862 resultados para Time course hypothesis


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Com o aumento do rigor para descarte de efluentes contaminado com metais pesados, as pesquisas têm se intensificado na busca de métodos de remoção, que tragam bons resultados de captação dos metais, aliado a um baixo custo. O uso de biomassas como bactérias, fungos e algas marinhas como material adsorvente, tem se apresentado como uma alternativa, principalmente para soluções com baixo teor de metais. Neste trabalho, a alga marinha Sargassum filipendula foi avaliada na sua capacidade de remoção do metal tório de uma solução sintética e do efluente dos laboratórios de análises ambientais do IRD. A cinética desta biossorção foi estudada em regime de batelada e o equilíbrio foi alcançado com 180 min de reação. Dois modelos cinéticos foram utilizados nesta avaliação, um de primeira ordem e um modelo de pseudo segunda ordem, tendo o modelo de segunda ordem apresentado um melhor ajuste dos dados. Na avaliação da capacidade máxima de captação do tório pela biomassa marinha em regime de batelada, foi construída a isoterma que apresentou um perfil crescente na captação alcançando um máximo de 2,59 mol/g. Os modelos de Langmuir e Freundlich foram utilizados para ajustar os dados da isoterma, tendo apresentado maior correlação com os dados o modelo de Langmuir, resultando num valor de captação máxima calculado pelo modelo de 2,92 mol/g. A capacidade de remoção do metal tório da alga Sargassum filipendula também foi avaliada em regime contínuo. Um estudo de altura crítica de leito foi realizado preenchendo-se uma coluna com diferentes massas de alga correspondendo a diferentes alturas de leito. A concentração de tório residual foi quantificada na solução de saída e a menor concentração na saída foi alcançada com 40 cm de leito ou 96 g de biomassa. Após este estudo um sistema contínuo com duas colunas, com 96 g de biomassa cada, e uma bomba peristáltica foi utilizado para o tratamento do efluente real do IRD, contendo não apenas o metal tório, mas outros metais como urânio, cálcio, cromo, ferro, chumbo, etc. Cento e cinco litros de efluente foram tratados numa concentração de 6 mg/L, a concentração do efluente de saída foi de 3,75 mg/L. A caracterização do efluente quanto aos metais presentes foi realizada em ICP-MS, os resultados demonstraram que não houve competição pelos sítios ligantes da biomassa entre o tório e os demais metais. Além disso, alguns metais como cálcio, ferro e magnésio, tiveram um aumento na concentração de saída indicando a presença do mecanismo de troca iônica na biossorção do tório por Sargassum filipendula


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Quando as wetlands alcançam a máxima capacidade de tratamento para remover metais pesados, a remoção ainda pode ocorrer por precipitação na forma de sulfetos devido a redução biológica de sulfato. Para alcançar este objetivo, devem ser promovidas condições anaeróbias, uma fonte de sulfato deve existir e uma fonte adequada de carbono/energia deve estar presente. No presente trabalho, a macroalga Sargassum filipendula e bagaço de cana-de-açúcar (materiais lígneo-celulósicos) foram selecionados como fontes de carbono, devido ao seu acentuado conteúdo de compostos orgânicos de degradação lenta e serem resíduos de alta disponibilidade. Experimentos foram simultaneamente conduzidos em operação contínua em duas colunas (0,5 L cada), uma contendo a macroalga e/ou bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e a outra contendo os materiais inoculados com um lodo anaeróbio. Neste trabalho, foi estudada a remoção de cádmio e zinco, devido à presença deles em efluentes de operações de mineração/metalurgia. Os ensaios foram realizados sob três diferentes condições experimentais no que se refere à quantidade de lodo anaeróbio inoculado no reator e o material empregado como fonte de carbono/energia. Os resultados indicaram que o reator inoculado foi capaz de tratar o efluente mais eficientemente que o reator não inoculado, considerando o período dos testes


