786 resultados para Sports -- Social aspects
Marshall McLuhan's "global village", and his theories on communications and technology, in conjunction with Patrick McGoohan's television series The Prisoner (ATV, 1967-1968) are explored in this thesis. The Prisoner, brainchild of McGoohan, is about the abduction and confinement of a British government agent imprisoned within the impenetrable boundaries of a benign but totalitarian city -state called "The Village". The purpose of his abduction and imprisonment is for the extraction of information regarding his resignation as a government spy. Marshall McLuhan originally popularized the phrase "the global village" in The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making o/the Topographic Man (1962), asserting that, "The new electronic interdependence recreates the world in the image of a global village" (p. 31). This thesis argues that valid parallels exist between McGoohan's conception of "village", as manifested in The Prisoner, and McLuhan's global village. The comprehensive methodological stratagem for this thesis includes Marshall McLuhan's "mosaic" approach, Mikhail Bakhtin's concept ofthe "chronotope", as well as a Foucauldian genealogicallhistorical discourse analysis. In the process of deconstructing McLuhan's texts and The Prisoner as products of the 1960s, an historical "constellation" (to use Walter Benjamin's concept) of the same present has been executed. By employing this synthesized methodology, conjunctions have been made between McLuhan's theories and the series' main themes of bureaucracy as dictatorship, the perversion of science and technology, freedom as illusion, and the individual in opposition to the collective. A thorough investigation of the global village and The Prisoner will determine whether or not Marshall McLuhan and/or Patrick McGoohan visualize the village as an enslaving technological reality.
In 2007, Barry Bonds hit his 75 6th home run, breaking Hank Aaron's all-time record for most home runs in a Major League career. While it would be expected that such an accomplishment would induce unending praise and adulationfor the new record-holder, Bonds did not receive the treatment typically reserved for a beloved baseball hero. The purpose of this thesis is to assess media representations of the 2007 home run chase in order to shed light upon the factors which led to the mixed representations which accompanied BOlTds ' assault on Aaron's record. Drawingfrom Roland Barthes ' concept of myth, this thesis proposes that Bonds was portrayed in predominantly negative ways because he was seen as failing to embody the values of baseball's mythology. Using a qualitative content analysis of three major American newspapers, this thesis examines portrayals of Bonds and how he was shown both to represent and oppose elements from baseball's mythology, such as youth, and a distant, agrarian past. Recognizing the ways in which baseball is associated with American life, the media representations of Bonds are also evaluated to discern whether he was portrayed as personifYing a distinctly American set of values. The results indicate that, in media coverage of the 2007 home run chase, Bonds was depicted as a player of many contradictions. Most commonly, Bonds' athletic ability and career achievements were contrasted with unflattering descriptions of his character, including discussions of his alleged use of performance-enhancing substances. However, some coverage portrayed Bonds as embodying baseball myth. The findings contribute to an appreciation of the importance of historical context in examining media representations. This understanding is enhanced by an analysis of a selection of articles on Mark McGwire 's record-breaking season in 1998, and careful consideration of, and comparison to, the context under which Bonds performed in 2007. Findings are also shown to support the contemporary existence of a strong American baseball mythology. That Bonds is both condemned for failing to uphold the mythology and praised for personifYing it suggests that the values seen as inherent to baseball continue to act as an American cultural benchmark.
This critical analysis explores the conflicted position of women as ''trailing spouses" and the effects on families who relocate globally under the auspices of a multinational corporation, by utilizing a discursive analysis of two contemporary films and available literature. Current portrayals of women and children in contemporary media provide emotional yet conflicting images of the perfect woman, wife, mother, child and family. The basic tenets of a North American patriarchal economic system are being televised around the world. Technological advancements have made it possible to advertise political agendas on a global television screen. Much of what we see is propaganda couched in films and advertisements that are designed to romantic~e the practice of deriving profits from the unpaid labor of woman and invisibility of children and child rearing. I intend to show that the materiality of trailing a spouse globally conflicts with these romanticized images and supports feminist literature that asserts the notion that mothers and children are oppressed and managed for the benefit of capital.
