975 resultados para Steel structures


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Para el proyecto y cálculo de estructuras metálicas, fundamentalmente pórticos y celosías de cubierta, la herramienta más comúnmente utilizada son los programas informáticos de nudos y barras. En estos programas se define la geometría y sección de las barras, cuyas características mecánicas son perfectamente conocidas, y sobre las cuales obtenemos unos resultados de cálculo concretos en cuanto a estados tensionales y de deformación. Sin embargo el otro componente del modelo, los nudos, presenta mucha mayor complejidad a la hora de establecer sus propiedades mecánicas, fundamentalmente su rigidez al giro, así como de obtener unos resultados de estados tensionales y de deformación en los mismos. Esta “ignorancia” sobre el comportamiento real de los nudos, se salva generalmente asimilando a los nudos del modelo la condición de rígidos o articulados. Si bien los programas de cálculo ofrecen la posibilidad de introducir nudos con una rigidez intermedia (nudos semirrígidos), la rigidez de cada nudo dependerá de la geometría real de la unión, lo cual, dada la gran variedad de geometrías de uniones que en cualquier proyecto se nos presentan, hace prácticamente inviable introducir los coeficientes correspondientes a cada nudo en los modelos de nudos y barras. Tanto el Eurocódigo como el CTE, establecen que cada unión tendrá asociada una curva momento-rotación característica, que deberá ser determinada por los proyectistas mediante herramientas de cálculo o procedimientos experimentales. No obstante, este es un planteamiento difícil de llevar a cabo para cada proyecto. La consecuencia de esto es, que en la práctica, se realizan extensas comprobaciones y justificaciones de cálculo para las barras de las estructuras, dejando en manos de la práctica común la solución y puesta en obra de las uniones, quedando sin justificar ni comprobar la seguridad y el comportamiento real de estas. Otro aspecto que conlleva la falta de caracterización de las uniones, es que desconocemos como afecta el comportamiento real de éstas en los estados tensionales y de deformación de las barras que acometen a ellas, dudas que con frecuencia nos asaltan, no sólo en la fase de proyecto, sino también a la hora de resolver los problemas de ejecución que inevitablemente se nos presentan en el desarrollo de las obras. El cálculo mediante el método de los elementos finitos, es una herramienta que nos permite introducir la geometría real de perfiles y uniones, y nos permite por tanto abordar el comportamiento real de las uniones, y que está condicionado por su geometría. Por ejemplo, un caso típico es el de la unión de una viga a una placa o a un soporte soldando sólo el alma. Es habitual asimilar esta unión a una articulación. Sin embargo, el modelo por elementos finitos nos ofrece su comportamiento real, que es intermedio entre articulado y empotrado, ya que se transmite un momento y el giro es menor que el del apoyo simple. No obstante, la aplicación del modelo de elementos finitos, introduciendo la geometría de todos los elementos estructurales de un entramado metálico, tampoco resulta en general viable desde un punto de vista práctico, dado que requiere invertir mucho tiempo en comparación con el aumento de precisión que obtenemos respecto a los programas de nudos y barras, mucho más rápidos en la fase de modelización de la estructura. En esta tesis se ha abordado, mediante la modelización por elementos finitos, la resolución de una serie de casos tipo representativos de las uniones más comúnmente ejecutadas en obras de edificación, como son las uniones viga-pilar, estableciendo el comportamiento de estas uniones en función de las variables que comúnmente se presentan, y que son: •Ejecución de uniones viga-pilar soldando solo por el alma (unión por el alma), o bien soldando la viga al pilar por todo su perímetro (unión total). •Disposición o no de rigidizadores en los pilares •Uso de pilares de sección 2UPN en cajón o de tipo HEB, que son los tipos de soporte utilizados en casi el 100% de los casos en edificación. Para establecer la influencia de estas variables en el comportamiento de las uniones, y su repercusión en las vigas, se ha realizado un análisis comparativo entre las variables de resultado de los casos estudiados:•Estados tensionales en vigas y uniones. •Momentos en extremo de vigas •Giros totales y relativos en nudos. •Flechas. Otro de los aspectos que nos permite analizar la casuística planteada, es la valoración, desde un punto de vista de costos de ejecución, de la realización de uniones por todo el perímetro frente a las uniones por el alma, o de la disposición o no de rigidizadores en las uniones por todo el perímetro. Los resultados a este respecto, son estrictamente desde un punto de vista económico, sin perjuicio de que la seguridad o las preferencias de los proyectistas aconsejen una solución determinada. Finalmente, un tercer aspecto que nos ha permitido abordar el estudio planteado, es la comparación de resultados que se obtienen por el método de los elementos finitos, más próximos a la realidad, ya que se tiene en cuenta los giros relativos en las uniones, frente a los resultados obtenidos con programas de nudos y barras. De esta forma, podemos seguir usando el modelo de nudos y barras, más versátil y rápido, pero conociendo cuáles son sus limitaciones, y en qué aspectos y en qué medida, debemos ponderar sus resultados. En el último apartado de la tesis se