834 resultados para Sterilized impressions


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Through this study I aim to portray connections between home and school through the patterns of thought and action shared in everyday life in a certain community. My observations are primarily based upon interviews, writings and artwork by people from home (N=32) and school (N=13) contexts. Through the stories told, I depict the characters and characteristic features of the home-school interaction by generations. According to the material, in the school days of the grandparents the focus was on discipline and order. For the parents, the focus had shifted towards knowledge, while for the pupils today, the focus lies on evaluation, through which the upbringing of the child is steered towards favourable outcomes. Teachers and those people at home hold partially different understandings of home-school interaction, both of its manifested forms and potentials. The forms of contact in use today are largely seen as one-sided. Yearning for openness and regularity is shared by both sides, yet understood differently. Common causes for failure are said to lie in plain human difficulties in communication and social interaction, but deeply rooted traditions regarding forms of contact also cast a shadow on the route to successful co-operation. This study started around the idea, that home-school interaction should be steered towards the ex-change of constructive ideas between both the home and school environments. Combining the dif-ferent views gives to something to build upon. To test this idea, I drafted a practice period, which was implemented in a small pre-school environment in the fall of 1997. My focus of interest in this project was on the handling of ordinary life information in the schools. So I combined individual views, patterns of knowledge and understanding of the world into the process of teaching. Works of art and writings by the informants worked as tools for information processing and as practical forms of building home-school interaction. Experiences from the pre-school environ-ment were later on echoed in constructing home-school interaction in five other schools. In both these projects, the teaching in the school was based on stories, thoughts and performances put to-gether by the parents, grandparents and children at home. During these processes, the material used in this study, consisting of artwork, writings and interviews (N=501), was collected. The data shows that information originating from the home environments was both a motivating and interesting addition to the teaching. There even was a sense of pride when assessing the seeds of knowledge from one’s own roots. In most cases and subjects, the homegrown information content was seamlessly connected to the functions of school and the curriculum. This project initiated thought processes between pupils and teachers, adults, children and parents, teachers and parents, and also between generations. It appeared that many of the subjects covered had not been raised before between the various participant groups. I have a special interest here in visual expression and its various contextual meanings. There art material portrays how content matter and characteristic features of the adult and parent contexts reflect in the works of the children. Another clearly noticeable factor in the art material is the impact of time-related traditions and functions on the means of visual expression. Comparing the visual material to the written material reveals variances of meaning and possibilities between these forms of expression. The visual material appears to be related especially to portraying objects, action and usage. Processing through that making of images was noted to bring back memories of concrete structures, details and also emotions. This process offered the child an intensive social connection with the adults. In some cases, with children and adults alike, this project brought forth an ongoing relation to visual expression. During this study I end up changing the concept to ‘home-school collaboration’. This widely used concept guides and outlines the interaction between schools and homes. In order to broaden the field of possibilities, I choose to use the concept ‘school-home interconnection’. This concept forms better grounds for forming varying impressions and practices when building interactive contexts. This concept places the responsibility of bridging the connection-gap in the schools. Through the experiences and innovations of thought gained from these projects, I form a model of pedagogy that embraces the idea of school-home interconnection and builds on the various impres-sions and expressions contained in it. In this model, school makes use of the experiences, thoughts and conceptions from the home environment. Various forms of expression are used to portray and process this information. This joint evaluation and observation evolves thought patterns both in school and at home. Keywords: percieving, visuality, visual culture, art and text, visual expression, art education, growth in interaction, home-school collaboration, school-home interconnection, school-home interaction model.


