898 resultados para Tool Use
BACKGROUND Several studies in recent years have evaluated Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT). No disease specific questionnaires are available to assess the impact of the disease. The aim of this research is to describe the development of a new disease specific Quality of Life (QoL) questionnaire for use specifically with PHPT patients. METHODS A conceptual model was developed describing the impact of the disease and its symptoms on QoL domains. A literature review was conducted to identify the most relevant domains. A focus group with experts was used to validate the domains; 24 patients were also interviewed to complement the information from the patient's perspective. A content analysis of the interviews was performed to identify items related with the impact of the disease, leading to PHPQoL-V.1 which was presented to a sample of 67 patients. Reliability was assessed by Cronbach's coefficient alpha and item-total score correlations. Validity was assessed by a factor analysis performed to determine the number of domains. Rasch analysis was carried out in order to refine the questionnaire items. RESULTS 259 items were extracted from the interviews that were subsequently reduced to 34 items. Cronbach's coefficient alpha was 0.92. The factor analysis extracted two domains (physical and emotional). After Rasch analysis the questionnaire PHPQoL-V.2 kept 16 items (9 physical and 7 emotional). The questionnaire was developed in a Spanish population and the final version was translated to English through translation and back-translation. CONCLUSION The first disease specific HRQoL questionnaire for PHPT patients (PHPQoL-16) has been developed. Validation studies designed to assess measurement properties of this tool are currently underway.
Les cellules dendritiques (DCs) sont des cellules multifonctionnelles qui font le lien entre le sytème immunitaire inné et adaptatif chez les mammifères. Il existe plusieurs sous-types de DCs basés sur leurs fonctions et l'endroit où elles se situent dans le corps. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons étudié le rôle de ces cellules face à une infection parasitaire. La Leishmania est un parasite causant une maladie appelée Leishmaniose, maladie endémique de l'Afrique, de l'Asie et de certaines régions de l'Amérique du Sud. Certaines espèces causent des lésions cutanées, alors que d'autres causent des lésions dans les muqueuses ou dans les organes internes. Le système immunitaire répond en générant une réponse inflammatoire qui élimine l'infection. Lors d'une réponse non-inflammatoire (de type cytokines, chemokines), cela va amener à une persistance du parasite sur le long terme. Les DC s'activant en présence du parasite dans la peau, vont le transporter vers un ganglion. A cet endroit, se trouvent différents sous-types de DC qui ont la particularité de présenter l'antigène (spécifique à la Leishmaniose) aux lymphocytes T, ce qui va alors amener à une réponse immunitaire puissante contre le parasite. Nous avons comparé différentes espèces de Leishmaniose dans leur façon d'activer les DC et différents modèles de souris ont été utilisé dans ce but-là. Les souris du type C57BL/6 sont connues pour être résistantes à L. major et sensibles à L. mexicana, alors qu'au contraire, les souris Balb/c sont connues pour être sensibles à ces deux espèces. En utilisant des parasites fluorescents transgéniques, nous avons comparé ces deux espèces de parasites (L. major et L. mexicana) en recherchant quelles cellules elles sont capables d'infecter in-vivo dans un modèle murin. Le rôle général des DC dans une infection à L. major a déjà été décrit. Dans notre étude, nous avons étudié le besoin en DC CD8a+ dans les ganglions afin d'engendrer une réponse face à une infection à L. major. Les souris qui n'ont pas ce sous-type de DC sont beaucoup plus sensibles à l'infection : elles ont des marqueurs inflammatoires plus bas et des lésions plus grandes. Nous avons également remarqué que les DC CD8a+ jouent un rôle crucial dans une phase plus avancée de l'infection. Dans notre laboratoire, nous avons la chance d'avoir une source illimitée de DCs de sous-type CD8a+ provenant d'une souris génétiquement modifiée par nos soin. Grâce à cela, nous avons utilisé ces cellules CD8a+ pour immuniser des rats afin de produire des anticorps monoclonaux ayant des propriétés spécifiques comme l'identification de protéines uniques présentes à la surface des DC et qui ensuite, modulent une réponse immunitaire in-vivo. Nous sommes actuellement en phase de caractérisation de plus de 750 hybridomes générés dans notre laboratoire. - Les cellules dendritiques (DCs) constituent le lien entre le système inné et adaptatif de la réponse immunitaire, car elles sont capables de présenter l'antigène, de donner la co- stimulation et de relâcher des cytokines et chimokines. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons exploré différentes familles de DC lors d'infections parasitaires, telles que la Leishmaniose, parasite intracellulaire qui infecte les mammifères. La plupart des lésions cutanées résistantes sont caractérisées par une réponse pro-inflammatoire générée par l'IL-12. A l'inverse, pour la forme non résistante, la réponse est générée par l'IL-4 et l'IL-10, dans les modèles murins vulnérables. L'infection avec Lmajor a été caractérisée chez la souris C57BL/6 (Thl) et chez la souris Balb/c (Th2). Chez la souris C57BL/6 la lésion guérit, alors que chez la souris Balb/c, la lésion est au contraire non-cicatrisante. Nous avons comparé l'activation causée dans l'ensemble des DC par différentes espéces de Leishmania, et plus spécifiquement dans les DC CD8a+ présentes dans les ganglions lymphatiques et leur rôle dans la vulnérabilité à L. major. Ces cellules sont spécialisées dans la présentation croisée d'antigènes exogènes par le CMH-I et le haut taux de production d'IL-12 après activation. En utilisant des DC dérivées de moelle osseuse, nous avons constaté que L. guyanensis V+ (transportant un retrovirus) était le plus efficace pour l'activation des DC in-vitro comparé à L. major, L. mexicana et L. guyanensis (V-). Toutefois, in-vivo, les souris infectées avec L. major ont vu la taille de leur ganglions lymphatiques drainants augmentée, 3-6 semaines après l'infection dans les deux espèces de souris (les C57BL/6 résistantes et les Balb/c sensibles). En utilisant un parasite fluorescent transgénique, nous avons trouvé que les souris C57BL/6 sensibles à Lmexicana ont un nombre plus important de cellules Β infectées et un plus petit nombre de DC dérivées des monocytes inflammatoires, comparé au souris infectées avec L. major. Les conséquences de ces observations sont encore à l'étude. Des souris déficientes en CD8ct+DC et CD103+ sont plus sensibles à L. major que les souris WT: leurs lésions sont plus grandes et la charge parasitaire est plus importante. Nous avons généré une chimère de moelles osseuse CD11-DTR et Batf3-/- en mélangeant les moelles de ces deux souris, afin de déterminer le temps après infection où le manque de DC's CD8a+ contribue le plus à l'augmentation de la vulnérabilité chez la souris KO. Ces souris produisent plus d'IgG1 et IgE, font une réponse Th2 plus forte et Thl moins forte. Nous avons constaté que les souris déficientes en DC CD8a+ au début de la réponse immunitaire adaptive (trois semaines après injection) maintiennent un haut taux de lésions de grande taille, semblable à celui des souris chez qui les cellules ont été déplétées avant l'injection. Cela indique que les DC CD8a+ sont nécessaires pour l'efficacité de l'immunité dans la phase chronique de l'infection à L. major. Parallèlement à cela, nous avons aussi commencé une génération d'anticorps monoclonaux dirigés contre les DC CD8a+ activés en utilisant des souches établies dans notre laboratoire. En partant d'une librairie de 763 hybridomes, nous avons identifié plusieurs clones dignes d'intérêt avec une capacité fonctionnelle à moduler la prolifération et la sécrétion de cytokines des cellules T, ainsi que les molécules de co-stimulation présentes à la surface des DC activées elle-même. - Dendritic cells (DCs) are the bridge between the innate and the adaptive arms of the immune systems. They are professional antigen presentation cells and have important cytokine/chemokine release functions. In this dissertation we have focussed on the study of the different subsets of DCs in parasitic infection immunity. Leishmania are intra-cellular parasites of many different species that infect mammals. Most cutaneous