999 resultados para Synthetic images
A 56-year-old man presented with a "nail" growing at the base of his glans penis. The tumor was locally excised, and microscopic examination revealed papillomatosis and hyperkeratosis of the malpighian epithelium, with a strong inflammatory reaction of the chorion and signs of local microinvasion, as well as the presence of well-differentiated squamous epithelial cells. The surgical margins were negative. The differential diagnosis was made between a benign papillomatous proliferation and verrucous carcinoma.
Vaccines have been used as a successful tool in medicine by way of controlling many major diseases. In spite of this, vaccines today represent only a handful of all infectious diseases. Therefore, there is a pressing demand for improvements of existing vaccines with particular reference to higher efficacy and undisputed safety profiles. To this effect, as an alternative to available vaccine technologies, there has been a drive to develop vaccine candidate polypeptides by chemical synthesis. In our laboratory, we have recently developed a technology to manufacture long synthetic peptides of up to 130 residues, which are correctly folded and biologically active. This paper discusses the advantages of the molecularly defined, long synthetic peptide approach in the context of vaccine design, development and use in human vaccination.
The review covers the development of synthetic peptides as vaccine candidates for Plasmodium falciparum- and Plasmodium vivax-induced malaria from its beginning up to date and the concomitant progress of solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) that enables the production of long peptides in a routine fashion. The review also stresses the development of other complementary tools and actions in order to achieve the long sought goal of an efficacious malaria vaccine.
Aquesta memoria resumeix el treball de final de carrera d’Enginyeria Superior d’Informàtica. Explicarà les principals raons que han motivat el projecte així com exemples que il·lustren l’aplicació resultant. En aquest cas el software intentarà resoldre la actual necessitat que hi ha de tenir dades de Ground Truth per als algoritmes de segmentació de text per imatges de color complexes. Tots els procesos seran explicats en els diferents capítols partint de la definició del problema, la planificació, els requeriments i el disseny fins a completar la il·lustració dels resultats del programa i les dades de Ground Truth resultants.
Contexte¦- Les métastases hépatiques hypovasculaires sont parfois difficile à détecter car très polymorphiques et fréquemment irrégulières. Leurs contrastes sur CT scan hépatique sont souvent faibles.¦- Lors d'un diagnostic, le radiologue ne fixe pas sa vision fovéale sur chaque pixel de l'image. Les expériences de psychophysique avec eye-tracker montrent en effet que le radiologue se concentre sur quelques points spécifiques de l'image appelés fixations. Dans ce travail, nous nous intéresserons aux capacités de détection de l'oeil lorsque l'observateur effectue une saccade entre deux points de fixation. Plus particulièrement, nous nous intéresserons à caractériser les capacités de l'oeil à détecter les signaux se trouvant en dehors de sa vision fovéale, dans ce qu'on appelle, la vision périphérique.¦Objectifs¦- Caractériser l'effet de l'excentricité de la vision sur la détectabilité des contrastes dans le cas de métastases hépatiques hypovasculaires.¦- Récolter des données expérimentales en vue de créer un modèle mathématique qui permettra, à terme, de qualifier le système d'imagerie.¦- → objectifs du TM en soit :¦o prendre en main l'eyetracker¦o traduire une problématique médicale en une expérience scientifique reproductible, quantifiable et qualifiable.¦Méthode¦Nous effectuons une expérience 2AFC (2 Alternative Forced-Choice experiment) afin d'estimer la détectabilité du signal. Pour cela, nous forcerons l'observateur à maintenir son point de fixation à un endroit défini et vérifié par l'eye-tracker. La position del'excentricité du signal tumoral généré sur une coupe de CT hépatique sera le paramètre varié. L'observateur se verra présenté tour à tour deux coupes de CT hépatique, l'une comportant le signal tumoral standardisé et l'autre ne comportant pas le signal. L'observateur devra déterminer quelle image contient la pathologie avec la plus grande probabilité.¦- Cette expérience est un modèle simplifié de la réalité. En effet, le radiologue ne fixe pas un seul point lors de sa recherche mais effectue un "scanpath". Une seconde expérience, dite en free search sera effectuée dans la mesure du temps à disposition. Lors de cette expérience, le signal standardisé sera connu de l'observateur et il n'y aura plus de point de fixation forcée. L'eyetracker suivra le scanpath effectué par l'oeil de l'observateur lors de la recherche du signal sur une coupe de CT scan hépatique. L'intérêt de cette expérience réside dans l'observation de la corrélation entre les saccades et la découverte du signal. Elle permet aussi de vérifier les résultats obtenus lors de la première expérience.¦Résultats escomptés¦- Exp1 : Quantifier l'importance de l'excentricité en radiologie et aider à améliorer la performance de recherche.¦- Exp 2 : tester la validité des résultats obtenus par la première expérience.¦Plus value escomptée¦- Récolte de données pour créer un modèle mathématique capable de déterminer la qualité de l'image radiologique.¦- Possibilité d'extension à la recherche dans les trois dimensions du CT scan hépatique.
