990 resultados para Summer monsoon onset


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In this study, 260 mollusk fossil samples from a Red Clay sequence at Xifeng, Gansu province, in the northern China were analyzed quantitatively. 12 fossil species and four fossil zones have been identified. Three main ecological groups were determined based on ecological requirement of each mollusk taxon. According to fossil composition and succession of three ecological groups, the author discussed the origin and sedimentary environment of the red clay deposits, and the process of ecological environmental changes as well as the variations of the East Asia monsoons during 6.2-2.4 Ma in the Loess Plateau. A preliminary study on periodicity of paleoclimatic changes was also conducted by using spectral analysis method. The main results and conclusions are presented as follows:A continuous land mollusk fossil sequence of 6.2-2.4 Ma from Xifeng Red Clay Formation has been established, which provided a basic data for studying the environmental changes during late Miocene to Pliocene.The study of composition and preservation condition of mollusk fossils reveals a terrestrial in situ ecological population in the Red Clay Formation. All of identifiable mollusk species are composed of terrestrial taxa, which support the view that the Red Clay is an eolian origin, similar to the overlying Quaternary loess deposits.The mollusk record reveals the processes of ecological and environmental changes during 6.2-2.4 Ma in the Loess Plateau. Climatic changes experienced cold and dry from 6.2-5.4 Ma, warm and wet during 5.4-4.5 Ma, mild and moderate from 4.5-3-4 Ma, to rapid cooling and drying after 3.4 Ma. From '5.4- 2.4 Ma, climate was stepwise cooling. The cooling trend is in good agreement with a general1 0global cooling trend during this period, as documented by marine 5 0 records.4. Three remarked ecological shifts took place in mollusk assemblages from 6.2-2.4 Ma, focused on about 5.4, 4.5 and 3.4 Ma. The warming shift around 5.4 Ma was probably related to the rising of the global temperature. The cooling shifts around 4,5 and 3.4 Ma however might be closely linked to the uplift of Tibet Plateau and the development of Northern Hemisphere ice sheet.The succession in mollusk ecological groups also recorded the variability of the East Asian winter and summer monsoon. The winter monsoon dominated two periods from 6.2-5.4 Ma and from 3.4-2.4 Ma, while the summer monsoon was strong during 5.4-4.5 Ma. The variations in winter and summer monsoons were in phase during 4.5-3.4 Ma. Monsoon regimes changed with the duration about 1 Ma, which roughly corresponds to the cycle driven by tectonic activity on the time scales of ICP-IO7 years. In addition, mollusk fossils recorded the large amplitude and high frequency fluctuations overlapped on 105-107 years climate cycle.The maximum entropy spectral analysis and filter-band analysis of total mollusk individuals and three typical ecological groups suggest that the climate changes controlled mainly by solar insolation had periods about 70 ka and 40 ka on the time scales of 105 during late Miocene-Pliocene. Climatic periodicity intensified from 4.0 Ma, which reflected strengthened forcing by high latitude ice volume.