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We tested, in an olfactometer, whether or not Tribolium castaneum Herbst (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) responds preferentially to the volatiles that emanate from the fungi associated with cotton [Gossypium hirsutum L. (Malvaceae)] seed over those that emanate from cereals, because cereals are usually portrayed as the primary resources of these beetles. Pairwise comparisons were conducted between cotton seed, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] (both Poaceae); volatiles were tested from intact seeds and from both water and ethanol extracts. The results demonstrate that T. castaneum is attracted more strongly to cotton seeds with its lint contaminated with fungi, than to the conventional resources of this species (i.e., wheat and sorghum). Further tests prove that it is the fungus on the lint that produces the active volatiles, because the beetles did not respond to sterilized cotton lint (i.e., without the fungi typically associated with it when cotton seed is stored). Tests with five fungal cultures (each representing an unidentified species that was isolated from the field-collected cotton lint) were variable across the cultures, with only one of them being significantly attractive to the beetles. The others were not attractive and one may even have repulsed the beetles. The results are consistent with the beetles having a strong ecological association with fungi and suggest it would be worth investigating the ecology of T. castaneum from this perspective. © 2012 The Netherlands Entomological Society.


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Childhood memories of Berlin, Rhineland, Holland; emigration to United States in 1936; impressions of New York; life in Paso Robles, California; memories of his mother; reflections on life of mother.


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A seated figure dressed in pink against a background of vegetation. Titled in lower left corner.


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The purpose of this series of studies was to evaluate the biocompatibility of poly (ortho) ester (POE), copolymer of ε-caprolactone and D,L-lactide [P (ε-CL/DL-LA)] and the composite of P(ε-CL/DL-LA) and tricalciumphosphate (TCP) as bone filling material in bone defects. Tissue reactions and resorption times of two solid POE-implants (POE 140 and POE 46) with different methods of sterilization (gamma- and ethylene oxide sterilization), P(ε-CL/DL-LA)(40/60 w/w) in paste form and 50/50 w/w composite of 40/60 w/w P(ε-CL/DL-LA) and TCP and 27/73 w/w composite of 60/40 w/w P(ε-CL/DL-LA) and TCP were examined in experimental animals. The follow-up times were from one week to 52 weeks. The bone samples were evaluated histologically and the soft tissue samples histologically, immunohistochemically and electronmicroscopically. The results showed that the resorption time of gamma sterilized POE 140 was eight weeks and ethylene oxide sterilized POE 140 13 weeks in bone. The resorption time of POE 46 was more than 24 weeks. The gamma sterilized rods started to erode from the surface faster than ethylene oxide sterilized rods for both POEs. Inflammation in bone was from slight to moderate with POE 140 and moderate with POE 46. No highly fluorescent layer of tenascin or fibronectin was found in the soft tissue. Bone healing at the sites of implantation was slower than at control sites with the copolymer in small bone defects. The resorption time for the copolymer was over one year. Inflammation in bone was mostly moderate. Bone healing at the sites of implantation was also slower than at the control sites with the composite in small and large mandibular bone defects. Bone formation had ceased at both sites by the end of follow-up in large mandibular bone defects. The ultrastructure of the connective tissue was normal during the period of observation. It can be concluded that the method of sterilization influenced the resorption time of both POEs. Gamma sterilized POE 140 could have been suitable material for filling small bone defects, whereas the degradation times of solid EO-sterilized POE 140 and POE 46 were too slow to be considered as bone filling material. Solid material is difficult to contour, which can be considered as a disadvantage. The composites were excellent to handle, but the degradation time of the polymer and the composites were too slow. Therefore, the copolymer and the composite can not be recommended as bone filling material.