Produced subjectivities and productive subjects : locating the potential of the self-reflective blog
Blogging software has popularly been used as a mode of writing about everyday life to interact with others. This thesis examines the political potentials that are opened up by self-reflective blogging. The self-reflective blog is a synergy of self-reflective practices and computer-mediated communication. A genealogy of the history of computer-mediated communication and various public self-reflective practices is conducted to uncover affect as the utility of various economies of subject production. Efforts made to blog-like the efforts made to interact online in other CMCs-are positioned as a kind of affective labor. Adapting Hardt and Negri's (2005) theorization of the multitude, whereby affective labor-the production of social relationshipsis a kind ofbiopolitical production, affect will be determined as a kind ofbiopolitical power that exists in everyday life.
One way of exploring the power of sound in the experience and constitution of space is through the phenomenon of personal listening devices (PLDs) in public environments. In this thesis, I draw from in-depth interviews with eleven Brock University students in S1. Catharines, Ontario, to show how PLDs (such as MP3 players like the iPod) are used to create personalized soundscapes and mediate their public transit journeys. I discuss how my interview participants experience the space-time of public transit, and show how PLDs are used to mediate these experiences in acoustic and non-acoustic ways. PLD use demonstrates that acoustic and environmental experiences are co-constitutive, which highlights a kinaesthetic quality of the transit-space. My empirical findings show that PLDs transform space, particularly by overlapping public and private appropriations of the bus. I use these empirical findings to discuss the PLD phenomenon in the theoretical context of spatiality, and more specifically, acoustic space. J develop the ontological notion of acoustic space, stating that space shares many of the properties of sound, and argue that sound is a rich epistemological tool for understanding and explaining our everyday experiences.
Fonds contains materials related to the St. Catharines, Hamilton and Toronto Offices of the Ontario Editorial Bureau, from the early 1940s to 2008. All invoices and personal documents (life insurance plans, T4 slips, vacation pay, doctor's notes etc.) have been removed from this collection. Resumes have been removed and, if appropriate, placed in the biographical file. Duplicates have been removed.
Experimental research has shown that playing violent video games produces higher levels of aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, physiological arousal, and aggressive behavior (in the short-term) than non-violent video games (see Anderson, Gentile & Buckley, 2007). However, there are two major limitations with these studies. First, the majority of experimental studies that have compared the effects of violent versus non-violent video games on aggression have failed to equate these games in terms of competitiveness, difficulty, and pace of action. Thus, although the common finding is that violent video games produce higher levels of aggression than nonviolent video games, other unmatched factors beyond the actual violent content may be responsible for the elevated levels of aggression. Second, previous experimental studies have tended to use a measure of aggression that may also measure competitiveness, leading to questions about whether violent video games are related to aggression or competitiveness. The present thesis addressed these two issues by fIrst equating a violent and non-violent video game on competitiveness, difficulty and pace of action in Experiment I , and then comparing the effect of each game on aggressive behavior using an unambiguous measure of aggressive behavior (i.e., the Hot Sauce Paradigm). We found that video game violence was not sufficient to elevate aggressive behavior compared to a non-violent video game. Practical implications and directions for future research are discussed.
Although family eating practices (FEPs) playa role in the formation of eating practices in children, there is a lack of evidence regarding the role of FEPs on obesity (DB) risk. The purpose of this thesis was to assess the role of child, mother 'and father eating practices (CEPs; MEPS; FaEPs) on nutrient intakes, dietary patterns and body composition. Data were collected on approximately 2,400 peri-adolescents (s250 with complete covariate data). Dietary patterns were assessed using scores that reflected how closely participants followed DASH and Health Canada (HC) recommendations. In girls, poor CEPs, MEPs and FaEPs were associated with increased BMI and risk of overweight and poor dietary patterns according to DASH, and DASH and HC, respectively. In boys, poor CEPs and FaEPs were associated with increased monounsaturated and trans fat, and Vitamin C intakes, respectively. These findings suggest FEPs are associated with DB risk, particularly in girls.
