945 resultados para Ti-Mo alloys
β -type Ti-alloy is a promising biomedical implant material as it has a low Young’s modulus but is also known to have inferior surface hardness. Various surface treatments can be applied to enhance the surface hardness. Physical vapour deposition (PVD) and chemical vapour deposition (CVD) are two examples of this but these techniques have limitations such as poor interfacial adhesion and high distortion. Laser surface treatment is a relatively new surface modification method to enhance the surface hardness but its application is still not accepted by the industry. The major problem of this process involves surface melting which results in higher surface roughness after the laser surface treatment. This paper will report the results achieved by a 100 W CW fiber laser for laser surface treatment without the surface being melted. Laser processing parameters were carefully selected so that the surface could be treated without surface melting and thus the surface finish of the component could be maintained. The surface and microstructural characteristics of the treated samples were examined using X-ray diffractometry (XRD), optical microscopy (OM), 3-D surface profile & contact angle measurements and nano-indentation test.
Os estudos de maquinabilidade de biomateriais e outros materiais aplicados na área médica são extensos. Todavia, muitos destes estudos recorrem a modelos de geometria regular e operações elementares de maquinagem. Relativamente a estas, os estudos académicos atualmente disponíveis mostram que a tecnologia preferencial é o torneamento, opção que se fundamenta na simplicidade de análise (corte ortogonal). Saliente-se ainda que, neste contexto, a liga de titânio Ti-6Al-4V constitui o biomaterial mais utilizado. Numa perspetiva complementar, refira-se que as publicações científicas evidenciam que a informação disponível sobre a fresagem Ti-6Al-4V não é muito extensa e a do Co-28Cr-6Mo é quase inexistente. A presente dissertação enquadra-se neste domínio e representa mais uma contribuição para o estudo da maquinabilidade das ligas de Titânio e de crómio-cobalto. A aplicação de operações de maquinagem complexas, através do recurso a programas informáticos de fabrico assistido por computador (CAM), em geometrias complexas, como é o caso das próteses femorais anatómicas, e o estudo comparativo da maquinabilidade das ligas Co-28Cr-6Mo e Ti-6Al-4V, constituem os objetivos fundamentais deste trabalho de doutoramento. Neste trabalho aborda-se a problemática da maquinabilidade das ligas metálicas usadas nos implantes ortopédicos, nomeadamente as ligas de titânio, de crómiocobalto e os aços Inoxidáveis. Efetua-se ainda um estudo da maquinagem de uma prótese femoral com uma forma geométrica complexa, onde as operações de corte foram geradas recorrendo às tecnologias de fabrico assistido por computador (CAD/CAM). Posteriormente, procedeu-se ao estudo da maquinabilidade das duas ligas usadas neste trabalho, dando uma atenção particular à determinação das forças de corte para diferentes velocidades de corte. Para além da monitorização da evolução da força de corte, o desgaste das ferramentas, a dureza e a rugosidade foram avaliadas, em função da velocidade de corte imposta. Por fim, com base nas estratégias de maquinagem adotadas, analisa-se a maquinabilidade e selecionam-se os parâmetros de corte mais favoráveis para as ligas de Titânio e Crómio-cobalto. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a liga de crómio-cobalto induz maior valor de força de corte do que a liga de titânio. Observa-se um aumento progressivo das forças de corte quando a velocidade de corte aumenta, até atingir o valor máximo para a velocidade de corte de 80m/min, após a qual, a força de corte tende a diminuir. Apesar do fabricante das ferramentas recomendar a velocidade de corte de 50 m/min para ambos os materiais, conclui-se que a velocidade de corte de 65 m/min induz o mesmo desgaste na ferramenta de corte no caso da liga de titânio, e menor desgaste no caso da liga de crómio-cobalto.
The diffusion of Co60 in the body centered cubic beta phase of a ZrSOTi SO alloy has been studied at 900°, 1200°, and 1440°C. The results confirm earlier unpublished data obtained by Kidson17 • The temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient is unusual and suggests that at least two and possibly three mechanisms may be operative Annealing of the specimen in the high B.C.C. region prior to the deposition of the tracer results in a large reduction in the diffusion coefficient. The possible significance of this effect is discussed in terms of rapid transport along dislocation network.
