968 resultados para Social classes
We describe a novel behavior, termed “tail-up,” observed in humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) on wintering grounds on Abrolhos Bank, Brazil. The behavior involves the whale positioned vertically in the water column with its tail in the air. Wirh the exception of calves, tail-up was observed in all social classes, and its frequency increased through the end of the season. Tail-ups were recorded in 144 (5.8%) of 2,465 groups of whales observed from a shore station, and in 297 (14.9%) of 1,996 groups observed from vessel surveys; biases in each method suggest that the true frequency lies between these sources. One hundred and fifty-two hours of continuous sampling showed that the duration of tail-up events lasted from a few seconds to 12 min and was longest in groups comprised of a single adult. The maximum duration of a recorded period that consistently included tail-up was 10 h; however, some individuals were observed to engage in the behavior at night and for four consecutive days. Tail-up movement speed did not vary by social class; however, it varied according to wind direction and speed. The characteristics of tail-up that we observed showed that it differed from the descriptions of similar behaviors in other cetacean species. The function of tail-up is unknown, but we suggest that it may be a multifunctional behavior.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Questa ricerca si pone come obbiettivo lo studio e l’analisi delle diverse manifestazioni del gioco d’azzardo nella Bologna della fine del XIX secolo. Partendo dall’assunto che le forme ludiche non rappresentino solo una pratica, né soltanto un fatto sociale o economico ma sono piuttosto la somma di diverse componenti, ci si è proposti di studiare la storia a partire da uno specifico punto di vista: quello dei giochi e dei giocatori legati alle pratiche del rischio. Tramite le carte d’archivio della polizia e altri documenti dell’epoca si sono indagati i diversi aspetti del fenomeno dell’azzardo: i luoghi in cui essi venivano praticati, le norme che li regolavano, gli strati sociali entro cui venivano giocati, le mutazioni delle condizioni politiche e sociali che portarono al cambiamento delle diverse forme ludiche e delle comunità che lo hanno praticato e contestualmente si è cercato di comprendere come cambino e come permangano la percezione del rischio, l’idea di competizione, la stessa attitudine al gioco.
Studio storiografico condotto su fonti archivistiche, filmiche e sulla stampa locale e specializzata che ricostruisce dettagliatamente l'ambiente cittadino d'inizio Novecento nel quale si sono diffusi i primi spettacoli cinematografici, determinandone le caratteristiche e tracciandone l'evoluzione fra 1896 e 1925. L'avvento della cinematografia è strettamente connesso a un processo di modernizzazione del volto urbano, degli stili di vita, delle idee e il cinema si salda a queste istanze di rinnovamento, con una precisa ricaduta sull'immagine della città e sull'esperienza dei suoi cittadini appartenenti alle diverse classi sociali.
In my thesis, I use literary criticism, knowledge of Russian, and elements of translation theory to study the seminal poet of the Russian literary tradition ¿ Aleksandr Pushkin. In his most famous work, Eugene Onegin, Pushkin explores the cultural and linguistic divide in place at the turn of the 19th century in Russia. Pushkin stands on the peripheries of several colliding worlds; never fully committing to any of them, he acts as a translator between various realms of the 19th-century Russian experience. Through his narrator, he adeptly occupies the voices, styles, and modes of expression of various characters, displaying competency in all realms of Russian life. In examining Tatiana, his heroine, the reader witnesses her development as analogous to the author¿s. At the center of the text stands the act of translation itself: as the narrator ¿translates¿ Tatiana¿s love letter from French to Russian, the author-narrator declares his function as a mediator, not only between languages, but also between cultures, literary canons, social classes, and identities. Tatiana, as both main character and the narrator¿s muse, emerges as the most complex figure in the novel, and her language manifests itself as the most direct and capable of sincerity in the novel. The elements of Russian folklore that are incorporated into her language speak to Pushkin¿s appreciation for the rich Russian folklore tradition. In his exaltation of language considered to be ¿common¿, ¿low¿ speech is juxtaposed with its lofty counterpart; along the way, he incorporates myriad foreign borrowings. An active creator of Russia¿s new literary language, Pushkin traverses linguistic boundaries to synthesize a fragmented Russia. In the process, he creates a work so thoroughly tied to language and entrenched in complex cultural traditions that many scholars have argued for its untranslatability.