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This thesis comprises four intercomplementary parts that introduce new approaches to brittle reaction layers and mechanical compatibility of metalloceramic joints created when fusing dental ceramics to titanium. Several different methods including atomic layer deposition (ALD), sessile drop contact angle measurements, scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM), three-point bending (TPB, DIN 13 927 / ISO 9693), cross-section microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) were employed. The first part investigates the effects of TiO2 layer structure and thickness on the joint strength of the titanium-metalloceramic system. Samples with all tested TiO2 thicknesses displayed good ceramics adhesion to Ti, and uniform TPB results. The fracture mode was independent of oxide layer thickness and structure. Cracking occurred deeper inside titanium, in the oxygen-rich Ti[O]x solid solution surface layer. During dental ceramics firing TiO2 layers dissociate and joints become brittle with increased dissolution of oxygen into metallic Ti and consequent reduction in the metal plasticity. To accomplish an ideal metalloceramic joint this needs to be resolved. The second part introduces photoinduced superhydrophilicity of TiO2. Test samples with ALD deposited anatase TiO2 films were produced. Samples were irradiated with UV light to induce superhydrophilicity of the surfaces through a cascade leading to increased amount of surface hydroxyl groups. Superhydrophilicity (contact angle ~0˚) was achieved within 2 minutes of UV radiation. Partial recovery of the contact angle was observed during the first 10 minutes after UV exposure. Total recovery was not observed within 24h storage. Photoinduced ultrahydrophilicity can be used to enhance wettability of titanium surfaces, an important factor in dental ceramics veneering processes. The third part addresses interlayers designed to restrain oxygen dissolution into Ti during dental ceramics fusing. The main requirements for an ideal interlayer material are proposed. Based on these criteria and systematic exclusion of possible interlayer materials silver (Ag) interlayers were chosen. TPB results were significantly better in when 5 μm Ag interlayers were used compared to only Al2O3-blasted samples. In samples with these Ag interlayers multiple cracks occurred inside dental ceramics, none inside Ti structure. Ag interlayers of 5 μm on Al2O3-blasted samples can be efficiently used to retard formation of the brittle oxygen-rich Ti[O]x layer, thus enhancing metalloceramic joint integrity. The most brittle component in metalloceramic joints with 5 μm Ag interlayers was bulk dental ceramics instead of Ti[O]x. The fourth part investigates the importance of mechanical interlocking. According to the results, the significance of mechanical interlocking achieved by conventional surface treatments can be questioned as long as the formation of the brittle layers (mainly oxygen-rich Ti[O]x) cannot be sufficiently controlled. In summary in contrast to former impressions of thick titanium oxide layers this thesis clearly demonstrates diffusion of oxygen from sintering atmosphere and SiO2 to Ti structures during dental ceramics firing and the following formation of brittle Ti[O]x solid solution as the most important factors predisposing joints between Ti and SiO2-based dental ceramics to low strength. This among other predisposing factors such as residual stresses created by the coefficient of thermal expansion mismatch between dental ceramics and Ti frameworks can be avoided with Ag interlayers.


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Rencontre entre le Sud et le Nord Depuis des siècles, les pays méditerranéens ont entretenu des relations actives avec le Nord de l’Europe. Les regions du Nord ont été conquises et converties, manipulées et colonisées, mais aussi intégrées dans les réseaux commerciaux, scientifi ques, culturels et touristiques. Les voyageurs du Sud de l’Europe ont peu à peu découvert les regions plurielles du Nord de la Finlande, de la Suède, de la Norvège et de la presqu’île de Kola. L’attraction focntionnait aussi dans l’autre sens. Pour les gens du Nord, scientifi ques ou artistes, le Sud de l’Europe constituait une destination aussi exotique aue la Laponie pour ceux du Sud. Dans ce recueil, nous proposons dix points de vue sur ces échanges et réseaux entre la Sud et le Nord. Le premier chapitre présente Tornio, connue très tôt comme la porte de la Laponie, les premières relations scientifi ques entre le Nord et le Sud, ainsi que les exhibitions de Samis dans les métropoles européennes. Le deuxième chapitre propose une analyse des experiences et des impressions de voyageurs italiens, espagnols et français. Le dernier chapitre est consacré aux voyages d’artistes et écrivains fi nlandais en France, principalement à Paris. Ces rencontres entre le Sud et le Nord qui participèrent à la remise en cause, la relativisation et la construction des identities nationals et ethniques, permirent aussi de créer une conscience européenne commune.


