980 resultados para Sweet passion fruit


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Brazil is the largest world producer of yellow passion fruit, a fruit crop which is exigent in nutrients, although little studied in relation to phosphorus fertilizing, fundamental on plant establishment. An experiment was carried out during the period of March/2010 to April/2011 in Remigio County, Paraiba State, Brazil, in order to evaluate the vegetative and productive attributes of yellow passion fruit plants under different sources and doses of phosphorus. Treatments were distributed in randomized blocks in tree replications and twelve plants by plot using the factorial design 2 x 5 referring the sources of superphosphate triple and superphosphate simple at levels P2O5 of 0, 12, 18, 24 and 30 g cave(-1). The following variables were recorded: stem diameter, number of productive branches, number of fruits per plant, fruit mass and fruit yield. The sources and doses of phosphorus affected growth and fruit production of yellow passion plants. The triple superphosphate is the most phosphorus efficient source for growth and fruit production of yellow passion fruit. The triple superphosphate dose which promoted the maximum yield of yellow passion fruit is 42.86 g.


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Several factors influence the productivity and fruit quality of pineapple and passion fruit, among which are: climate, soil fertilization and irrigation practices. Mineral nutrition is essential to increase productivity and improve fruit quality; however, there is a few information about the effect of fertilization in these two fruit crops, especially under tropical conditions. The objective of this review was to compile the main research results, in which the influence of mineral nutrition on the fruit quality was evaluated. We considered the information recently published in scientific journals, and presented it for the macronutrients individually, then to NPK and, finally, the micronutrients. The review showed that it is difficult to say that some element favors or not certain characteristics of pineapple and passion fruit fruits, since the results are inconsistent and there is not many information. More than established the effects of mineral nutrients on the fruit quality of these two fruit crops, we stand out that research in this topic is very necessary.


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O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar diferentes métodos de secagem de folhas para três diferentes frutíferas (maracujá, pêssego e abacate), com relação à determinação da matéria seca e os teores foliares de macronutrientes. Foram coletadas amostras de folhas recém expandida de três culturas, do pomar da fazenda de ensino e pesquisa da FCAV-UNESP, câmpus de Jaboticabal, no mês de janeiro de 2010, coletando-se para cada cultura 12 amostras com 25 folhas cada. Os tratamentos constituíram-se por dois métodos de secagem, estufa de circulação de ar forçada regulada a uma temperatura de 70°C e o forno microondas (FMO). Avaliou-se a massa da matéria seca e os teores foliares de macronutrientes. Os resultados sugerem que os dois métodos de secagem testados se assemelham na determinação de matéria seca e nos teores foliares de macronutrientes para as culturas análisadas, exceto os teores de cálcio na cultura do pêssego.


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Este estudo de caso teve por objetivo analisar a qualidade dos frutos e a produtividade em t/ha de maracujá-amarelo, em dois ciclos anuais, plantados, respectivamente, nos dias 04-10-04 (1º plantio) e 20-08-05 (2º plantio). As mudas da seleção Afruvec foram formadas em tubetes no interior de estufa com tela antiafídeo. O pomar, nos dois ciclos produtivos, foi irrigado por gotejamento, adotando-se uma densidade de 1.600 plantas/ha. O 1º plantio foi erradicado no dia 13-07-05, em função de o pomar apresentar a totalidade das plantas com sintomas típicos do vírus do endurecimento dos frutos (PWV) nas folhas e frutos. No 1º e no 2º plantios, os sintomas tiveram início no dia 26-01-05 e no dia 04-01-06, respectivamente. Não houve necessidade de eliminação de plantas em ambos os plantios, já que o início dos sintomas de PWV ocorreu quando as plantas se encontravam em pleno florescimento. Pelos resultados, pode-se concluir que o manejo adotado regionalmente, com plantio em ciclo anual, permitiu uma ampliação do período de colheita, decorrente da antecipação de plantio no 2º ano; uma produtividade de 16,94 kg/planta e 18,39 kg/planta, no 1º e 2º anos, respectivamente; um aumento da rentabilidade na safra de 2006 em função: da maior produção, melhor cotação dos frutos para mesa e indústria, e aproveitamento dos investimentos realizados no 1º ano. As técnicas empregadas promoveram uma eficiente redução do potencial de inóculo regional, favorecendo uma sustentabilidade na produção.


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This study concerned the reaction of yellow passion fruit ‘Maguary’ and ‘Afruvec’ to the phytonematode Meloidogyne incognita race 3 in greenhouse conditions. An entirely randomized experimental design with 3 treatments (‘Maguary’, ‘Afruvec’, and tomato cv. ‘Rutgers’) and 4 repetitions was used, each plot consisting of 1 vase containing 1 plant. After 6 months, an evaluation was made of the index of galls and egg mass in the yellow passion fruit varieties and in the tomato cv. ‘Rutgers’. The classification of resistance to the phytonematode was made by criterion of the reproduction factor (RF). ‘Maguary’ presented a zero index of galls and egg mass, while ‘Afruvec’ showed a low index of galls and egg mass in relation to the tomato cv. Rutgers. According to the RF, ‘Maguary’ was characterized as immune to the phytonematode, while ‘Afruvec’ was resistant, and the tomato cv. ‘Rutgers’ was susceptible.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The production of seedlings of passion fruit is done mainly with the use of seeds by most producers. It can also be propagated by cuttings, layering and in vitro tissue culture. However, even when grafting is used, it is necessary to use seeds to produce the rootstock. Nevertheless, most Passifloracea species have germination problems, making it difficult to obtain seedlings. Although several studies have been developed in an attempt to increase seed germination of passion fruit there are still difficulties in understanding the germination process and also disagreement about seed dormancy. Thus, the present study aimed to review papers related to seed germination of passion fruit emphasizing aspects such as mechanical resistance to water ingress, the need for adequate light and temperature and the use of plant growth regulators in overcoming seed dormancy. It was noticed that, in general, the passion fruit seeds are photoblastic negative and exhibit physiological dormancy, being no need of seed scarification to stimulate its germination.