The report examines the relationship between day care institutions, schools and so called “parents unfamiliar to education” as well as the relationship between the institutions. With in Danish public and professional discourse concepts like parents unfamiliar to education are usually referring to environments, parents or families with either no or just very restricted experience of education except for the basic school (folkeskole). The “grand old man” of Danish educational research, Prof. Em. Erik Jørgen Hansen, defines the concept as follows: Parents who are distant from or not familiar with education, are parents without tradition of education and by that fact they are not able to contribute constructively in order to back up their own children during their education. Many teachers and pedagogues are not used to that term; they rather prefer concepts like “socially exposed” or “socially disadvantaged” parents or social classes or strata. The report does not only focus on parents who are not capable to support the school achievements of their children, since a low level of education is usually connected with social disadvantage. Such parents are often not capable of understanding and meeting the demands from side of the school when sending their children to school. They lack the competencies or the necessary competence of action. For the moment being much attention is done from side of the Ministries of Education and Social Affairs (recently renamed Ministry of Welfare) in order to create equal possibilities for all children. Many kinds of expertise (directions, counsels, researchers, etc.) have been more than eager to promote recommendations aiming at achieving the ambitious goal: 2015 95% of all young people should complement a full education (classes 10.-12.). Research results are pointing out the importance of increased participation of parents. In other word the agenda is set for ‘parents’ education’. It seems necessary to underline that Danish welfare policy has been changing rather radical. The classic model was an understanding of welfare as social assurance and/or as social distribution – based on social solidarity. The modern model looks like welfare as social service and/or social investment. This means that citizens are changing role – from user and/or citizen to consumer and/or investor. The Danish state is in correspondence with decisions taken by the government investing in a national future shaped by global competition. The new models of welfare – “service” and “investment” – imply severe changes in hitherto known concepts of family life, relationship between parents and children etc. As an example the investment model points at a new implementation of the relationship between social rights and the rights of freedom. The service model has demonstrated that weakness that the access to qualified services in the field of health or education is becoming more and more dependent of the private purchasing power. The weakness of the investment model is that it represents a sort of “The Winner takes it all” – since a political majority is enabled to make agendas in societal fields former protected by the tripartite power and the rights of freedom of the citizens. The outcome of the Danish development seems to be an establishment of a political governed public service industry which on one side are capable of competing on market conditions and on the other are able being governed by contracts. This represents a new form of close linking of politics, economy and professional work. Attempts of controlling education, pedagogy and thereby the population are not a recent invention. In European history we could easily point at several such experiments. The real news is the linking between political priorities and exercise of public activities by economic incentives. By defining visible goals for the public servants, by introducing measurement of achievements and effects, and by implementing a new wage policy depending on achievements and/or effects a new system of accountability is manufactured. The consequences are already perceptible. The government decides to do some special interventions concerning parents, children or youngsters, the public servants on municipality level are instructed to carry out their services by following a manual, and the parents are no longer protected by privacy. Protection of privacy and minority is no longer a valuable argumentation to prevent further interventions in people’s life (health, food, school, etc.). The citizens are becoming objects of investment, also implying that people are investing in their own health, education, and family. This means that investments in changes of life style and development of competences go hand in hand. The below mentioned programmes are conditioned by this shift.
This investigation attempts to answer the question why more and more parents have chosen the Gymnasium for their children's secondary school education in post‐war West Germany. Based on the theory of subjective expected utility, the crucial mechanisms of parental educational decisions have been emphasized. From this perspective it is assumed that increasing educational motivation coupled with changes in the subjective evaluation of the cost–benefit of education were important conditions for an increasing participation in upper secondary schools. These were, however, in turn, the result of educational expansion. The empirical analyses for three time‐periods in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s confirm these assumptions to a large degree. Additionally, empirical evidence was found to suggest that in addition to the intentions of parents and the educational career of their children, structural moments of educational expansion and their own inertia played an important role in the pupils' transition from one educational level to the next. Finally, evidence was found that persistent class‐specific educational inequality stems from a constant balance in the relative cost–benefit advantages between social classes as well as from an increasing difference of primary origin effect between social classes in the realization of their educational choice.