The immunogenicity of a novel synthetic peptide consisting of an average of 40 (Asn-Ala-Asn-Pro) repeats of the circumsporozoite protein of Plasmodium falciparum, (NANP)40, was studied in mice without using any carrier proteins. First, high titers of anti-(NANP)40 antibodies could be obtained after immunization of C57BL/6 mice. These antibodies also reacted with an extract of mosquitoes infected with P. falciparum sporozoites. C57BL/6 nu/nu mice did not produce antibodies against (NANP)40. Secondly, when 14 strains of mice with nine different H-2 haplotypes were immunized with (NANP)40 without carrier, only H-2b mice were found to produce anti-(NANP)40 antibodies, whereas all non-H-2b mice were consistently unresponsive. This response was demonstrated to be I-A-linked by using recombinant and mutant mice. I-Ab [B10.A(5R)] mice produced anti-(NANP)40 antibodies as well as H-2b inbred mice. B6CH-2bm12 I-Ab-mutant mice showed only a very low response. Third, the antibody response against (NANP)40 could be induced in nonresponder mice by immunization with the peptide coupled to a carrier protein. In view of the existence of such an exceptional H-2b restriction in the response to sporozoite synthetic peptides in mice, the triggering of peptide-specific T cell responses in humans receiving sporozoite malaria vaccines might be difficult to achieve.
Efficient HIV vaccines have to trigger cell-mediated immunity directed against various viral antigens. However little is known about the breadth of the response induced by vaccines carrying multiple proteins. Here, we report on the immunogenicity of a construct harbouring a fusion of the HIV-1 IIIB gag, pol and nef genes (gpn) designed for optimal safety and equimolar expression of the HIV proteins. The attenuated poxviruses, MVA and NYVAC, harbouring the gpn construct, induced potent immune responses in conventional mice characterised by stimulation of Gpn-specific IFN-gamma-producing cells and cytotoxic T cells. In HLA-A2 transgenic mice, recombinant MVA elicited cytotoxic responses against epitopes recognised in most HLA-A2+ HIV-1-infected individuals. We also found that the MVA vaccine triggered the in vitro expansion of peripheral blood cells isolated from a HIV-1-seropositive patient and with similar specificity as found in immunised HLA-A2 transgenic mice. In conclusion, the synthetic HIV polyantigen Gpn delivered by MVA is immunogenic, efficiently processed and presented by human MHC class I molecules.
