874 resultados para Suso de Toro
Cortical folding (gyrification) is determined during the first months of life, so that adverse events occurring during this period leave traces that will be identifiable at any age. As recently reviewed by Mangin and colleagues(2), several methods exist to quantify different characteristics of gyrification. For instance, sulcal morphometry can be used to measure shape descriptors such as the depth, length or indices of inter-hemispheric asymmetry(3). These geometrical properties have the advantage of being easy to interpret. However, sulcal morphometry tightly relies on the accurate identification of a given set of sulci and hence provides a fragmented description of gyrification. A more fine-grained quantification of gyrification can be achieved with curvature-based measurements, where smoothed absolute mean curvature is typically computed at thousands of points over the cortical surface(4). The curvature is however not straightforward to comprehend, as it remains unclear if there is any direct relationship between the curvedness and a biologically meaningful correlate such as cortical volume or surface. To address the diverse issues raised by the measurement of cortical folding, we previously developed an algorithm to quantify local gyrification with an exquisite spatial resolution and of simple interpretation. Our method is inspired of the Gyrification Index(5), a method originally used in comparative neuroanatomy to evaluate the cortical folding differences across species. In our implementation, which we name local Gyrification Index (lGI(1)), we measure the amount of cortex buried within the sulcal folds as compared with the amount of visible cortex in circular regions of interest. Given that the cortex grows primarily through radial expansion(6), our method was specifically designed to identify early defects of cortical development. In this article, we detail the computation of local Gyrification Index, which is now freely distributed as a part of the FreeSurfer Software (http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/, Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital). FreeSurfer provides a set of automated reconstruction tools of the brain's cortical surface from structural MRI data. The cortical surface extracted in the native space of the images with sub-millimeter accuracy is then further used for the creation of an outer surface, which will serve as a basis for the lGI calculation. A circular region of interest is then delineated on the outer surface, and its corresponding region of interest on the cortical surface is identified using a matching algorithm as described in our validation study(1). This process is repeatedly iterated with largely overlapping regions of interest, resulting in cortical maps of gyrification for subsequent statistical comparisons (Fig. 1). Of note, another measurement of local gyrification with a similar inspiration was proposed by Toro and colleagues(7), where the folding index at each point is computed as the ratio of the cortical area contained in a sphere divided by the area of a disc with the same radius. The two implementations differ in that the one by Toro et al. is based on Euclidian distances and thus considers discontinuous patches of cortical area, whereas ours uses a strict geodesic algorithm and include only the continuous patch of cortical area opening at the brain surface in a circular region of interest.
Dentro de la serie de excavaciones que este Seminario de Arqueología ha llevado a cabo en colaboración con la Dirección del Museo Arqueológico, cabe destacar por la importancia y cantidad de los materiales encontrados la realizada el pasado año 1978 en Tarragona capital. Se trata de la excavación de una cisterna de época romana aparecida con motivo de las obras de construcción de un bloque de viviendas en una zona situada en las cercanías del Foro Romano, entre las calles del Dr. Zamenhoff y prolongación de Capuchinos. La cisterna estaba excavada en la roca natural, aprovechando, en parte, una cavidad de la misma. Sus dimensiones eran 4,6 X 4,20 X 2,40 m., y apareció en parte destruida por la acción de las máquinas excavadoras que la pusieron al descubierto. El suelo de la misma tiene un grosor de 10 cm., aproximadamente, y es de opus testaceum. El revoque de las paredes laterales es de opus signinum, con una capa de aislamiento a base de ceniza y cal. Cabe destacar la ausencia del medio toro característico de las construcciones romanas destinadas a contener líquidos. En sus tres cuartas partes apareció rellena de tierra y escombros. De entre los materiales procedentes de su excavación adelantamos el estudio de los fragmentos escultóricos y del monetario.
