931 resultados para Survival.


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We conducted a whole year research on the ecology of Mansonia indubitans and Ma. titillans in Macáes Pond, Costanera Sur Reserve, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The usage of different floating plants by immature instars and their overwintering was analized. The percentage of usage of the available floating macrophytes (Pistia, Limnobium, and Salvinia) by the larvae and pupae was studied. Also, we defined positivity (P+) as the percentage of plants with immature instars for each plant genus on a monthly basis. Ma. immature instars were captured throughout the year and Pistia was the resource most commonly exploited by the mosquitoes. The percentage of fourth-instar larvae and pupae on Pistia roots with respect to total immature instars captured was assessed on a monthly and seasonal basis. The proportion of fourth-instar larvae and pupae from both species of Mansonia on water lettuce roots, showed significant differences between months and seasons. Our results suggest that the populations of Ma. indubitans and Ma. titillans in Macáes Pond, survive during winter mainly as fourth-instar larvae.


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Patients with glioblastoma (GBM) have variable clinical courses, but the factors that underlie this heterogeneity are not understood. To determine whether the presence of the telomerase-independent alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALTs) mechanism is a significant prognostic factor for survival, we performed a retrospective analysis of 573 GBM patients. The presence of ALT was identified in paraffin sections using a combination of immunofluorescence for promyelocytic leukemia body and telomere fluorescence in situ hybridization. Alternative lengthening of telomere was present in 15% of the GBM patients. Patients with ALT had longer survival that was independent of age, surgery, and other treatments. Mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH1mut) 1 frequently accompanied ALT, and in the presence of both molecular events, there was significantly longer overall survival. These data suggest that most ALT+ tumors may be less aggressive proneural GBMs, and the better prognosis may relate to the set of genetic changes associated with this tumor subtype. Despite improved overall survival of patients treated with the addition of chemotherapy to radiotherapy and surgery, ALT and chemotherapy independently provided a survival advantage, but these factors were not found to be additive. These results suggest a critical need for developing new therapies to target these specific GBM subtypes.


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Cellular metabolism is emerging as a potential fate determinant in cancer and stem cell biology, constituting a crucial regulator of the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) pool [1-4]. The extremely low oxygen tension in the HSC microenvironment of the adult bone marrow forces HSCs into a low metabolic profile that is thought to enable their maintenance by protecting them from reactive oxygen species (ROS). Although HSC quiescence has for long been associated with low mitochondrial activity, as testified by the low rhodamine stain that marks primitive HSCs, we hypothesized that mitochondrial activation could be an HSC fate determinant in its own right. We thus set to investigate the implications of pharmacologically modulating mitochondrial activity during bone marrow transplantation, and have found that forcing mitochondrial activation in the post-transplant period dramatically increases survival. Specifically, we examined the mitochondrial content and activation profile of each murine hematopoietic stem and progenitor compartment. Long-term-HSCs (LT-HSC, Lin-cKit+Sca1+ (LKS) CD150+CD34-), short-term-HSCs (ST-HSC, LKS+150+34+), multipotent progenitors (MPPs, LKS+150-) and committed progenitors (PROG, Lin-cKit+Sca1-) display distinct mitochondrial profiles, with both mitochondrial content and activity increasing with differentiation. Indeed, we found that overall function of the hematopoietic progenitor and stem cell compartment can be resolved by mitochondrial activity alone, as illustrated by the fact that low mitochondrial activity LKS cells (TMRM low) can provide efficient long-term engraftment, while high mitochondrial activity LKS cells (TMRM high) cannot engraft in lethally irradiated mice. Moreover, low mitochondrial activity can equally predict efficiency of engraftment within the LT-HSC and ST-HSC compartments, opening the field to a novel method of discriminating a population of transitioning ST-HSCs that retain long-term engraftment capacity. Based on previous experience that a high-fat bone marrow microenvironment depletes short-term hematopoietic progenitors while conserving their long-term counterparts [5], we set to measure HSC mitochondrial activation in high-fat diet fed mice, known to decrease metabolic rate on a per cell basis through excess insulin/IGF-1 production. Congruently, we found lower mitochondrial activation as assessed by flow cytometry and RT-PCR analysis as well as a depletion of the short-term progenitor compartment in high fat versus control chow diet fed mice. We then tested the effects of a mitochondrial activator known to counteract the negative effects of high fat diet. We first analyzed the in vitro effect on HSC cell cycle kinetics, where no significant change in proliferation or division time was found. However, HSCs responded to the mitochondrial activator by increasing asynchrony, a behavior that is thought to directly correlate with asymmetric division [6]. As opposed to high-fat diet fed mice, mice fed with the mitochondrial activator showed an increase in ST-HSCs, while all the other hematopoietic compartments were comparable to mice fed on control diet. Given the dependency on short-term progenitors to rapidly reconstitute hematopoiesis following bone marrow transplantation, we tested the effect of pharmacological mitochondrial activation on the recovery of mice transplanted with a limiting HSC dose. Survival 3 weeks post-transplant was 80% in the treated group compared to 0% in the control group, as predicted by faster recovery of platelet and neutrophil counts. In conclusion, we have found that mitochondrial activation regulates the long-term to short-term HSC transition, unraveling mitochondrial modulation as a valuable drug target for post-transplant therapy. Identification of molecular pathways accountable for the metabolically mediated fate switch is currently ongoing.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Data from the literature reveal the contrasting influences of family members and friends on the survival of old adults. On one hand, numerous studies have reported a positive association between social relationships and survival. On the other, ties with children may be associated with an increased risk of disability, whereas ties with friends or other relatives tend to improve survival. A five-year prospective, population-based study of 295 Swiss octogenarians tested the hypothesis that having a spouse, siblings or close friends, and regular contacts with relatives or friends are associated with longer survival, even at a very old age. METHODS: Data were collected through individual interviews, and a Cox regression model was applied to assess the effects of kinship and friendship networks on survival, after adjusting for socio-demographic and health-related variables. RESULTS: Our analyses indicate that the presence of a spouse in the household is not significantly related to survival, whereas the presence of siblings at baseline improves the oldest old's chances of surviving five years later. Moreover, the existence of close friends is a central component in the patterns of social relationships of oldest adults, and one which is significantly associated with survival. Overall, the protective effect of social relationships on survival is more related to the quality of those relationships (close friends) than to the frequency of relationships (regular contacts). CONCLUSIONS: We hypothesize that the existence of siblings or close friends may beneficially affect survival, due to the potential influence on the attitudes of octogenarians regarding health practices and adaptive strategies.