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泥炭的形成和积累主要受控于气候,其次是地质、地貌和水文等因素。作为一种重要和理想的气候信息载体,泥炭己经与冰芯、海洋及湖泊沉积、黄土堆积、洞穴碳酸盐沉积、树轮和珊瑚礁等其它类型的自然地质档案一样,逐渐为国内外致力于古气候变化研究的学者所接受,并将其重点应用于全新世以来气候变化信息的提取。本研究在已有的泥炭混合植物残体纤维素碳稳定同位素记录青藏高原东部地区气候信息的基础上,首次提取泥炭中单一种属植物残体一木里苔草(Calexmulieensis)纤维素,测定其碳稳定同位素,并以其时间序列作为一种新的西南季风代用指标,揭示该区域全新世以来气候变化。研究表明:1.木里苔草的碳稳定同位素时间序列是西南季风强度变化的敏感代用指标。约11800~11加0 cal aBP期间,木里苔草纤维素的613C记录处于最大值,表明该时段西南季风活动鼻弱,气候干冷,对应于普遍发生并存在的新仙女木事件;它清晰地指示了该区全新世的下限年龄为约11200 cal aBP(14c年龄约9900aB玲从约11200 oal aBP起该区迅速进入湿暖的全新世阶段,季风活动迅速增强;在约10800~5500 cal aBP期间,季风总体保持在强盛状态,但其间有4次突然减弱,气候变干冷;约从5500 cala即起季风活动在波动中逐渐减弱,其中有4次减弱最为明显。2.木里苔草纤维素碳同位素所记录的犯000年以来的所有9次西南季风活动的突然减弱与同时期北大西洋发生的冰力}漂移碎屑沉积物事件(IRD事件)一一对应。这种密切的相关关系表明,西南季风强度的波动可能是对全球气候变化特别是对海洋热盐环流引起的地球南北方气撇动变化的响应。3.木里苔草纤维素碳稳定同位素所指示的西南季风有952,乓57,475,312,211和77年等一系列周期。其中557年和77年两个周期分别与北大西洋深层海水环流的550年的周期和76年的气候周期非常吻合。这表明西南季风与北大西洋气候间有很好的相关关系。由于557年和77年的季风周期又都分别类似于53。年和80年的太阳活动周期,这表明太阳活动可能对西南季风和北大西洋气候间的联系有着影响。4.红原泥炭木里苔草纤维素和泥炭混合纤维素别3c时间序列在千年至万年时间尺度上的变化趋势很相近。两种代用记录都一致反映了冰后期的气候变化,即均指示西南季风强度变化可分为三个明显的大阶段。这说明它们对过去12000年的西南季风变化具有相同的响应。对于目前经过较详细研究的那些全球大范围发生的突然气候变化事件,木里苔草纤维素δ~(13)C代用记录与泥炭混合纤维素δ~(13)C代用记录一样,都有相同的响应,但是,相对于泥炭中单一的木里苔草敏感地记录到历次北大西洋I劝事件而言,泥炭混合纤维素δ~(13)C记录对其中的几次突然气候变化事件似乎没有表现出明显的响应。这个结果表明对数百年尺度的突然气候变化,木里苔草纤维素比混合纤维素的酬3c指标似乎要更敏感一点。因此,在能获得足够数量的单种植物·残体的情况下,单种植物残体纤维素的δ~(13)C指标有很好的使用价值。


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The long-term climatic and environmental history of Southeast Asia, and of Thailand in particular, is still fragmentary. Here we present a new 14C-dated, multi-proxy sediment record (TOC, C/N, CNS isotopes, Si, Zr, K, Ti, Rb, Ca elemental data, biogenic silica) for Lake Kumphawapi, the second largest natural lake in northeast Thailand. The data set provides a reconstruction of changes in lake status, groundwater fluctuations, and catchment run-off during the Holocene. A comparison of multiple sediment sequences and their proxies suggests that the summer monsoon was stronger between c. 9800 and 7000 cal yr BP. Lake status and water level changes around 7000 cal yr BP signify a shift to lower effective moisture. By c. 6500 cal yr BP parts of the lake had been transformed into a peatland, while areas of shallow water still occupied the deeper part of the basin until c. 5400–5200 cal yr BP. The driest interval in Kumphawapi's history occurred between c. 5200 and 3200 cal yr BP, when peat extended over large parts of the basin. After 3200 cal yr BP, the deepest part of the lake again turned into a wetland, which existed until c. 1600 cal yr BP. The observed lake-level rise after 1600 cal yr BP could have been caused by higher moisture availability, although increased human influence in the catchment cannot be ruled out. The present study highlights the use of multiple sediment sequences and proxies to study large lakes, such as Lake Kumphawapi in order to correctly assess the time transgressive response to past changes in hydroclimate conditions. Our new data set from northeast Thailand adds important palaeoclimatic information for a region in Southeast Asia and allows discussing Holocene monsoon variability and ITCZ movement in greater detail.