Amb la finalitat d’estudiar els ritmes d’acumulació de sediments durant els últims 100 anys, s’han extret tres testimonis de sediments del canyó d’Arenys a profunditats de 1074 m, 1410 m i 1632 m respectivament. Els ritmes de sedimentació basats en els perfils verticals de Pb-210 suggereixen que les tendències actuals sobre el flux i acumulació de sediments poden ser diferents a tendències passades. Durant la dècada dels 70 es va portar a terme una ràpida evolució de la flota pesquera del port d’Arenys de Mar. Aquest fet es pot relacionar amb els canvis en el ritme d’acumulació dels sediments al testimoni extret a 1074 m. Els flancs del canyó submarí són objectiu dels arrossegadors del port d’Arenys de Mar, una activitat que pot fer variar la morfologia del fons marí, la resuspensió de les partícules i pot crear fluxos de terbolesa. Per tant, els resultats suggereixen que l’activitat pesquera d’arrossegament pot afectar als ambients submarins d’una manera més important del que s’havia pensat.
BACKGROUND: Variables influencing serum hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA levels and genotype distribution in individuals with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection are not well known, nor are factors determining spontaneous clearance after exposure to HCV in this population. METHODS: All HCV antibody (Ab)-positive patients with HIV infection in the EuroSIDA cohort who had stored samples were tested for serum HCV RNA, and HCV genotyping was done for subjects with viremia. Logistic regression was used to identify variables associated with spontaneous HCV clearance and HCV genotype 1. RESULTS: Of 1940 HCV Ab-positive patients, 1496 (77%) were serum HCV RNA positive. Injection drug users (IDUs) were less likely to have spontaneously cleared HCV than were homosexual men (20% vs. 39%; adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 0.36 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 0.24-0.53]), whereas patients positive for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) were more likely to have spontaneously cleared HCV than were those negative for HBsAg (43% vs. 21%; aOR, 2.91 [95% CI, 1.94-4.38]). Of patients with HCV viremia, 786 (53%) carried HCV genotype 1, and 53 (4%), 440 (29%), and 217 (15%) carried HCV genotype 2, 3, and 4, respectively. A greater HCV RNA level was associated with a greater chance of being infected with HCV genotype 1 (aOR, 1.60 per 1 log higher [95% CI, 1.36-1.88]). CONCLUSIONS: More than three-quarters of the HIV- and HCV Ab-positive patients in EuroSIDA showed active HCV replication. Viremia was more frequent in IDUs and, conversely, was less common in HBsAg-positive patients. Of the patients with HCV viremia analyzed, 53% were found to carry HCV genotype 1, and this genotype was associated with greater serum HCV RNA levels.
Strategies for expanding hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) include coculture with cells that recapitulate their natural microenvironment, such as bone marrow stromal stem/progenitor cells (BMSCs). Plastic-adherent BMSCs may be insufficient to preserve primitive HSCs. Here, we describe a method of isolating and culturing human BMSCs as nonadherent mesenchymal spheres. Human mesenspheres were derived from CD45- CD31- CD71- CD146+ CD105+ nestin+ cells but could also be simply grown from fetal and adult BM CD45--enriched cells. Human mesenspheres robustly differentiated into mesenchymal lineages. In culture conditions where they displayed a relatively undifferentiated phenotype, with decreased adherence to plastic and increased self-renewal, they promoted enhanced expansion of cord blood CD34+ cells through secreted soluble factors. Expanded HSCs were serially transplantable in immunodeficient mice and significantly increased long-term human hematopoietic engraftment. These results pave the way for culture techniques that preserve the self-renewal of human BMSCs and their ability to support functional HSCs.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) polymorphism is associated with the pathophysiology of several neurodegenerative disorders, including Huntington"s disease. In view ofthese data andthe involvement of huntingtin in intracellular trafficking, we examined the intracellular transport and release of Val66Val BDNF (Val-BDNF) and Val66Met BDNF (Met-BDNF) in transfected striatal knock-in cells expressing wild-type or mutant full-length huntingtin. Colocalization studies with specific markers for endoplasmic reticulum showed no differences between the Val-BDNF and Met-BDNF and were not modified by mutant huntingtin. However, post-Golgi trafficking was altered by mutant huntingtin dependent on the BDNF form. Thus, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) and inverse FRAP analysis showed retention of Met-BDNF inthe Golgi apparatus with respectto Val-BDNF in wild-type cells. Strikingly, mutant huntingtin diminished post-Golgi trafficking of Val-BDNF, whereas Met-BDNF was not modified. Accordingly, a reduction in the number of transport vesicles was only observed in mutant huntingtin cells transfected with Val-BDNF but not Met-BDNF. Moreover, mutant huntingtin severely affectedthe KCl-evoked release of Val-BDNF, although it had little effect on Met-BDNF regulated release. The constitutive release of Val-BDNF or Met-BDNF in mutant cells was only slightly reduced. Interestingly, mutant huntingtin only perturbed post-Golgi trafficking of proteins that follow the regulated secretory pathway (epidermal growth factor receptor or atrial natriuretic factor), whereas it did not change those that follow the constitutive pathway (p75 NTR ). We conclude that mutant huntingtin differently affects intracellular transport and release of Val-BDNF and Met-BDNF. In addition, our findings reveal a new role for huntingtin in the regulation of the post-Golgi trafficking of the regulated secretory pathway.
