969 resultados para Spedale di S. Maria Nuova (Florence, Italy)
Illustrated throughout.
Lagrime di S. Maria Maddalena, en p. 166 a 178, Eccelenze di Maria Vergine, en p. 179 a 185 ; Capitolo al crocifisso nel venerdì santo / del R.P.D. Angello Grillo, en p. 186 a fin.
Dedication signed "Teodoro di S. Maria."
Edited by Alberto Bacchi della Lega.
Este artículo pretende ser complemento y continuación de mis anteriores trabajos sobre la figura de Petrus Hispanus O. P., Auctor Summularum. Comienzo presentando algunos nuevos documentos relacionados con las cuestiones ya examinadas en mis artículos de 1997 y 2001. A continuación, me ocupo de las cuestiones aplazadas en el artículo de 2001: los problemas relativos a la figura de “Petrus Ferrandi” y su posible relación con el “auctor Summularum”, as como los argumentos de Tugwell contra la hipótesis de la posible identidad de estas dos figuras, examinados ahora desde la perspectiva del autor de la Legenda prima. Tras analizar testimonios procedentes de muy diversos ámbitos, afirmo, por una parte, que la hipótesis de la identidad entre “Petrus Ferrandi” y “Petrus Hispanus podría ser correcta y, por otra parte, que no hay argumentos concluyentes que obliguen a afirmar con seguridad que el autor de la Legenda prima es Pedro Ferrando. Aunque los análisis no permiten por el momento determinar si es “Petrus Alfonsi” o “Petrus Ferrandi” el “auctor Summularum”, los testimonios recogidos y las conexiones establecidas contribuirán, sin duda, a orientar futuras investigaciones en torno a la figura de “Petrus Hispanus.
This text is taken from the postgraduate thesis, which one of the authors (A.B.) developed for the degree of Medical Physicist in the School on Medical Physics of the University of Florence. The text explores the feasibility of quantitative Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy as a tool for daily clinical routine use. The results and analysis comes from two types of hyper spectral images: the first set are hyper spectral images coming from a standard phantom (reference images); and hyper spectral images obtained from a group of patients who have undergone MRI examinations at the Santa Maria Nuova Hospital. This interdisciplinary work stems from the IFAC-CNR know how in terms of data analysis and nanomedicine, and the clinical expertise of Radiologists and Medical Physicists. The results reported here, which were the subject of the thesis, are original, unpublished, and represent independent work.
Nella tesi si cerca di dare una nuova chiave di lettura del monumento unico nel suo genere, quanto noto Parliamo del Mausoleo di Teodorico che si erige nelle immediate vicinanze del centro di Ravenna.Il Mausoleo costruito nel v secolo, quando Ravenna è capitale dell’impero d’Occidente e vi si stabilisce Teodorico il Grande. La struttura è stata molto esaminata nel corso del tempo da molti studiosi ma non si ha notizia di una analisi d'insieme. Si è cercato quindi di mettere a fuoco uno degli aspetti più emblematici ed ancor ben lungi da scientifiche certezze: La sua copertura.Si tratta di un monolite con un peso stimato tra le 240 e le 270 Tonnellate proveniente dalle cave di Aurisina in Istria. Numerosi studiosi si sono cimentati nello stipulare le proprie ipotesi sul trasporto e soprattutto sulla sua messa in opera senza giungere ad un univoca conclusione. Si è proceduto poi alla loro schematizzazione in filoni principali senza tralasciare una propria opinione valutandone i pro e i contro anche in base alle conoscenze attuali. Si sono confrontati metodi di trasporto dei monoliti, senza tralasciare l’analisi delle macchine da cantiere dell’epoca a supporto delle ipotesi proposte. Da ultimo mi sono soffermato sul significato semantico delle dentellature di sommità della copertura, o modiglioni: anche per questi elementi vi sono stati e mi auguro ci saranno numerosi dibattiti sul loro aspetto simbolico o quantomeno funzionale. Durante la stesura della è scaturito anche un interessante confronto di idee che testimonia quanto la questione sia ancora articolata ed interessante. Si apre quindi a suggerimenti per spunti futuri specialmente per quanto riguarda indagini diagnostiche strumentali sulla cupola e sulla sua crepa. Mi auguro che raccogliendo e analizzando le principali ipotesi si possa proseguire questo filone investigativo.
This paper develops a general theory of validation gating for non-linear non-Gaussian mod- els. Validation gates are used in target tracking to cull very unlikely measurement-to-track associa- tions, before remaining association ambiguities are handled by a more comprehensive (and expensive) data association scheme. The essential property of a gate is to accept a high percentage of correct associ- ations, thus maximising track accuracy, but provide a su±ciently tight bound to minimise the number of ambiguous associations. For linear Gaussian systems, the ellipsoidal vali- dation gate is standard, and possesses the statistical property whereby a given threshold will accept a cer- tain percentage of true associations. This property does not hold for non-linear non-Gaussian models. As a system departs from linear-Gaussian, the ellip- soid gate tends to reject a higher than expected pro- portion of correct associations and permit an excess of false ones. In this paper, the concept of the ellip- soidal gate is extended to permit correct statistics for the non-linear non-Gaussian case. The new gate is demonstrated by a bearing-only tracking example.
In this paper we extend the concept of speaker annotation within a single-recording, or speaker diarization, to a collection wide approach we call speaker attribution. Accordingly, speaker attribution is the task of clustering expectantly homogenous intersession clusters obtained using diarization according to common cross-recording identities. The result of attribution is a collection of spoken audio across multiple recordings attributed to speaker identities. In this paper, an attribution system is proposed using mean-only MAP adaptation of a combined-gender UBM to model clusters from a perfect diarization system, as well as a JFA-based system with session variability compensation. The normalized cross-likelihood ratio is calculated for each pair of clusters to construct an attribution matrix and the complete linkage algorithm is employed to conduct clustering of the inter-session clusters. A matched cluster purity and coverage of 87.1% was obtained on the NIST 2008 SRE corpus.
Investigates the use of lip information, in conjunction with speech information, for robust speaker verification in the presence of background noise. We have previously shown (Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Proc., vol. 6, pp. 3693-3696, May 1998) that features extracted from a speaker's moving lips hold speaker dependencies which are complementary with speech features. We demonstrate that the fusion of lip and speech information allows for a highly robust speaker verification system which outperforms either subsystem individually. We present a new technique for determining the weighting to be applied to each modality so as to optimize the performance of the fused system. Given a correct weighting, lip information is shown to be highly effective for reducing the false acceptance and false rejection error rates in the presence of background noise
This paper proposes the use of eigenvoice modeling techniques with the Cross Likelihood Ratio (CLR) as a criterion for speaker clustering within a speaker diarization system. The CLR has previously been shown to be a robust decision criterion for speaker clustering using Gaussian Mixture Models. Recently, eigenvoice modeling techniques have become increasingly popular, due to its ability to adequately represent a speaker based on sparse training data, as well as an improved capture of differences in speaker characteristics. This paper hence proposes that it would be beneficial to capitalize on the advantages of eigenvoice modeling in a CLR framework. Results obtained on the 2002 Rich Transcription (RT-02) Evaluation dataset show an improved clustering performance, resulting in a 35.1% relative improvement in the overall Diarization Error Rate (DER) compared to the baseline system.