apuntan una serie de temas sobre los que sería interesante profundizar en posteriores estudios, mediante modelos de elementos finitos, con el objeto de conocer mejor el comportamiento de las uniones estructurales metálicas, en aspectos que no se pueden abordar con los programas de nudos y barras. For the project and calculation of steel structures, mainly building frames and cover lattices, the tool more commonly used are the node and bars model computer programs. In these programs we define the geometry and section of the bars, whose mechanical characteristics are perfectly known, and from which we obtain the all calculation results of stresses and displacements. Nevertheless, the other component of the model, the nodes, are much more difficulty for establishing their mechanical properties, mainly the rotation fixity coefficients, as well as the stresses and displacements. This "ignorance" about the real performance of the nodes, is commonly saved by assimilating to them the condition of fixed or articulated. Though the calculation programs offer the possibility to introducing nodes with an intermediate fixity (half-fixed nodes), the fixity of every node will depend on the real connection’s geometry, which, given the great variety of connections geometries that in a project exist, makes practically unviable to introduce the coefficients corresponding to every node in the models of nodes and bars. Both Eurocode and the CTE, establish that every connection will have a typical moment-rotation associated curve, which will have to be determined for the designers by calculation tools or experimental procedures. Nevertheless, this one is an exposition difficult to carry out for each project. The consequence of this, is that in the practice, in projects are extensive checking and calculation reports about the bars of the structures, trusting in hands of the common practice the solution and execution of the connections, resulting without justification and verification their safety and their real behaviour. Another aspect that carries the lack of the connections characterization, is that we don´t know how affects the connections real behaviour in the stresses and displacements of the bars that attack them, doubts that often assault us, not only in the project phase, but also at the moment of solving the execution problems that inevitably happen in the development of the construction works. The calculation by finite element model is a tool that allows us to introduce the real profiles and connections geometry, and allows us to know about the real behaviour of the connections, which is determined by their geometry. Typical example is a beam-plate or beam-support connection welding only by the web. It is usual to assimilate this connection to an articulation or simple support. Nevertheless, the finite element model determines its real performance, which is between articulated and fixed, since a moment is transmitted and the relative rotation is less than the articulation’s rotation. Nevertheless, the application of the finite element model, introducing the geometry of all the structural elements of a metallic structure, does not also turn out to be viable from a practical point of view, provided that it needs to invest a lot of time in comparison with the precision increase that we obtain opposite the node and bars programs, which are much more faster in the structure modelling phase. In this thesis it has been approached, by finite element modelling, the resolution of a representative type cases of the connections commonly used in works of building, since are the beam-support connections, establishing the performance of these connections depending on the variables that commonly are present, which are: •Execution of beam-support connections welding only the web, or welding the beam to the support for the whole perimeter. •Disposition of stiffeners in the supports •Use 2UPN in box section or HEB section, which are the support types used in almost 100% building cases. To establish the influence of these variables in the connections performance, and the repercussion in the beams, a comparative analyse has been made with the resulting variables of the studied cases: •Stresses states in beams and connections. •Bending moments in beam ends. •Total and relative rotations in nodes. •Deflections in beams. Another aspect that the study allows us to analyze, is the valuation, from a costs point of view, of the execution of connections for the whole perimeter opposite to the web connections, or the execution of stiffeners. The results of this analyse, are strictly from an economic point of view, without prejudice that the safety or the preferences of the designers advise a certain solution. Finally, the third aspect that the study has allowed us to approach, is the comparison of the results that are obtained by the finite element model, nearer to the real behaviour, since the relative rotations in the connections are known, opposite to the results obtained with nodes and bars programs. So that, we can use the nodes and bars models, more versatile and quick, but knowing which are its limitations, and in which aspects and measures, we must weight the results. In the last part of the tesis, are relationated some of the topics on which it would be interesting to approach in later studies, with finite elements models, in order to know better the behaviour of the structural steel connections, in aspects that cannot be approached by the nodes and bars programs.