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A Organização Mundial da Saúde estima que existam aproximadamente 250 milhões de mulheres tabagistas no mundo. Em países em desenvolvimento, a prevalência do tabagismo pode variar de 11 a 35% em mulheres grávidas, constituindo um problema de saúde pública. Nicotina, um agonista colinérgico considerado o mais importante componente ativo da fumaça do cigarro, é capaz de causar déficits em um cérebro em desenvolvimento, no entanto, muitos estudos investigam estes efeitos durante a gestação de roedores, que corresponde aos dois primeiros trimestres de gestação em humanos. O presente estudo, foi focado nos efeitos da nicotina sobre o sistema colinérgico cerebral durante o equivalente ao terceiro trimestre de gestação em humanos. Ratas lactantes foram expostas a nicotina (NIC, 6 mg/Kg/dia) ou a salina (SAL) via mini-bombas osmóticas (s.c.) a partir do 2 dia ate o 16 dia pós-natal (PN). Filhotes NIC e SAL foram sacrificados durante a exposição, em PN15, e após a retirada em três momentos diferentes, PN21, PN30 e em PN90. Quatro biomarcadores foram considerados. Para avaliação dos efeitos sobre os receptores nicotínicos de acetilcolina (nAChRs), nós utilizamos [3H]citisina, que é um ligante seletivo para α4β2. Nos também medimos o marcador [3H]hemicholinium-3 (CH-3) de alta afinidade para o transportador pré-sináptico de colina, e a atividade das enzimas colina acetiltransferase (ChAT) e acetilcolinesterase (AChE) no córtex cerebral (CX), mesencéfalo (MB) e hipocampo (HP) na prole. O grupo NIC apresentou supra-regulação de nAChRs em todas as regiões durante a exposição, este efeito foi revertido pouco tempo após a retirada. Interessantemente, uma significante infra-regulação de nAChRs foi observada após um longo tempo da retirada somente em CX. A exposição à nicotina reduziu a marcação para HC-3 durante a exposição em todas as regiões e foi revertida em PN21. Já em PN30, o grupo NIC apresentou uma diminuição do HC-3. Em contraste, em PN90, foi observado um aumento de HC-3. Não foram observados efeitos para atividade da ChAT e da AChE em CX. No que diz respeito ao MB, o grupo NIC apresentou um aumento de atividade para ambas as enzimas, ChAT e AChE, em PN30. Para a mesma idade, nos observamos um decréscimo desta atividade somente em HP. E, após um longo tempo de retirada, somente HP apresentou um aumento na atividade da ChAT. Estes dados sugerem que a exposição à nicotina em ratos durante o equivalente ao terceiro trimestre de gestação em humanos promove alterações no sistema colinérgico dos filhotes. Somado a isto, nossos resultados indicam que os efeitos prejudiciais são observáveis mesmo muito tempo após a exposição ter sido interrompida.


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O uso combinado de etanol e bebidas energéticas tem aumentado entre adolescentes. Além disso, estudos epidemiológicos indicam que o co-uso aumenta a probabilidade de consumo abusivo e dependência de etanol. Apesar disso, pouco se sabe sobre as consequências neurocomportamentais da co-exposição no cérebro adolescente. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o curso temporal dos efeitos agudos da exposição à bebida energética e/ou etanol na atividade motora e ansiedade no teste de campo aberto, como também, os efeitos agudos ou prolongados sobre aprendizagem/memória e coordenação motora em camundongos adolescentes. Camundongos Suíços foram divididos em 4 grupos: bebidas energéticas e etanol, bebida energética, etanol e água. Três estudos separados foram conduzidos para avaliar cada um dos objetivos específicos deste trabalho. No primeiro estudo, realizado em PN40, os animais receberam a administração de bebida energética (8 ml/kg) e/ou etanol (4 g/kg) por gavagem e após 55 minutos foram submetidos ao teste do campo aberto (sessão 1). Outras duas sessões foram realizadas em sequência usando a metade da dose inicial (sessão 2 e 3). Nos estudos 2 e 3, estudamos os efeitos agudos (PN40) e crônicos (exposição de PN30-40) sobre o teste de esquiva passiva (0,3 mA, 3 s) e sobre o desempenho no teste do cilíndro giratório (sessão de treinamento e após 1 e 3 horas da gavagem das drogas). Em ambos os casos, a dose de bebida energética (8 ml/kg) e/ou etanol (4 g/kg) foi administrada. No teste da esquiva passiva, as sessões de treino e retenção foram realizadas 1 e 24 horas após a administração da droga, respectivamente. No teste do Rotarod, cada sessão foi constituída por 5 tentativas em modelo de aceleramento contínuo (4 a 40 rpm/min em uma tentativa de 2 min). Os nossos dados indicam que a exposição concomitante a bebida energética potencializa o efeito de hiperatividade induzido pelo etanol, como também, gera uma resposta ansiogênica no teste do campo aberto. A exposição aguda ao etanol induz déficit de memória/aprendizagem que não