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The bacterial genus Stenotrophomonas comprises 12 species. They are widely found throughout the environment and particularly S. maltophilia, S. rhizophila and S. pavanii are closely associated with plants. Strains of the most common Stenotrophomonas species, S. maltophilia, promote plant growth and health, degrade natural and man-made pollutants and produce biomolecules of biotechnological and economical value. Many S. maltophilia –strains are also multidrug resistant and can act as opportunistic human pathogens. During an INCO-project (1998-2002) rhizobia were collected from root nodules of the tropical leguminous tree Calliandra calothyrsus Meisn. from several countries in Central America, Africa and New Caledonia. The strains were identified by the N2-group (Helsinki university) and some strains turned out to be members of the genus Stenotrophomonas. Several Stenotrophomonas strains induced white tumor- or nodule-like structures on Calliandra?s roots in plant experiments. The strains could, besides from root nodules, also be isolated from surface sterilized roots and stems. The purpose of my work was to investigate if the Stenotrophomonas strains i) belong to a new Stenotrophomonas species, ii) have the same origin, iii) if there are other differences than colony morphology between phase variations of the same strain, iv) have plant growth-promoting (PGP) activity or other advantageous effects on plants, and v) like rhizobia have ability to induce root nodule formation. The genetic diversity and clustering of the Stenotrophomonas strains were analyzed with AFLP fingerprinting to get indications about their geographical origin. Differences in enzymatic properties and ability to use different carbon and energy sources were tested between the two phases of each strain with commercial API tests for bacterial identification. The ability to infect root hairs and induce root nodule formation was investigated both using plant tests with the host plant Calliandra and PCR amplification of nodA and nodC genes for nodulation. The PGP activity of the strains was tested in vitro mainly with plate methods. The impact on growth, nitrogen content and nodulation in vivo was investigated through greenhouse experiments with the legumes Phaseolus vulgaris and Galega orientalis. Both the genetic and phenotypic diversity among the Stenotrophomonas strains was small, which proposes that they have the same origin. The strains brought about changes on the root hairs of Calliandra and they also increased the amount of root hairs. However, no root nodules were detected. The strains produced IAA, protease and lipase in vitro. They also showed plant a growth-promoting effect on G. orientalis, both alone and together with R. galegae HAMBI 540, and also activated nodulation among efficient rhizobia on P. vulgaris in greenhouse. It requires further research to get a better picture about the mechanisms behind the positive effects. The results in this thesis, however, confirm earlier studies concerning Stenotrophomonas positive impact on plants.


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This study addresses the challenge of analyzing interruption in spoken interaction. It begins with my observation of eight hours of academic group work among speakers of English as a lingua franca (ELF) in a university course. Unlike the common findings of ELF research which underscore the cooperative orientation of ELF users, this particular group gave strong impressions of interruption and uncooperativeness as they prepared a scientific group presentation. In the effort to investigate these impressions, I found that no satisfactory method exists for systematically identifying and analyzing interruptions. A useful tool was found in Linear Unit Grammar or LUG (Sinclair & Mauranen 2006), which analyzes spoken interaction prospectively as linear text. In the course of transcribing one of the early group work meetings, I developed a model of LUG-based criteria for identifying individual instances of interruption. With this system in place, I was then able to evaluate the aggregate occurrences of interruption in the group work and identify co-occurring interactive features which further influenced the perception of uncooperativeness. Finally, these aggregate statistics directed a return to the data and a contextually sensitive, qualitative analysis. This research cycle illuminates the interactive features which contributed to my own impressions of uncooperativeness, as well as the group members orientations to their own interruptive practice.


