881 resultados para Social representations theory


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No campo da educação permanente na área da saúde, podem ser citadas diferentes iniciativas que visam formar profissionais com o uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs). No entanto, pouco se sabe ainda sobre o uso da web por profissionais da saúde como estratégia da aprendizagem formal, menos ainda quando se aborda a aprendizagem informal. Percebe-se que as ações no campo da educação com uso e, sobretudo, para o uso da tecnologia como ferramenta de aprendizagem ainda são feitas de forma muito intuitivas, por acerto e erro, tendo em vista a própria evolução da tecnologia em um curto período temporal. Sendo assim, o objetivo geral da pesquisa é compreender o perfil, as percepções e representações sociais sobre aprendizagem na web de médicos, enfermeiros e cirurgiões-dentistas e uma possível influência desse uso no cotidiano profissional. Para atingir o objetivo delimitado, foi empregada a metodologia quali-quantitativa através da utilização de um questionário on-line, contendo questões fechadas e questões abertas, respondido por 277 alunos do Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família oferecido pelo núcleo da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) da Universidade Aberta do Sistema Único de Saúde (UNA-SUS). Para análise das questões fechadas, foi utilizada a estatística descritiva e testes bivariados não paramétricos. A análise das questões abertas foi feita à luz da teoria da representações sociais com emprego da técnica da análise do conteúdo e das evocações livres. Os resultados da pesquisa foram apresentados em formato de três trabalhos para apresentação em eventos e quatro artigos submetidos para publicação em revistas de alta qualidade acadêmica. Com base nos resultados, destaca-se como preocupação que o simples consumo de informações esteja justificando e a ele esteja restrito o uso da internet para os sujeitos, em detrimento às possibilidades educacionais da cibercultura. Acredita-se ser necessário o desenvolvimento de ações que subsidiem uma prática mais reflexiva a fim de reverter um possível uso reduzido das potencialidades da TICs.


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Uma das principais discussões na dimensão social perpassa sobre o tema emancipação social, o que na concepção de Santos (2007, p.17) é um conceito absolutamente central na modernidade. Estudos que venham revelar as evidências emancipadoras por meio das práticas de projetos sociais são relevantes socialmente e representam alternativas de intervenção social. A tese central é a de que os projetos de intervenção social em áreas de vulnerabilidade social propiciam a emancipação dos atores locais. Este estudo se justifica pela necessidade de compreender como são construídas essas redes de intervenção social que atuam em comunidades pobres. Os objetivos do estudo foram: i) verificar as possibilidades de emancipação que se associam às políticas e práticas de extensão universitária; ii) identificar as representações de mulheres sobre o tempo que destinam a esperar os filhos que participam de atividades em uma Vila Olímpica; iii) analisar os objetivos e ações que mobilizaram a Central Única das Favelas (CUFA), com atenção na fundação e sua trajetória, do Street Basket das Favelas, em 2005, à competição Taça das Favelas, em 2011; iv) identificar o conteúdo das representações sociais (RS) acerca da participação de jovens adolescentes na Taça das Favelas. Para a realização dos estudos, adotou-se a abordagem qualitativa. No primeiro estudo utilizou-se a metodologia da análise documental para seleção dos documentos e análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2009) para identificação das categorias a serem analisadas. Definimos um marco referencial básico a partir das reflexões de Boaventura de Sousa Santos e Paulo Freire para conceituar a extensão e emancipação social. Os tópicos contemplados na análise se desdobraram em três questões: qual a concepção de extensão universitária está presente nos documentos institucionais; de que forma a universidade promove a articulação com o território; como se dá a prática da extensão universitária na UNISUAM. Os resultados da análise evidenciaram processos emancipadores nas práticas extensionistas. O segundo estudo é de natureza etnográfica, com aportes da etnometodologia e da pesquisa-ação colaborativa. O grupo pesquisado se caracteriza por mulheres que frequentam a Vila Olímpica do Complexo do Alemão. Os resultados em relação à representação das mulheres sobre o tempo que esperam os filhos revelaram que é um tempo para a aprendizagem. O terceiro estudo é sobre o papel da CUFA na cultura hip hop no basquetebol, no Rio de Janeiro e na Taça das Favelas, uma competição de futebol de campo entre 80 seleções, com jovens moradores das favelas. O estudo seguinte é sobre representações sociais acerca da participação de jovens adolescentes na Taça das Favelas. Os dados provêm de entrevista semiestruturada com 11 jogadores da Taça das Favelas.