Se ha aplicado el QBR (índice de calidad del bosque de ribera) a 157 estaciones de muestreo localizadas en ríos pertenecientes a 12 cuencas diferentes del ámbito mediterráneo español. Los resultados indican que más del 34 % de las estaciones muestran valores de calidad buenos y muy buenos (QBR > 75), mientras que el 45 % presenta valores de mala y pésima calidad (QBR < 50). Según una tipología previa establecida para clasificar las estaciones de muestreo, los valores de mayor calidad de QBR se dan en estaciones de cabecera de cuencas calcáreas y en las zonas de karst. Los tipos denominados temporales y ramblas presentan los valores más bajos de calidad, o no tiene representantes de máxima calidad. La ausencia o escasez de bosques de riberas de máxima calidad en las cuencas del sur peninsular puede explicarse por el gradiente de aridez que se establece desde el norte hacia el sur. Además existe un evidente deterioro de las riberas desde las cabeceras a las desembocaduras de los ríos, de manera que ambos factores influyen en el estado actual de las riberas de los ríos mediterráneos ibéricos. Finalmente se discute la utilidad y limitaciones del QBR en ríos sometidos a situaciones de estrés hídrico o ambiental.
A nasofaringe é a parte mais superior das vias aéreas superiores. Seu limite superior é a base do osso esfenóide e occipital, situa-se anteriormente às duas primeiras vértebras cervicais e à frente do clivo. Seus limites laterais são formados pelas margens do músculo constritor superior da faringe e pela fáscia faringobasilar, recessos faríngeos, toro tubário e tuba auditiva. O limite inferior é um plano horizontal que passa pelo palato duro e pelo músculo palatofaríngeo. Anteriormente, comunica-se com a cavidade nasal via coana posterior. Mede cerca de 2,0 cm de diâmetro ântero-posterior e cerca de 4,0 cm de extensão crânio-caudal. O carcinoma de células escamosas compreende aproximadamente 70% a 98% de todas as neoplasias malignas da nasofaringe em adultos. Este tipo de tumor apresenta alta incidência na população asiática, sendo mais comum entre os homens e o terceiro mais comum entre as mulheres. A manifestação clínica do carcinoma da nasofaringe depende do tamanho da lesão e da sua localização, sendo que as lesões de pequenas dimensões são geralmente assintomáticas. A tomografia computadorizada e a ressonância magnética desempenham papel essencial e complementar no estadiamento e no tratamento dos pacientes portadores de câncer da nasofaringe.