é revertida pela BE. A co-exposição aguda a bebida energética e etanol prolongou incoordenação motora induzida pelo etanol. No entanto, a bebda energética reverteu o comprometimento da coordenação motora gerada pela exposição crônica de etanol em camundongos fêmeas. O presente estudo fornece evidência experimental de que bebida energética e etanol interagem durante a adolescência, resultando em padrões de comportamento que poderiam aumentar o risco de desenvolvimento de abuso ou dependência de etanol. Além disso, os dados indicaram que a exposição aguda à bebida energética não atenuou as consequências negativas geradas pela etanol no desempenho do motor e cognitivo.


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There is ample evidence that humans are able to control the endpoint impedance of their arms in response to active destabilizing force fields. However, such fields are uncommon in daily life. Here, we examine whether the CNS selectively controls the endpoint impedance of the arm in the absence of active force fields but in the presence of instability arising from task geometry and signal-dependent noise (SDN) in the neuromuscular system. Subjects were required to generate forces, in two orthogonal directions, onto four differently curved rigid objects simulated by a robotic manipulandum. The endpoint stiffness of the limb was estimated for each object curvature. With increasing curvature, the endpoint stiffness increased mainly parallel to the object surface and to a lesser extent in the orthogonal direction. Therefore, the orientation of the stiffness ellipses did not orient to the direction of instability. Simulations showed that the observed stiffness geometries and their pattern of change with instability are the result of a tradeoff between maximizing the mechanical stability and minimizing the destabilizing effects of SDN. Therefore, it would have been suboptimal to align the stiffness ellipse in the direction of instability. The time course of the changes in stiffness geometry suggests that modulation takes place both within and across trials. Our results show that an increase in stiffness relative to the increase in noise can be sufficient to reduce kinematic variability, thereby allowing stiffness control to improve stability in natural tasks.


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Motor learning has been extensively studied using dynamic (force-field) perturbations. These induce movement errors that result in adaptive changes to the motor commands. Several state-space models have been developed to explain how trial-by-trial errors drive the progressive adaptation observed in such studies. These models have been applied to adaptation involving novel dynamics, which typically occurs over tens to hundreds of trials, and which appears to be mediated by a dual-rate adaptation process. In contrast, when manipulating objects with familiar dynamics, subjects adapt rapidly within a few trials. Here, we apply state-space models to familiar dynamics, asking whether adaptation is mediated by a single-rate or dual-rate process. Previously, we reported a task in which subjects rotate an object with known dynamics. By presenting the object at different visual orientations, adaptation was shown to be context-specific, with limited generalization to novel orientations. Here we show that a multiple-context state-space model, with a generalization function tuned to visual object orientation, can reproduce the time-course of adaptation and de-adaptation as well as the observed context-dependent behavior. In contrast to the dual-rate process associated with novel dynamics, we show that a single-rate process mediates adaptation to familiar object dynamics. The model predicts that during exposure to the object across multiple orientations, there will be a degree of independence for adaptation and de-adaptation within each context, and that the states associated with all contexts will slowly de-adapt during exposure in one particular context. We confirm these predictions in two new experiments. Results of the current study thus highlight similarities and differences in the processes engaged during exposure to novel versus familiar dynamics. In both cases, adaptation is mediated by multiple context-specific representations. In the case of familiar object dynamics, however, the representations can be engaged based on visual context, and are updated by a single-rate process.