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Retaining social workers in child protection and welfare organisations has been identified as a problem in Ireland (McGrath, 2001; Ombudsman for Children, 2006; Houses of the Oireachtas, 2008) and internationally (Ellet et al., 2006; Mor Barak et al., 2006; Tham, 2006). While low levels of retention have been identified, there is no research that examines the factors in Ireland that influence the retention of social workers. In this thesis, data is analysed from qualitative interviews with 45 social workers in the Health Service Executive South about what influences their decisions to stay in or leave child protection and welfare social work. These social workers’ views are examined in relation to quantitative research on the levels of turnover and employment mobility of child protection and welfare social workers employed in the same organisation. Contrary to expectations, the study found that the retention rate of social workers during the period of data collection (March 2005 to December 2006) was high and that the majority of social workers remained positive about this work and their retention. The quality of social workers’ supervision, social supports from colleagues, high levels of autonomy, a commitment to child protection and welfare work, good variety in the work, and a perception that they were making a difference, emerged as important factors in social workers’ decisions to stay. Perceptions of being unsupported by the organisation, which was usually described in terms of high caseloads and demanding workloads, a lack of resources, work with involuntary clients and not being able to make a difference, were the most significant factors in social workers’ decisions to leave and/or to want to leave. Social workers felt particularly professionally unsupported when they received low quality and/or infrequent professional supervision. This thesis critiques the theories of perceived organisational support theory, social exchange theory and job characteristics theory, and uses the concept of ‘professional career’, to help analyse the retention of social workers in child protection and welfare.


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The health of a nation tells much about the nature of a social contract between citizen and state. The way that health care is organised, and the degree to which it is equitably accessible, constitutes a manifestation of the effects of moments and events in that country's history. Using four case studies, this thesis uses a historical genealogical approach to explain the evolution of Ireland's particular version of health care provision. The total social fact of the gift relationship, central to all human relations, will be used to form a theoretical and conceptual framework on which to build an analysis of Ireland's health and welfare conditions. Additionally, social contract theory will enable an examination of the role of solidarity in relation to social expectations around health care provision. Through the analysis of these cases, the complex matrix of the influential forces that have shaped current conditions are exposed and revealed, enabling a critical understanding of the extent of acquiescence to the inequitable system that arguably exists. The vulnerability of citizens in need of care to the external and global effects of market forces and neoliberalism, therefore, becomes central to any argument for state-provided health and welfare. The hegemony of such forces can be seen to influence the manner in which the idea of individual self-reliance, in place of collective solidarity, is conceptualised and subsequently infiltrated into a range of aspects of the social world. For example, the particular discourse of the market and of economic concerns succeeds in shaping understandings of responsibilities around central areas of health and welfare. Similarly the 'possessor principle' can be seen to be misplaced within the context of health and social care, but yet has become normalised within this discourse. Within this matrix of complex influencing factors, the welfare state struggles to impose a balance between market values and social values. Responsibilities of the state to support and compensate its citizens for the ills of the market have become devalued, as the core values of classical liberalism have become distorted beyond recognition, leaving instead bare neoliberal concerns. This thesis traces the genealogical origins of this transition within the recent history of Irish health care and thereby reveals the embedding of individualism in place of solidarity, the on going reneging of the social contract and the corruption of the gift relationship.


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Bolivia and Peru adopted the same instruments of social policy —conditional cash transfer programs— to solve the same public problems under different political regimes. By means of the qualitative methodology of discourse analysis, this paper studies the representations of poverty and State made by key actors of those social programs. Underlying more differences than similarities, one demonstrates that the same social policy is linked to opposite social representations of poverty and the State role in every country. The main explanation for this is, far from being imposed by international organizations, those programs are adopted and adapted by each political regime.


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All too often young people are excluded in practice from the general policy and professional consensus that partnership and participation should underpin work with children, young people and their families. If working with troubled and troublesome young people is to be based on family support, it will require not only the clear statement of that policy but also demonstration that it can be applied in practice. Achieving that involves setting out a plausible theory of change that can be rigorously evaluated. This paper suggests a conceptual model that draws on social support theory to harness the ideas of social capital and resilience in a way that can link formal family support interventions to adolescent coping. Research with young people attending three community-based projects for marginalized youth is used to illustrate how validated tools can be used to measure and document the detail of support, resilience, social capital and coping in young people's lives. It is also suggested that there is sufficient fit between the findings emerging from the study and the model to justify the model being more rigorously tested.


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Concern with what can explain variation in generalized social trust has led to an abundance of theoretical models. Defining generalized social trust as a belief in human benevolence, we focus on the emancipation theory and social capital theory as well as the ethnic diversity and economic development models of trust. We then determine which dimensions of individuals’ behavior and attitudes as well as of their national context are the most important predictors. Using data from 20 countries that participated in round one of the European Social Survey, we test these models at their respective level of analysis, individual and/or national. Our analysis revealed that individuals’ own trust in the political system as a moral and competent institution was the most important predictor of generalized social trust at the individual level, while a country’s level of affluence was the most important contextual predictor, indicating that different dimensions are significant at the two levels of analysis. This analysis also raised further questions as to the meaning of social capital at the two levels of analysis and the conceptual equivalence of its civic engagement dimension across cultures.


