967 resultados para TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT
The use of macroalgae (seaweed) as a potential source of biofuels has attracted considerable worldwide interest. Since brown algae, especially the giant kelp, grow very rapidly and contain considerable amounts of polysaccharides, coupled with low lignin content, they represent attractive candidates for bioconversion to ethanol through yeast fermentation processes. In the current study, powdered dried seaweeds (Ascophylum nodosum and Laminaria digitata) were pre-treated with dilute sulphuric acid and hydrolysed with commercially available enzymes to liberate fermentable sugars. Higher sugar concentrations were obtained from L. digitata compared with A. nodosum with glucose and rhamnose being the predominant sugars, respectively, liberated from these seaweeds. Fermentation of the resultant seaweed sugars was performed using two non-conventional yeast strains: Scheffersomyces (Pichia) stipitis and Kluyveromyces marxianus based on their abilities to utilise a wide range of sugars. Although the yields of ethanol were quite low (at around 6 g/L), macroalgal ethanol production was slightly higher using K. marxianus compared with S. stipitis. The results obtained demonstrate the feasibility of obtaining ethanol from brown algae using relatively straightforward bioprocess technology, together with non-conventional yeasts. Conversion efficiency of these non-conventional yeasts could be maximised by operating the fermentation process based on the physiological requirements of the yeasts.
In this paper, we focus on a Riemann–Hilbert boundary value problem (BVP) with a constant coefficients for the poly-Hardy space on the real unit ball in higher dimensions. We first discuss the boundary behaviour of functions in the poly-Hardy class. Then we construct the Schwarz kernel and the higher order Schwarz operator to study Riemann–Hilbert BVPs over the unit ball for the poly- Hardy class. Finally, we obtain explicit integral expressions for their solutions. As a special case, monogenic signals as elements in the Hardy space over the unit sphere will be reconstructed in the case of boundary data given in terms of functions having values in a Clifford subalgebra. Such monogenic signals represent the generalization of analytic signals as elements of the Hardy space over the unit circle of the complex plane.
MOREIRA, Luciana Moreira; SILVA, Armando Malheiro da. Impacto das tecnologias digitais nas bibliotecas universitarias: reflexões sobre o tema. Informaçao e sociedade: estudos. Joao Pessoa, v.19, n.3, p. 125-132,2009.
Beef businesses in northern Australia are facing increased pressure to be productive and profitable with challenges such as climate variability and poor financial performance over the past decade. Declining terms of trade, limited recent gains in on-farm productivity, low profit margins under current management systems and current climatic conditions will leave little capacity for businesses to absorb climate change-induced losses. In order to generate a whole-of-business focus towards management change, the Climate Clever Beef project in the Maranoa-Balonne region of Queensland trialled the use of business analysis with beef producers to improve financial literacy, provide a greater understanding of current business performance and initiate changes to current management practices. Demonstration properties were engaged and a systematic approach was used to assess current business performance, evaluate impacts of management changes on the business and to trial practices and promote successful outcomes to the wider industry. Focus was concentrated on improving financial literacy skills, understanding the business’ key performance indicators and modifying practices to improve both business productivity and profitability. To best achieve the desired outcomes, several extension models were employed: the ‘group facilitation/empowerment model’, the ‘individual consultant/mentor model’ and the ‘technology development model’. Providing producers with a whole-of-business approach and using business analysis in conjunction with on-farm trials and various extension methods proved to be a successful way to encourage producers in the region to adopt new practices into their business, in the areas of greatest impact. The areas targeted for development within businesses generally led to improvements in animal performance and grazing land management further improving the prospects for climate resilience.