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Geochemical variables (TOC, C/N, TS, delta C-13) and diatom assemblages were analyzed in a lake sediment sequence from Nong (Lake) Han Kumphawapi in northeast Thailand to reconstruct regional climatic and environmental history during the Holocene. By around c. 10,000-9400 cal yr BP, a large shallow freshwater lake had formed in the Kumphawapi basin. Oxygenated bottom waters and a well-mixed water column were characteristic of this early lake stage, which was probably initiated by higher effective moisture and a stronger summer monsoon. Decreased run-off after c. 6700 cal yr BP favored increased aquatic productivity in the shallow lake. Multiple proxies indicate a marked lowering of the lake level around 5900 cal yr BP, the development of an extensive wetland around 5400 cal yr BP, and the subsequent transition to a peatland. The shift from shallow lake to wetland and later to a peatland is interpreted as a response to lower effective moisture. A hiatus at the transition from wetland to peatland suggests very low accumulation rates, which may result from very dry climatic conditions. A rise in groundwater and lake level around 3200 cal yr BP allowed the re-establishment of a wetland in the Kumphawapi basin. However, the sediments deposited between c. 3200 and 1600 cal yr BP provide evidence for at least two hiatuses at c. 2700-2500 cal yr BP, and at c. 1900-1600 cal yr BP, which would suggest surface dryness and consequently periods of low effective moisture. Around 1600 cal yr BP a new shallow lake became re-established in the basin. Although the underlying causes for this new lake phase remain unclear, we hypothesize that higher effective moisture was the main driving force. This shallow lake phase continued up to the present but was interrupted by higher nutrient fluxes to the lake around 1000-600 cal yr BP. Whether this was caused by intensified human impact in the catchment or, whether this signals a lowering of the lake level due to reduced effective moisture, needs to be corroborated by further studies in the region. The multi-proxy study of Kumphawapi's sediment core CP3A clearly shows that Kumphawapi is a sensitive archive for recording past shifts in effective moisture, and as such in the intensity of the Asian summer monsoon. Many more continental paleorecords, however, will be needed to fully understand the spatial and temporal patterns of past changes in Asian monsoon intensity and its ecosystem impacts. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Southeast Asian mainland is located in the central path of the Asian summer monsoon, a region where paleoclimatic data are still sparse. Here we present a multi-proxy (TOC, C/N, δ13C, biogenic silica, and XRF elemental data) study of a 1.5m sediment/peat sequence from Lake Pa Kho, northeast Thailand, which is supported by 20 AMS 14C ages. Hydroclimatic reconstructions for Pa Kho suggest a strengthened summer monsoon between BC 170-AD 370, AD 800-960, and after AD 1450; and a weakening of the summer monsoon between AD 370-800, and AD 1300-1450. Increased run-off and a higher nutrient supply after AD 1700 can be linked to agricultural intensification and land-use changes in the region. This study fills an important gap in data coverage with respect to summer monsoon variability over Southeast Asia during the past 2000 years and enables the mean position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) to be inferred based on comparisons with other regional studies. Intervals of strengthened/weaker summer monsoon rainfall suggest that the mean position of the ITCZ was located as far north as 35°N between BC 170-AD 370 and AD 800-960, whereas it likely did not reach above 17°N during the drought intervals of AD 370-800 and AD 1300-1450. The spatial pattern of rainfall variation seems to have changed after AD 1450, when the inferred moisture history for Pa Kho indicates a more southerly location of the mean position of the summer ITCZ.


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Elucidating the environmental drivers of selenium (Se) spatial distribution in soils at a continental scale is essential to better understand it's biogeochemical cycling to improve Se transfer into diets. Through modelling Se biogeochemistry in China we found that deposition and volatilization are key factors controlling distribution in surface soil, rather than bedrock-derived Se (<0.1 mg/kg). Wet deposition associated with the East Asian summer monsoon, and dry deposition associated with the East Asian winter monsoon, are responsible for dominant Se inputs into northwest and southeast China, respectively. In Central China the rate of soil Se volatilization is similar to that of Se deposition, suggesting that Se volatilization offsets it's deposition, resulting in negligible net Se input in soil. Selenium in surface soil at Central China is roughly equal to low petrogenic Se, which is the main reason for the presence of the Se poor belt. We suggest that both deposition and volatilization of Se could play a key role in Se balance in other terrestrial environments worldwide.


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Kumphawapi, which is Thailand’s largest natural freshwater lake, contains a >10,000-year-long climatic and environmental archive. New data sets (stratigraphy, chronology, hydrogen isotopes, plant macrofossil and charcoal records) for two sedimentary sequences are here combined with earlier multi-proxy studies to provide a comprehensive reconstruction of past climatic and environmental changes for Northeast Thailand. Gradually higher moisture availability due to a strengthening of the summer monsoon led to the formation of a large shallow lake in the Kumphawapi basin between >10,700 and c. 7000 cal. BP. The marked increase in moisture availability and lower evaporation between c. 7000 and 6400 cal. BP favoured the growth and expansion of vegetation in and around the shallow lake. The increase in biomass led to gradual overgrowing and infilling, to an apparent lake level lowering and to the development of a wetland. Multiple hiatuses are apparent in all investigated sequences between c. 6500 and 1400 cal. BP and are explained by periodic desiccation events of the wetland and erosion due to the subsequent lake level rise. The rise in lake level, which started c. 2000 cal. BP and reached shallower parts c. 1400 cal. BP, is attributed to an increase in effective moisture availability. The timing of hydroclimatic conditions during the past 2000 years cannot be resolved because of chronological limitations.