Die vorliegende Untersuchung ist ein Beitrag, die Frage zu klären, warum in der westdeutschen Nachkriegszeit immer mehr Schulpflichtige nach Abschluss der Grundschule das Gymnasium besuchen. Ausgehend von einem entscheidungstheoretischen Modell der subjektiven Werterwartung werden Mechanismen der elterlichen Bildungsentscheidung aufgezeigt. Dabei wird davon ausgegangen, dass sowohl zunehmende Bildungsmotivationen als auch Veränderungen in der subjektiven Bewertung von Kosten und Nutzen für eine höhere Bildung wichtige Voraussetzungen für die zunehmende Bildungsbeteiligung, aber auch Folgen der Bildungsexpansion waren. Die empirischen Analysen für drei Zeitpunkte in den 60er, 70er und 80er Jahren bestätigen diese Annahmen weitgehend. Ebenso wurde empirisch belegt, welch wichtige Rolle neben den Bildungsintentionen von Eltern und dem vorhergehenden Bildungsverlauf ihrer Kinder auch strukturelle Momente der Bildungsexpansion und ihre Eigendynamik beim tatsächlichen Bildungsübergang spielen. Schließlich gibt es Hinweise dafür, dass die Persistenz klassenspezifischer Bildungsungleichheiten auf einer konstanten Balance von Nutzen und Kosten zwischen den sozialen Klassen basiert.
In this contribution the correlation of educational expansion and social inequality of educational opportunities (IEO) for social classes and gender has been investigated for Switzerland in the twentieth century. The empirical analysis is focused on the thesis of persistent inequalities claimed by Shavit and Blossfeld. For testing this thesis, data of the Swiss census in 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000 has been utilized. First of all, it is found for Switzerland that the moderate educational expansion has been carried out by the succession of birth cohorts. Secondly, this process has led to decreasing IEO. However, after 1990, for the individuals younger than 22 years we have witnessed an increase of social inequalities in becoming eligible for university training. Overall, in favour of disadvantaged social classes, there is a decrease in IEO since the start of educational expansion in the 1950s. Therefore, the thesis of persistent inequalities has been not confirmed for Switzerland.
"The Aftermath of National Socialism. On the Cultural Aspects of the Collapse of National Socialism". Vorlesungsreihe des Instituts für Sozialforschung, März 1945; 1. Vorlesungsankündigung und Typoskripte der Beiträge von: Theodor W. Adorno, "The Fate of the Arts" (= "What National Socialism Has Done to the Arts"); Frederick Pollock, "Prejudice and the Social Classes"; Leo Löwenthal, "The Aftermath of Totalitarian Terror". Bibliographie, Typoskripte, geheftet, mit eigenhändiger Korrektur von Frederick Pollock, 93 Blatt; 2. Vorlesungsankündigung, als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 1 Blatt; 3. Max Horkheimer: "Totalitarism and the Crisis of European Culture". Eigene Notizen zur Vorlesung, 3 Blatt; 4. Theodor W. Adorno: Notizen zur Vorlesungsreihe. Typoskript, 2 Blatt; Max Horkheimer: "National Socialism and Philosophy". Seminar Frühjahr 1945; 1. Protokolle zu den Sitzungen vom 5.2, 24.4., 1.5. und 8.5.1945. Typoskript mit eigenhändiger Korrektur, 16 Blatt; 2. Dasselbe. Gebunden, 16 Blatt; 3. Eigenhändige Notizen, 8 Blatt; Max Horkheimer: "The Idea of Philosophy". Vorlesung Winter 1945/46; 1. Eigenhändige Notizen, 3 Blatt; 2. Eigenhändige Notizen, 4 Blatt; 3. Eigenhändige Notizen, 2 Blatt; 4. Abschriften