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The number of cases of visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis is increasing globally at an alarming rate irrespective of the region and the leishmaniases are amongst the top emergent diseases in spite of control measures. In the present review attention is drawn to some of the reasons for this. The leishmaniases have expanded beyond their natural ecotopes due to the ecological chaos caused by man and this in turn affects the levels of his exposure to the vectors. Examples of how different phenomana (such as war, civilian migration, immuno-suppression caused by medication and viral infections, globalization of work and leisure and transmission outside endemic areas) contribute to the spread and increase of the disease are discussed.


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Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) with del(5q) are considered to have a benign course of the disease. In order to address the issue of the propensity of those patients to progress to acute myeloid leukemia (AML), data on 381 untreated patients with MDS and del(5q) characterized by low or intermediate I International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS) risk score were collected from nine centers and registries. Median survival of the entire group was 74 months. Transfusion-dependent patients had a median survival of 44 months vs 97 months for transfusion-independent patients (P<0.0001). Transfusion need at diagnosis was the most important patient characteristic for survival. Of the 381 patients, 48 (12.6%) progressed to AML. The cumulative progression rate calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method was 4.9% at 2 years and 17.6% at 5 years. Factors associated with the risk of AML transformation were high-risk World Health Organization adapted Prognostic Scoring System (WPSS) score, marrow blast count >5% and red-cell transfusion dependency at diagnosis. In conclusion, patients with MDS and del(5q) are facing a considerable risk of AML transformation. More detailed cytogenetic and molecular studies may help to identify the patients at risk of progression.


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Human B cell-activating factor (BAFF) induces mouse surface IgM+ B cells of the immature type from bone marrow and of the immature types 1 and 2 from spleen, as well as of the mature type from spleen to increased longevity in tissue culture. BAFF does so polyclonally and without inducing proliferation in any of these B cell subpopulations. BAFF induces phenotypic and functional maturation of immature to mature B cells so that all immature cells loose C1qRp (AA4.1, 493) expression and type 1 immature cells up-regulate IgD, CD21 and CD23. Immature B cells of types 1 and 2, upon pre-incubation with BAFF, change their reactiveness to Ig-specific antibodies so that they no longer enter apoptosis but now proliferate. However, BAFF does not seem to overcome negative selection of developing immature B cells in vitro.


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The effect of relative humidity (43%, 75%, 86% and > 98%) on Aedes aegypti eggs treated with Metarhizium anisopliae or water only was tested for up to a six months exposure at 25ºC. Survival of larvae inside eggs was clearly affected by the lowest humidity (43%) tested, and eclosion diminished at all humidities after increasing periods of exposure. M. anisopliae showed to have a strong ovicidal activity only at humidity close to saturation. No difference of activity was found between conidia and hyphal bodies tested. This fungus affected larvae inside eggs and has potential as a control agent of this important vector in breeding sites with high moisture.


