994 resultados para Subjetividade (Fotografia)
This paper aims to present a study of the social relationships around the production, circulation and the eventual possibility of appropriation of knowledge in social systems of the pre-modern world and in a social organization of Western capitalist modernity. In this specific universe of relationships, it was also important to noticed that there is a paradoxical role of rationality that served to the emancipation of instruments of control’s knowledge of pre-modern period as in the same time it was favored by the construction of new bonds that were made in the Western modernity through the modern legal system, inserting the knowledge in the domain of the economy and private logic of the capitalist’s system through intellectual property. This research was made from a review of the literature, using specialized books of the theme. It was concluded that there is a paradox in the social relationships about the knowledge, whose cause is related to the unfolding of rationality in the development of Western civilization.
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This research attempts to analyze the relationship between the National Secondary Education Examination and the design of teaching, specifically in the way of defining what should be taught, in the present National Curriculum identifying clues that help us in the explanation of a conception of teaching and making the confrontation between the evaluation device in this ENEM. We intend to identify, even if there is consistency between what is taught and what is learned in schools, whether it public or private, and it evaluates the evidence as ENEM. This work is part of the Bachelor's Degree in Education Full theme is a critical analysis of the evaluation system ENEM regarding their school pedagogical practices. The overall goal is to bring to light the evaluative perspective envisaged in secondary education as a training practice, regarding the evaluation method levied by the National Examination of Secondary Education, seeking to raise the following reflection: The evaluation addressed in high school according to the National Curriculum meets view of the National Middle School? To answer this question, the work specified in a field research through analysis of evidence applied to the Portuguese Language School students in two schools, one in public and one private school, both in the city of Rio Claro, São Paulo, the analysis on the Matrix Reference ENEM in order to show whether the school pedagogical practice meets the demand of this evaluation system. Methodology as part of the job search literature, taking for himself the main theoretical assessment as Luckesi (2005), Hoffman (1996) Saviani (1986) and Curriculum Proposal of the State of São Paulo
O jornalismo se estabeleceu no meio impresso (jornais e revistas) com textos tradicionais e, muitas vezes reféns do lide. A junção de fotografia e quadrinhos ainda é embrionária, mas surge como um recurso para a inovação do jornalismo, já tão dependente de antigos formatos. Nesta monografia, a obra O Fotógrafo é analisada para observar como essas mídias, quadrinhos e fotografia, podem servir de plataforma para uma narrativa jornalística. Em 1986 o fotojornalista Didier Lefèvre viajou ao Afeganistão para acompanhar a caravana de uma equipe da organização Médicos Sem Fronteiras. O intuito era fotografar o trabalho da ONG e revelar a situação do povo afegão em meio à invasão soviética, que durou 10 anos. Na época, seis fotos, de quatro mil, foram publicadas. Treze anos depois, o quadrinista Emmanuel Guibert sugeriu que a história, já esquecida dentro de caixas, virasse livro. Assim nasceu O Fotógrafo, uma obra em quadrinhos, mas que incorpora as fotografias de Lefèvre e seu relato jornalístico das consequências do conflito no país. Por diversas características, a história será analisada pelo viés do jornalismo gonzo e, ainda, do new journalism
Writing about philosophical practice with children requires a memory of the body, a body that holds on to what is important to itself. My memory begins with my contact with the ideas of Matthew Lipman and the new ideas brought by his words, and continues with the need to change some of them and assign different meanings to others. Since my reading of the thinkers of the so called “Frankfurt School,” some words have taken new meanings to me, and have informed the way I now understand the practice of philosophy with children and its relationship to issues like educational “formation,” as well as others. Philosophical practice is unique, and needs to be thought, felt, and experienced; it has its own time and involves the construction and transformation of subjectivity itself. As such, to search for words in philosophy means to chose those words that can help us make sense and give meaning of what we do and think, allowing us to work with our thinking and with its forms of expression, beyond its technical dimension. In this sense, the usual emphasis of philosophy in its more technical dimension leads to an impoverishment of formation as experience, for the latter, which is a fundamental dimension of our lives, is rendered secondary. This has implications for the relationship between adults and children. When they reduce philosophy to a study of the formal capacity of thinking, teachers put students in the condition of a minority, and therefore in some way also put themselves in such a condition. In this paper, the activity of writing - as a way of expressing thought - allows me to conduct a tour my own subjectivity, and to encounter the words that express the meanings that inform what I think and do about my practice with philosophical novels, and about the value of generating texts related to philosophical practice, formation and assessment.
This article compares the different photographic acts of Henri Cartier-Bresson and Sebastião Salgado.
In this paper, we intend to reflect on the subordination process based on a functionalist-cognitive approach. For this, we analyze syntactic constructions in which the main clause predicator is a speech act verb, a mental activity verb or a perception verb. One of the pragmatic functions of these constructions is to express evidentiality, which is basically the indication of the information source contained in a sentence. Evidentiality allows the Speaker to manage information in order to preserve his/her face and also allows the Addresser to assess the reliability of this information. We take the evidentiality expression as a functionality of the subordination process in order to rethink the teaching of syntax as a tool for an effective development of students’ communicative abilities.
Considering the hypothesis that Bakhtin and his Circle's reflections can help us think about issues involving the field of Language Acquisition, in addition to the fact that there are only a few works developed within this perspective in Brazil, in this article, we intend to discuss the notions of subject, subjectivity, individuality and singularity, drawing on Bakhtin's theory. Thus, in order to make this discussion clearer, we bring data from the speech of young children, from 1.8 to 3 years old, who were filmed in natural contexts interacting with their parents and relatives. From these data, we could verify, among other things, that children, as individuals who constitute themselves as subjects in and through language, bring marks to their discourse, revealing their subjectivity (through lexical, morphological, syntactic or genre choices).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Once the choices set involved in the selection of compositional techniques of a photography is mediated by ideological universes, this final project aims to analyze the photographic coverage of the World War II presented in the brazilian publication Revista da Semana during the period in which Brazil was part of the conflict (1942 to 1945). We study the different composition techniques used and the different effects of meaning articulated by these techniques. Thus, our goal is to see how the repetitions are articulated and the translations of meaning in photojournalistic composition from its narrative structure, that is, their way of coded organization. For this, we used the analysis methodology proposed by Umberto Eco on the rhetoric of the image, involving the five levels of photography decomposition (ie iconic levels, iconographic, tropological, topic and enthymematic). We will analyze these images from the perspective of the effects of meaning that the composition techniques to engender glimpse which were woven meanings to this event in that specific space, and which were mediated discourses of Brazilian participation in the conflict
The aim of this paper is to investigate the environment in which a proposal for photographs and photo montages created in Spain in the 1930s was developed. To achieve this, the experiences of the Spanish artist Josep Renau and his work in the illustrated magazines Orto and Octubre is examined. There is an attempt to explore how the European experience of proletarian culture and photography was circulated and appropriated by the Spanish cultural universe. I believe that during these years Spain became a production hub and disseminator of political iconography which later spread to Mexico and Latin America.
The elders began to be highlighted in the social scene, not only by their numerical growth, but mainly for their redeployment into new social spaces and accelerating its pace of life. This article aims to analyze the specializations and the time built around the aging and trace its repercussions in the subjectivity production of the oldest. Therefore, it was taken as the object of analysis the differentiation of old age in the aging process.
The hinterland of northern Paraná recorded in photographs held by Amedeo Boggio (1901-1967) is the motto to reflect on the technical ideologies for geographical mapping in the first decades of the twentieth century, the use of photography as documentary evidence and reading a group of photographs depicting the daily life of an exploratory and pioneering mission.