678 resultados para Teacher professional standards


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Esta investigação, de natureza qualitativa, visou conhecer as concepções e práticas de professores dos anos iniciais sobre o ensino de ciências e promover reflexões sobre tal ensino. O trabalho teve como base o Processo de Reflexão Orientada (PRO), uma estratégia para o desenvolvimento profissional a partir do enfoque de questões da prática docente. As questões de investigação foram: Como professores dos anos iniciais concebem, refletem, planejam e realizam o ensino de Ciências? E como refletem e realizam o ensino de Ciências a partir de um Processo de Reflexão Orientado (PRO)? E, ainda, como, a partir de um Processo de Reflexão Orientado (PRO) para professores dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental avaliam o seu próprio desenvolvimento profissional? Os dados foram obtidos a partir de questionários, entrevistas, planejamentos escritos e de vídeogravações dos encontros e de aulas ministradas. A análise dos dados foi feita a partir da análise de conteúdo. As ideias manifestadas pelas professoras sobre ensino de ciências foram classificadas dentro de uma abordagem oscilando entre cognitivista e sócio-cultural. Seus modelos didáticos revelaram ideias pouco consistentes sobre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem, com pouca coerência em relação a modelos de orientação construtivista. Cada professora propôs uma sequência de ensino visando alcançar graus mais complexos. As sequências foram discutidas, novas reflexões foram realizadas e reelaborações foram propostas. As aulas desenvolvidas evidenciaram um progresso de Lívia com relação à participação dos alunos, com a proposição de uma situação-problema, da consideração das ideias prévias dos alunos, embora apresentasse ainda dificuldade de promover uma discussão orientada, que pudesse favorecer a argumentação dos alunos e a compreensão do fenômeno. Já, nas aulas de Roberta observaram-se atividades que privilegiaram a participação dos alunos. Nas aulas das duas professoras ficaram evidentes a proposição de um problema e a sistematização do conhecimento, a partir da elaboração de sínteses orais e escritas e da apresentação para outras classes. Embora as professoras valorizassem o ensino de ciências e a participação ativa das crianças, havia dificuldades para a realização de aulas de ciências por investigação, pois não consideravam a problematização, a exploração das ideias dos alunos, a sistematização do conhecimento e as explicações científicas. O processo de reflexão orientada (PRO) mostrou ser uma estratégia importante para o desenvolvimento profissional dessas professoras, possibilitando reflexões significativas sobre a própria prática, bem como a tomada de consciência de uma nova sistematização das ações docentes, com vistas a uma atuação mais eficaz para promover o ensino de Ciências por investigação.


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El principal objetivo de las universidades es educar en términos de adquisición de capacidades, habilidades, competencias y valores, con el fin último de promover el empleo. Numerosos autores han llegado a la conclusión de que la inteligencia emocional forma parte de las competencias que requieren las personas para desarrollar con éxito su labor profesional. En este trabajo se realiza una comparación de perfiles de competencias socioemocionales, mediante un análisis multivariado de la varianza, para el cual se dispuso de la opinión de una muestra de 148 maestros en ejercicio y de la medida en dichas competencias de 139 estudiantes de magisterio. Los resultados indicaron que existen diferencias en los perfiles de ambos grupos; siendo esta diferencia significativa para 11 de las 13 variables socioemocionales analizadas. Los estudiantes tienen menos desarrolladas las competencias socioemocionales que requieren según los profesionales. Parece, por tanto, necesario que desde los currícula universitarios se promueva el desarrollo de estas competencias para un desarrollo profesional eficaz.


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Este artículo se inserta en la línea de reflexión en educación matemática centrada en caracterizar y desarrollar la competencia docente “mirar profesionalmente” la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las matemáticas como una componente de la práctica profesional del profesor de matemáticas. Un ejemplo procedente de un curso de formación inicial de profesores nos permite caracterizar su significado. En este trabajo se argumenta que el desarrollo de esta competencia docente se apoya en la relación dialéctica entre el conocimiento de matemáticas para la enseñanza (MKT) y el discurso generado en la resolución de tareas profesionales. Finalmente se describen algunas características de los entornos de aprendizaje en los programas de formación de profesores dirigidos a fomentar el desarrollo de esta relación dialéctica.


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El objetivo de esta comunicación es caracterizar la mirada profesional de los estudiantes para maestro (EPM) cuando describen e interpretan respuestas de alumnos de Primaria a problemas de identificación de patrones. El estudio conjunto de los grados de evidencia de la identificación de los elementos matemáticos relevantes en el proceso de generalización de patrones y de la interpretación de la comprensión de los estudiantes, nos permitió identificar cinco perfiles de EPM con una gradación entre ellos. Esto nos ha llevado a caracterizar cinco perfiles de EPM que muestran que el conocimiento de matemáticas es necesario pero no suficiente para el desarrollo de una “mirada profesional”.