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Dentro da prática de verificação e projeto de estruturas metálicas, o cálculo de instabilidade exerce papel importante, já que o aço, por sua elevada resistência, incentiva o uso de colunas significativamente esbeltas. É comum na verificação da instabilidade de pórticos metálicos de andares múltiplos a utilização do conhecido fator K, que define, para a coluna, um comprimento efetivo. Tal fator é usualmente obtido em ábacos construídos a partir de duas hipóteses distintas para o mecanismo de instabilidade: a de flambagem por deslocamento lateral do andar e a de flambagem com esse deslocamento impedido. Essa divisão, e os modelos usualmente utilizados para tratá-la, se mostram incompletos para o caso de pórticos que se distanciem das hipóteses simplificadoras adotadas, e podem induzir a confusões e mal-entendido no uso do fator K. Neste trabalho, serão mostrados modelos alternativos para a determinação desse fator, buscando-se maior generalidade, assim como tentativas de esclarecer algumas possíveis ambiguidades no seu uso; além disso, esses modelos serão aplicados a alguns exemplos particulares. Como complemento ao trabalho, foi criado um programa de computador para determinar deslocamentos e esforços em segunda ordem para esse tipo de edificação, assim como ábacos alternativos. Os resultados obtidos nos exemplos serão contrastados com os fornecidos pelo programa e pelos ábacos.


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Apresenta-se neste trabalho um estudo teórico-experimental sobre a instabilidade de perfis formados a frio submetidos à flexão. A instabilidade distorcional se faz comum na presença de tensões de compressão atuando sobre perfis enrijecidos e fabricados com aços de elevada resistência mecânica. A parte teórica abrange os métodos de cálculo analíticos e numéricos para a análise de instabilidade distorcional de perfis de seção aberta formados a frio. Na parte experimental inclui-se o estudo de perfis formados a frio com seções do tipo U enrijecidos submetidos aos ensaios à flexão. Nestes ensaios variou-se a altura de alma e espessura de chapa procurando-se abranger maior número de condições geométricas para análise da estabilidade distorcional. Inclui-se também a análise de instabilidade numérica dos perfis do programa experimental através do método de resistência direta via método das faixas finitas. Com base nos resultados experimentais, numéricos e na análise teórica do problema, verificou-se o procedimento adotado pela NBR14762/2001 e efetuou-se comparação entre curvas de resistência propostas para o dimensionamento de perfis formados a frio à flexão. Foi verificado que o fenômeno de instabilidade distorcional pode ser o estado limite último crítico para o dimensionamento dos perfis formados a frio.


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A busca por melhorias de produtividade na indústria da construção civil é fundamental para garantia do crescimento sustentável do setor. Nesse sentido, o uso de estruturas de aço na construção de edifícios aparece como uma alternativa interessante às tradicionais estruturas em concreto armado. Essa dissertação tem por objetivo o estudo da produtividade da mão de obra e de equipamentos de içamento na montagem de estruturas de aço para edifícios de múltiplos pavimentos, buscando comprovar a hipótese de que essa produtividade varia em conjunto com alguns fatores que podem ser identificados e que essa variação pode ser quantificada. A pesquisa foi realizada segundo metodologia de Estudo de Caso, sendo que cinco obras compuseram o estudo. Como resultados, observa-se que produtividade potencial da mão de obra variou entre 3,33 e 8,23 Hh/peça ou 11,8 e 33,8 Hh/t e que a produtividade potencial dos equipamentos variou entre 0,38 e 0,53 Eqh/peça ou 1,84 e 2,29 Eqh/t, além de terem se encontrado correlações significativas entre os fatores tonelada/peça, disponibilidade do equipamento de içamento e quantidade relativa de pilares e os indicadores de produtividade.


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Presentaciones de los temas que integran los contenidos de la asignatura "Estructuras Metálicas" impartidas en las titulaciones de Ing. Técnica de Obras Públicas y en el Grado en Ing. Civil.


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Material de apoyo de la asignatura "Estructuras Metálicas": prontuario de vigas y coeficientes de pandeo.