The new blockbuster film sequel : changing cultural and economic conditions within the film industry
Film sequels are a pervasive part of film consumption practices and have become an important part of the decision making process for Hollywood studios and producers. This thesis indicates that sequels are not homogenous groups of films, as they are often considered, but offer a variety of story construction and utilize a variety of production methods. Three types of blockbuster sequel sets are identified and discussed in this thesis. The Traditional Blockbuster Sequel Set, as exemplified by Back to the Future (1985, 1989, 1990) films, is the most conventional type of sequel set and capitalizes on the winning formula of the first film in the franchise. The MultiMedia Sequel Set, such as The Matrix (1999,2003) trilogy, allows the user/viewer to experience and consume the story as well as the world of the film through many different media. The Lord a/ the Rings (2001, 2002, 2003) set of films is an illustration of The Saga Sequel Set where plot lines are continuous over the entire franchise thus allowing the viewer to see the entire set as a unified work. The thesis also demonstrates how the blockbuster sequel sets, such as the Pirates a/ the Caribbean (2003, 2006, 2007) franchise, restructure the production process of the Hollywood film industry.
This thesis explores the representation of Swinging London in three examples of 1960s British cinema: Blowup (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1966), Smashing Time (Desmond Davis, 1967) and Performance (Donald Cammell and Nicolas Roeg, 1970). It suggests that the films chronologically signify the evolution, commodification and dissolution of the Swinging London era. The thesis explores how the concept of Swinging London is both critiqued and perpetuated in each film through the use of visual tropes: the reconstruction of London as a cinematic space; the Pop photographer; the dolly; representations of music performance and fashion; the appropriation of signs and symbols associated with the visual culture of Swinging London. Using fashion, music performance, consumerism and cultural symbolism as visual narratives, each film also explores the construction of youth identity through the representation of manufactured and mediated images. Ultimately, these films reinforce Swinging London as a visual economy that circulates media images as commodities within a system of exchange. With this in view, the signs and symbols that comprise the visual culture of Swinging London are as central and significant to the cultural era as their material reality. While they attempt to destabilize prevailing representations of the era through the reproduction and exchange of such symbols, Blowup, Smashing Time, and Performance nevertheless contribute to the nostalgia for Swinging London in larger cultural memory.
This study used a life history research design to explore first-generation university students' educational life stories and experiences with cultural capital. The project sought to examine how 3 first-generation university students experience cultural capital that is privileged in Ontario's education system and how the interactions between capital acquired through experiences within the home and school and capital privileged by the education system affect these students' educational experiences and perceptions. Using Pierre Bourdieu's (1984; 1986) theory of cultural capital as a framework, 3 firstgeneration, first-year university students participated in two 1- to 2-hour interviews. A focus on each participant's experiences with culture, capital, and education revealed themes corresponding to navigating, utilizing, and confronting familial, institutional, economic, and embodied forms of cultural capital. The study highlights the importance of recognizing how cultural capital influences the education system and how firstgeneration students can recreate normative pathways and achieve academic success despite challenges posed by the cultural capital privileged within the education system. Given cultural capital's effect on academic success, understanding first-generation students' educational life stories sheds light on the complex challenges facing students who confront and deal with privileged culture in the education system.
This thesis is based on 13 qualitative interviews conducted with 12 individuals whom I refer to as (gender)queers in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and St. Catharines, Ontario. Drawing on queer theory and the literature of sexuality and space, I explore how (gender)queers experience women's public washrooms as gendered and heterosexualized spaces. I examine the degree to which a simultaneous heterosexing and female gendering of women's public washrooms is linked to the marginalization and sometimes violent exclusion of (gender)queers within these particular spaces. I also discuss the ways in which (gender)queers may use a variety of strategies aimed at navigating heterosexualized and gendered public washrooms. Finally, I explore alternatives to conventional washrooms spaces, including the gender-neutral washrooms, multi-stall non-gendered public washrooms, and public washrooms in queer spaces.