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This study compared adaptation in novel force fields where trajectories were initially either stable or unstable to elucidate the processes of learning novel skills and adapting to new environments. Subjects learned to move in a null force field (NF), which was unexpectedly changed either to a velocity-dependent force field (VF), which resulted in perturbed but stable hand trajectories, or a position-dependent divergent force field (DF), which resulted in unstable trajectories. With practice, subjects learned to compensate for the perturbations produced by both force fields. Adaptation was characterized by an initial increase in the activation of all muscles followed by a gradual reduction. The time course of the increase in activation was correlated with a reduction in hand-path error for the DF but not for the VF. Adaptation to the VF could have been achieved solely by formation of an inverse dynamics model and adaptation to the DF solely by impedance control. However, indices of learning, such as hand-path error, joint torque, and electromyographic activation and deactivation suggest that the CNS combined these processes during adaptation to both force fields. Our results suggest that during the early phase of learning there is an increase in endpoint stiffness that serves to reduce hand-path error and provides additional stability, regardless of whether the dynamics are stable or unstable. We suggest that the motor control system utilizes an inverse dynamics model to learn the mean dynamics and an impedance controller to assist in the formation of the inverse dynamics model and to generate needed stability.


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Action Potential (APs) patterns of sensory cortex neurons encode a variety of stimulus features, but how can a neuron change the feature to which it responds? Here, we show that in vivo a spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) protocol-consisting of pairing a postsynaptic AP with visually driven presynaptic inputs-modifies a neurons' AP-response in a bidirectional way that depends on the relative AP-timing during pairing. Whereas postsynaptic APs repeatedly following presynaptic activation can convert subthreshold into suprathreshold responses, APs repeatedly preceding presynaptic activation reduce AP responses to visual stimulation. These changes were paralleled by restructuring of the neurons response to surround stimulus locations and membrane-potential time-course. Computational simulations could reproduce the observed subthreshold voltage changes only when presynaptic temporal jitter was included. Together this shows that STDP rules can modify output patterns of sensory neurons and the timing of single-APs plays a crucial role in sensory coding and plasticity.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.00012.001.


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Recent theoretical frameworks such as optimal feedback control suggest that feedback gains should modulate throughout a movement and be tuned to task demands. Here we measured the visuomotor feedback gain throughout the course of movements made to "near" or "far" targets in human subjects. The visuomotor gain showed a systematic modulation over the time course of the reach, with the gain peaking at the middle of the movement and dropping rapidly as the target is approached. This modulation depends primarily on the proportion of the movement remaining, rather than hand position, suggesting that the modulation is sensitive to task demands. Model-predictive control suggests that the gains should be continuously recomputed throughout a movement. To test this, we investigated whether feedback gains update when the task goal is altered during a movement, that is when the target of the reach jumped. We measured the visuomotor gain either simultaneously with the jump or 100 ms after the jump. The visuomotor gain nonspecifically reduced for all target jumps when measured synchronously with the jump. However, the visuomotor gain 100 ms later showed an appropriate modulation for the revised task goal by increasing for jumps that increased the distance to the target and reducing for jumps that decreased the distance. We conclude that visuomotor feedback gain shows a temporal evolution related to task demands and that this evolution can be flexibly recomputed within 100 ms to accommodate online modifications to task goals.