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This paper contributes to the literature on entrepreneurial leadership development. Leadership studies are characterized by an increasing emphasis given to an individual leader's social and organizational domain. Within the context of human capital and social capital theory, the paper reflects on the emergence of a social capital theory of leadership development. Using a retrospective, interpretivist research method, the authors present the experience of a cohort of business leaders on an executive development programme to uncover the everydayness of leadership development in practice. Specifically, they explore how entrepreneurial leadership develops as a social process and what the role of social capital is in this. The findings suggest that the enhancement of leaders’ human capital only occurred through their development of social capital. There is not, as extant literature suggests, a clear separation between leader development and leadership development. Further, the analysis implies that the social capital theory of leadership is limited in the context of the entrepreneurial small firm, and the authors propose that it should be expanded to incorporate institutional capital, that is, the formal structures and organizations which enhance the role of social capital and go beyond enriching the human capital stock of individual leaders


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Diversity is a defining characteristic of modern society, yet there remains considerable debate over the benefits that it brings. The authors argue that positive psychological and behavioral outcomes will be observed only when social and cultural diversity is experienced in a way that challenges stereotypical expectations and that when this precondition is met, the experience has cognitive consequences that resonate across multiple domains. A model, rooted in social categorization theory and research, outlines the preconditions and processes through which people cognitively adapt to the experience of social and cultural diversity and the resulting cross-domain benefits that this brings. Evidence is drawn from a range of literatures to support this model, including work on biculturalism, minority influence, cognitive development, stereotype threat, work group productivity, creativity, and political ideology. The authors bring together a range of differing diversity experiences and explicitly draw parallels between programs of research that have focused on both perceiving others who are multicultural and being multicultural oneself. The findings from this integrative review suggest that experiencing diversity that challenges expectations may not only encourage greater tolerance but also have benefits beyond intergroup relations to varied aspects of psychological functioning.


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Aims: This study assessed the efficacy of a school-based healthy lifestyle intervention (Sport for LIFE) for increasing physical activity, decreasing sedentary behaviour, reducing screen time behaviour, encouraging healthy attitudes and behaviour to nutrition, and reducing body mass index (BMI) in 8–9-year-old primary school children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds in Northern Ireland.

Methods: A non-randomised controlled trial of 416 children from 24 schools took part. Schools were randomly assigned to one of two groups, an intervention or control group with 12 schools in each group. The intervention group received a 12-week school-based programme based on social cognitive theory. At baseline and follow-up, groups completed questionnaires assessing physical activity, screen time behaviour and dietary patterns. On each occasion anthropometric assessments of height and weight were taken. Physical activity and sedentary behaviour were measured by accelerometry.

Results Significant effects were observed for vigorous, moderate and light activity for the intervention group at follow-up. Sedentary behaviour was significantly reduced for the intervention group but not for the control group. No significant effects of the intervention on BMI, screen time behaviour or attitudes to nutrition, with the exception of non-core foods, were shown.

Conclusions: The programme was effective in increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviour, however no significant changes in screen time behaviour and attitude to nutrition, with the exception of non-core foods, were observed. Future research ideas are offered for tackling low levels of physical activity in children.


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An evolution in theoretical models and methodological paradigms for investigating cognitive biases in the addictions is discussed. Anomalies in traditional cognitive perspectives, and problems with the self-report methods which underpin them, are highlighted. An emergent body of cognitive research, contextualized within the principles and paradigms of cognitive neuropsychology rather than social learning theory, is presented which, it is argued, addresses these anomalies and problems. Evidence is presented that biases in the processing of addiction-related stimuli, and in the network of propositions which motivate addictive behaviours, occur at automatic, implicit and pre-conscious levels of awareness. It is suggested that methods which assess such implicit cognitive biases (e.g. Stroop, memory, priming and reaction-time paradigms) yield findings which have better predictive utility for ongoing behaviour than those biases determined by self-report methods of introspection. The potential utility of these findings for understanding "loss of control" phenomena, and the desynchrony between reported beliefs and intentions and ongoing addictive behaviours, is discussed. Applications to the practice of cognitive therapy are considered.


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The home visit is at the heart of social work practice with children and families; it is what children and families' social workers do more than any other single activity (except for recording), and it is through the home visit that assessments are made on a daily basis about risk, protection and welfare of children. And yet it is, more than any other activity, an example of what Pithouse has called an ‘invisible trade’: it happens behind closed doors, in the most secret and intimate spaces of family life. Drawing on conceptual tools associated with the work of Foucault, this article sets out to provide a critical, chronological review of research, policy and practice on home visiting. We aim to explain how and in what ways changing discourses have shaped the emergence, legitimacy, research and practice of the social work home visit to children and families at significant time periods and in a UK context. We end by highlighting the importance for the social work profession of engagement and critical reflection on the identified themes as part of their daily practice.