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Do the “democratization” of media and the proliferation of online participatory culture undermine the aesthetic hegemony of professional filmmakers? This article is a case study of both more and less popular animated Lego videos, also called “brickfilms,” that asks how amateur videos adhere to and/or depart from professionalized aesthetic standards. It addresses the definitions of professionalism and amateurism and proposes that the dichotomy between democratization and ongoing elitism is insufficient to describe the complex dialogue between professional film aesthetics and amateur production—a dialogue that is diverse but nonetheless follows certain patterns. These patterns link Lego videos to silent era cinema as well as contemporary professional live-action and stop-motion animation. Furthermore, a mixture of parody, pastiche, and homage suggest that amateur work has a variety of affective relationships to professional work. Ultimately, amateur filmmaking indicates a negotiation of professional standards rather than slavish adherence.


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Cover title.


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A code of medical ethics and professional standards presented by the standing committee and adopted by the Association of Boston physicians in March 1808.


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This paper draws on a three-year study of 24 schools involving classroom observations and interviews with teachers and principals. Through an examination of three cases, sets of leadership practices that focus on the learning of both students and teachers are described. This set of practices is called productive leadership and how these practices are dispersed among productive leaders in three schools is described. This form of leadership supports the achievement of both academic and social outcomes through a focus on pedagogy, a culture of care and related organizational processes. The concepts of learning organisations and teacher professional learning communities as ways of framing relationships in schools, in which ongoing teacher learning is complementary to student learning, are espoused.


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Historically, perhaps because of its matching process traditions, career counselling has tended to be viewed more simplistically than other fields of counselling. However, in the latter part of the 20th century the career development industry witnessed rapid growth and seems set for a promising future. Such growth has corresponded with irreversible change in the world of work, the emergence of lifelong learning as integral to people's careers, and broader and more holistic definitions of career and career development that have gained widespread acceptance. With the increased influence of constructivism, career counselling has emerged from its vocational guidance origins as a profession in its own right. Increasingly, policymakers are recognizing the importance of career guidance and counselling in assisting to achieve policy goals related to lifelong learning, employment, and social equity. Thus, closer links have been created between policymakers and practitioner associations such as the Australian Association of Career Counsellors (AACC). Such intense focus on career guidance and counselling has also resulted in closer scrutiny of its professional standards and qualifications. Consequently, at the same time as there being increased demand for and interest in career counselling, practitioner associations are faced with issues related to redefining their roles with members, the community, and policymakers. This article will describe the changed context of career counselling, current issues such as standards and accreditation, and redefinition of the profession. The AACC's response to these challenges will be the focus of this article.


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Diante do grande avanço tecnológico e utilização de equipamentos e diversas ferramentas no ensino, além da conectividade a qualquer momento, é possível perceber o grande crescimento do uso das redes sociais tanto pelos alunos como pelos professores. Com este crescimento observa-se uma comunicação mais intensa entre aluno e professor fora do ambiente da sala de aula, principalmente por intermédio das redes sociais, com a comunicação eletrônica envolvendo e-mails, conversas online, trocas de arquivos, fotos, vídeos etc. Considerando essa nova realidade esta pesquisa objetivou investigar se existe um impacto dessa nova forma de comunicação na profissão docente. Nesse contexto, tendo como foco privilegiado o facebook, emergiram alguns questionamentos para análise: essa nova ferramenta auxilia na relação professor-aluno? Ela pode trazer algum impacto positivo e/ou negativo para o professor? Qual a influência do uso dessa rede social nas relações trabalhistas? Sua existência e o seu uso podem influenciar nas decisões da coordenação/direção da escola? O estudo partiu do pressuposto de que as redes sociais exercem impactos positivos e negativos, pois podem se constituir como ferramentas que auxiliam a prática pedagógica. No entanto, no que se refere às relações trabalhistas e também, às relações interpessoais, o professor pode estar vulnerável quanto às suas relações institucionais e profissionais. Fundamentada nas concepções de autores que discorrem sobre a utilização dessas redes, e sobre as características do trabalho frente às novas demandas do capital, a pesquisa de campo, do tipo exploratória, direcionou-se no sentido de identificar esses fatores por meio da análise dos dados investigados com professores que utilizam a rede social facebook. Os resultados confirmaram que há impactos de diversas naturezas no trabalho docente. Esta nova ferramenta, ao mesmo tempo em que pode auxiliar na relação professor-aluno, expõe o docente, e é utilizada, pelas instituições de ensino, como instrumento de controle e de exercício de poder que se refletem nas relações trabalhistas.