aus Werken unter anderem von Friedrich von Bezold, Karl Lamprecht, Richard Pietchman, Leopold von Ranke, Edwin R.A. Seligman. Typoskripte, 8 Blatt; 5. Paul Tillich: "Conscience in Western Thought and the Idea a Transmoral Conscience". Sonderdruck aus: Crozer Quarterly, Vol. XXII, Nr. 4, Oktober 1945, 6 Blatt; Max Horkheimer: Programm einer Intereuropäischen Akademie, 1944/45 (?); 1. Typoskriptfassungen, englisch. a) Typoskript, 18 Blatt b) Typoskript mit handschriftlicher Korrektur von Theodor W. Adorno (GS 12, S.195-213), 18 Blatt c) Typoskript (Kopie) mit handschriftliche Korrektur, 18 Blatt (Kopie 1989 aus der Hoover Institution, Standford, California) d) Typoskript mit eigenhändiger Korrektur, 17 Blatt e) Korrektur-Teilstücke, Typoskripte mit eigenhändiger Korrektur, 2 Blatt; 2. Zeitungsausschnitt 1944, 1 Blatt;
Background: Most studies have looked at breastfeeding practices from the point of view of the maternal behavior only, however in counseling women who choose to breastfeed it is important to be aware of general infant feeding patterns in order to adequately provide information about what to expect. Available literature on the differences in infant breastfeeding behavior by sex is minimal and therefore requires further investigation. Objectives: This study determined if at the age of 2 months there were differences in the amount of breast milk consumed, duration of breastfeeding, and infant satiety by infant sex. It also assessed whether infant sex is an independent predictor of initiation of breastfeeding. Methods: This is a secondary analysis of data obtained from the Infant Feeding Practices Survey II (IFPS II) which was a longitudinal study carried out from May 2005 through June 2007 by the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The questionnaires asked about demography, prenatal care, mode of delivery, birth weight, infant sex, and breastfeeding patterns. A total of 3,033 and 2,552 mothers completed the neonatal and post-neonatal questionnaires respectively. ^ Results: There was no significant difference in the initiation of breastfeeding by infant sex. About 85% of the male infants initiated breastfeeding compared with 84% of female infants. The odds ratio of ever initiating breastfeeding by male infants was 0.93 but the difference was not significant with a p-value of 0.49. None of the other infant feeding patterns differed by infant gender. ^ Conclusion: This study found no evidence that male infants feed more or that their mothers are more likely to initiate breastfeeding. Each baby is an individual and therefore will have a unique feeding pattern. Based on these findings, the major determining factors for breastfeeding continue to be maternal factors therefore more effort should be invested in promoting breastfeeding among mothers of all ethnic groups and social classes.^
A pesar de que toda la teoría de Marx tiene por centro y corazón la lucha de clases, Marx no formuló con la sistematicidad que se ocupó de otros temas una «Teoría» de las clases sociales, en tanto sistema de conceptos rigurosamente definidos. El propósito de este artículo es recomponer algunas cuestiones centrales en la definición marxista de las clases sociales, así como demostrar la enorme significación teórica del descubrimiento de Marx. Se pretende por último señalar la distancia respecto de toda concepción subjetivista, economicista, voluntarista, distributiva y socio-profesional de las clases.
