970 resultados para Time equivalent approach


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At the time of restoration transmission line switching is one of the major causes, which creates transient overvoltages. Though detailed Electro Magnetic Transient studies are carried out extensively for the planning and design of transmission systems, such studies are not common in a day-today operation of power systems. However it is important for the operator to ensure during restoration of supply that peak overvoltages resulting from the switching operations are well within safe limits. This paper presents a support vector machine approach to classify the various cases of line energization in the category of safe or unsafe based upon the peak value of overvoltage at the receiving end of line. Operator can define the threshold value of voltage to assign the data pattern in either of the class. For illustration of proposed approach the power system used for switching transient peak overvoltages tests is a 400 kV equivalent system of an Indian southern gri


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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common multifactorial functional intestinal disorder, the pathogenesis of which is not completely understood. Increasing scientific evidence suggests that microbes are involved in the onset and maintenance of IBS symptoms. The microbiota of the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract constitutes a massive and complex ecosystem consisting mainly of obligate anaerobic microorganisms making the use of culture-based methods demanding and prone to misinterpretation. To overcome these drawbacks, an extensive panel of species- and group-specific assays for an accurate quantification of bacteria from fecal samples with real-time PCR was developed, optimized, and validated. As a result, the target bacteria were detectable at a minimum concentration range of approximately 10 000 bacterial genomes per gram of fecal sample, which corresponds to the sensitivity to detect 0.000001% subpopulations of the total fecal microbiota. The real-time PCR panel covering both commensal and pathogenic microorganisms was assessed to compare the intestinal microbiota of patients suffering from IBS with a healthy control group devoid of GI symptoms. Both the IBS and control groups showed considerable individual variation in gut microbiota composition. Sorting of the IBS patients according to the symptom subtypes (diarrhea, constipation, and alternating predominant type) revealed that lower amounts of Lactobacillus spp. were present in the samples of diarrhea predominant IBS patients, whereas constipation predominant IBS patients carried increased amounts of Veillonella spp. In the screening of intestinal pathogens, 17% of IBS samples tested positive for Staphylococcus aureus, whereas no positive cases were discovered among healthy controls. Furthermore, the methodology was applied to monitor the effects of a multispecies probiotic supplementation on GI microbiota of IBS sufferers. In the placebo-controlled double-blind probiotic intervention trial of IBS patients, each supplemented probiotic strain was detected in fecal samples. Intestinal microbiota remained stable during the trial, except for Bifidobacterium spp., which increased in the placebo group and decreased in the probiotic group. The combination of assays developed and applied in this thesis has an overall coverage of 300-400 known bacterial species, along with the number of yet unknown phylotypes. Hence, it provides good means for studying the intestinal microbiota, irrespective of the intestinal condition and health status. In particular, it allows screening and identification of microbes putatively associated with IBS. The alterations in the gut microbiota discovered here support the hypothesis that microbes are likely to contribute to the pathophysiology of IBS. The central question is whether the microbiota changes described represent the cause for, rather than the effect of, disturbed gut physiology. Therefore, more studies are needed to determine the role and importance of individual microbial species or groups in IBS. In addition, it is essential that the microbial alterations observed in this study will be confirmed using a larger set of IBS samples of different subtypes, preferably from various geographical locations.


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Estimation of creep and shrinkage are critical in order to compute loss of prestress with time in order to compute leak tightness and assess safety margins available in containment structures of nuclear power plants. Short-term creep and shrinkage experiments have been conducted using in-house test facilities developed specifically for the present research program on 35 and 45 MPa normal concrete and 25 MPa heavy density concrete. The extensive experimental program for creep, has cylinders subject to sustained levels of load typically for several days duration (till negligible strain increase with time is observed in the creep specimen), to provide the total creep strain versus time curves for the two normal density concrete grades and one heavy density concrete grade at different load levels, different ages at loading, and at different relative humidity’s. Shrinkage studies on prism specimen for concrete of the same mix grades are also being studied. In the first instance, creep and shrinkage prediction models reported in the literature has been used to predict the creep and shrinkage levels in subsequent experimental data with acceptable accuracy. While macro-scale short experiments and analytical model development to estimate time dependent deformation under sustained loads over long term, accounting for the composite rheology through the influence of parameters such as the characteristic strength, age of concrete at loading, relative humidity, temperature, mix proportion (cement: fine aggregate: coarse aggregate: water) and volume to surface ratio and the associated uncertainties in these variables form one part of the study, it is widely believed that strength, early age rheology, creep and shrinkage are affected by the material properties at the nano-scale that are not well established. In order to understand and improve cement and concrete properties, investigation of the nanostructure of the composite and how it relates to the local mechanical properties is being undertaken. While results of creep and shrinkage obtained at macro-scale and their predictions through rheological modeling are satisfactory, the nano and micro indenting experimental and analytical studies are presently underway. Computational mechanics based models for creep and shrinkage in concrete must necessarily account for numerous parameters that impact their short and long term response. A Kelvin type model with several elements representing the influence of various factors that impact the behaviour is under development. The immediate short term deformation (elastic response), effects of relative humidity and temperature, volume to surface ratio, water cement ratio and aggregate cement ratio, load levels and age of concrete at loading are parameters accounted for in this model. Inputs to this model, such as the pore structure and mechanical properties at micro/nano scale have been taken from scanning electron microscopy and micro/nano-indenting of the sample specimen.