lesions that are self- healing are characterized with a pro-inflammatory response with IL-12 while high levels of cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-10 characterized in susceptible mouse models. In mice L. major infection has been well characterized in C57BL/6 mice (Thl) that form healing lesions while Balb/c mice (Th2) form non-healing lesions. This thesis is focussed on comparing DC activation at large by different strains of Leishmania and more specifically, dLN resident CD8a+ DCs and their role in L. major susceptibility. This subset is specialized in cross- presentation of exogenous antigens in the MHC-I pathway and produce high levels of EL-12. Using bone marrow derived DCs we found that L. guyanensis V+ (carrying a retro-virus) was the most efficient at activating DCs in-vitro. In-vivo however L. major infected mice had the largest dLNs 3-6 weeks after infection in both genetically resistant C57BL/6 and susceptible Balb/c mice. Using transgenic fluorescent parasites, we found that C57BL/6 mice which are susceptible to L. mexicana had more number of infected Β cells and fewer number of infected inflammatory monocyte derived DCs in contrast to L. major infection. Using mice deficient in CD8a+ DCs, we found that these mice were more susceptible to L. major than their WT counterparts. They made larger lesions, had higher parasite burdens, higher levels of Th2 indicating immunolgloblins as measured by higher serie IgE levels and lower CD4+ IFNy+ cells. A mixed bone marrow chimera system of CDllc-DTR and Batf3~'~ was generated to determine the time point at which the lack of CD8a+ DCs most contributes to the increased susceptibility in KO mice. We found that mice depleted of CD8a+ DCs at the advent of the adaptive response (3 weeks after infection) maintained the significantly higher lesion size similar to mice whose cells were depleted from the onset of infection. This indicates that CD8a+ DCs are required for effective immunity in the chronic phase of L. major infection. We also began the generation of a valuable tool of monoclonal antibodies against activated CD8a+ DCs using our in-house DC line. From a library of 763 hybridomas we have identified several interesting clones with a functional ability to modulate Τ cell proliferation and cytokine secretion as well as down-modulating co-stimulatory molecules on activated DC cells themselves.
Allergic reactions towards β-lactam antibiotics pose an important clinical problem. The ability of small molecules, such as a β-lactams, to bind covalently to proteins, in a process known as haptenation, is considered necessary for induction of a specific immunological response. Identification of the proteins modified by β-lactams and elucidation of the relevance of this process in allergic reactions requires sensitive tools. Here we describe the preparation and characterization of a biotinylated amoxicillin analog (AX-B) as a tool for the study of protein haptenation by amoxicillin (AX). AX-B, obtained by the inclusion of a biotin moiety at the lateral chain of AX, showed a chemical reactivity identical to AX. Covalent modification of proteins by AX-B was reduced by excess AX and vice versa, suggesting competition for binding to the same targets. From an immunological point of view, AX and AX-B behaved similarly in RAST inhibition studies with sera of patients with non-selective allergy towards β-lactams, whereas, as expected, competition by AX-B was poorer with sera of AX-selective patients, which recognize AX lateral chain. Use of AX-B followed by biotin detection allowed the observation of human serum albumin (HSA) modification by concentrations 100-fold lower that when using AX followed by immunological detection. Incubation of human serum with AX-B led to the haptenation of all of the previously identified major AX targets. In addition, some new targets could be detected. Interestingly, AX-B allowed the detection of intracellular protein adducts, which showed a cell type-specific pattern. This opens the possibility of following the formation and fate of AX-B adducts in cells. Thus, AX-B may constitute a valuable tool for the identification of AX targets with high sensitivity as well as for the elucidation of the mechanisms involved in allergy towards β-lactams.
