923 resultados para TIBIAL FRACTURES
The aim of the study was to assess the clinical performance of the model combining areal bone mineral density (aBMD) at spine and microarchitecural texture (TBS) for the detection of the osteoporotic fracture. The Eastern European Study is a multicenter study (Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine) evaluating the role of TBS in routine clinical practice as a complement to aBMD. All scans were acquired on Hologic Discovery and GE Prodigy densitometers in a routine clinical manner. The additional clinical values of aBMD and TBS were analyzed using a two steps classification tree approach (aBMD followed by TBS tertiles) for all type of osteoporotic fracture (All-OP Fx). Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of fracture detection as well as the Net Reclassification Index (NRI) were calculated. This study involves 1031 women subjects aged 45 and older recruited in east European countries. Clinical centers were cross-calibrated in terms of BMD and TBS. As expected, areal BMD (aBMD) at spine and TBS were only moderately correlated (r (2) = 0.19). Prevalence rate for All-OP Fx was 26 %. Subjects with fracture have significant lower TBS and aBMD than subjects without fracture (p < 0.01). TBS remains associated with the fracture even after adjustment for age and aBMD with an OR of 1.27 [1.07-1.51]. When using aBMD T-score of -2.5 and the lowest TBS tertile thresholds, both BMD and TBS were similar in terms of sensitivity (35 vs. 39 %), specificity (78 vs. 80 %) and accuracy (64 vs. 66 %). aBMD and TBS combination, induced a significant improvement in sensitivity (+28 %) and accuracy (+17 %) compared to aBMD alone whereas a moderate improvement was observed in terms of specificity (+9 %). The overall combination gain was 36 % as expressed using the NRI. aBMD and TBS combination decrease significantly the number of subjects needed to diagnose from 7 for aBMD alone to 2. In a multi-centre Eastern European cohort, we have shown that the use of TBS in addition to the aBMD permit to reclassified correctly more than one-third of the overall subjects. Furthermore, the number of subjects needed to diagnose fell to 2 subjects. Economical studies have to be performed to evaluate the gain induced by the use of TBS for the healthcare system.
Osteoporosis is an increasing public health problem. The bisphophonates are the most useful treatment used through the world to prevent osteoporotic fractures. Their large prescription revealed an unpredictable side effect: the atypical fracture. These fractures appear in the subtrochanteric or diaphysal femoral proximal site, spontaneously or after a low trauma, and could be bilateral. X-rays shows a transversal or oblique fracture with a spur in the cortex and with a diffuse thickening of the cortical of the proximal femur. Expert's recommendations are current in progress to well understand and managed this problem. Here we report three cases of atypical femur fractures occurred in our Centre of bone diseases with some management and treatment propositions.
The 2010 Position Development Conference addressed four questions related to the impact of previous fractures on 10-year fracture risk as calculated by FRAX(®). To address these questions, PubMed was searched on the keywords "fracture, epidemiology, osteoporosis." Titles of retrieved articles were reviewed for an indication that risk for future fracture was discussed. Abstracts of these articles were reviewed for an indication that one or more of the questions listed above was discussed. For those that did, the articles were reviewed in greater detail to extract the findings and to find additional past work and citing works that also bore on the questions. The official positions and the supporting literature review are presented here. FRAX(®) underestimates fracture probability in persons with a history of multiple fractures (good, A, W). FRAX(®) may underestimate fracture probability in individuals with prevalent severe vertebral fractures (good, A, W). While there is evidence that hip, vertebral, and humeral fractures appear to confer greater risk of subsequent fracture than fractures at other sites, quantification of this incremental risk in FRAX(®) is not possible (fair, B, W). FRAX(®) may underestimate fracture probability in individuals with a parental history of non-hip fragility fracture (fair, B, W). Limitations of the methodology include performance by a single reviewer, preliminary review of the literature being confined to titles, and secondary review being limited to abstracts. Limitations of the evidence base include publication bias, overrepresentation of persons of European descent in the published studies, and technical differences in the methods used to identify prevalent and incident fractures. Emerging topics for future research include fracture epidemiology in non-European populations and men, the impact of fractures in family members other than parents, and the genetic contribution to fracture risk.
BACKGROUND: The literature suggests that intraoperative fractures of the greater trochanter and the metaphysis are increased with uncemented stems and the direct anterior approach. This study aims to determine the incidence and assess the functional and radiological outcome after such fractures. METHODS: 484 consecutive total hip replacements (THR) (64 ± 12 years) were analyzed. We treated trochanteric fractures conservatively without any further denuding, and secured metaphyseal fissures with cerclages. Postoperative X-rays and at the latest follow-up were compared to assess secondary fracture displacement and stem subsidence. Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC) scores after 1 year were analyzed. For each patient sustaining a fracture, two patients without fractures were matched in terms of age, body mass index and gender. RESULTS: 13 (2.7 %, 5 male, 68 ± 9 years) patients with intraoperative fractures of the greater trochanter (n = 8) or the metaphysis (n = 5) were analyzed. Consolidation was observed in 7/8 patients sustaining a trochanteric fracture while secondary displacement of the fragment occurred in one case. Stem subsidence was observed in 2/5 cases (5 and 7 mm). Patients who sustained a fracture showed a trend towards poorer WOMAC scores at 1 year postoperatively, compared to patients without fractures. A significantly increased joint stiffness was also observed. CONCLUSION: The intraoperative fracture risk in this series of THR through a direct anterior approach was 2.7 %. Trochanteric fractures do heal without primary fixation. Metaphyseal fractures heal well if immediately stabilized with a cerclage.