Le contexte particulier du dopage suscite de nombreuses questions à l'égard des obligations et de la responsabilité des médecins. Suivant le Code médical du Mouvement olympique (2005), les médecins doivent respecter les principes de l'éthique médicale et ceux de l'éthique sportive, comme le fairplay. Il arrive parfois que l'éthique sportive entre en conflit avec l'éthique médicale. Les médecins sont alors confrontés à d'importants dilemmes qui peuvent engager leur responsabilité professionnelle et civile. Ces dilemmes se situent notamment au niveau de l'obligation de soins et du secret professionnel. Par exemple, les médecins peuvent-ils prescrire des médicaments pour contrer les effets néfastes du dopage afin de préserver la santé des athlètes ? La question de la recherche sur l'amélioration de la performance est également préoccupante. En raison du caractère clandestin de cette recherche, il y a lieu de se demander si les médecins qui y participent respectent leurs obligations professionnelles. L'analyse des principaux instruments normatifs applicables en l'espèce démontre que les médecins ne doivent pas être placés dans une situation telle qu'ils doivent refuser de suivre des athlètes de crainte d'être accusés de dopage. De plus, le secret professionnel devrait être maintenu lorsqu'un médecin suit un athlète dopé afin de préserver la relation de confiance. Finalement, l'analyse du contexte de la recherche portant sur l'amélioration de la performance révèle que les médecins ne respectent pas toujours leurs obligations. Les médecins fautifs risquent donc d'engager leur responsabilité professionnelle et civile et de faire face à des sanctions sévères.
David Hull et Philip Kitcher présentent tous deux une description des sciences qui tient compte autant de l'articulation logique des théories que de leur dynamique sociale. Hull (1988a, 2001) tente de rendre compte du progrès scientifique par le biais d'une analyse sélectionniste, en s'appuyant sur les contingences sociales et les biais individuels en tant que pressions de sélections. Pour lui, un processus de sélection darwinien filtre les théories supérieures des théories inadéquates. Kitcher (1993) présente plutôt le progrès scientifique comme un changement de consensus résultant de processus sociaux et psychologiques qui mènent de manière fiable à la vérité. Les théories sont ainsi filtrées par une dynamique sociale qui sélectionne les théories selon la qualité de leur articulation logique. Kitcher (1988) exprime un doute à l'idée qu'un processus de sélection darwinien du type suggéré par Hull puisse ajouter quoi que ce soit à une explication du processus d'avancement des sciences. Ce mémoire tentera d'établir si cette critique de Kitcher est fondée. Dans cette optique, une analyse détaillée de l’approche de Hull sera nécessaire afin d’examiner comment il justifie le lien qu’il établit entre la pratique scientifique et un processus de sélection. Un contraste sera ensuite fait avec l’approche de Kitcher pour tester la force et la nécessité de ce lien et pour expliquer le désaccord de Kitcher. Cette analyse comparative permettra de préciser les avantages et les désavantages uniques à chacune des approches pour déterminer si une analyse sélectionniste est plus prometteuse qu’une analyse non-sélectionniste pour rendre compte du progrès scientifique.
Devant le contexte actuel des crises environnementale et sociale, on ne peut que s’interroger sur la capacité du domaine de la conservation du patrimoine à intégrer les principes et les concepts liés au développement durable. Alors que plusieurs liens entre la conservation du patrimoine culturel et le développement durable existent, il devient nécessaire de solidifier cette union. Réalisée en amont du projet de conservation, l’évaluation patrimoniale basée sur l’approche par les valeurs permet d’établir la signification d’un lieu selon les valeurs qui lui sont associées. Il y a cependant lieu de se questionner : au-delà des valeurs historiques, esthétiques ou architecturales traditionnellement attribuées au patrimoine bâti, quel intérêt accorde-t-on aux dimensions environnementales, économiques et sociales? Le postulat de ce mémoire est qu’il est essentiel d’élargir l’évaluation patrimoniale afin d’y intégrer de nouvelles valeurs liées au développement durable. Nous nous proposons d’étudier la faisabilité de ceci en élaborant un modèle d’évaluation patrimoniale basé sur une approche par les valeurs qui prend en compte l’ensemble des valeurs inhérentes au patrimoine bâti, c’est-à-dire les aspects culturels, sociaux, économiques et environnementaux. Cette proposition se traduit en une grille d’évaluation qui comporte ces dimensions. Afin de confronter notre hypothèse au réel, nous procéderons à une étude de cas : le Silo no.5 situé dans le Vieux-Port de Montréal. Aux termes de cette recherche, nous estimons être en mesure d’identifier les limites de notre expérimentation et de déterminer ce qui pourrait être fait pour contribuer aux efforts en conservation. Il nous apparaît que les recherches effectuées dans le cadre de ce mémoire sont susceptibles d’intéresser toute personne oeuvrant dans le domaine de la conservation du patrimoine.