calcário, onde foram abertas trincheiras no topo (P1), terço inferior (P2), sopé (P3) e baixada (P4 e P5). Os perfis foram descritos morfologicamente e analisados os atributos físicos, químicos e mineralógicos dos horizontes. De acordo com o Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos, os solos estudados foram classificados como: (P1) Organossolo Fólico Sáprico lítico - OOs; (P2) Chernossolo Háplico Órtico típico - MXo; (P3) Chernossolo Argilúvico Órtico típico - MTo; (P4) Gleissolo Melânico Carbonático chernossólico - GMk1; e (P5) Gleissolo Melânico Carbonático organossólico - GMk2. Todos os perfis estudados apresentaram cores escuras nos horizontes superficiais e mais avermelhadas ou acinzentadas em profundidade, em razão da drenagem, sempre associados com elevados valores de saturação por bases e tendo o cálcio como cátion predominante no complexo sortivo. Das frações húmicas, a humina representou a maior fração do carbono orgânico em todos os solos. A análise mineralógica constatou a presença de calcita na fração areia nos perfis GMk1 e GMk2 e caulinita, illita e montmorilonita, na fração argila de todos os solos. A ocorrência do Organossolo Fólico em ambiente não altimontano, diferente do relatado pelo Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos, sugere maior amplitude das condições ambientais para a ocorrência dessa subordem.