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Colección de problemas de la asignatura "Estructuras Metálicas" correspondientes a los estudios de Ing. Técnica de Obras Públicas y Grado en Ingeniería Civil.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Estruturas


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Estruturas


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Purpose – Building upon the results of a critical review of previous studies, the purpose of this paper is to present a framework to enhance the reliability of the theoretical model for international benchmarking of labour productivity (TMIBLP) method for construction project activities. The next part of the paper presents the results of implementing the proposed framework for construction activities in the Iranian construction industry. Design/methodology/approach – This paper draws upon a critical review of the literature to highlight the drawbacks of the previous studies concerning implementing TMIBLP within the construction industry. Identifying these shortcomings, the authors propose a framework for construction projects, which presents the procedure for deploying TMIBLP for construction activities in a reliable manner. The final section of the paper demonstrates the empirical implementation of the proposed framework within the Iranian construction industry. Findings – The primary contributions of the paper include: identifying the drawbacks of previous studies within the construction context, the framework that would lead construction managers towards more reliable implementation of benchmarking for construction projects, and determining the baseline of erecting steel structures in a developing country. Practical implications – A practical implementation of the TMIBLP method was presented to address the lack of research in Iran and to show the feasibility of using the framework developed. The authors investigated the daily labour productivity for the activity of structural steel erection for six projects in Tehran in order to determine the values of the baseline productivity for each project. Accordingly, the disruption index, performance ratio and project management index as the project benchmarks were calculated for all six projects. Originality/value – Underlining the necessity of implementing methods such as TMIBLP, this study outlines the outcomes of the first study on the benchmarking of construction activities deploying the proposed framework and using the data on erecting steel structures from six construction projects in Iran. The discussions provide guidelines for construction project managers regarding benchmarking labour productivity. The paper concludes with suggestions for future research opportunities.


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During the past decade, a significant amount of research has been conducted internationally with the aim of developing, implementing, and verifying "advanced analysis" methods suitable for non-linear analysis and design of steel frame structures. Application of these methods permits comprehensive assessment of the actual failure modes and ultimate strengths of structural systems in practical design situations, without resort to simplified elastic methods of analysis and semi-empirical specification equations. Advanced analysis has the potential to extend the creativity of structural engineers and simplify the design process, while ensuring greater economy and more uniform safety with respect to the ultimate limit state. The application of advanced analysis methods has previously been restricted to steel frames comprising only members with compact cross-sections that are not subject to the effects of local buckling. This precluded the use of advanced analysis from the design of steel frames comprising a significant proportion of the most commonly used Australian sections, which are non-compact and subject to the effects of local buckling. This thesis contains a detailed description of research conducted over the past three years in an attempt to extend the scope of advanced analysis by developing methods that include the effects of local buckling in a non-linear analysis formulation, suitable for practical design of steel frames comprising non-compact sections. Two alternative concentrated plasticity formulations are presented in this thesis: the refined plastic hinge method and the pseudo plastic zone method. Both methods implicitly account for the effects of gradual cross-sectional yielding, longitudinal spread of plasticity, initial geometric imperfections, residual stresses, and local buckling. The accuracy and precision of the methods for the analysis of steel frames comprising non-compact sections has been established by comparison with a comprehensive range of analytical benchmark frame solutions. Both the refined plastic hinge and pseudo plastic zone methods are more accurate and precise than the conventional individual member design methods based on elastic analysis and specification equations. For example, the pseudo plastic zone method predicts the ultimate strength of the analytical benchmark frames with an average conservative error of less than one percent, and has an acceptable maximum unconservati_ve error of less than five percent. The pseudo plastic zone model can allow the design capacity to be increased by up to 30 percent for simple frames, mainly due to the consideration of inelastic redistribution. The benefits may be even more significant for complex frames with significant redundancy, which provides greater scope for inelastic redistribution. The analytical benchmark frame solutions were obtained using a distributed plasticity shell finite element model. A detailed description of this model and the results of all the 120 benchmark analyses are provided. The model explicitly accounts for the effects of gradual cross-sectional yielding, longitudinal spread of plasticity, initial geometric imperfections, residual stresses, and local buckling. Its accuracy was verified by comparison with a variety of analytical solutions and the results of three large-scale experimental tests of steel frames comprising non-compact sections. A description of the experimental method and test results is also provided.