Purpose: Although young males encounter sexually-related concerns, they are mostly absent from specialized services. Our objective is to assess whether the internet is used by boys to find answers to these types of problems and questions. Methods: In the context of a qualitative study assessing young males' barriers to access sexual and reproductive health facilities, we conducted two focus groups gathering 12 boys aged 17-20. Discussions were triggered through the presentation of four vignettes corresponding to questions posted by 17-20 year old boys and girls on an information website for adolescents (www.ciao.ch), concerning various sexual dysfunction situations. In order to avoid having to talk about their own experience, participants were asked what they would do in those cases. Results: In general, the internet was mentioned quite thoroughly as a means of searching for information through research engines and a place to address professionals for advice.Within the hierarchy of consultation possibilities, the internet was given the first place as a way to deal with these types of problems presenting many advantages: (1) the internet enables to maintain intimacy; (2) it is anonymous (use of a pseudo); (3) it avoids having to confront someone face-to-face with personal problems which can be embarrassing and challenging for one's pride; (4) it is free; and (5) it is accessible at all times. In other words, participants value the internet as a positive tool to avoid many barriers which prevent offline consultations to take place. Most participants consider the internet at least as a first step in trying to solve a problem; for instance, by better defining the seriousness of a problem and judging if it is worth consulting a doctor. However, despite the positive qualities of the internet, they do put forward the importance of having specialists answering questions, trustworthiness, and being followed-up by the same person. Participants suggested that a strategy to break down barriers for boys to consult in face-to-face settings is to have a consultation on the internet as a first step which could then guide the person to an in-person consultation if necessary. Conclusions: The internet as a means of obtaining information or consulting received high marks overall. Although the internet cannot replace an in-person consultation, the screen and the keyboard have the advantage of not involving a face-to-face encounter and raise the possibility of discussing sexual problems anonymously and in private. The internet tools together with other new technologies should continue to develop in a secure manner as a space providing prevention messages and to become an easy access door to sexual and reproductive health services for young men, which can then guide youths to appropriate resource persons. Sources of support: This study was supported by the Maurice Chalumeau Foundation, Switzerland.
BACKGROUND: Retinal dystrophies (RD) are a group of hereditary diseases that lead to debilitating visual impairment and are usually transmitted as a Mendelian trait. Pathogenic mutations can occur in any of the 100 or more disease genes identified so far, making molecular diagnosis a rather laborious process. In this work we explored the use of whole exome sequencing (WES) as a tool for identification of RD mutations, with the aim of assessing its applicability in a diagnostic context. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We ascertained 12 Spanish families with seemingly recessive RD. All of the index patients underwent mutational pre-screening by chip-based sequence hybridization and resulted to be negative for known RD mutations. With the exception of one pedigree, to simulate a standard diagnostic scenario we processed by WES only the DNA from the index patient of each family, followed by in silico data analysis. We successfully identified causative mutations in patients from 10 different families, which were later verified by Sanger sequencing and co-segregation analyses. Specifically, we detected pathogenic DNA variants (∼50% novel mutations) in the genes RP1, USH2A, CNGB3, NMNAT1, CHM, and ABCA4, responsible for retinitis pigmentosa, Usher syndrome, achromatopsia, Leber congenital amaurosis, choroideremia, or recessive Stargardt/cone-rod dystrophy cases. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Despite the absence of genetic information from other family members that could help excluding nonpathogenic DNA variants, we could detect causative mutations in a variety of genes known to represent a wide spectrum of clinical phenotypes in 83% of the patients analyzed. Considering the constant drop in costs for human exome sequencing and the relative simplicity of the analyses made, this technique could represent a valuable tool for molecular diagnostics or genetic research, even in cases for which no genotypes from family members are available.
OBJECTIVES: Recommendations for EEG monitoring in the ICU are lacking. The Neurointensive Care Section of the ESICM assembled a multidisciplinary group to establish consensus recommendations on the use of EEG in the ICU. METHODS: A systematic review was performed and 42 studies were included. Data were extracted using the PICO approach, including: (a) population, i.e. ICU patients with at least one of the following: traumatic brain injury, subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage, stroke, coma after cardiac arrest, septic and metabolic encephalopathy, encephalitis, and status epilepticus; (b) intervention, i.e. EEG monitoring of at least 30 min duration; (c) control, i.e. intermittent vs. continuous EEG, as no studies compared patients with a specific clinical condition, with and without EEG monitoring; (d) outcome endpoints, i.e. seizure detection, ischemia detection, and prognostication. After selection, evidence was classified and recommendations developed using the GRADE system. RECOMMENDATIONS: The panel recommends EEG in generalized convulsive status epilepticus and to rule out nonconvulsive seizures in brain-injured patients and in comatose ICU patients without primary brain injury who have unexplained and persistent altered consciousness. We suggest EEG to detect ischemia in comatose patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage and to improve prognostication of coma after cardiac arrest. We recommend continuous over intermittent EEG for refractory status epilepticus and suggest it for patients with status epilepticus and suspected ongoing seizures and for comatose patients with unexplained and persistent altered consciousness. CONCLUSIONS: EEG monitoring is an important diagnostic tool for specific indications. Further data are necessary to understand its potential for ischemia assessment and coma prognostication.