BACKGROUND: Clinical small-caliber vascular prostheses are unsatisfactory. Reasons for failure are early thrombosis and late intimal hyperplasia. We thus prepared biodegradable small-caliber vascular prostheses using electrospun polycaprolactone (PCL) with slow-releasing paclitaxel (PTX), an antiproliferative drug. METHODS AND RESULTS: PCL solutions containing PTX were used to prepare nonwoven nanofibre-based 2-mm ID prostheses. Mechanical morphological properties and drug loading, distribution, and release were studied in vitro. Infrarenal abdominal aortic replacement was carried out with nondrug-loaded and drug-loaded prostheses in 18 rats and followed for 6 months. Patency, stenosis, tissue reaction, and drug effect on endothelialization, vascular remodeling, and neointima formation were studied in vivo. In vitro prostheses showed controlled morphology mimicking extracellular matrix with mechanical properties similar to those of native vessels. PTX-loaded grafts with suitable mechanical properties and controlled drug-release were obtained by factorial design. In vivo, both groups showed 100% patency, no stenosis, and no aneurysmal dilatation. Endothelial coverage and cell ingrowth were significantly reduced at 3 weeks and delayed at 12 and 24 weeks in PTX grafts, but as envisioned, neointima formation was significantly reduced in these grafts at 12 weeks and delayed at 6 months. CONCLUSIONS: Biodegradable, electrospun, nanofibre, polycaprolactone prostheses are promising because in vitro they maintain their mechanical properties (regardless of PTX loading), and in vivo show good patency, reendothelialize, and remodel with autologous cells. PTX loading delays endothelialization and cellular ingrowth. Conversely, it reduces neointima formation until the end point of our study and thus may be an interesting option for small caliber vascular grafts.
Motivation. The study of human brain development in itsearly stage is today possible thanks to in vivo fetalmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. Aquantitative analysis of fetal cortical surfacerepresents a new approach which can be used as a markerof the cerebral maturation (as gyration) and also forstudying central nervous system pathologies [1]. However,this quantitative approach is a major challenge forseveral reasons. First, movement of the fetus inside theamniotic cavity requires very fast MRI sequences tominimize motion artifacts, resulting in a poor spatialresolution and/or lower SNR. Second, due to the ongoingmyelination and cortical maturation, the appearance ofthe developing brain differs very much from thehomogenous tissue types found in adults. Third, due tolow resolution, fetal MR images considerably suffer ofpartial volume (PV) effect, sometimes in large areas.Today extensive efforts are made to deal with thereconstruction of high resolution 3D fetal volumes[2,3,4] to cope with intra-volume motion and low SNR.However, few studies exist related to the automatedsegmentation of MR fetal imaging. [5] and [6] work on thesegmentation of specific areas of the fetal brain such asposterior fossa, brainstem or germinal matrix. Firstattempt for automated brain tissue segmentation has beenpresented in [7] and in our previous work [8]. Bothmethods apply the Expectation-Maximization Markov RandomField (EM-MRF) framework but contrary to [7] we do notneed from any anatomical atlas prior. Data set &Methods. Prenatal MR imaging was performed with a 1-Tsystem (GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee) using single shotfast spin echo (ssFSE) sequences (TR 7000 ms, TE 180 ms,FOV 40 x 40 cm, slice thickness 5.4mm, in plane spatialresolution 1.09mm). Each fetus has 6 axial volumes(around 15 slices per volume), each of them acquired inabout 1 min. Each volume is shifted by 1 mm with respectto the previous one. Gestational age (GA) ranges from 29to 32 weeks. Mother is under sedation. Each volume ismanually segmented to extract fetal brain fromsurrounding maternal tissues. Then, in-homogeneityintensity correction is performed using [9] and linearintensity normalization is performed to have intensityvalues that range from 0 to 255. Note that due tointra-tissue variability of developing brain someintensity variability still remains. For each fetus, ahigh spatial resolution image of isotropic voxel size of1.09 mm is created applying [2] and using B-splines forthe scattered data interpolation [10] (see Fig. 1). Then,basal ganglia (BS) segmentation is performed on thissuper reconstructed volume. Active contour framework witha Level Set (LS) implementation is used. Our LS follows aslightly different formulation from well-known Chan-Vese[11] formulation. In our case, the LS evolves forcing themean of the inside of the curve to be the mean intensityof basal ganglia. Moreover, we add