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Due to the expansion of orchards, problems with soil pathogens are frequent and cause injury and/or make passion fruit cultivation impossible in Brazil. Thus, studies with potential species for rootstocks become indispensable to assist in the technological development of the culture. It is necessary to take into account several aspects of grafting, for the adoption of appropriate techniques, among them we can highlight the anatomy, physiology and also biochemistry. This study aimed to review the existing papers related to grafting of passion fruit and also to understand the operation of grafting itself. It was observed that several publications are related to the topic of the present review and that grafting is a viable alternative to the cultivation of passion fruit, however additional studies about grafting and production are needed.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The study aimed to determine the coefficient of the yellow passion fruit cultivation and irrigation set capable of increasing crop productivity and quality of production in the environmental conditions of the semi-arid region of Piauí. The experiment was conducted in the Pilot Project for Fruit Crops Irrigated area in Santa Rosa, PI. We used a randomized block design with six treatments and four replications. Treatments (irrigation) were defined according to percentages of reference evapotranspiration (ETo): T1 25%, T2: 50%, T3: 75%, T4: 100%; T5: T6 and 125%: 150%. For monitoring water in the soil profile was used tensiometers. To determine the crop coefficient (Kc) used the water balance in the soil treatment based on 100% replacement of water. Morphological and physiological characteristics of yellow passion fruit were evaluated. The maximum yield of 27.052 kg ha-1 yr-1 was obtained by applying a water depth of 763.80 mm. The values of average fruit weight ranged from 0.207 kg (T6) and 0.159 kg (T1). The average kc obtained for the vegetative stage was 0.57 to 0.94 and flowering stage to fruiting phase 1.04. The water depth of greater efficiency comprise in the range of 75% and 100% ETo.


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The study evaluated the energy balance of the yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims) production system in the region of Marilia-SP. There were analyzed the "inputs" of energy originated from biological, fossil, and industrial sources, and the "output" of energy in the form of fruits produced per unit area, as well as five energy indicators. The phytotechnical indices considered were: planting in February (seedling in tubes), production cycle: 18 months, and yield: 20 t/ha. The input energy totaled 173,707.86 MJ/ha. The most representative items corresponded to industrial indirect energy (38%) and to biological (34%). Chemical fertilizers and pesticides accounted for 65% and 31% of indirect energy industry, respectively. The activity generated 391,800.00 MJ per cycle/ha, and the culture productivity, 0.12 MJ/kg. The efficiency of the culture was 2.26. The net cultural energy totaled 218,092.15 MJ/ha. The energy balance was positive (126,050.23 MJ/ha). Energy efficiency was favorable, with a value of 3.64. The direct power consumption of fossil origin is significant in the system evaluated, but it still allows the production of the yellow passion fruit in an environmentally sustainable way.


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The objective of this work was to calculate the energetic values in passion fruit commercial beverages (whole juices, reconstituted juices, tropical juices, and nectars) by their centesimal composition. Then, the energetic values were compared to the caloric values as described on the nutritional facts from the beverageslabels. Analyses of moisture, protein, lipids, ashes, and carbohydrates were done in 25 commercialbeverages samples. In order to calculate the energetic value of each sample, the following conversion factors were used: 4 kcal.g-1 for carbohydrates, 4 kcal.g-1 for proteins and 9 kcal.g-1 for lipids. To allow the comparison of the results, the energetic values printed on the labels were converted into kcal.100g-1 usingthe beverages density. Overall, the commercial beverages calculated energetic values were similar to the nutritional facts.


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The objective of the present work was to verify the behavior of yellow passion fruit, Afruvec variety, in relation to a population of Fusarium solani, obtained from this crop. The experimental delineation was random blocks, containing 10 treatments [9 isolates and 1 control treatment], with 4 repetitions, each plot being represented by a vase containing a plant. A disk of culture medium colonized by each isolate of the fungus was inoculated in the wounded collar region of the plants of the Afruvec variety two months after sowing. The appraised parameters were: the pathogenicity, the incidence (number of dead plants) and the severity of the disease (length of the lesion in the collar region), until 60 days after inoculation. The Afruvec variety was susceptible to the fungus and also presented variability as to the severity of the disease and incidence in relation to the different isolates. The population of the fungus showed variability in regard to aggressiveness. In light of the evidence of genetic diversity in the F. solani population, it is also suggested, in the tests of selection of materials to the pathogen, that these materials should be evaluated in different places with a history of the disease or inoculation with a pool of isolates of the fungus, in order to know the wide resistance of the genotype to the pathogen.