Devices for venous cannulation have seen significant progress over time: the original, rigid steel cannulas have evolved toward flexible plastic cannulas with wire support that prevents kinking, very thin walled wire wound cannulas allowing for percutaneous application, and all sorts of combinations. In contrast to all these rectilinear venous cannula designs, which present the same cross-sectional area over their entire intravascular path, the smartcanula concept of "collapsed insertion and expansion in situ" is the logical next step for venous access. Automatically adjusting cross-sectional area up to a pre-determined diameter or the vessel lumen provides optimal flow and ease of use for both, insertion and removal. Smartcanula performance was assessed in a small series of patients (76 +/- 17 kg) undergoing redo procedures. The calculated target pump flow (2.4 L/min/m2) was 4.42 +/- 61 L/ min. Mean pump flow achieved during cardiopulmonary bypass was 4.84 +/- 87 L/min or 110% of the target. Reduced atrial chatter, kink resistance in situ, and improved blood drainage despite smaller access orifice size, are the most striking advantages of this new device. The benefits of smart cannulation are obvious in remote cannulation for limited access cardiac surgery, but there are many other cannula applications where space is an issue, and that is where smart cannulation is most effective.
AIMS: To develop reporter constructs based on stable and unstable variants of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) for monitoring balanced production of antifungal compounds that are crucial for the capacity of the root-colonizing Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 to control plant diseases caused by soil-borne pathogenic fungi. METHODS AND RESULTS: Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 produces the three antifungal metabolites 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG), pyoluteorin (PLT) and pyrrolnitrin (PRN). The gfp[mut3] and gfp[AAV] reporter genes were fused to the promoter regions of the DAPG, PLT and PRN biosynthetic genes. The reporter fusions were then used to follow the kinetics of expression of the three antifungal metabolites in a microplate assay. DAPG and PLT were found to display an inverse relationship in which each metabolite activates its own biosynthesis while repressing the synthesis of the other metabolite. PRN appears not to be involved in this balance. However, the microbial and plant phenolic metabolite salicylate was found to interfere with the expression of both DAPG and PLT. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained provide evidence that P. fluorescens CHA0 may keep the antifungal compounds DAPG and PLT at a fine-tuned balance that can be affected by certain microbial and plant phenolics. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: To our knowledge, the present study is the first to use stable and unstable GFP variants to study antibiotic gene expression in a biocontrol pseudomonad. The developed reporter fusions will be a highly valuable tool to study in situ expression of this bacterial biocontrol trait on plant roots, i.e. at the site of pathogen suppression.
Flow cytometry (FCM) is emerging as an important tool in environmental microbiology. Although flow cytometry applications have to date largely been restricted to certain specialized fields of microbiology, such as the bacterial cell cycle and marine phytoplankton communities, technical advances in instrumentation and methodology are leading to its increased popularity and extending its range of applications. Here we will focus on a number of recent flow cytometry developments important for addressing questions in environmental microbiology. These include (i) the study of microbial physiology under environmentally relevant conditions, (ii) new methods to identify active microbial populations and to isolate previously uncultured microorganisms, and (iii) the development of high-throughput autofluorescence bioreporter assays
This study describes a task that combines random searching with goal directed navigation. The testing was conducted on a circular elevated open field (80 cm in diameter), with an unmarked target area (20 cm in diameter) in the center of 1 of the 4 quadrants. Whenever the rat entered the target area, the computerized tracking system released a pellet to a random point on the open field. Rats were able to learn the task under light and in total darkness, and on a stable or a rotating arena. Visual information was important in light, but idiothetic information became crucial in darkness. Learning of a new position was quicker under light than in total darkness on a rotating arena. The place preference task should make it possible to study place cells (PCs) when the rats use an allothetic (room frame) or idiothetic (arena frame) representation of space and to compare the behavioral response with the PCs' activity.