Entre 2003 e 2008, o Brasil apresentou um positivo desempenho econômico em meio a um cenário externo favorável, entretanto a partir da crise de 2008, o governo brasileiro passou a adotar medidas anticíclicas a fim de minimizar os efeitos externos da crise. Essas medidas objetivaram o incentivo da demanda agregada, o que realmente sofreu um efeito positivo de curto prazo, entretanto essas políticas, além de apresentar uma natureza limitada, podem levar a cenários futuros indesejados para o desenvolvimento econômico, como o aumento da inadimplência e taxa elevadas de inflação. Somado a isso, as medidas de incentivos de inovação e de desenvolvimento tecnológico foram interrompidas pela crise ou não implementadas de forma efetiva. Diante disto, a monografia se propõe a analisar os efeitos dessas políticas de incentivo à demanda adotada no período a partir de uma análise da indústria automotiva brasileira, uma das indústrias mais poderosas e receptoras de incentivos governamentais, já que apresenta um caráter dinâmico e movimenta um grande número de indústrias de base. Logo, para que a indústria automotiva cresça e se desenvolva de forma sustentável, bem como os outros setores, o incentivo não deve ser de cunho setorial, por tanto, temporário, deve ser de natureza permanente e abrangente. Além disso, um incentivo da demanda terá resultados positivos com os incentivos tecnológicos, inovadores e de qualificação do capital humano para uma crescente exportação, levando a saldos positivos da balança comercial e, consequentemente, maiores investimentos a partir de uma indústria mais competitiva.
The search for novel compounds of marine origin has increased in the last decades for their application in various areas such as pharmaceutical, human or animal nutrition, cosmetics or bioenergy. In this context of blue technology development, microalgae are of particular interest due to their immense biodiversity and their relatively simple growth needs. In this review, we discuss about the promising use of microalgae and microalgal compounds as sources of natural antibiotics against human pathogens but also about their potential to limit microbial infections in aquaculture. An alternative to conventional antibiotics is needed as the microbial resistance to these drugs is increasing in humans and animals. Furthermore, using natural antibiotics for livestock could meet the consumer demand to avoid chemicals in food, would support a sustainable aquaculture and present the advantage of being environmentally friendly. Using natural and renewable microalgal compounds is still in its early days, but considering the important research development and rapid improvement in culture, extraction and purification processes, the valorization of microalgae will surely extend in the future.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Tecnologia dos Alimentos, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
An empirical investigation of the impact of global energy transition on Nigerian oil and gas exports
18 months embargo on the thesis and check appendix for copy right materials
Currently academic researches' focus started changing towards protecting IP rights and to transferring them into industrial actors. Accordingly, it is argued that academic's basic research focus started shifting towards applied research as it is essential for the radical inventions to be introduced in a competitive market. This research seeks to understand industry-academia linkages in a high tech field such as nano-crystals. In regards to supporting the technology transfer process within or cross country, this study illustrates the technology development trends and actors' engagement; nano-crystals technology and their interconnections; and maps the organisational (industry-academia) linkages that enhance the commercialisation of radical inventions. The results show that the industry-academia linkages that appeared as decentralized structure are more stable compared to other linkage types. Korean and Japanese organisations present such stable linkages. The linkages are even stronger when they appear as a mono-linkage type. Chinese organisations show a great illustration of such an effective mono-linkage of co-inventorships in high tech research field. The organisations in the US maintain international linkages.
Teknikutvecklingen går snabbt framåt, och idag finns det ett stort behov av att använda andra utvecklares kod för att hänga med i det höga tempot. De kallas samlat för ramverk eller bibliotek, och hjälper utvecklaren att på ett effektivare sätt ta sig från start till mål utan att behöva skriva all programmeringskod själv. Dessa tredjepartslösningar är nästintill alltid bundna till ett licensavtal, vars restriktioner och tillåtelser utvecklaren måste följa vid nyttjandet. I denna studie har vi undersökt hur medvetenheten ser ut kring de licenser som är bundna till dessa tredjepartslösningar. Då det framkom i vår förstudie att vårt fall hade en relativt låg medvetenhet har vi även valt att titta på hur medvetenheten kan ökas. För att genomföra detta har vi valt att intervjua utvecklare och projektledare på ett konsultföretag. Vi undersökte även vilka faktorer som är viktiga för att höja medvetenheten samt vilka konsekvenser som kunde uppkomma vid bristfällande licenshantering. Vi upptäckte att det var en bristfällig kunskap om tredjepartslicenser på det studerade företaget, och hur de följde de licensrestriktioner som fanns för respektive licens. För att höja medvetenheten föreslår vi hjälpmedel i form av en automatiserad centraliserad lösning, lathundar för en enklare överblick av licensavtalen och hur användning av redan färdiga programvaror kan hjälpa till att öka medvetenheten och hanteringen av licenser.