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In patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) precursor cell cultures (colony-forming unit cells, CFU-C) can provide an insight into the growth potential of malignant myeloid cells. In a retrospective single-center study of 73 untreated MDS patients we assessed whether CFU-C growth patterns were of prognostic value in addition to established criteria. Abnormalities were classified as qualitative (i.e. leukemic cluster growth) or quantitative (i.e. strongly reduced/absent growth). Thirty-nine patients (53%) showed leukemic growth, 26 patients (36%) had strongly reduced/absent colony growth, and 12 patients showed both. In a univariate analysis the presence of leukemic growth was associated with strongly reduced survival (at 10 years 4 vs. 34%, p = 0.004), and a high incidence of transformation to AML (76 vs. 32%, p = 0.01). Multivariate analysis identified leukemic growth as a strong and independent predictor of early death (relative risk 2.12, p = 0.03) and transformation to AML (relative risk 2.63, p = 0.04). Quantitative abnormalities had no significant impact on the disease course. CFU-C assays have a significant predictive value in addition to established prognostic factors in MDS. Leukemic growth identifies a subpopulation of MDS patients with poor prognosis.


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The influence of temperature on the developmental times and survival of insects can largely determine their distribution. For invasive species, like the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), these data are essential for predicting their potential range based on mechanistic models. In the case of this species, such data are too scarce and incomplete to make accurate predictions based on its physiological needs. This research provides comprehensive new data about brood survival and developmental times at a wide range of temperatures under laboratory conditions. Temperature affected both the complete brood development from egg to adult worker and each of the immature stages separately. The higher the temperature, the shorter the development times. Brood survival from egg to adult was low, with the maximum survival rate being only 16% at 26º C. Temperature also affected survival of each of the immature stages differently: eggs were negatively affected by high temperatures, while larvae were negatively affected by low temperatures, and the survival of pupae was apparentlyindependent of environmental temperature. At 32º C no eggs survived, while at 18º C less than 2% of the eggs hatched into larva. The data from the present study are essential for developing prediction models about the distribution range of this tramp species based on its physiological needs in relation to temperature


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Different urban structures might affect the life history parameters of Aedes aegypti and, consequently, dengue transmission. Container productivity, probability of daily survival (PDS) and dispersal rates were estimated for mosquito populations in a high income neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro. Results were contrasted with those previously found in a suburban district, as well as those recorded in a slum. After inspecting 1,041 premises, domestic drains and discarded plastic pots were identified as the most productive containers, collectively holding up to 80% of the total pupae. In addition, three cohorts of dust-marked Ae. aegypti females were released and recaptured daily using BGS-Traps, sticky ovitraps and backpack aspirators in 50 randomly selected houses; recapture rate ranged from 5-12.2% within cohorts. PDS was determined by two models and ranged from 0.607-0.704 (exponential model) and 0.659-0.721 (non-linear model), respectively. Mean distance travelled varied from 57-122 m, with a maximum dispersal of 263 m. Overall, lower infestation indexes and adult female survival were observed in the high income neighbourhood, suggesting a lower dengue transmission risk in comparison to the suburban area and the slum. Since results show that urban structure can influence mosquito biology, specific control strategies might be used in order to achieve cost-effective Ae. aegypti control.


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INTRODUCTION Clearance of alveolar oedema depends on active transport of sodium across the alveolar-epithelial barrier. beta-Adrenergic agonists increase clearance of pulmonary oedema, but it has not been established whether beta-agonist stimulation achieves sufficient oedema clearance to improve survival in animals. The objective of this study was to determine whether the increased pulmonary oedema clearance produced by intratracheal dopamine improves the survival of rats after mechanical ventilation with high tidal volume (HVT). METHODS This was a randomized, controlled, experimental study. One hundred and thirty-two Wistar-Kyoto rats, weighing 250 to 300 g, were anaesthetized and cannulated via endotracheal tube. Pulmonary oedema was induced by endotracheal instillation of saline solution and mechanical ventilation with HVT. Two types of experiment were carried out. The first was an analysis of pulmonary oedema conducted in six groups of 10 rats ventilated with low (8 ml/kg) or high (25 ml/kg) tidal volume for 30 or 60 minutes with or without intratracheally instilled dopamine. At the end of the experiment the animals were exsanguinated and pulmonary oedema analysis performed. The second experiment was a survival analysis, which was conducted in two groups of 36 animals ventilated with HVT for 60 minutes with or without intratracheal dopamine; survival of the animals was monitored for up to 7 days after extubation. RESULTS In animals ventilated at HVT with or without intratracheal dopamine, oxygen saturation deteriorated over time and was significantly higher at 30 minutes than at 60 minutes. After 60 minutes, a lower wet weight/dry weight ratio was observed in rats ventilated with HVT and instilled with dopamine than in rats ventilated with HVT without dopamine (3.9 +/- 0.27 versus 4.9 +/- 0.29; P = 0.014). Survival was significantly (P = 0.013) higher in animals receiving intratracheal dopamine and ventilated with HVT, especially at 15 minutes after extubation, when 11 of the 36 animals in the HVT group had died as compared with only one out of the 36 animals in the HVT plus dopamine group. CONCLUSION Intratracheal dopamine instillation increased pulmonary oedema clearance in rats ventilated with HVT, and this greater clearance was associated with improved survival.