The drug discovery process has been deeply transformed recently by the use of computational ligand-based or structure-based methods, helping the lead compounds identification and optimization, and finally the delivery of new drug candidates more quickly and at lower cost. Structure-based computational methods for drug discovery mainly involve ligand-protein docking and rapid binding free energy estimation, both of which require force field parameterization for many drug candidates. Here, we present a fast force field generation tool, called SwissParam, able to generate, for arbitrary small organic molecule, topologies, and parameters based on the Merck molecular force field, but in a functional form that is compatible with the CHARMM force field. Output files can be used with CHARMM or GROMACS. The topologies and parameters generated by SwissParam are used by the docking software EADock2 and EADock DSS to describe the small molecules to be docked, whereas the protein is described by the CHARMM force field, and allow them to reach success rates ranging from 56 to 78%. We have also developed a rapid binding free energy estimation approach, using SwissParam for ligands and CHARMM22/27 for proteins, which requires only a short minimization to reproduce the experimental binding free energy of 214 ligand-protein complexes involving 62 different proteins, with a standard error of 2.0 kcal mol(-1), and a correlation coefficient of 0.74. Together, these results demonstrate the relevance of using SwissParam topologies and parameters to describe small organic molecules in computer-aided drug design applications, together with a CHARMM22/27 description of the target protein. SwissParam is available free of charge for academic users at www.swissparam.ch.
BACKGROUND: Despite major advances in care of premature infants, survivors exhibit mild cognitive deficits in around 40%. Beside severe intraventricular haemorrhages (IVH) and cystic periventricular leucomalacia (PVL), more subtle patterns such as grade I and II IVH, punctuate WM lesions and diffuse PVL might be linked to the cognitive deficits. Grey matter disease is also recognized to contribute to long-term cognitive impairment.¦OBJECTIVE: We intend to use novel MR techniques to study more precisely the different injury patterns. In particular MP2RAGE (magnetization prepared dual rapid echo gradient) produces high-resolution quantitative T1 relaxation maps. This contrast is known to reflect tissue anomalies such as white matter injury in general and dysmyelination in particular. We also used diffusion tensor imaging, a quantitative technique known to reflect white matter maturation and disease.¦DESIGN/METHODS: All preterm infants born under 30 weeks of GA were included. Serial 3T MR-imaging using a neonatal head-coil at DOL 3, 10 and at term equivalent age (TEA), using DTI and MP2RAGE sequences was performed. MP2RAGE generates a T1 map and allows calculating the relaxation time T1. Multiple measurements were performed for each exam in 12 defined white and grey matter ROIs.¦RESULTS: 16 patients were recruited: mean GA 27 2/7 w (191,2d SD±10,8), mean BW 999g (SD±265). 39 MRIs were realized (12 early: mean 4,83d±1,75, 13 late: mean 18,77d±8,05 and 14 at TEA: 88,91d±8,96). Measures of relaxation time T1 show a gradual and significant decrease over time (for ROI PLIC mean±SD in ms: 2100.53±102,75, 2116,5±41,55 and 1726,42±51,31 and for ROI central WM: 2302,25±79,02, 2315,02±115,02 and 1992,7±96,37 for early, late and TEA MR respectively). These trends are also observed in grey matter area, especially in thalamus. Measurements of ADC values show similar monotonous decrease over time.¦CONCLUSIONS: From these preliminary results, we conclude that quantitative MR imaging in very preterm infants is feasible. On the successive MP2RAGE and DTI sequences, we observe a gradual decrease over time in the described ROIs, representing the progressive maturation of the WM micro-structure and interestingly the same evolution is observed in the grey matter. We speculate that our study will provide normative values for T1map and ADC and might be a predictive factor for favourable or less favourable outcome.
