994 resultados para Superóxido dismutase 1
The Chromobacterium violaceum is a β-proteobacterium Gram-negative widely found in tropical and subtropical regions, whose genome was sequenced in 2003 showing great metabolic versatility and biotechnological and pharmaceutical potential. Given the large number of ORFs related to iron metabolism described in the genome of C. violaceum, the importance of this metal for various biological processes and due to lack of data about the consequences of excess of iron in free-living organisms, it is important to study the response mechanism of this bacterium in a culture filled with iron. Previous work showed that C. violaceum is resistant to high concentrations of this metal, but has not yet been described the mechanism which is used to this survival. Thus, to elucidate the response of C. violaceum cultured in high concentrations of iron and expecting to obtain candidate genes for use in bioremediation processes, this study used a shotgun proteomics approach and systems biology to assess the response of C. violaceum grown in the presence and absence of 9 mM of iron. The analysis identified 531 proteins, being 71 exclusively expressed by the bacteria grown in the presence of the metal and 100 just in the control condition. The increase in expression of proteins related to the TCA cycle possibly represents a metabolic reprogramming of the bacteria caused by high concentration of iron in the medium. Moreover, we observed an increase in the activity assay of superoxide dismutase and catalase as well as in Total Antioxidant Activity assay, suggesting that the metal is inducing oxidative stress in C. violaceum that increases the levels of violacein and antioxidant enzymes to better adapt to the emerging conditions. Are also part of the adaptive response changes in expression of proteins related to transport, including iron, as well as an increased expression of proteins related to chemotaxis response, which would lead the bacteria to change the direction of its movement away from the metal. Systems Biology results, also suggest a metabolic reprogramming with mechanisms coordinated by bottleneck proteins involved in transcription (GreA), energy metabolism (Rpe and TpiA) and methylation (AhcY)
Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is a plant from Poaceae family that has an impressive ability to accumulate sucrose in the stalk, making it a significant component of the economy of many countries. About 100 countries produce sugarcane in an area of 22 million hectares worldwide. For this reason, many studies have been done using sugarcane as a plant model in order to improve production. A change in gravity may be one kind of abiotic stress, since it generates rapid responses after stimulation. In this work we decided to investigate the possible morphophysiological, biochemical and molecular changes resulting from microgravity. Here, we present the contributions of an experiment where sugarcane plants were submitted to microgravity flight using a vehicle VSB-30, a sounding rocket developed by Aeronautics and Space Institute teams, in cooperation with the German Space Agency. Sugarcane plants with 10 days older were submitted to a period of six minutes of microgravity using the VSB-30 rocket. The morphophysiological analyses of roots and leaves showed that plants submitted to the flight showed changes in the conduction tissues, irregular pattern of arrangement of vascular bundles and thickening of the cell walls, among other anatomical changes that indicate that the morphology of the plants was substantially influenced by gravitational stimulation, besides the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide, an important signaling molecule in stress conditions. We carried out RNA extraction and sequencing using Illumina platform. Plants subjected to microgravity also showed changes in enzyme activity. It was observed an increased in superoxide dismutase activity in leaves and a decreased in its activity in roots as well as for ascorbate peroxidase activity. Thus, it was concluded that the changes in gravity were perceived by plants, and that microgravity environment triggered changes associated with a reactive oxygen specie signaling process. This work has helped the understanding of how the gravity affects the structural organization of the plants, by comparing the anatomy of plants subjected to microgravity and plants grown in 1g gravity
A acidificação dos oceanos constitui uma problemática global e a realidade de que está, efetivamente, a acontecer não é uma consideração subjetiva. A Acidificação dos oceanos provocada por emissões de dióxido de carbono de origem antropogénica tem vindo a reduzir o pH das águas superficiais do Oceano e projeções preveem a continuidade deste processo. Embora muita investigação tenha sido desenvolvida no âmbito dos invertebrados que calcificam, tais como moluscos e crustáceos, poucos consideraram o estudo de efeitos ao nível sub-celular para avaliar stress oxidativo ou respostas funcionais do metabolismo energético em tais condições, interligando vários níveis de organização biológica. O objetivo do presente estudo foi o de avaliar os efeitos da exposição a diferentes níveis-alvo de pCO2 (controlo: 370 μatm; aumentado: 