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Once again this publication is produced to celebrate and promote good teaching and learning support and to offer encouragement to those imaginative and innovative staff who continue to wish to challenge students to learn to maximum effect. It is hoped that others will pick up some good ideas from the articles contained in this volume. We had changed our editorial approach in drawing together the articles for this 2005/6 edition (our third) of the ABS Good Practice Guide. Firstly we have expanded our contributors beyond ABS academics. This year?s articles have also been written by staff from other areas of the University, a PhD student, a post-doctoral researcher and staff working in learning support. We see this as an acknowledgement that the learning environment involves a range of people in the process of student support. We have also expanded the maximum length of the articles from two to five pages, in order to allow greater reflection on the issues. The themes of the papers cluster around issues relating to diversity (widening participation and internationalisation of the student body), imaginative use of new technology (electronic reading on BlackboardTM ) and reflective practitioners, (reflection on rigour and relevance; on how best to train students in research ethics, relevance in the curriculum and the creativity of the teaching process) Discussion of efforts to train the HE teachers of the future looks forward to the next academic year when the Higher Education Academy?s professional standards will be introduced across the sector. In the last volume we mentioned the launch of the School?s Research Centre in Higher Education Learning and Management (HELM). Since then HELM has stimulated a lot of activity across the School (and University) particularly linking research and teaching. A list of the HELM seminars is listed as an appendix to this publication. Further details can be obtained from Catherine Foster (c.s.foster@aston.ac.uk) who coordinates the HELM seminars. HELM has also won its first independent grant from the EU Leonardo programme to look at the effect of business education on employment. In its annual report to the ABS Research Committee HELM listed for 2004 and 2005, 11 refereed journal articles, 4 book chapters, 3 published conference papers, 18 conference papers, one official reports and £72,500 of grant money produced in this research area across the School. I hope that this shows that reflection on learning is live and well in ABS. May I thank the contributors for taking time out of their busy schedules to write the articles and to Julie Green, the Quality Manager, for putting our diverse approaches into a coherent and publishable form.


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In the recent four or five years, there have been abrupt and radical changes in the governance of Hungarian higher education. It can then be interesting to assess the state of “homo academicus“ as it looks currently in Hungary. The notion of “homo academicus“ is obvious: it concerns participants in the system of a country’s higher education. The paper as follows still comes back to the definition of “homo academicus“ by referring first to it as occupation, or rather as a profession that can be interpreted in terms of sociology. Secondly, some historic patterns can also be mobilised, based on the assumption that university is a very European institutions that is even rooted in the tradition of the Middle Ages. The elbow-room of seeking for identity and the role to be filled by academics are limited by the effective system of the governance of higher education. It is a key to the chances of academics of meeting the historically corroborated professional standards that they exercise academic freedom. As it cannot be done individually, but in cooperation (through a collegial system), academic freedom is always combined with collective action. The field where this freedom can be exercised can be specified through university autonomy, the lack of which makes a serious barrier to the full development of a character of “homo academicus“. This is now the case in Hungary, the paper suggests. The paper seeks to gain deeper understanding of the character of academics, their vocation and professional roles, and the governance of higher education, serving as the environment for academic activity, by creating a conceptual framework. The paper is established on the results of sociological research and the experience of legal management, although it remains to be of theoretical nature. It criticises the current Hungarian situation of the governance of higher education, arguing for the reconstruction of university autonomy and financial stability. It also emphasises the importance of predictable regulations.


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The overall purpose of this collected papers dissertation was to examine the utility of a cognitive apprenticeship-based instructional coaching (CAIC) model for improving the science teaching efficacy beliefs (STEB) of preservice and inservice elementary teachers. Many of these teachers perceive science as a difficult subject and feel inadequately prepared to teach it. However, teacher efficacy beliefs have been noted as the strongest indicator of teacher quality, the variable most highly correlated with student achievement outcomes. The literature is scarce on strong, evidence-based theoretical models for improving STEB. This dissertation is comprised of two studies. STUDY #1 was a sequential explanatory mixed-methods study investigating the impact of a reformed CAIC elementary science methods course on the STEB of 26 preservice teachers. Data were collected using the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument (STEBI-B) and from six post-course interviews. A statistically significant increase in STEB was observed in the quantitative strand. The qualitative data suggested that the preservice teachers perceived all of the CAIC methods as influential, but the significance of each method depended on their unique needs and abilities. STUDY #2 was a participatory action research case study exploring the utility of a CAIC professional development program for improving the STEB of five Bahamian inservice teachers and their competency in implementing an inquiry-based curriculum. Data were collected from pre- and post-interviews and two focus group interviews. Overall, the inservice teachers perceived the intervention as highly effective. The scaffolding and coaching were the CAIC methods portrayed as most influential in developing their STEB, highlighting the importance of interpersonal relationship aspects in successful instructional coaching programs. The teachers also described the CAIC approach as integral in supporting their learning to implement the new inquiry-based curriculum. The overall findings hold important implications for science education reform, including its potential to influence how preservice teacher training and inservice teacher professional development in science are perceived and implemented. Additionally, given the noteworthy results obtained over the relatively short durations, CAIC interventions may also provide an effective means of achieving improvements in preservice and inservice teachers’ STEB more expeditiously than traditional approaches.