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The aim of the present study is to understand the biennial scale stratosphere-troposphere interactions over India, and synoptic to interannual timescale meridional stratosphere-troposhere exchanges caused by upper tropospheric/lower stratospheric longwaves using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and satellite measured total ozone data. The biennial timescale interaction between lower stratosphere and troposphere over Thumba is analysed using high-resolution radiosonde data. The results suggest that TBO and QBO are two different phenomena with nearly biennial periodicity. Interannual timescale meridional stratosphere-troposphere exchanges caused by the newly documented Asia Pacific Wave (APW) were analysed using ozone as tracer of atmospheric motion. Synoptic timescale meridional stratosphere-troposhere exchanges caused by subtropical upper tropospheric long waves over Asia were studied using global total ozone measurements from TOMS. This research work can be extended to study the influence of decadal scale epochal nature in Indian summer monsoon activity on the APW generated total ozone anomalies around the globe and the trend estimates in total ozone


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The study is undertaken with an objective to investigate the linkage between air-sea fluxes in the Indian Ocean and monsoon forcing. Since the monsoon activity is linked to fluxes, the variability of surface marine meteorological fields under the variable monsoon conditions is also studied. The very objective of the present study is to document various sea surface parameters of the Indian Ocean and to examine the anomalies found in them. Hence it is attempted to relate the anomaly to the variability of monsoon over India, highlighting the occasion of contrasting monsoon periods. The analysis of anomalies of surface meteorological fields such as SST, wind speed and direction, sea level pressure and cloud cover for contrasting monsoons are also studied. During good monsoon years, the pressure anomalies are negative indicating a fall in SLP during pre-monsoon and monsoon months. The interaction of the marine atmosphere with tropical Indian Ocean and its influence on ISMR continue to be an area of active research.


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The thesis describes the importance of Indian EEZ, definition and the various factors affecting primary production, general account of phytoplankton and its importance in marine ecosystem etc. In review of literature, general oceanography of Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal and hydrography of eastern Arabian Sea and western Bay of Bengal. It deals with the distribution patterns of primary production, chlorophyll a, phytoplankton composition and particulate organic carbon in the eastern Arabian Sea and western Bay of Bengal during different seasons. Factors that affect primary productivity are irradiance, temperature, stability of the surface waters, nutrients and zooplankton grazing. The differential biological response of eastern Arabian Sea and western Bay of Bengal to monsoonal regimes. A precise estimation on the primary production of the entire EEZ of India on a regional basis and on a seasonal scale would be the only way to achieve any kind of predictive assessment on the fish stock and their sustainable yield. This study mainly envisages the qualitative and quantitative aspects on the magnitude of phytoplankton standing crop and production of organic carbon and their relationship to environmental characteristics during summer monsoon, Inter monsoon and winter monsoon periods in the east and west coasts of the Indian EEZ.This study revealed that the seasonality exerts a great impact on the biological production in the eastern Arabian Sea and western Bay of Bengal. High biological production may be the reason why most of the fish landings are Concentrated in the west coast of India than east coast. The present data on Phytoplankton production rate and the species composition will provide a meaningful ground for evaluations of exploitable renewable resources of the IndianEEZ


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Increase in sea surface temperature with global warming has an impact on coastal upwelling. Past two decades (1988 to 2007) of satellite observed sea surface temperatures and space borne scatterometer measured winds have provided an insight into the dynamics of coastal upwelling in the southeastern Arabian Sea, in the global warming scenario. These high resolution data products have shown inconsistent variability with a rapid rise in sea surface temperature between 1992 and 1998 and again from 2004 to 2007. The upwelling indices derived from both sea surface temperature and wind have shown that there is an increase in the intensity of upwelling during the period 1998 to 2004 than the previous decade. These indices have been modulated by the extreme climatic events like El–Nino and Indian Ocean Dipole that happened during 1991–92 and 1997–98. A considerable drop in the intensity of upwelling was observed concurrent with these events. Apart from the impact of global warming on the upwelling, the present study also provides an insight into spatial variability of upwelling along the coast. Noticeable fact is that the intensity of offshore Ekman transport off 8oN during the winter monsoon is as high as that during the usual upwelling season in summer monsoon. A drop in the meridional wind speed during the years 2005, 2006 and 2007 has resulted in extreme decrease in upwelling though the zonal wind and the total wind magnitude are a notch higher than the previous years. This decrease in upwelling strength has resulted in reduced productivity too.