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The dispersal and survival of the phlebotomines Nyssomyia intermedia and Nyssomyia neivai (both implicated as vectors of the cutaneous leishmaniasis agent) in an endemic area was investigated using a capture-mark-release technique in five experiments from August-December 2003 in municipality of Iporanga, state of São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 1,749 males and 1,262 females of Ny. intermedia and 915 males and 411 females of Ny. neivai were marked and released during the five experiments. Recapture attempts were made using automatic light traps, aspiration in natural resting places and domestic animal shelters and Shannon traps. A total of 153 specimens (3.48%) were recaptured: 2.59% (78/3,011) for Ny. intermedia and 5.35% (71/1,326) for Ny. neivai. Both species were recaptured up to 144 h post-release, with the larger part of them recaptured within 48 h. The median dispersion distances for Ny. intermedia and Ny. neivai, respectively, were 109 m and 100 m. The greatest dispersal range of Ny. intermedia was 180 m, while for Ny. neivai one female was recaptured in a pasture at 250 m and another in a pigsty at 520 m, showing a tendency to disperse to more open areas. The daily survival rates calculated based on regressions of the numbers of marked insects recaptured on the six successive days after release were 0.746 for males and 0.575 for females of Ny. intermedia and 0.649 for both sexes of Ny. neivai. The size of the populations in the five months ranged from 8,332-725,085 for Ny. intermedia males, 2,193-104,490 for Ny. intermedia females, 1,687-350,122 for Ny. neivai males and 254-49,705 for Ny. neivai females.


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BACKGROUND: Mediastinal lymph-node dissection was compared to systematic mediastinal lymph-node sampling in patients undergoing complete resection for non-small cell lung cancer with respect to morbidity, duration of chest tube drainage and hospitalization, survival, disease-free survival, and site of recurrence. METHODS: A consecutive series of one hundred patients with non-small-cell lung cancer, clinical stage T1-3 N0-1 after standardized staging, was divided into two groups of 50 patients each, according to the technique of intraoperative mediastinal lymph-node assessment (dissection versus sampling). Mediastinal lymph-node dissection consisted of removal of all lymphatic tissues within defined anatomic landmarks of stations 2-4 and 7-9 on the right side, and stations 4-9 on the left side according to the classification of the American Thoracic Society. Systematic mediastinal lymph-node sampling consisted of harvesting of one or more representative lymph nodes from stations 2-4 and 7-9 on the right side, and stations 4-9 on the left side. RESULTS: All patients had complete resection. A mean follow-up time of 89 months was achieved in 92 patients. The two groups of patients were comparable with respect to age, gender, performance status, tumor stage, histology, extent of lung resection, and follow-up time. No significant difference was found between both groups regarding the duration of chest tube drainage, hospitalization, and morbidity. However, dissection required a longer operation time than sampling (179 +/- 38 min versus 149 +/- 37 min, p < 0.001). There was no significant difference in overall survival between the two groups; however, patients with stage I disease had a significantly longer disease-free survival after dissection than after sampling (60.2 +/- 7 versus 44.8 +/- 8 months, p < 0.03). Local recurrence was significantly higher after sampling than after dissection in patients with stage I tumor (12.5% versus 45%, p = 0.02) and in patients with nodal tumor negative mediastinum (N0/N1 disease) (46% versus 13%, p = 0.004). CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that mediastinal lymph-node dissection may provide a longer disease-free survival in stage I non-small cell lung cancer and, most importantly, a better local tumor control than mediastinal lymph-node sampling after complete resection for N0/N1 disease without leading to increased morbidity.


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The TNF family member BAFF is a fundamental survival factor for B cells. BAFF binds to three receptors, only one of which, BAFF-R, does not cross-react with the BAFF-related ligand APRIL. The survival function of BAFF on B cells is mediated mainly by BAFF-R and is particularly effective in transitional B cells. BAFF depletion leads to a considerable decrease in mature B cells, without apparent effect on B cell genesis. Consistently, BAFF overexpression results in an expanded B cell compartment and autoimmunity in mice. Elevated amounts of BAFF can be found in the serum of patients suffering from autoimmune diseases. The BAFF system is a promising target for the treatment of autoimmune diseases.