The corrosion resistance of Ti and Ti-6Al-4V was investigated through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, EIS, potentiodynamic polarisation curves and UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The tests were done in Hank solution at 25 degrees C and 37 degrees C. The EIS measurements were done at the open circuit potential at specific immersion times. An increase of the resistance as a function of the immersion time was observed, for Ti (at 25 degrees C and 37 degrees C), and for Ti-6Al-4V (at 25 degrees C), which was interpreted as the formation and growth of a passive film on the metallic surfaces. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In recent years, Mg-Ni-based metastable alloys have been attracting attention due to their large hydrogen sorption capacities, low weight, low cost, and high availability. Despite the large discharge capacity and high activity of these alloys, the accelerated degradation of the discharge capacity after only few cycles of charge and discharge is the main shortcoming against their commercial use in batteries. The addition of alloying elements showed to be an effective way of improving the electrode performance of Mg-Ni-based alloys. In the present work, the effect of Ti and Pt alloying elements on the structure and electrode performance of a binary Mg-Ni alloy was investigated. The XRD and HRTEM revealed that all the investigated alloy compositions had multi-phase nanostructures, with crystallite size in the range of 6 nm. Moreover, the investigated alloying elements demonstrated remarkable improvements of both maximum discharge capacity and cycling life. Simultaneous addition of Ti and Pd demonstrated a synergetic effect on the electrochemical properties of the alloy electrodes. Among the investigated alloys, the best electrochemical performance was obtained for the Mg(51)Ti(4)Ni(43)Pt(2) composition (in at.%), which achieved 448 mAh g(-1) of maximum discharge capacity and retained almost 66% of this capacity after 10 cycles. In contrast, the binary Mg(55)Ni(45) alloy achieved only 248 mAh g(-1) and retained 11% of this capacity after 10 cycles. (C) 2010 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.
Dissertação que se propõe recompor a trajetória do Programa Intensivo de Preparação de Mão-de-Obra (PIPMO), sua origem, expansão e suas vinculações como um instrumento do Estado na condução do projeto desenvolvimentista. O objetivo principal do estudo é dar conta da funçao dos desdobramentos e da ação concreta que o PIPMO cumpriu dentro do processo histórico em que surgiu e se desen volveu. Criado em 1963 como um programa de natureza tran sitória que deveria durar 20 meses, iniciou suas atividades em 1964, funcionando junto ao setor secundário até 1970; estendeu-se aos setores primirio e terciirio em 1971 e es teve em ação até 1982, principalmente junto aos projetos governamentais. Procurou-se localizar, pela discussão IItrabalho e venda da força de trabalho", as vantagens do treinamento e da desqualificação da classe trabalhadora para 'a acumul~ ção capitalista, e situar o PIPMO nos contextos polftico e sócio-economico em que foi criado e se desenvolveu, os antecedentes que lhe deram as bases operacionais e cionais. instituSem manter unidades próprias e funcionando atraves de acordos com inúmeras instituições de formação profissional, o PIPMO conseguiu adestrar milhares de trabalha dores. Neste sentido, o estudo objetivou, ainda, evidenciar as principais relações econõmicas, sociais e pol itfcas que possibiIitaram o desenvolvimento de um programa com suas caracteristicas especificas. Considerando que educação e formação profissional naO são fenômenos isolados dos demais elementos do to do social, pretendeu-se desvendar o real por meio do exame do lugar que o PIPMO ocupou no conjunto dos programas de formação profissional do pars; suas funçôes, contradições e efeitos, bem como os interesses que o sustentaram e sua relação com o processo de produção.
NASCIMENTO,R.M. et al.Interface microstructure of alumina mechanically metallized with Ti brazed to Fe–Ni–Co using different fillers. Materials Science and Engineering A, v.466, n.1/2, p. 195-200, 2007.