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The practical knowledge has characteristics of a process with peculiar idiosyncrasies that require disruption with preconceived ideas, dialogue, negotiation and joint action. The knowledge underlying remains unclear despite of being what informs decision making. It is academia’s responsibility to unveil and nominate knowledge and that is the reason why we conducted two studies with clinical nurses. The aim is to understand the social representation that nurses make of their knowledge about nursing and analyze their clinical practices. In one of the studies, based on the theoretical-methodological referential of social representations, we used the technique of free association of words with the stimulus “knowledge in nursing”. In another study, developed within a naturalistic context and under the “Grounded Theory” referential, we used non-participative observation and explanatory interviews. From the first study we identified the structure of social representations of knowledge in nursing, from which emerged the central core constituted by four elements (Investigation, Wisdom, help Relation, Competence) and a second periphery with one element (Reflection). With the second study we identified that decisions are made within a dynamic, systematic and continuous process of diagnostic evaluation and clinical intervention using the various types of knowledge (e.g. clinic, experiential, scientific, personal). We concluded that the various types of knowledge in nursing, represented by the expressions mentioned above, are systematically and creatively mobilized within the dynamic process of diagnostic evaluation and clinical intervention. It is therefore important to unveil and nominate the different knowledge implicit in the clinical practice and Academia should be responsible for that task.


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UNVEILING PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGES: A SCOPE OF HIGHER EDUCATION The practical knowledge has characteristics of a process with peculiar idiosyncrasies that require disruption with preconceived ideas, dialogue, negotiation and joint action. The knowledge underlying remains unclear despite of being what informs decision making. It is academia’s responsibility to unveil and nominate knowledge and that is the reason why we conducted two studies with clinical nurses. The aim is to understand the social representation that nurses make of their knowledge about nursing and analyze their clinical practices. In one of the studies, based on the theoretical-methodological referential of social representations, we used the technique of free association of words with the stimulus “knowledge in nursing”. In another study, developed within a naturalistic context and under the “Grounded Theory” referential, we used non-participative observation and explanatory interviews. From the first study we identified the structure of social representations of knowledge in nursing, from which emerged the central core constituted by four elements (Investigation, Wisdom, help Relation, Competence) and a second periphery with one element (Reflection). With the second study we identified that decisions are made within a dynamic, systematic and continuous process of diagnostic evaluation and clinical intervention using the various types of knowledge (e.g. clinic, experiential, scientific, personal). We concluded that the various types of knowledge in nursing, represented by the expressions mentioned above, are systematically and creatively mobilized within the dynamic process of diagnostic evaluation and clinical intervention. It is therefore important to unveil and nominate the different knowledge implicit in the clinical practice and Academia should be responsible for that task.


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Este estudo foi desenvolvido com a finalidade de conhecer as representações sociais de enfarte agudo do miocárdio, junto de três grupos sociais: doentes com enfarte agudo do miocárdio; respectivas famílias; e profissionais de saúde que cuidam desses doentes. A base conceptual do estudo foi a teoria das representações sociais. Como metodologia optámos por uma abordagem multi-método, com etapas complementares de recolha de dados: questionário e entrevista. Obtivemos uma amostra de 210 participantes, aplicá-mos o questionário a todos e realizámos 120 entrevistas. Analisámos os dados com re-curso à análise de conteúdo auxiliada por quatro softwares: Evoc, Simi, Trideux Alces-te. Encontrámos na interpretação das ancoragens e objectivação uma teia de sentidos compartilhados nas práticas sociais, nos diferentes grupos. Emergiram sentidos maiori-tariamente ancorados no biológico/físico e psicológico, com especial relevância na di-mensão emocional. O grupo dos profissionais de saúde fica detentor de um conjunto de representações que constituem um importante instrumento de trabalho; ### SUMMARY: Social representations of Myocardial Infarction, built by patient, family and health professionals This study was developed with the purpose of knowing the social representations of acute myocardial infarction considering three social groups: patients with acute myo-cardial infarction, respective families and health professionals who care for these pa-tients. The conceptual basis of this study was the theory of social representations. We have chosen a multi faceted method as methodology with additional gather of data col-lection through questionnaire and interviews. We obtained a sample of 210 participants applying the questionnaire to all and executing 120 interviews. The data was analyzed using content analysis supported by four software: Evoc, Simi, Trideux and Alceste. The interpretation of anchoring and objectification showed a set of shared meanings in social practices in the different groups. The biological / physical and psychological meanings emerged largely anchored with particular emphasis on the emotional dimen-sion. The group of health professionals held a set of representations that were an im-portant instrument of work.