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Vasa is essential for germline development. However, the precise processes in which vasa involves vary considerably in diverse animal phyla. Here we show that vasa is required for primordial germ cell (PGC) migration in the medakafish. vasa knockdown by two morpholinos led to the PGC migration defect that was rescued by coinjection of Vasa RNA. Interestingly, Vasa knockdown did not alter the PGC number, identity, proliferation and motility even at ectopic locations. We established a cell culture system for tracing PGCs at the single cell level in vitro. In this culture system, control and morpholino-injected gastrulae produced the same PGC number and the same time course of PGC survival. importantly, vasa-depleted PGCs in culture had similar motility and locomotion to normal PGCs. Expression patterns of wt1a, sdf1b and cxcT4b in migratory tissues remained unchanged by Vasa knockdown. By chimera formation we show that PGCs from vasa-depleted blastulae failed to migrate properly in the normal environment, whereas control PGCs migrated normally in vasa-disrupted embryos. Furthermore, ectopic PGCs in vasa-depleted embryos also retained all the PGC properties examined. Taken together, medaka vasa is cell-autonomously required for PGC migration, but dispensable to PGC proliferation, motility, identity and survival. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Perfluorochemicals (PFCs) are emerging persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and are widely present in the environment, wildlife and humans. Recently, reports have suggested that PFCs may have endocrine-disrupting activities. In the present study, we have developed a non-competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method to investigate estrogenic activities of selected PFCs using vitellogenin (VTG) induction in primary cultured hepatocytes of freshwater male tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Cultured hepatocytes were exposed to various concentrations of perfluorooctanyl sulfonate (PFOS), pentadecafluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-nonafluoro-1-hexanol (4:2 FTOH), 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorooctanol (6:2 FTOH) and 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluoro-1-decanol (8:2 FTOH) for 48h, while 17 beta-estradiol (E2) and 4-nonylphenol (4-NP) were used as positive controls. A dose-dependent induction of VTG was observed in E2-, 4-NP-, PFOS-, PFOA- and 6:2 FrOH-treated cells, whereas VTG levels remained unchanged in the 4:2 FTOH and 8:2 FTOH exposure groups at the concentrations tested. The estimated 48-h EC50 values for E2,4-NP, PFOS, PFOA and 6:2 FTOH were 4.7 x 10(-7), 7.1 x 10(-6), 1.5 x 10(-5), 2.9 x 10(-5) and 2.8 x 10(-5) M, respectively. In the time-course study, significant VTG induction took place at 24 h (E2), 6 It (4-NP), 48 It (PFOS), 48 It (PFOA), 72 It (4:2 FTOH), 12 h (6:2 FTOH), 72 h (8:2 FTOH), and increased further after 96 It of exposure. Co-exposure to binary mixtures of individual PFCs and E2 for 48 It significantly inhibited E2-induced hepatocellular VTG production in a dose-dependent manner except for 4:2 FTOH. The estimated 48-h IC50 (concentration of a compound that elicits 50% inhibition of maximally E2-induced VTG) values for PFOS, PFOA, 6:2 FTOH and 8:2 FTOH were 3.1 x 10(-7), 5.1 X 10(-7), 1.1 X 10(-6) and 7.5 x 10(-7) M, respectively. In order to further investigate the estrogenic mechanism of PFCs, the hepatocytes were co-exposed to binary mixtures of individual chemicals (E2,4-NP, PFOS, PFOA and 6:2 FTOH) and the known estrogen receptor inhibitor tamoxifen for 48 h; tamoxifen significantly inhibited the ability of these chemicals to stimulate vitellogenesis. The overall results demonstrated that PFOS, PFOA and FTOHs have estrogenic activities and that exposure to a combination of E2 and PFCs produced anti-estrogenic effects. The results of the estrogen receptor inhibition assay further suggested that the estrogenic effect of PFCs may be mediated by the estrogen receptor pathway in primary cultured tilapia hepatocytes. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Length measurements of preserved fishes are necessary in many types of fish surveys because logistics often do not allow for fish measurement immediately after catch. If the fixative causes significant shrinkage, then the preserved lengths cannot be directly used to indicate accurate live lengths. The objective of this study was to determine how preservation in formalin affects standard length of Gobiocypris rarus larvae (24-day-old and newly hatched), larval Procypris rabaudi (4-day-old), and larval Sinilabeo rendahli (12-day-old). Fishes were measured (to nearest 0.01 mm) and individually fixed in the appropriate formalin solution (2.5% or 5.0% formalin), then re-measured at 0.5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 30, 45 and 75 days after preservation to follow the time course of shrinkage. Most of the shrinkage occurred within the first half day after preservation. The 5.0% formalin caused a higher relative shrinkage rate than did the 2.5% solution; however, the difference was not statistically significant. In G. rarus, initial shrinkage of newly hatched larvae was higher than that of 24-day-old larvae.