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The problem of developing L2-stability criteria for feedback systems with a single time-varying gain, which impose average variation constraints on the gain is treated. A unified approach is presented which facilitates the development of such average variation criteria for both linear and nonlinear systems. The stability criteria derived here are shown to be more general than the existing results.


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In this paper, we consider the problem of time series classification. Using piecewise linear interpolation various novel kernels are obtained which can be used with Support vector machines for designing classifiers capable of deciding the class of a given time series. The approach is general and is applicable in many scenarios. We apply the method to the task of Online Tamil handwritten character recognition with promising results.


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Analytical solution is presented to convert a given driving-point impedance function (in s-domain) into a physically realisable ladder network with inductive coupling between any two sections and losses considered. The number of sections in the ladder network can vary, but its topology is assumed fixed. A study of the coefficients of the numerator and denominator polynomials of the driving-point impedance function of the ladder network, for increasing number of sections, led to the identification of certain coefficients, which exhibit very special properties. Generalised expressions for these specific coefficients have also been derived. Exploiting their properties, it is demonstrated that the synthesis method essentially turns out to be an exercise of solving a set of linear, simultaneous, algebraic equations, whose solution directly yields the ladder network elements. The proposed solution is novel, simple and guarantees a unique network. Presently, the formulation can synthesise a unique ladder network up to six sections.


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The primary objective of the present study is to show that for the most common configuration of an impactor system, the accelerometer cannot exactly reproduce the dynamic response of a specimen subjected to impact loading. An equivalent Lumped Parameter Model (LPM) of the given impactor set-up has been formulated for assessing the accuracy of an accelerometer mounted in a drop-weight impactor set-up for an axially loaded specimen. A specimen under the impact loading is represented by a non-linear spring of varying stiffness, while the accelerometer is assumed to behave in a linear manner due to its high stiffness. Specimens made of steel, aluminium and fibre-reinforced composite (FRC) are used in the present study. Assuming the force-displacement response obtained in an actual impact test to be the true behaviour of the test specimen, a suitable numerical approach has been used to solve the governing non-linear differential equations of a three degrees-of-freedom (DOF) system in a piece-wise linear manner. The numerical solution of the governing differential equations following an explicit time integration scheme yields an excellent reproduction of the mechanical behaviour of the specimen, consequently confirming the accuracy of the numerical approach. However, the spring representing the accelerometer predicts a response that qualitatively matches the assumed force-displacement response of the test specimen with a perceptibly lower magnitude of load.


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Real-time object tracking is a critical task in many computer vision applications. Achieving rapid and robust tracking while handling changes in object pose and size, varying illumination and partial occlusion, is a challenging task given the limited amount of computational resources. In this paper we propose a real-time object tracker in l(1) framework addressing these issues. In the proposed approach, dictionaries containing templates of overlapping object fragments are created. The candidate fragments are sparsely represented in the dictionary fragment space by solving the l(1) regularized least squares problem. The non zero coefficients indicate the relative motion between the target and candidate fragments along with a fidelity measure. The final object motion is obtained by fusing the reliable motion information. The dictionary is updated based on the object likelihood map. The proposed tracking algorithm is tested on various challenging videos and found to outperform earlier approach.


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The quantum statistical mechanical propagator for a harmonic oscillator with a time-dependent force constant, m omega(2)(t), has been investigated in the past and was found to have only a formal solution in terms of the solutions of certain ordinary differential equations. Such path integrals are frequently encountered in semiclassical path integral evaluations and having exact analytical expressions for such path integrals is of great interest. In a previous work, we had obtained the exact propagator for motion in an arbitrary time-dependent harmonic potential in the overdamped limit of friction using phase space path integrals in the context of Levy flights - a result that can be easily extended to Brownian motion. In this paper, we make a connection between the overdamped Brownian motion and the imaginary time propagator of quantum mechanics and thereby get yet another way to evaluate the latter exactly. We find that explicit analytic solution for the quantum statistical mechanical propagator can be written when the time-dependent force constant has the form omega(2)(t) = lambda(2)(t) - d lambda(t)/dt where lambda(t) is any arbitrary function of t and use it to evaluate path integrals which have not been evaluated previously. We also employ this method to arrive at a formal solution of the propagator for both Levy flights and Brownian subjected to a time-dependent harmonic potential in the underdamped limit of friction. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.