998 resultados para Structural sustainability


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The ad hoc growth of administrative controls on land use has produced an information management problem. Land registries face growing demands to record on the Torrens register particulars of rights, obligations and restrictions created under public law statutes, in order to reduce information costs, promote compliance and inform planning. As sustainable management of land and natural resources will require more legislative regulation, this paper proposes a framework of principles for the more coherent and consistent management of public law controls on private land use.


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Using six kinds of lattice types (4×4 ,5×5 , and6×6 square lattices;3×3×3 cubic lattice; and2+3+4+3+2 and4+5+6+5+4 triangular lattices), three different size alphabets (HP ,HNUP , and 20 letters), and two energy functions, the designability of proteinstructures is calculated based on random samplings of structures and common biased sampling (CBS) of proteinsequence space. Then three quantities stability (average energy gap),foldability, and partnum of the structure, which are defined to elucidate the designability, are calculated. The authors find that whatever the type of lattice, alphabet size, and energy function used, there will be an emergence of highly designable (preferred) structure. For all cases considered, the local interactions reduce degeneracy and make the designability higher. The designability is sensitive to the lattice type, alphabet size, energy function, and sampling method of the sequence space. Compared with the random sampling method, both the CBS and the Metropolis Monte Carlo sampling methods make the designability higher. The correlation coefficients between the designability, stability, and foldability are mostly larger than 0.5, which demonstrate that they have strong correlation relationship. But the correlation relationship between the designability and the partnum is not so strong because the partnum is independent of the energy. The results are useful in practical use of the designability principle, such as to predict the proteintertiary structure.


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Pascoite mineral having yellow-orange colour of Colorado, USA origin has been characterized by EPR, optical and NIR spectroscopy. The colour dark red-orange to yellow-orange colour of the pascoite indicates that the mineral contain mixed valency of vanadium. The optical spectrum exhibits a number of electronic bands due to presence of VO(II) ions in the mineral. From EPR studies, the parameters of g, A are evaluated and the data confirm that the ion is in distorted octahedron. Optical absorption studies reveal that two sets of VO(II) is in distorted octahedron. The bands in NIR spectra are due to the overtones and combinations of water molecules.


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The molecular structure of the mineral archerite ((K,NH4)H2PO4) has been determined and compared with that of biphosphammite ((NH4,K)H2PO4). Raman spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy has been used to characterise these ‘cave’ minerals. Both minerals originated from the Murra-el-elevyn Cave, Eucla, Western Australia. The mineral is formed by the reaction of the chemicals in bat guano with calcite substrates. Raman and infrared bands are assigned to H2PO4-, OH and NH stretching vibrations. The Raman band at 981 cm-1 is assigned to the HOP stretching vibration. Bands in the 1200 to 1800 cm-1 region are associated with NH4+ bending modes. The molecular structure of the two minerals appear to be very similar, and it is therefore concluded that the two minerals are identical.


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This paper investigates the factors that drive high levels of corporate sustainability performance (CSP), as proxied by membership of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index. Using a stakeholder framework, we examine the incentives for US firms to invest in sustainability principles and develop a number of hypotheses that relate CSP to firm-specific characteristics. Our results indicate that leading CSP firms are significantly larger, have higher levels of growth and a higher return on equity than conventional firms. Contrary to our predictions, leading CSP firms do not have greater free cash flows or lower leverage than other firms.


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As the sustainability awareness rises globally, the construction industry is under increasing pressure to improve efficiency and project delivery. The implementation of Industrialised Building Systems (IBS), for which utility components are built offsite, has the potential of promoting sustainability deliverables. This can be achieved by better control of production environment, minimising construction waste, using efficient building material energy, and stabilising work conditions. As a unique building technology, IBS has not been effectively implemented in Malaysia. Possible reasons may include limited understanding among stakeholders on the IBS potential and its relevance to sustainability. This warrants studies on the sustainability issues of IBS design, construction, operation and maintenance, A framework is being developed through research to assess performance criteria related to sustainability, which should be considered during IBS design and application in the most consistent and systematic way. This paper discusses how these sustainability performance criteria are examined in a continuing research project and the processes conducive to implementing sustainable IBS in Malaysia. Existing tools, indicators and guidelines are reviewed, analysed and grouped according to characteristics and application. The research also hopes to produce guidelines for stakeholders to incorporate sustainability issues and concepts into IBS applications.


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In Malaysia, Industrialised Building Systems (IBS) are being promoted as a potential to enhance sustainability by the building industry and government. Known elsewhere as prefabricated construction, IBS employs a combination of ready-made components in the construction of buildings that promote quality of production, enhance simplification of construction processes and minimise on-site work. The components are manufactured in a factory either on or off site. They are then positioned and assembled into building structures. The unique characteristic of IBS has the potential to respond well to the sustainability challenge facing the construction industry. Despite the promises however, IBS has yet to be effectively implemented in Malaysia. There are often misconceptions among key stakeholders about IBS applications and some of the rating schemes fail to assess IBS towards sustainability deliverables. A holistic approach to improving IBS implementation is necessary to consider sustainability perceptions on IBS among key stakeholders. As IBS design is one of the most important development phases to incorporate sustainability requirements and expectations, a framework of embedding sustainability factors into IBS design is being developed through research. This paper presents an improved IBS design process focused on sustainability, showing where and how sustainability should be assessed to improve IBS construction. The framework being developed can provide guidance and decision making assistance to not only design consultants but all relevant stakeholders by integrating sustainability concepts into IBS applications. Outcome of the research will also provide a benchmark for developing countries in adopting prefabricated construction systems.


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We investigate the use of certain data-dependent estimates of the complexity of a function class, called Rademacher and Gaussian complexities. In a decision theoretic setting, we prove general risk bounds in terms of these complexities. We consider function classes that can be expressed as combinations of functions from basis classes and show how the Rademacher and Gaussian complexities of such a function class can be bounded in terms of the complexity of the basis classes. We give examples of the application of these techniques in finding data-dependent risk bounds for decision trees, neural networks and support vector machines.