710 μatm) e de pH (controlo: 8.15; reduzido: 7.85) em parâmetros de crescimento bem como avaliar respostas comportamentais e bioquímicas relacionadas com stress oxidativo e metabolismo energético durante o desenvolvimento larvar de um crustáceo decápode. Este cenário de acidificação está de acordo com os RCPs previstos pelo Painel Intergovernamental para as Alterações Climáticas (IPCC, 2014) para o ano 2100. Para o presente estudo, foi utilizado o crustáceo Homarus gammarus (L.) – sendo uma espécie com elevado valor comercial, que tem vindo a sofrer elevada pressão de pesca em águas Europeias. Fêmeas adultas provenientes da costa Atlântica Oeste Portuguesa foram obtidas de um retalhista local. Após a eclosão em ambiente laboratorial controlado, larvas provenientes da mesma progenitora foram expostas às condições acima descritas desde o momento da eclosão até à chegada ao Estádio III. A sobrevivência individual e ocorrência de ecdise foram avaliados individualmente de 12h em 12h. Réplicas de cada tratamento foram recolhidas em momentos específicos durante o Estádio I (primeiro estádio larvar) e Estádio III (último estádio larvar) para análise morfométrica e de crescimento (peso fresco e comprimento carapaça) e respostas bioquímicas. Os biomarcadores analisados incluíram parâmetros relacionados com stress oxidativo e danos (atividade da enzima superóxido dismutase (SOD), peroxidação lipídica (LPO) e danos no DNA) e metabolismo energético (atividade da cadeia transportadora de eletrões (ETS) e da enzima lactato desidrogenase (LDH) e quantificação de Hidratos de Carbono). Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a sobrevivência diminui e que o período inter-muda é afetado durante a exposição a cenários de acidificação. No que respeita aos parâmetros de crescimento/morfométricos, larvas do cenário de acidificação apresentam uma tendência para crescimento diminuído, menor peso e comprimento de carapaça. As análises bioquímicas realizadas indicam a ocorrência de stress oxidativo sob condições de acidificação. Respostas ao nível do metabolismo energético não variaram significativamente entre tratamentos. Os resultados apontam também para que fases larvares possam possuir um sistema antioxidante ainda em desenvolvimento, tornando-as mais suscetíveis ao stress oxidativo. As fases larvares são uma fase vulnerável e crucial no ciclo de vida das espécies, influenciando o recrutamento e a renovação de stocks. Este estudo contribui para um melhor entendimento sobre a vulnerabilidade desta espécie num cenário de alterações climáticas – Acidificação dos oceanos – ao endereçar os mecanismos envolvidos nas respostas deste crustáceo a este agente causador de stress.
Esta tese é relacionada ao estudo funcional de um gene que codifica um fator de elongação LeEF-Tsmt em tomate. Este gene participa no processo de síntese de proteína em mitocôndrias e apresenta uma forte expressão durante o processo de maturação quando comparado a outros órgãos. Nós demonstramos que o mesmo se exprime fortemente durante as primeiras fases do processo maturação em paralelo com a crise respiratória climatérica e que sua expressão é estimulada pelo etileno, ferimento e altas temperaturas. Porém, os mutantes de tomate insensíveis ao etileno, exibem uma expressão normal. Frutos transgênicos foram gerados, nos quais o LeEF-Tsmt foi aumentado ou inibido de uma forma constitutiva. Porém, a alteração da expressão do gene através da transformação genética com construções sentido e antisense do gene LeEF-Tsmt não afeta o padrão de respiração e produção de etileno durante a maturação e após o ferimento. Além disso, a expressão do gene da alternativa oxidase, que é conhecida por apresentar um papel importante no climatério respiratório, não foi afetada. Todos estes dados indicam que apesar de sua forte regulação, o LeEF-Tsmt não é limitante da atividade respiratória mitocondrial. A expressão do gene de LeEF-Tsmt é estimulada pelo efeito do estresse oxidativo induzido nas partes vegetativas da planta pela seca e o paraquat. A sensibilidade ao estresse oxidativo avaliado em folhas pela presença de necrose e em calos através de crescimento celular, foi reduzido em plantas antisentido. Entre as enzimas conhecidas por apresentar um papel na detoxificação de espécies reativas de oxigênio, superóxido dismutase (SOD), catalases (CAT), peroxidase (PX) e glutation redutase (GR), nós demostramos que a GR e PX exibem atividade mais alta em linhas antisentido, explicando assim, pelo menos em parte, sua melhor tolerância ao estresse. O papel da proteína de LeEF-Tsmt na síntese de proteínas mitocondriais foi estudado pela análise do proteôma mitocondrial em linhas antisentido e sentido do gene LeEF-Tsmt. A comparação dos proteômas de linhas transformadas e selvagem foi tratado com a ajuda de uma técnica de dupla marcagem 14N/15N aplicadas à tecidos de tomate cultivados in vitro. A linha sentido super expressa fortemente a proteína, enquanto que as linhas antisentidos diminuem ligeiramente. Uma proteína do tipo ?heat-shock? segue as variações da proteína LeEF-Tsmt, sugerindo um possível papel chaperona. Uma análise global do proteôma mitocondrial foi executada, fornecendo novas informações sobre um conjunto de ao redor 500 proteínas mitocondriais de tomate.