Background: Premorbid metabolic syndrome (pre-MetS) is a cluster of cardiometabolic risk factors characterised by central obesity, elevated fasting glucose, atherogenic dyslipidaemia and hypertension without established cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Community pharmacies are in an excellent position to develop screening programmes because of their direct contact with the population. The main aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of pre-MetS in people who visited community pharmacies for measurement of any of its five risk factors to detect the presence of other risk factors. The secondary aims were to study the presence of other cardiovascular risk factors and determine patients" cardiovascular risk. Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive, multicentre study. Patients meeting selection criteria aged between 18 and 65 years who visited participating community pharmacies to check any of five pre-MetS diagnostic factors were included. The study involved 23 community pharmacies in Catalonia (Spain). Detection criteria for pre-MetS were based on the WHO proposal following IDF and AHA/NHBI consensus. Cardiovascular risk (CVR) was calculated by Regicor and Score methods. Other variables studied were smoking habit, physical activity, body mass index (BMI), and pharmacological treatment of dyslipidemia and hypertension. The data were collected and analysed with the SPSS programme. Comparisons of variables were carried out using the Student"s T-test, Chi-Squared test or ANOVA test. Level of significance was 5% (0.05). Results: The overall prevalence of pre-MetS was 21.9% [95% CI 18.7-25.2]. It was more prevalent in men, 25.5% [95% CI 22.1-28.9], than in women, 18.6% [95% CI 15.5-21.7], and distribution increased with age. The most common risk factors were high blood pressure and abdominal obesity. About 70% of people with pre-MetS were sedentary and over 85% had a BMI ≥25 Kg/m2 . Some 22.4% had two metabolic criteria and 27.2% of patients with pre-MetS had no previous diagnosis. Conclusions: The prevalence of pre-MetS in our study (21.9%) was similar to that found in other studies carried out in Primary Care in Spain. The results of this study confirm emergent cardiometabolic risk factors such as hypertension, obesity and physical inactivity. Our study highlights the strategic role of the community pharmacy in the detection of pre-MetS in the apparently healthy population.
Infection is one of the most serious complications after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The current incidence of prosthetic knee infection is 1-3%, depending on the series(.) For treatment and control to be more cost effective, multidisciplinary groups made up of professionals from different specialities who can work together to eradicate these kinds of infections need to be assembled. About the microbiology, Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococcus were among the most frequent microorganisms involved (74%). Anamnesis and clinical examination are of primary importance in order to determine whether the problem may point to a possible acute septic complication. The first diagnosis may then be supported by increased CRP and ESR levels. The surgical treatment for a chronic prosthetic knee infection has been perfectly defined and standardized, and consists in a two-stage implant revision process. In contrast, the treatment for acute prosthetic knee infection is currently under debate. Considering the different surgical techniques that already exist, surgical debridement with conservation of the prosthesis and polythene revision appears to be an attractive option for both surgeon and patient, as it is less aggressive than the two-stage revision process and has lower initial costs. The different results obtained from this technique, along with prognosis factors and conclusions to keep in mind when it is indicated for an acute prosthetic infection, whether post-operative or haematogenous, will be analysed by the authors.
Because of technical principles, samples to be observed with electron microscopy need to be fixed in a chemical process and exposed to vacuum conditions that can produce some changes in the morphology of the specimen. The aim of this work was to obtain high-resolution images of the fresh articular cartilage surface with an environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM), which is an instrument that permits examination of biological specimens without fixation methods in a 10 Torr chamber pressure, thus minimizing the risk of creating artifacts in the structure. Samples from weight-bearing areas of femoral condyles of New Zealand white rabbits were collected and photographed using an ESEM. Images were analyzed using a categorization based in the Jurvelin classification system modified by Hong and Henderson. Appearance of the observed elevations and depressions as described in the classification were observed, but no fractures or splits of cartilage surface, thought to be artifacts, were detected. The ESEM is a useful tool to obtain images of fresh articular cartilage surface appearance without either employing fixation methods or exposing the specimen to extreme vacuum conditions, reducing the risk of introducing artifacts within the specimen. For all these reasons it could become a useful tool for quality control of the preservation process of osteochondral allografting in a bank of musculoskeletal tissues.
The wear resistance of rotary plows operating in a clay loam soil was studied. The degree of damage caused to the soil and the amount of mass lost by the tools were determined in order to establish correlations between the physical properties of the soil and the wear mechanisms acting on the tribosystem. Field tests were carried out in 12 plots and a randomized experimental design with 4 levels, 3 replicas per level and 2 passes per plot was applied. The levels relate to the tillage implements employed: rotary tiller, rotary power harrow, small motorized rotary tiller and control (unaltered soil). The highest mass losses were measured in rotary tiller and rotary power harrow's tools, while the small motorized rotary tiller's tools showed generally lower levels of damage. It was determined that the effective contact time between tool and soil, the rotating speed and the sudden impact forces are the most significant factors affecting the wear resistance in field operations. Thirty days after tillage operation the soil samples were taken from each plot at a mean depth of 100 mm in order to determine bulk density, gravimetric moisture content and percentage of aggregates smaller than 5 mm. No significant differences among the values of these properties were found in the experiments. The wear mechanisms acting on the tools' surface are complex and include 2-body and 3-body abrasion as well as the presence of sudden impact forces.