En este trabajo sostengo que existe una relación entre ocio y estratificación social, o más específicamente, entre las formas de sociabilidad del tiempo libre y los estratos superiores, donde las prácticas de sociabilidad, esparcimiento y deporte operan como instancias de producción y reproducción, así como también de reconversión y recomposición social y simbólica de las categorías sociales de los estratos superiores. En el primer capítulo abordo buena parte de la bibliografía sobre estratificación social, clases sociales y elites para fundamentar el valor analítico de esta dimensión para las ciencias sociales en términos generales, y para el estudio de los fenómenos ligados a la sociabilidad del tiempo libre entre los estratos superiores, en particular. En el segundo capítulo intento fundamentar el valor sociológico de la dimensión del ocio y el tiempo libre, así como sus formas de sociabilidad, especialmente en función de su articulación en torno a los estratos superiores. En el tercer capítulo procuro abordar la relación entre estratos superiores y sociabilidad del tiempo libre para (y desde) el contexto argentino contemporáneo. Intentaré trabajar en torno al modo en que ha sido pensada y es posible pensar esa relación para la escena local, y al mismo tiempo, sobre el modo en que la reflexión enfocada en el contexto local nos permite elaborar marcos de análisis para el estudio del fenómeno de la sociabilidad del tiempo libre entre los estratos superiores, en general. Finalmente, la perspectiva que desarrollo aboga por un desplazamiento analítico que vaya desde las interpretaciones unidimensionales de los fenómenos ligados a la sociabilidad, el deporte y el ocio entre los estratos superiores hacia las lecturas multidimensionales. Un desplazamiento que nos permita interpretar la relación entre los procesos estructurales, las instancias de sociabilidad y las prácticas de los agentes en términos de afinidades, reponiendo la positividad de cada dimensión sin la necesidad de recurrir a las sobredeterminaciones o los reduccionismos de las más variadas especies
En este artículo se realiza una caracterización de las relaciones sociales que priman en la producción de hortalizas en La Plata. El trabajo parte de los postulados del marxismo para el entendimiento y descripción de la sociedad. En el primer apartado se realiza una breve descripción teórica de la lógica capitalista de producción siguiendo la metodología del materialismo histórico y se propone una denominación de los sujetos de la horticultura bajo la formulación clásica del marxismo para las relaciones sociales capitalistas: terratenientes, burguesía y asalariados. Luego se despliega información empírica sobre el sector que da cuenta de la conformación histórica de las clases sociales en el mismo. Esta información surge del análisis y estudio de la conformación histórica del territorio hortícola platense, los resultados de los censos hortícolas de 1998 y 2005, del registro de los enfrentamientos y conflictos llevados adelante por los diferentes sujetos de la producción a lo largo de los últimos 50 años y se finaliza con diversos aportes surgidos de relatos orales tomados a través de entrevistas. Por último, se sistematizan algunas conclusiones.
En este trabajo sostengo que existe una relación entre ocio y estratificación social, o más específicamente, entre las formas de sociabilidad del tiempo libre y los estratos superiores, donde las prácticas de sociabilidad, esparcimiento y deporte operan como instancias de producción y reproducción, así como también de reconversión y recomposición social y simbólica de las categorías sociales de los estratos superiores. En el primer capítulo abordo buena parte de la bibliografía sobre estratificación social, clases sociales y elites para fundamentar el valor analítico de esta dimensión para las ciencias sociales en términos generales, y para el estudio de los fenómenos ligados a la sociabilidad del tiempo libre entre los estratos superiores, en particular. En el segundo capítulo intento fundamentar el valor sociológico de la dimensión del ocio y el tiempo libre, así como sus formas de sociabilidad, especialmente en función de su articulación en torno a los estratos superiores. En el tercer capítulo procuro abordar la relación entre estratos superiores y sociabilidad del tiempo libre para (y desde) el contexto argentino contemporáneo. Intentaré trabajar en torno al modo en que ha sido pensada y es posible pensar esa relación para la escena local, y al mismo tiempo, sobre el modo en que la reflexión enfocada en el contexto local nos permite elaborar marcos de análisis para el estudio del fenómeno de la sociabilidad del tiempo libre entre los estratos superiores, en general. Finalmente, la perspectiva que desarrollo aboga por un desplazamiento analítico que vaya desde las interpretaciones unidimensionales de los fenómenos ligados a la sociabilidad, el deporte y el ocio entre los estratos superiores hacia las lecturas multidimensionales. Un desplazamiento que nos permita interpretar la relación entre los procesos estructurales, las instancias de sociabilidad y las prácticas de los agentes en términos de afinidades, reponiendo la positividad de cada dimensión sin la necesidad de recurrir a las sobredeterminaciones o los reduccionismos de las más variadas especies