The mechanism by which mutations in the superoxide dismutase (SOD1) gene cause motor neuron degeneration in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is unknown. Recent reports that neuronal death in SOD1-familial ALS is apoptotic have not documented activation of cell death genes. We present evidence that the enzyme caspase-1 is activated in neurons expressing mutant SOD1 protein. Proteolytic processing characteristic of caspase-1 activation is seen both in spinal cords of transgenic ALS mice and neurally differentiated neuroblastoma (line N2a) cells with SOD1 mutations. This activation of caspase-1 is enhanced by oxidative challenge (xanthine/xanthine oxidase), which triggers cleavage and secretion of the interleukin 1β converting enzyme substrate, pro-interleukin 1β, and induces apoptosis. This N2a culture system should be an instructive in vitro model for further investigation of the proapoptotic properties of mutant SOD1.
The correlation between the type 1 diabetes mellitus and oxidative stress have been described in several studies, however its underlying mechanisms are not fully elucidated. The present work aimed to evaluate the effects of four weeks of streptozootocin-induced (STZ) diabetes in the redox homeostasis of rat hepatocytes. Thus, the liver of male Wistar rats from control and diabetic groups were collected and the activity and expression of antioxidant enzymes, as well the main markers of oxidative stress and content of H2O2 in these tissues were measured. The diabetes induced the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the gene expression of its mitochondrial isoform, SOD2. However, the expression of SOD1, the cytoplasmic isoform, was reduced by this disease. The activity and expression of catalase (CAT), as well the expression of glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPX1) and peroxiredoxin 4 (PRX4) were drastically reduced in the hepatocytes of diabetics rats. Even with this debility in the peroxidases mRNA expression, the content of H2O2 was reduced in the liver of diabetics rats when compared to the control group. The diabetes caused an increase of lipid peroxidation and a decrease of protein thiol content, showing that this disease causes distinct oxidative effects in different cell biomolecules. Our results indicate that four week of diabetes induced by STZ is already enough to compromise the enzymatic antioxidant systems of the hepatocytes.
To examine the influence of l-arginine supplementation in combination with physical training on mitochondrial biomarkers from gastrocnemius muscle and its relationship with physical performance. Male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control sedentary (SD), sedentary supplemented with l-arginine (SDLA), trained (TR) and trained supplemented with l-arginine (TRLA). Supplementation of l-arginine was administered by gavage (62.5mg/ml/day/rat). Physical training consisted of 60min/day, 5days/week, 0% grade, speed of 1.2km/h. The study lasted 8weeks. Skeletal muscle mitochondrial enriched fraction as well as cytoplasmic fractions were obtained for Western blotting and biochemical analyses. Protein expressions of transcriptor coactivator (PGC-1α), transcriptor factors (mtTFA), ATP synthase subunit c, cytochrome oxidase (COXIV), constitutive nitric oxide synthases (eNOS and nNOS), Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) and manganese-SOD (Mn-SOD) were evaluated. We also assessed in plasma: lipid profile, glycemia and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels. The nitrite/nitrate (NOx(-)) levels were measured in both plasma and cytosol fraction of the gastrocnemius muscle. 8-week l-arginine supplementation associated with physical training was effective in promoting greater tolerance to exercise that was accompanied by up-regulation of the protein expressions of mtTFA, PGC-1α, ATP synthase subunit c, COXIV, Cu/Zn-SOD and Mn-SOD. The upstream pathway was associated with improvement of NO bioavailability, but not in NO production since no changes in nNOS or eNOS protein expressions were observed. This combination would be an alternative approach for preventing cardiometabolic diseases given that in overt diseases a profound impairment in the physical performance of the patients is observed.