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Editorial and Contents The state of PICES science - 2002 Second annual Wooster Award to Yutaka Nagata Qingdao Open Science Meeting: A major landmark for GLOBEC GLOBEC OSM Session Highhlights PICES/GLOBEC Data Management Workshop PICES and GLOBEC modelling Some personal impressions of the GLOBEC OSM Photo highlights of PICES XI and GLOBEC OSM PICES Climate Change and Carrying Capacity (CCCC) Integration Workshop PICES/CLIVAR Workshop on Climate Variability in the Pacific and its impact on the marine ecosystem IGBP/SCOR Open Science Meeting on Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Analysis Subarctic Ecosystem Response to Iron Enrichment Study (SERIES): eastern subarctic Pacific in July 2002 Introducing the GLOBEC International Project Office / GLOBEC Calendar 2003 Introducing the PICES Secretariat PICES Calendar


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Examina a aplicação da Lei nº 12.527, de 18 de novembro de 2011 – a Lei de Acesso à Informação (LAI) – tendo como locus a Câmara dos Deputados e o seu órgão de gestão da informação, de relacionamento e de atendimento ao público usuário, o Centro de Documentação e Informação (Cedi) e, em particular, a Coordenação de Relacionamento, Pesquisa e Informação (Corpi). Analisa-se, à luz da Ciência da Informação, o impacto causado pela LAI no processo de provimento de informação e na disponibilidade da informação institucional para a sociedade, no contexto do amplo acesso às informações públicas, desejável na Câmara. A pesquisa, de caráter documental, firma-se em documentos e na legislação produzidos na esfera da Câmara dos Deputados. Para o estudo do caso, utilizou-se entrevista com servidores da Corpi, onde se colheram impressões sobre o impacto da LAI na dinâmica do trabalho de atendimento e pesquisa, identificaram-se os principais problemas percebidos e as suas sugestões de melhoria. Discorre-se, também, subsidiariamente, sobre a gestão da informação como parte do ciclo informacional e condição para o acesso à informação, tópico central desta pesquisa. Aborda-se a questão da cidadania e do controle social, bem o direito à informação e transparência governamental que subjazem à proposta de amplo acesso à informação pública preconizada pela LAI, em razão da mudança de paradigma e do regime de informação a que a LAI conduz. O estudo dos efeitos da LAI no âmbito da Câmara teve como marco temporal o período de maio a dezembro de 2012. Estima-se que os indicadores desta pesquisa possam contribuir com estudos futuros relacionados com a governança da informação na Câmara.


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This paper sets out to explore how Uganda's lake Victoria fishery has been managed. It explores the management of the fishery during the protectorate period, and argues that the apparent success of regulation during this time may be attributed to the very heightened controls arising from Sleeping Sickness Controls. Once these were removed, entry into the fishery was rapid and uncontrolled, and the resultant impact on fish stocks was quickly felt. With its huge area, considerable shoreline, and innumerable islands, the lake Victoria fisheries service was quickly overwhelmed and disbanded as a result. In the early independence years, the Republic's government focused on developing the fishery, plans thwarted by turmoil of, and following, Idi Amin's reign. More recently, the fishery has prospered from Uganda's entry into the Nile perch fillet export market, which ahs adversely affected stocks. We present and comment on recently collected data that considers fishers' impressions of the status of the fishery, regulations and future managerial possibilities, and comment on these in the light of recent changes to Uganda's fisheries administration


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Este estudo teve como finalidade, testar uma barreira contra a contaminação microbiológica em placas de contato, utilizadas em monitoramento de salas limpas para fabricação de produtos farmacêuticos estéreis. Durante o ano de 2007, foram realizados testes de contato com a utilização da mencionada barreira, e os resultados foram comparados com dados dos anos de, 2004, 2005 e 2006, quando a barreira não foi utilizada. Os ambientes utilizados para os testes foram duas salas limpas de uma planta farmacêutica localizada no Rio de Janeiro. Nos mencionados ambientes é necessário o uso de uma vestimenta especial, de forma a evitar que partículas do corpo dos operadores, bactérias e fungos, migrem para a superfície externa do uniforme e coloquem em risco a esterilidade dos produtos. Sendo assim, foi proposta a colocação de uma camiseta diretamente sobre a pele do operador durante todo o ano de 2007 de forma a evitar ou reduzir a possibilidade de migração dessas partículas; e os resultados foram comparados com os anos de 2004, 2005 e 2006, quando a camiseta não foi usada. Os testes demonstraram que houve uma redução de cerca de 50% na ocorrência de placas contaminadas. Com relação ao número total de colônias formadas, a redução foi de 75% na comparação com os anos de 2004 e 2005 e de 50% com relação ao ano de 2006