The geochemical compositions of biogenic carbonates are increasingly used for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. The skeletal delta O-18 temperature relationship is dependent on water salinity, so many recent studies have focused on the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios because those ratios in water do not change significantly on short time scales. Thus, those elemental ratios are considered to be good palaeotemperature proxies in many biominerals, although their use remains ambiguous in bivalve shells. Here, we present the high-resolution Mg/Ca ratios of two modern species of juvenile and adult oyster shells, Crassostrea gigas and Ostrea edulis. These specimens were grown in controlled conditions for over one year in two different locations. In situ monthly Mn-marking of the shells has been used for day calibration. The daily Mg/Ca.ratios in the shell have been measured with an electron microprobe. The high frequency Mg/Ca variation of all specimens displays good synchronism with lunar cycles, suggesting that tides strongly influence the incorporation of Mg/Ca into the shells. Highly significant correlation coefficients (0.70<R<0.83, p<0.0001) between the Mg/Ca ratios and the seawater temperature are obtained only for juvenile C. gigas samples, while metabolic control of Mg/Ca incorporation and lower shell growth rates preclude the use of the Mg/Ca ratio in adult shells as a palaeothermometer. Data from three juvenile C. gigas shells from the two study sites are selected to establish a relationship: T = 3.77Mg/Ca + 1.88, where T is in degrees C and Mg/Ca in mmol/mol. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Jurassic volcanic formations interlayered with (ammonite-bearing) sediments are common in the Caucasus area; this situation is of interest for the numerical calibration of the poorly documented Jurassic portion of the time scale. However, following petrographic study on thin sections no whole-rocks can be considered reliable geochronometers due to subsequent alteration; from about 20 samples, two were selected for plagioclase dating; one (V134) is probably early Kimmeridgian in age; the other (V136) is probably located in the Lower Bathonian stage according to diagnostic ammonites. Cathodoluminescence (CTL) study has shown that sample V136 was similar to usual volcanic feldspars (blue to green colour); however, the lack of CTL of the V134 plagioclase is a character common to diagenetic feldspars; consequently, in spite of a good optical preservation, this geo-chronometer cannot give an age representative of the time of emplacement of the lava flow. We have combined CTL observation with microprobe analysis in order to document the poorly known CTL behaviour of volcanic feldspars; cations Ti4+ and Fe2+ play a major role in the CTL colour of plagioclases and are able to document the growing history of these feldspars ; phenocrysts are initially rich in Fe2+ (core of the crystals, green in colour), then richer in Ti toward the exterior; microcrysts are even richer in Ti (blue to bright blue). We have also observed that natural CTL colour was modified resulting from acid ``cleaning'' of the separated feldspars : the initial blue or green colour tends to change to yellow or violet, respectively, after acid treatment probably due to oxydation of Fe2+ toward Fe3+. X-ray and microprobe analyses both indicated that plagioclases from sample V134 was near the sodic end member (albite) suggesting a diagenetic origin in this andesitic basalt; In contrast, sample V136 contains a calcic plagioclase of common composition for a doleritic basalt. The K-Ar conventional technique was applied as a preliminary tool for radiometric analysis. The Kimmeridgian Na-plagioclase sample gave a ``rejuvenated'' (85 Ma) apparent age which confirms a late genesis for the separated plagioclase phase; this interpretation is based on CTL observation, X-ray analysis, and microprobe analysis ; these techniques are able to distinguish samples which have been submitted to diagenetic alteration from those which have not. An age consistent with the stratigraphic location has been obtained from sample V136. This age of 161 +/- 3 (2-sigma) Ma, is the first one available from a sample palaeontologically located with reasonable precision within the mid Jurassic time.
Protein-ligand docking has made important progress during the last decade and has become a powerful tool for drug development, opening the way to virtual high throughput screening and in silico structure-based ligand design. Despite the flattering picture that has been drawn, recent publications have shown that the docking problem is far from being solved, and that more developments are still needed to achieve high successful prediction rates and accuracy. Introducing an accurate description of the solvation effect upon binding is thought to be essential to achieve this goal. In particular, EADock uses the Generalized Born Molecular Volume 2 (GBMV2) solvent model, which has been shown to reproduce accurately the desolvation energies calculated by solving the Poisson equation. Here, the implementation of the Fast Analytical Continuum Treatment of Solvation (FACTS) as an implicit solvation model in small molecules docking calculations has been assessed using the EADock docking program. Our results strongly support the use of FACTS for docking. The success rates of EADock/FACTS and EADock/GBMV2 are similar, i.e. around 75% for local docking and 65% for blind docking. However, these results come at a much lower computational cost: FACTS is 10 times faster than GBMV2 in calculating the total electrostatic energy, and allows a speed up of EADock by a factor of 4. This study also supports the EADock development strategy relying on the CHARMM package for energy calculations, which enables straightforward implementation and testing of the latest developments in the field of Molecular Modeling.