Biomolecule oxidation promoted by Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1) has been studied because of its potential role in neurodegenerative diseases. We studied the mechanism of DNA damage promoted by the SOD1-H(2)O(2) system. The system promoted the formation of strand breaks in plasmid DNA and the formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodGuo) in calf thymus DNA. We were also able to detect, for the. first time, 1,N(2)-etheno-2'-deoxyguanosine (1,N(2)-epsilon dGuo) in calf thymus DNA exposed to SOD1-H(2)O(2). The addition of a copper chelator caused a decrease in the frequency of 8-oxodGuo and 1,N(2)-epsilon dGuo, indicating the participation of copper ions lost from SOD1 active sites. The addition of bicarbonate increased the levels of both DNA lesions. We conclude that copper liberated from SOD1 active sites has a central role in the mechanism of DNA damage promoted by SOD1 in the presence of H(2)O(2), and that bicarbonate can modulate the reactivity of released copper.
The PrP(C) is expressed in several cell types but its physiological function is unknown. Some studies associate the PrP(C) with copper metabolism and the antioxidant activity of SOD. Our hypothesis was that changes in PrP(C) expression lead to abnormal copper regulation and induce SOD downregulation in the vascular wall. Objectives: to study whether the PrP(C) expression undergoes induction by agents that trigger endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS) and, in this context, to evaluate the SOD activity. Methods: To trigger ERS, in vitro, rabbit aortic smooth muscle cells were challenged for 4, 8 and 18 hours, with angiotensin-II, tunicamycin and 7-ketocholesterol. For in vivo studies rabbit aortic arteries were subjected to injury by balloon catheter. Results: In vitro baseline SOD activity, determined through inhibition of cytochrome-c reduction, was 13.9 +/- 1.2 U/mg protein, angiotensin-II exposed for 8 hours produced an increase in SOD activity, and cellular copper concentration was about 9 times greater only under these conditions. Western blotting analysis for SOD isoenzymes showed an expression profile that was not correlated with the enzymatic activity. PrP(C) expression decreased after exposure to all agents after different incubation periods. RT-PCR assay showed increased mRNA expression for PrP(C) only in cells stimulated for 8 hours with the different stressors. The PrP(C) mRNA expression in rabbit aortic artery fragments, subjected to balloon catheter injury, showed a pronounced increase immediately after overdistension. The results obtained indicated a PrP(C) protection factor during the early part of the ERS exposure period, but did not demonstrate a SOD-like profile for the PrP(C). (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
The compounds [mPTA][CoCl4] (1, mPTA = N-methyl-1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane cation), [CoCl(H2O)(DION)(2)][BF4] (2, DION = 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione), [Zn(DION)(2)]Cl-2 (3) and [ZnCl(O-PTA=O)(DION)][BF4] (4) were synthesized by reaction of CoCl2 with [mPTA]I or DION and ZnCl2 with DION or 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane-7-oxide (PTA=O) and DION, respectively. All complexes are water soluble and have been characterized by IR, far-IR, H-1, C-13 and P-31{H-1} NMR spectroscopy, ESI-MS, elemental analyses and single-crystal X-ray diffraction structural analysis (for 1). They were screened against the human tumour cell lines HCT116, HepG2 and MCF7. Complexes 2 and 3 exhibit the highest in vitro cytotoxicity and show lower cytotoxic activities in normal human fibroblast cell line than in HCT116 tumour cell line, which demonstrates their slight specificity for this type of tumour cell.
Chromoblastomycosis (CR) is a subcutaneous chronic mycosis characterized by a granulomatous inflammatory response. However, little is known regarding the pattern of leukocyte subsets in CR and the pathways involved in their recruitment. The objective of this study was to assess the cellular subsets, chemokine, chemokine receptors and enzymes in CR. The inflammatory infiltrate was characterized by immunohistochemistry using antibodies against macrophages (CD68), Langerhans'cells (S100), lymphocytes (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD45RO, CD20 and CD56) and neutrophils (CD15). The expression of MIP-1alpha (Macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha), chemokine receptors (CXCR3 and CCR1) and enzymes (superoxide dismutase-SOD and nitric oxide synthase-iNOS) was also evaluated by the same method. We observed an increase in all populations evaluated when compared with the controls. Numbers of CD15+ and CD56+ were significantly lower than CD3+, CD4+, CD20+ and CD68+ cells. Statistical analysis revealed an association of fungi numbers with CD3, CD45RO and iNOS-positive cells. Furthermore, MIP-1alpha expression was associated with CD45RO, CD68, iNOS and CXCR3. Our results suggest a possible role of MIP-1alpha and fungi persistence in the cell infiltration in CR sites.