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TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) is reported to be a useful sensor to measure the atmospheric and oceanic parameters even in cloudy conditions. Vertically integrated specific humidity, Total Precipitable Water (TPW) retrieved from the water vapour absorption channel (22GHz.) along with 10m wind speed and rain rate derived from TMI is used to investigate the moisture variation over North Indian Ocean. Intraseasonal Oscillations (ISO) of TPW during the summer monsoon seasons 1998, 1999, and 2000 over North Indian Ocean is explored using wavelet analysis. The dominant waves in TPW during the monsoon periods and the differences in ISO over Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal are investigated. The northward propagation of TPW anomaly and its coherence with the coastal rainfall is also studied. For the diagnostic study of heavy rainfall spells over the west coast, the intrusion of TPW over the North Arabian Sea is seen to be a useful tool.


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The Doctoral thesis focuses on the factors that influence the weather and climate over Peninsular Indias. The first chapter provides a general introduction about the climatic features over peninsular India, various factors dealt in subsequent chapters, such as solar forcing on climate, SST variability in the northern Indian Ocean and its influence on Indian monsoon, moisture content of the atmosphere and its importance in the climate system, empirical formulation of regression forecast of climate and some aspects of regional climate modeling. Chapter 2 deals with the variability in the vertically integrated moisture (VIM) over Peninsular India on various time scales. The third Chapter discusses the influence of solar activity in the low frequency variability in the rainfall of Peninsular India. The study also investigates the influence of solar activity on the horizontal and vertical components of wind and the difference in the forcing before and after the so-called regime shift in the climate system before and after mid-1970s.In Chapter 4 on Peninsular Indian Rainfall and its association with meteorological and oceanic parameters over adjoining oceanic region, a linear regression model was developed and tested for the seasonal rainfall prediction of Peninsular India.


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The objective of the present study is to elucidate the hydrological conditions of the shelf waters along the southern half or the west coast of India and their relation to the sooplankton bionase and pelagic fish resources. Data from six hydrography-plankton sections worked during the 1972-75 period of cape camerin. Quilon. cochin. Kasaragod. Karwar and kotnagiri formed the basis of the present study.Stations were fixed along the transects 10 nautical miles apart. Starting with the first station at around 15 metre depth and were usually occupied 5 to 8 times in an year at an interval of about 6 weeks. Data relating to oil sardines and macherel fisheries were availed from published information relating to the period mainly of the Central Marine fisheries Research Institute. The range of different parameters namely temperature. salinity. density and dissolved oxygen at different depths and their sloping features against the coast are discussed. Three seasons. namely south-west monsoon (summer monsoon). north-east monsoon (winter monsoon) and hot weather season are designated and data of the core months of each of these seasons considered in the study.


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Motivation for the present study is to improve the scienti c understanding on the prominent gap areas in the average three-dimensional distribution of clouds and their impact on the energetics of the earth-atmosphere system. This study is focused on the Indian subcontinent and the surrounding oceans bound within the latitude-longitude bands of 30 S to 30 N and 30 E to 110 E. Main objectives of this study are to : (i) estimate the monthly and seasonal mean vertical distributions of clouds and their spatial variations (which provide the monthly and seasonal mean 3-dimensional distributions of clouds) using multi-year satellite data and investigate their association with the general circulation of the atmosphere, (ii) investigate the characteristics of the `pool of inhibited cloudiness' that appear over the southwest Bay of Bengal during the Asian summer monsoon season (revealed by the 3-dimensional distribution of clouds) and identify the potential mechanisms for its genesis, (iii) investigate the role of SST and atmospheric thermo-dynamical parameters in regulating the vertical development and distribution of clouds, (iv) investigate the vertical distribution of tropical cirrus clouds and their descending nature using lidar observations at Thiruvananthapuram (8.5 N, 77 E), a tropical coastal station at the southwest Peninsular India, and (v) assessment of the impact of clouds on the energetics of the earth-atmosphere system, by estimating the regional seasonal mean cloud radiative forcing at top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) and latent heating of the atmosphere by precipitating clouds using satellite data