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No Brasil, a contaminação do solo por derramamentos de combustíveis representa um dos mais graves problemas ambientais e o impacto da introdução de novas misturas como diesel/biodiesel na matriz energética requer investigação quanto a tecnologias apropriadas de remediação. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar diferentes estratégias de biorremediação no tratamento de solo contaminado experimentalmente com óleo diesel B5. Foram conduzidos três experimentos. No primeiro, quatro microcosmos em duplicata, contendo 500 g de solo e 5% (p/p) de óleo diesel B5, todos suplementados com oxigênio através de revolvimento manual e com ajuste de umidade, tiveram como tratamentos: bioestímulo com ajuste de pH (BE1); bioestímulo com ajuste de pH e nutrientes (BE2); bioaumento com ajuste de pH, nutrientes e adição de consórcio microbiano comercial KMA (BAM) e; controle abiótico, com ajuste de pH e solo esterilizado em autoclave (PA). Paralelamente, foi conduzido tratamento por bioaumento com ajuste de pH e nutrientes, suplementação de oxigênio e consórcio KMA, em solo contaminado apenas por diesel a 5% (BAD). A população microbiana foi monitorada através da contagem de UFC e os tratamentos, avaliados pela remoção de carbono orgânico e de hidrocarbonetos de petróleo (n-alcanos C10-C36). No segundo experimento, o metabolismo microbiano aeróbio foi avaliado através da produção de CO2 em respirômetros de Bartha (triplicatas), em solo contaminado com 5% (p/p) de óleo diesel B5, ajustado para pH e umidade, nas seguintes condições: solo com adição do consórcio KMA; solo com adição de cultura microbiana obtida a partir de outro solo proveniente de um posto de combustível com histórico de vazamento de tanques (RES) e; solo esterilizado por adição de azida de sódio a 0,3% (p/p). Como controle, solo sem contaminação, com sua população microbiana autóctone. No terceiro experimento, a capacidade da microbiota autóctone (EX), assim como do consórcio KMA e da cultura RES, em biodegradar óleo diesel B5, diesel e biodiesel de soja foi testada através do uso de indicadores de oxirredução DCPIP e TTC. Os experimentos em microcosmos indicam que houve uma complementaridade metabólica entre a população nativa e o consórcio comercial de microorganismos KMA, cuja presença promoveu um decaimento mais rápido de n-alcanos nas primeiras semanas do experimento. No entanto, após 63 dias de experimento, os tratamentos BAM, BAD e BE2 apresentaram, respectivamente, em média, 92,7%, 89,4% e 81,7% de remoção dos hidrocarbonetos n-alcanos C10-C36, sendo tais diferenças, sem significância estatística. Nos respirômetros, o bioaumento com cultura microbiana RES apresentou a maior produção de CO2 e a maior remoção de hidrocarbonetos (46,2%) após 29 dias. Tanto nos ensaios em microcosmos quanto nos respirométricos, não foi possível estimar a contribuição dos processos abióticos, tendo em vista evidências da existência de atividade microbiana no solo esterilizado térmica ou quimicamente. Os ensaios com os dois indicadores redox mostraram que apenas a microbiota nativa do solo em estudo e a cultura microbiana RES apresentaram potencial para degradar óleo diesel B5, biodiesel de soja ou diesel, quando colocadas em meio mineral contendo tais combustíveis como única fonte de carbono.