Magnetospirillum (M.) sp. strain Lusitani, a perchlorate reducing bacteria (PRB), was previously isolated from a wastewater treatment plant and phylogenetic analysis was performed to classify the isolate. The DNA sequence of the genes responsible for perchlorate reduction and chlorite dismutation was determined and a model was designed based on the physiological roles of the proteins involved in the pcr-cld regulon. Chlorite dismutase (Cld) was purified from Magnetospirillum sp. strain Lusitani cells grown in anaerobiosis in the presence of perchlorate. The protein was purified up to electrophoretic grade using HPLC techniques as a 140 kDa homopentamer comprising five ~28 kDa monomers. Steady-state kinetic studies showed that the enzyme follows a Michaelis-Menten model with optimal pH and temperature of 6.0 and 5°C, respectively. The average values for the kinetic constants KM and Vmax were respectively 0.56 mM and 10.2 U, which correspond to a specific activity of 35470 U/mg and a turnover number of 16552 s-1. Cld from M. sp. strain Lusitani is inhibited by the product chloride, but not by dioxygen. Inhibition constants KiC= 460 mM and KiU= 480 mM indicated that sodium chloride is a weak mixed inhibitor of Cld, with a slightly stronger competitive character. The X-ray crystallography structure of M. sp. strain Lusitani Cld was solved at 3.0 Å resolution. In agreement with cofactor content biochemical analysis, the X-ray data showed that each Cld monomer harbors one heme b coordinated by a histidine residue (His188), hydrogen-bonded to a conserved glutamic acid residue (Glu238). The conserved neighboring arginine residue (Arg201) important for substrate positioning, was found in two different conformations in different monomers depending on the presence of the exogenous ligand thiocyanate. UV-Visible and CW-EPR spectroscopies were used to study the effect of redox agents, pH and exogenous ligands on the heme environment.
Three superoxide dismutase isoenzymes of different cellular location were detected in an homogenate of Thrichuris ovis. Each of these molecular forms was purified by differential centrifugation and precipitation with ammonium sulphate, followed by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex G-75 columns. The activity levels of the two molecular forms detected in the mitochondrial (one cyanide sensitive Cu-Zn-SOD and the other cyanide intensitive Mn-Sod were higher than that of the superoxide dismutase detected in the cytoplasmic fraction (cyanid sensitive Cu-Zn-SOD). All the mollecular forms present evident differences to the SODs contained in the host liver. Molecular mass and some of the physical and chemical aproperties of the enzyme was determined for all three molecular forms. An inhibitory effect on the SOD of the parasite an the host was detected with a series of compounds, some of wich markedly inhibited parasite ensyme but not host enzyme.
Non-coding small RNAs (sRNAs) have important regulatory functions in bacteria. In Pseudomonas spp., about 40 sRNAs have been reported until the end of 2008, a number that almost certainly is an underestimate. We provide a summary of the coding regions for these sRNAs is Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The functions of some Pseudomonas sRNAs can be deduced from those of homologous well-characterized sRNAs of Escherichia coli, e.g. 6S RNA (a stationary phase regulator of RNA polymerase) and tmRNA (a component of a machinery serving to eliminate truncated polypeptides). Two sRNAs of P. aeruginosa, PrrF1 and PrrF2, whose expression is repressed by the Fur repressor in the presence of iron, inhibit translation initiation of mRNAs specifying superoxide dismutase (sodB), succinate dehydrogenase (sdhABCD) and anthranilate degradation (antABC), via a base-paring mechanism. As a consequence, these mRNAs are poorly expressed under conditions of iron limitation. Two further sRNAs of P. aeruginosa, RsmY and RsmZ, whose expression is positively controlled by the GacS/GacA two-component system in response to unknown signals, act as scavengers of the RNA-binding protein RsmA. In this way, translational repression exerted by RsmA on target mRNAs can be relieved. The Gac/Rsm signal transduction pathway globally regulates motility and the formation of extracellular products in pseudomonas spp.
Some clear dissimilarities occur among the varieties of Cryptococcus neoformans but there are few studies about the differences among individual yeast antioxidant enzymes. The total superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities and the copper, zinc-depend SOD (Cu,ZnSOD) and manganese-dependent SOD (MnSOD) isoenzymes of five reference C. neoformans strains belonged to A, B, C, AD and D serotypes (Table I) and other nine C. neoformans isolates (Table II) were determined. There were significant differences (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05) in total SOD activity among the varietie gattii (serotype C) and the other varieties. Cu,ZnSOD showed difference (p < 0.05) between A and D serotypes. These results point out a variety and serotype-independent SOD activity in C. neoformans reference strains and the other isolates that were evaluated.