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In an effort to develop cultured cell models for toxicity screening and environmental biomonitoring, we compared primary cultured gill epithelia and hepatocytes from freshwater tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) to assess their sensitivity to AhR agonist toxicants. Epithelia were cultured on permeable supports (terephthalate membranes, "filters") and bathed on the apical with waterborne toxicants (pseudo in vivo asymmetrical culture conditions). Hepatocytes were cultured in multi-well plates and exposed to toxicants in culture medium. Cytochrome P4501A (measured as 7-Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase, EROD) was selected as a biomarker. For cultured gill epithelia, the integrity of the epithelia remained unchanged on exposure to model toxicants, such as 1,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), benzo(a)pyrene B[a]P, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) mixture (Aroclor 1254), and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) mixture (DE71). A good concentration-dependent response of EROD activity was clearly observed in both cultured gill epithelia and hepatocytes. The time-course response of EROD was measured as early as 3 h, and was maximal after 6 h of exposure to TCDD, B [alp and Aroclor 1254. The estimated 6 h EC50 for TCDD, B [a]P, and Aroclor 1254 was 1.2x10(-9), 5.7x10(-8) and 6.6x10(-6) M. For the cultured hepatocytes, time-course study showed that a significant induction of EROD took place at 18 h, and the maximal induction of EROD was observed at 24 h after exposure. The estimated 24 It EC50 for TCDD, B[a]P, and Aroclor 1254 was 1.4x10(-9), 8.1x10(-8) and 7.3x10(-6) M. There was no induction or inhibition of EROD in DE71 exposure to both gill epithelia and hepatocytes. The results show that cultured gill epithelia more rapidly induce EROD and are slightly more sensitive than cultured hepatocytes, and could be used as a rapid and sensitive tool for screening chemicals and monitoring environmental AhR agonist toxicants. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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树突状细胞(dendritic cells, DC)作为机体天然免疫和获得性免疫反应的桥梁和枢纽,发挥着重要的启动和调控作用。随着体外诱导方法的建立和生物学技术的进步,有关DC 的基础生物学研究得到了快速的发展,在诱导方法、个体发生及基因表达和调控等方面,涌现出很多新的、未解的关键问题。同时,随着对粘膜免疫机理研究的深入,DC 在粘膜生态环境中的功能和影响,渐已成为免疫学研究前沿领域中的热点和要点。在本研究中,为了确定DC 体外分化成熟的最短时程,同时为了研究DC 分化成熟相关的基因表达调控,我们建立了快速的DC 体外诱导方法,分析了体外快速诱导 DC 的mi/mRNA 表达谱。此外,在原始分离的女性生殖道共生乳酸杆菌的基础上,以THP-1作为DC 前体细胞的细胞系模型,开展了女性生殖道共生乳酸杆菌刺激活化 THP-1 的研究,希望能够为乳酸杆菌作为生殖道粘膜免疫疫苗的应用提供理论基础。首先,采用外周血单个核细胞(peripheral blood mononuclear cells, PBMC)来源的CD14+细胞为DC 前体,经过GM-CSF 和IL-4 的刺激,1-6 天后得到未成熟DC (immature dendritic cells, iDC),并经成熟因子(TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 与PGE2)诱导 1-2 天后,获得成熟DC(mature dendritic cells, mDC)。