A strategic planning process has been implemented at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Agency (Embrapa) to introduce sustainable development objectives in all steps of agricultural Research and Development. An essential component of the institutional mission statement hence devised has called for the systematic assessment of social and environmental impacts (in addition to the traditionally studied economic ones) of all technology innovations resulting from R&D. The proposed approach emphasizes the interest of promoting close interaction between R&D teams and technology-adopting producers, under actual field contexts, in order to improve both the technology development and the demand probing processes. Given the multiplicity of technological applications ensuing from Embrapa?s very broad research encompassment, and the variety of environmental and productive contexts involved, a customized impact assessment system has been proposed. Directed at the appraisal of agricultural technology development research projects (ex-ante) as well as their ensuing innovations (ex-post), the Ambitec-Agro System comprises a set of integrated socio-environmental indicators, constructed in modules suited to Agricultural, Animal husbandry, and Agro-industrial activities, besides a specific module for Social Impact Assessment. The system has been routinely applied in technology appraisal in all of Embrapa?s Units, as a basis for their institutional performance evaluations, and toward the formulation of the annual Social Balance Report. Following the inception of this institutional technology appraisal initiative, several methodological innovations have been proposed within Embrapa, including technical improvements and applicability adaptations of the Ambitec-Agro system, and approaches to further-reaching objectives, such as the sustainable development of rural communities, and the environmental management of agricultural activities.
The intention of the article is to announce the needs of a curriculum Identified in the NicaraguanThis article analyses the potential of information and communication technologies from a rural social context approach. The author approaches the advantages of the social incorporation of this resource, its menaces and risks as well as the aspects that have to be valued when an impact on social development is expected. This perspective allows tackling the relation between ICTs and social concerns such as social inequality, gender equity, and community participation, among others. The article ends up presenting a reflection about some challenges in this matter.
Many authors point out that the front-end of new product development (NPD) is a critical success factor in the NPD process and that numerous companies face difficulties in carrying it out appropriately. Therefore, it is important to develop new theories and proposals that support the effective implementation of this earliest phase of NPD. This paper presents a new method to support the development of front-end activities based on integrating technology roadmapping (TRM) and project portfolio management (PPM). This new method, called the ITP Method, was implemented at a small Brazilian high-tech company in the nanotechnology industry to explore the integration proposal. The case study demonstrated that the ITP Method provides a systematic procedure for the fuzzy front-end and integrates innovation perspectives into a single roadmap, which allows for a better alignment of business efforts and communication of product innovation goals. Furthermore, the results indicated that the method may also improve quality, functional integration and strategy alignment. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A green ceramic tape micro-heat exchanger was developed using Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics technology (LTCC). The device was designed by using Computational Aided Design software and simulations were made using a Computational Fluid Dynamics package (COMSOL Multiphysics) to evaluate the homogeneity of fluid distribution in the microchannels. Four geometries were proposed and simulated in two and three dimensions to show that geometric details directly affect the distribution of velocity in the micro-heat exchanger channels. The simulation results were quite useful for the design of the microfluidic device. The micro-heat exchanger was then constructed using the LTCC technology and is composed of five thermal exchange plates in cross-flow arrangement and two connecting plates, with all plates stacked to form a device with external dimensions of 26 x 26 x 6 mm(3).