985 resultados para Texas-Historia-Republica, 1836-1846


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La organización del Partido Progresista tiene una configuración abierta, que ensaya fórmulas de elecciones primarias y que con contará con dos núcleos: La minoría parlamentaria y una organización que será permanente desde 1846, en la que se distingue la Junta Central y la Comisión Directiva. Entre los políticos de la generación del progreso Francisco de Luxán será el primero de una nómina muy reducida de ministros con formación científico-técnica, y entre los dirigentes del Partido Progresista y de la Unión Liberal será también el único con formación científico-técnica.


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Este es uno de los textos claves de la historiografía colombiana. Es una invitación a leer juiciosamente este libro, pues aunque no se compartan muchas de las ideas en él expuestas, ellas han tenido un peso decisivo en la conformación de la visión que se tiene hoy de la historia del país. Los personajes de la independencia en la obra del autor no son presentados en la forma idílica que una versión de la historia patria posterior ha difundido. Lejos de mostrar a estos héroes como prototipos de virtudes, amor por la patria, abnegación ante los infortunios, como modelos a seguir por las generaciones posteriores, en el, el autor señala las razones personales y de grupo que a su juicio los llevaron a actuar de una determinada manera. Así por ejemplo, la imagen que se da de la participación de Antonio Nariño en las luchas por el poder en el Estado de Cundinamarca en 1811 es la de un enemigo peligroso e insatisfecho por ocupar un cargo subalterno. La escritura de esta obra se enmarca dentro de la tradición de pensamiento racionalista del siglo XVIII.


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Francisco de Paula y Verea González fue el octavo obispo de Linares. Duró 26 años en el cargo, de diciembre de 1853 a septiembre de 1879 cuando se fue a Puebla. Entre las edificaciones que hizo en Nuevo León, inició la construcción del templo de Nuestra Señora del Roble (Juárez y Juan Ignacio Ramón).


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El mapa publicado por George Folsom en Nueva York representa con detalle los fenómenos geográficos como costas, hidrografía, orografía, poblaciones, limites administrativos y toponimia del territorio nacional.


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La búsqueda de mejores condiciones de vida a lo largo de la historia ha convertido a la migración de México hacia los Estados Unidos de América en una de las más grandes movilizaciones a nivel internacional. En la siguiente investigación se abarca una explicación con un enfoque neoclásico de la diferencia salarial hasta la que aporta la antropología en torno a la existencia de redes sociales; más recientemente, se ha incorporado el enfoque del capital social para explicar la migración de mujeres.


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La guerra México – Angloamericana en Monterrey y sus repercusiones en la región (1846 – 1848)


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El análisis que plantea esta publicación sobre la guerra México-Estados Unidos, parte desde un ángulo distinto a las historias generales que se han publicado sobre este conflicto, ya que no se enfoca únicamente sobre el acontecimiento definido como la Batalla de Monterrey, sino que busca comprender el papel desempeñado por los actores locales frente a los ejércitos mexicanos y norteamericanos que ocuparon la ciudad,como parte del proceso de la configuración regional en el marco de una frontera y un estado nacional en construcción.


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Resumen Trata el tema de las revueltas indígenas en el salvador durante la primera mitada del siglo XIX, especialmente el levantamiento indígena de 1846 en Santiago de Nonualco, teniendo en cuenta los conflictos locales , los factores étnicos  y la debilidad del aparato estatal. Abstract This essay analyzes indigenous revolts in el Salvador in the first half of the nineteenth century, especially the indigenous uprising of 1846 in Santiago Nonualco, takin in to consideration local conflicts, ethnic factors, and the weakness of the state  apparatus.


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Driving under the influence (DUI) is a major road safety problem. Historically, alcohol has been assumed to play a larger role in crashes and DUI education programs have reflected this assumption, although recent evidence suggests that younger drivers are becoming more likely to drive drugged than to drive drunk. This is a study of 7096 Texas clients under age 21 who were admitted to state-funded treatment programs between 1997 and 2007 with a past-year DUI arrest, DUI probation, or DUI referral. Data were obtained from the State’s administrative dataset. Multivariate logistic regressions models were used to understand the differences between those minors entering treatment as a DUI as compared to a non-DUI as well as the risks for completing treatment and for being abstinent in the month prior to follow-up. A major finding was that over time, the primary problem for underage DUI drivers changed from alcohol to marijuana. Being abstinent in the month prior to discharge, having a primary problem with alcohol rather than another drug, and having more family involved were the strongest predictors of treatment completion. Living in a household where the client was exposed to alcohol abuse or drug use, having been in residential treatment, and having more drug and alcohol and family problems were the strongest predictors of not being abstinent at follow-up. As a result, there is a need to direct more attention towards meeting the needs of the young DUI population through programs that address drug as well as alcohol consumption problems.


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Research is indicating that individuals who present for DUI treatment may have competing substance abuse and mental health needs. This study aimed to examine the extent of such comorbidity issues among a sample of Texas DUI offenders. Method: Records of 36,372 DUI clients and 308,695 non-DUI clients admitted to Texas treatment programs between 2005 and 2008 were obtained from the State's administrative dataset. The data were analysed to identify the relationship between substance use, psychiatric problems, program completion and recidivism rates. Results: Analysis indicated that while non-DUI clients were more likely to present with more severe illicit substance use problems, DUI clients were more likely to have a primary problem with alcohol. Additionally, a cannabis use problem was also found to be significantly associated with DUI recidivism in the last year. In regards to mental health needs, a major finding was that depression was the most common psychiatric condition reported by DUI clients, including those with more than one DUI offence in the past year. This group were also more at risk of being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder compared to the general population, and such a diagnosis was also associated with an increased likelihood of not completing treatment. Interestingly, female DUI and non-DUI clients were also more likely to be diagnosed with mental health problems compared to males, as well as more likely to be placed on medications at admission and have problems with methamphetamine, cocaine, and opiates. Conclusion: The findings highlight the complex competing needs of some DUI offenders who enter treatment. The results also suggest that there is a need to utilise mental health and substance abuse screening methods to ensure DUI offenders are directed towards appropriate treatment pathways as well as ensure that such interventions adequately cater for complex substance abuse and psychiatric needs.


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This current report, It’s About Time: Investing in Transportation to Keep Texas Economically Competitive, updates the February 2009 report by providing an enhanced analysis of the current state of the Texas transportation system, determining the household costs of under-investing in the system and identifying potential revenue options for funding the system. However, the general conclusion has not changed. There are tremendous needs and high costs associated with “doing nothing new.”


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APPENDIX A : PAVEMENT QUALITY (Zhanmin Zhang, Michael R. Murphy, Robert Harrison), 7 pages -- APPENDIX B : BRIDGE QUALITY (Jose Weissmann, Angela J. Weissmann), 6 pages -- APPENDIX C : URBAN TRAFFIC CONGESTION (Tim Lomax, David Schrank), 32 pages -- APPENDIX D: RURAL CORRIDORS (Tim Lomax, David Schrank), 6 pages -- APPENDIX E: ADDITIONAL REVENUE SOURCE OPTIONS FOR PAVEMENT AND BRIDGE MAINTENANCE (Mike Murphy, Seokho Chi, Randy Machemehl, Khali Persad, Robert Harrison, Zhanmin Zhang), 81 pages -- APPENDIX F: FUNDING TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS (David Ellis, Brianne Glover, Nick Norboge, Wally Crittenden), 19 pages -- APPENDIX G: ESTIMATING VEHICLE OPERATING COSTS AND PAVEMENT DETERIORATION (by Robert Harrison), 4 pages