local spatial priorthrough a probabilistic map created by fitting anellipsoid onto the basal ganglia region. Some userinteraction is needed to set the mean intensity of BG(green dots in Fig. 2) and the initial fitting points forthe probabilistic prior map (blue points in Fig. 2). Oncebasal ganglia are removed from the image, brain tissuesegmentation is performed as described in [8]. Results.The case study presented here has 29 weeks of GA. Thehigh resolution reconstructed volume is presented in Fig.1. The steps of BG segmentation are shown in Fig. 2.Overlap in comparison with manual segmentation isquantified by the Dice similarity index (DSI) equal to0.829 (values above 0.7 are considered a very goodagreement). Such BG segmentation has been applied on 3other subjects ranging for 29 to 32 GA and the DSI hasbeen of 0.856, 0.794 and 0.785. Our segmentation of theinner (red and blue contours) and outer cortical surface(green contour) is presented in Fig. 3. Finally, torefine the results we include our WM segmentation in theFreesurfer software [12] and some manual corrections toobtain Fig.4. Discussion. Precise cortical surfaceextraction of fetal brain is needed for quantitativestudies of early human brain development. Our workcombines the well known statistical classificationframework with the active contour segmentation forcentral gray mater extraction. A main advantage of thepresented procedure for fetal brain surface extraction isthat we do not include any spatial prior coming fromanatomical atlases. The results presented here arepreliminary but promising. Our efforts are now in testingsuch approach on a wider range of gestational ages thatwe will include in the final version of this work andstudying as well its generalization to different scannersand different type of MRI sequences. References. [1]Guibaud, Prenatal Diagnosis 29(4) (2009). [2] Rousseau,Acad. Rad. 13(9), 2006, [3] Jiang, IEEE TMI 2007. [4]Warfield IADB, MICCAI 2009. [5] Claude, IEEE Trans. Bio.Eng. 51(4) (2004). [6] Habas, MICCAI (Pt. 1) 2008. [7]Bertelsen, ISMRM 2009 [8] Bach Cuadra, IADB, MICCAI 2009.[9] Styner, IEEE TMI 19(39 (2000). [10] Lee, IEEE Trans.Visual. And Comp. Graph. 3(3), 1997, [11] Chan, IEEETrans. Img. Proc, 10(2), 2001 [12] Freesurfer,http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu.
Ultrasound segmentation is a challenging problem due to the inherent speckle and some artifacts like shadows, attenuation and signal dropout. Existing methods need to include strong priors like shape priors or analytical intensity models to succeed in the segmentation. However, such priors tend to limit these methods to a specific target or imaging settings, and they are not always applicable to pathological cases. This work introduces a semi-supervised segmentation framework for ultrasound imaging that alleviates the limitation of fully automatic segmentation, that is, it is applicable to any kind of target and imaging settings. Our methodology uses a graph of image patches to represent the ultrasound image and user-assisted initialization with labels, which acts as soft priors. The segmentation problem is formulated as a continuous minimum cut problem and solved with an efficient optimization algorithm. We validate our segmentation framework on clinical ultrasound imaging (prostate, fetus, and tumors of the liver and eye). We obtain high similarity agreement with the ground truth provided by medical expert delineations in all applications (94% DICE values in average) and the proposed algorithm performs favorably with the literature.
The ability of synthetic P. falciparum (NANP)n circumsporozoite peptides to elicit murine T cell proliferative responses was studied. When C57BL/6, C3H, and DBA/2 mice were injected with (NANP)40, only C57BL/6 (H-2b)-immune lymph node cells proliferated on restimulation in vitro with the same peptide. By using anti-I-A monoclonal antibodies or spleen cells from congenic H-2b mice as a source of antigen-presenting cells, the T cell proliferative response was shown to be restricted to the I-Ab region of the C57BL/6 haplotype. These results are in agreement with previous experiments which demonstrated that the anti-(NANP)40 antibody response was uniquely restricted to C57BL/6 (H-2b) mice. Several C57BL/6 long-term (NANP)n-specific T cell lines and clones were derived. All of the clones exhibited the L3T4 helper T cell phenotype. A considerable heterogeneity of T cell responses was observed when the lines and clones were stimulated with different concentrations of the various peptides studied. The results, together with the observed genetic restriction for both antibody and T cell responses, suggest that perhaps not all individuals who receive a similar repetitive tetrapeptide sporozoite malaria vaccine will develop T cell and or antibody responses.