Since the 1980s, different devices based on superelastic alloys have been developed to fulfill orthodontic applications. Particularly in the last decades several researches have been carried out to evaluate the mechanical behavior of Ni-Ti alloys, including their tensile, torsion and fatigue properties. However, studies regarding the dependence of elastic properties on residence time of Ni-Ti wires in the oral cavity are scarce. Such approach is essential since metallic alloys are submitted to mechanical stresses during orthodontic treatment as well as pH and temperature fluctuations. The goal of the present contribution is to provide elastic stress-strain results to guide the orthodontic choice between martensitic thermal activated and austenitic superelastic Ni-Ti alloys. From the point of view of an orthodontist, the selection of appropriate materials and the correct maintenance of the orthodontic apparatus are essential needs during clinical treatment. The present work evaluated the elastic behavior of Ni-Ti alloy wires with diameters varying from 0.014 to 0.020 inches, submitted to hysteresis tensile tests with 8% strain. Tensile tests were performed after periods of use of 1, 2 and 3 months in the oral cavity of patients submitted to orthodontic treatment. The results from the hysteresis tests allowed to exam the strain range covered by isostress lines upon loading and unloading, as well as the residual strain after unloading for both superelastic and thermal activated Ni-Ti wires. Superelastic Ni-Ti wires exhibited higher load isostress values compared to thermal activated wires. It was found that such differences in the load isostress values can increase with increasing residence time.
Metal/ceramic interfaces using zirconia have dominated the industrial applications in the last decade, due to the high mechanical strength and fracture toughness of zirconia, especially at temperatures below 300 ºC. Also noteworthy is the good ionic conductivity in high temperatures of this component. In this work joining between ZrO2 Y-TZP and ZrO2 Mg-PSZ with austenitic stainless steel was studied. These joints were brazed at high-vacuum after mechanical metallization with Ti using filler alloys composed by Ag-Cu and Ag-Cu-Ni. The influence of the metallization, and the affinity between the different groups (ceramic / filler alloys) was evaluated, in order to achieve strong metal/ceramic joints. Evaluation of joints and interfaces, also the characterization of base materials was implemented using various techniques, such as: x-ray diffraction, leak test, three-point flexural test and scanning electron microscopy with chemical analysis. The microstructural analysis revealed physical and chemical bonds in the metal/ceramic interfaces, providing superior leak proof joints and stress cracking, in order to a good joint in all brazed samples. Precipitation zones and reaction layers with eutetic characteristics were observed between the steel and the filler metal
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The Ti-15Mo alloy is a promising material for use as a biomaterial because of its excellent corrosion resistance and its good combination of mechanical properties, such as fatigue, hardness, and wears resistance. This alloy has a body-centered predominantly cubic crystalline structure and the addition of interstitial atoms, such as oxygen and nitrogen, strongly alters its mechanical properties. Mechanical spectroscopy is a powerful tool to study the interaction of interstitial elements with the matrix metal or substitutional solutes, providing information such as the distribution and the concentration of interstitial elements. The objective of this paper is to study of the effects of heavy interstitial elements, such as oxygen and nitrogen, on the anelastic properties of the Ti-15Mo alloy by using mechanical spectroscopy measurements. In this study, the diffusion coefficients, pre-exponential factors, and activation energies were calculated for the oxygen in the Ti-15Mo alloy.
Metals that present bcc crystalline structure, when receiving addition of interstitial atoms as oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon, undergo significant changes in their physical properties, being able to dissolve great amounts of those interstitial elements, thus forming solid solutions. Niobium and most of its alloys possess bcc crystalline structure and, as Brazil is the largest world exporter of this metal, it is fundamental to understand the interaction mechanisms between interstitial elements and niobium or its alloys. In this paper, mechanical spectroscopy (internal friction) measurements were performed in Nb-2.0wt%Ti alloys containing nitrogen in solid solution. The experimental results presented complex internal friction spectra and with the addition of substitutional solute, it was observed interactions between the two types of solutes (substitutional and interstitial), considering that the random distribution of the interstitial atoms was affected by the presence of substitutional atoms. Interstitial diffusion coefficients, pre-exponential factors and activation energies were calculated for nitrogen in the Nb-2.0wt%Ti alloys.