经过比较和分析,明确了完全分化和成熟各2 天,即“2+2”,为DC 诱导分化的最佳和最短时程,从而证实和建立了DC 体外快速诱导的体系和方法。该方法获得的iDC 与mDC,具有与传统的“6+2” 方法获得的DC 相同的形态与表型,而且,利用该方法获得的DC 总数高于“1+1”, “1+2”与“6+2”的方法,为DC 的生物学研究提供了基础数据。我们进而采用芯片技术,对体外快速分化成熟的DC 进行了mi/mRNA 表达谱分析,确定了DC 不同分化发育阶段特征性的mi/mRNA 表达差异。结果发现,与CD14+ 单核细胞即DC 前体相比,iDC 与mDC 之间具有更加相近的mi/mRNA 表达方式。 miRNA 表达谱分析则表明,不同的miRNA 表达与DC 的不同分化和发育阶段相关。而且,位于同一基因簇内的miRNA,呈现协同表达的情况。特别值得注意的是,本研究发现了在DC 的某些发育阶段特异表达的miRNA,它们在DC 发育过程中的功能,还未得到诠释,它们在DC 某些分化阶段的特异表达,提示了DC 各分化阶段的相关性与特异性。结合mRNA 表达谱分析,我们发现miRNA 的表达与其目的基因的表达在mRNA 水平呈现负相关的特性。同时,免疫相关mRNA 与miRNA 在DC 体外不同发育阶段的表达亦呈现差异,其中,miRNA(如hsa-miR-181a, hsa-miR-223, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-146, hsa-miR-106a 与hsa-miR-20a 等)与mRNA(如ALM1 等)参与了特定的与免疫相关的GO(Gene Ontology)与通路(Pathway),提示这些miRNA 与mRNA 可能通过不同的方式调节控制着DC 的体外诱导过程。在有关粘膜生态环境中DC 的分化、成熟及其功能影响的研究中,我们首先通过各种乳酸杆菌鉴定方法的综合应用,确定了6 种原始分离的女性生殖道主要共生乳酸杆菌:发酵乳酸杆菌(L.Fermentum)、约氏乳酸杆菌(L.Johnsonni)、卷曲乳酸杆菌(L.Crispatus)、革氏乳酸杆菌(L.Gasseri)、詹氏乳酸杆菌(L.Jensenii)与德氏乳酸杆菌(L.Delbrueckii )。其中,德氏乳酸杆菌(L.Delbrueckii)和发酵乳酸杆菌(L.Fermentum)具有较高的产H2O2 的能力。在此基础上,我们在与THP-1 的共同培养体系中,将乳酸杆菌对DC 前体的作用和影响进行了比较和研究。结果发现,L.Crispatus 在分离的各原始菌株中,具有最强的刺激THP-1 活化的能力,而且,在相同刺激比例下,L.Crispatus 活菌具有比死菌更强的免疫刺激能力,表现为明显上调THP-1 细胞表面标志CD40、CD80、CD86、 CD1a、CCR6 与CD324 的表达水平,同时可诱导活化THP-1 上调表达Th1 型细胞因子。通过FITC-Dextran 吞噬实验,我们发现,经过L.Crispatus 刺激的THP-1 细胞,其吞噬外来抗原的能力明显下降,但尚未检测到经过活化的THP-1 细胞刺激T 细胞增殖的能力。通过流式细胞术分析的方法,我们检测了TLR1、TLR2、TLR4 与TLR6 在不同的刺激分化阶段的表达水平,结果表明,THP-1 主要通过TLR2 与TLR6 识别女性生殖道L.Crispatus。综上所述,本研究首先通过对DC 体外分化成熟的最短时程的分析,确立了快速诱导DC 的最佳方法,进而利用芯片技术,研究了快速诱导DC 的mi/mRNA 表达谱,揭示了DC 体外分化发育过程中可能的调控途径,为进一步研究DC 的基础生物学提供了恰当的模型和具有指向性的线索。同时,通过与DC 前体THP-1 的共同培养体系,证实了生殖道共生乳酸杆菌的免疫调节作用,为以乳酸杆菌为载体的生殖道粘膜免疫疫苗的研究和应用提供了实验依据


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In this paper, bioconversion of trans-cinnamic acid(t-Ca)to L-phenylalanine (L-phe) has been investigated by using immobilized yeast cells with induced L-phe Ammonia-lyase(PAL, EC. as biocatalysts. The contents are the following. (1) Thirty strains of yeasts, including two genera (Rhodotorula, Sporobolomyces), six species (R. glutinis R. minuta,R.rubra,R.sineses,R.roseus and S.salmonicolor)were screened for their ability to converse the substrates, t-Ca and ammonia, to the product, L-phe, by using yeast cells as biocatalyst, and primary evaluation for PAL activity of the selected strains was investigated. From the results of the screening experiments, it was found that 22 strains were able to produce L-phe from t-Ca with the range of conversion yield from 2% to 67%. Studies on PAL formation time course during cultivation show that the maximum PAL activity of several different strains ranges from 2.3 to 14.4×10-3U/mg cell dry weight. The biomass of tested strains at their maximum enzyme