Neste trabalho, são analisadas retrospectivamente as complicações locais e sistêmicas associadas ao implante e uso de catéteres venosos centrais (CVC) de longa permanência. Num período de oito anos, foram implantados 500 CVC para quimioterapia de doenças malignas ou para suporte em transplantes de medula óssea. Dois tipos de CVC foram usados: 322 CVC totalmente implantáveis (com reservatório subcutâneo) e 178 CVC semi-implantáveis (com segmento externo). Os implantes foram feitos por via percutânea ou por dissecção venosa cirúrgica. As veias de acesso foram: jugular interna, subclávia, cefálica, e safena magna. OS CVC foram usados de três dias a 75 meses (média de 4,8 meses). Foram analisadas as complicações que necessitaram de tratamento, prolongaram a estadia hospitalar ou levaram à retirada do catéter. Complicações menores foram excluídas deste estudo. Os tipos e os números de complicações observadas foram: Anestésicas: broncoespasmo grave (um); enfisema do pescoço por perfuração traqueal (um). Cirúrgicas: deiscência da incisão (duas); hematoma do pescoço (três); infecção aguda no local de implante (duas); lesão temporária do nervo vago (três}; linfocele (uma); fístula do ducto torácico (uma). Venosas: trombose aguda da jugular (três) e da veia subclávia (cinco); síndrome da cava superior (três). Do próprio catéter: bacteremia tardia (39); trombose do catéter (48); erosão da pele sobre o catéter/reservatório(três); torção do reservatório (duas); fratura do catéter (duas). No total, ocorreram 119 complicações, para uma taxa cumulativa de 23,8%. Nenhuma complicação foi fatal. O implante e uso dos CVC de longa permanência estão associados a complicações freqüentes, que podem ser graves. Mas os benefícios trazidos por estes CVC nos pacientes que necessitam de acesso venoso confiável por tempo prolongado são certamente muito maiores do que os riscos das complicações.
Este artigo pretende fazer uma revisão geral do tema, com ênfase em conceitos atuais e/ou controversos no manejo das situações clínicas em questão, em especial conceitos ainda polêmicos quanto à fisiopatologia e ao manejo diagnóstico. Também é feita uma revisão extensa quanto aos aspectos clínicos e terapêuticos da torção de testículo neonatal e quanto aos aspectos de diagnóstico diferencial na síndrome do escroto agudo. São citadas informações estatísticas derivadas dos principais estudos clínicos publicados nos últimos 20 anos em literatura médica ocidental.
OBJETIVO: O abdome agudo em ginecologia e obstetrícia apresenta baixo risco de vida para a paciente, entretanto, o retardo no diagnóstico e tratamento influencia na morbi-mortalidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as principais causas de abdome agudo em tocoginecologia. MÉTODOS: Foram revisados 287 casos de abdome agudo em tocoginecologia de janeiro de 1987 a dezembro de 1997 atendidos na Disciplina de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia da Faculdade de Medicina do Triângulo Mineiro. RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostraram que a prenhez ectópica foi a mais freqüente causa de abdome agudo hemorrágico com 98,5% dos casos. Nestes casos, a dor pélvica foi o sintoma mais comum (69,1%). Todas as pacientes foram submetidas à laparotomia e salpingectomia foi realizada em 92,6% dos casos. A causa mais freqüente de abdome agudo inflamatório foi a doença inflamatória pélvica com 94,8%. A dor pélvica aguda estava presente em 91,5% dos casos e a febre em 56,2% casos. A penicilina foi usada com sucesso em 92,1% dos casos. Do total de 201 casos de doença inflamatória pélvica, 13 (6,5%) foram submetidos à laparotomia. CONCLUSÕES: Os autores concluem que o abdome agudo de causa tocoginecológica apresenta quadro clínico variável, portanto, o ginecologista deve estar atento para estabelecer diagnóstico e tratamento precisos.