activity is also greatly varied. (2)One of the selected strains, R. rubra as 2.166, was used for immobilized cells as biocatalysts to produce L-phe. The optimum conversion conditions and effective stablization agents were investigated. The results shown that polyacrylamide gel was chosen as a suitable matrix for immobilization of the yeast cells, and it can retain 88% of the PAL activity in the reverse direction at the following reactive conditions: [t-Ca]: 34mM. [NH4OH]: 6.OM.PH10.00, temperature: 30℃. (3) The effects of various kinds of effectors on the production of L-phe were also examined. Membrane permeabilizing agents can stimulate L-phe synthesis, but make the stability of PAL decline greatly. Polyalchoholic agents and glutamic acid were very effective for the stabilization of PAL. At the presence of glutamic acid (5%), the half life of L-phe productivity with the immobilized cells was extended to 192 hours, which was much higher than most of that having been reproted, while the half life of resting cells was only about 15 hours. (4) Use of initial velocity studies on the kinetics of enzyme-catalized reaction indicated that the apparent Km value was 13.0mM for the immobilized cells, and 4.8mM for the resting cells. Thermostability of the immobilized cells was better than the resting cells. Fluid bed bioreactor is more effective than batch bioreator in prolonging the thermostability of the biocatalysts. (5) CGA- 688 resin column chromatographic procedure was employed in the isolation and purification of L-phe, t-Ca and other substances from the reactire mixture. (6) Preparative-scale production of L-phe on a level of gram amount by immobilized cells from the culture broth of R. rubra AS2.166 allowed for the conversion yield with 30%. The characteristic physico-chemical criteria (including melting point, optical activity, elements analysis, IR, NMR) are the same with the standard L-phe. 本文报告了利用诱导的苯丙氨酸解氨酶 (PAL.EC.催化反式肉桂酸(t-Ca)氨加 成制备L-苯丙氨酸(L-phe)的研究,主要内容为:(1) 我们搜集了三十株酵母菌株,利用全细胞转化t-Ca生成L-phe的能力进行了直 接筛选,并对其PAL活性水平进行了初步评估研究。研究结果表明,其中22株酵母具有转化t-Ca生产L-phe的能力,它们包括 Rhodotorula glutinis,R.rubra, R.sineses 和Sporobolomyces roseus 的菌株,转化率在2-67%。细胞生长和PAL形成过程的研究 表明,不同菌株PAL最大活力在2.3-14.4×10-3U/mg 细胞干重,达到最大PAL活性时各株酵母的生长情况也极不一致。(2) 利用筛 选出的一株深红酵母R.rubra AS2.166 作为供试菌株,研究了细胞固定化条件下生物转化的最适条件及PAL在固定化条件下的稳定 性。结果表明以聚丙烯酰胺凝胶包埋法较为理想,能使细胞合成L-phe活力保持88%,最适t-Ca浓度为34mM,最适NH4OH浓度为6M,最 适PH10.0,最适温度45℃。(3) 多种效应物对L-phe 合成的影响研究表明:表面活性剂能刺激L-phe的合成,但使PAL稳定性下降。 多羟基化合物及Glu对PAL的稳定十分有效在有Glu存在下,能使固定化细胞合成L-phe的半寿期达192小时左右,高于大部分现已报 导的固定化结果。(4) 用初速度法研究了深红酵母AS2.166中PAL的酶促反应特征,测得固定化细胞对t-Ca的表观米氏常数Km为 13.0mM,全细胞为4.8mM,细胞固定后热稳定性提高。(5) 建立了适合低浓度分离纯化产物与底物的聚苯乙烯大孔树脂柱层析技术 ,能使L-phe与t-Ca及产物混合物中其它成分有效分开。(6) 利用固定化的R.rubra AS2.166细胞所做的制备实验能够使L-phe的产 率达到30%左右,其主要的理化指标(包括熔点、比旋光度、元素分析、IR、NMR等)与标准L-phe一致。