782 resultados para Social Media Data
Mestrado em Marketing
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências da Linguagem, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Benefitting from Web 2.0 features, Social Media allows organisations to be where the users are, creating proximity, talking to them, and knowing what they want. Going viral and word-of-mouth become easier, as these platforms allow us to share, to like, and to use multimedia and convergence – as they can interact with each other, communicating on a large scale. Given that online portals provide for a highly competitive environment, players strive to get more visits, better search rankings, and even aspire to be the homepage for the Web universe. We discuss the integration of Social Media tools in a Web Portal, and explore how using these together may improve the competitiveness of a Web Portal. A large Web Portal was selected to develop this case study. We found that, although for this particular Web Portal conditions were created to accommodate and integrate the chosen Social Media platforms, this was done in an organic and fluid way, with great focus on community construction and less focus on absorptive capacity. Based on the findings of this case study, we propose a dynamic cycle of benefits for integrating Social Media tools in a Web Portal.
I sistemi di Social Media Monitoring hanno l'obiettivo di analizzare dati provenienti da social media come social network, forum e blog (detti User-Generated Content) per trarre un quadro generale delle opinioni degli utenti a proposito di un particolare argomento. Il progetto di tesi si pone l'obiettivo di progettare e creare un prototipo per un sistema di Social Media Monitoring concentrato in particolare sull'analisi di contenuti provenienti da Twitter.
This flyer promotes a lecture by Cuban blogger and independent journalist Yoani Sanchez, founder of the blog Generacion Y and one of Time Magazine's 100 most influential people in the world. This lecture was held at the Wertheim Performing Arts Center at FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus on April 1,2013.
Research regarding the use of social media among travelers has mainly focused on its impact on travelers’ travel planning process and there is consensus that travel decisions are highly influenced by social media. Yet, little attention has been paid to the differences among travelers regarding their use of social media for travel purposes. Based on the use of travel social media, cluster analysis was employed to identify different segments among travelers. Furthermore, the study profiles the clusters based on demographic and other travel related characteristics. The findings of this study are important to online marketers to better understand traveler’s use of social media and their characteristics, in order to adapt online marketing strategies according to the profile of each segment.
Research regarding the use of social media among travelers has mainly focused on its impact on travelers’ travel planning process and there is consensus that travel decisions are highly influenced by social media. Yet, little attention has been paid to the differences among travelers regarding their use of social media for travel purposes. Based on the use of travel social media, cluster analysis was employed to identify different segments among travelers. Furthermore, the study profiles the clusters based on demographic and other travel related characteristics. The findings of this study are important to online marketers to better understand traveler’s use of social media and their characteristics, in order to adapt online marketing strategies according to the profile of each segment.
Humans’ perceived relationship to nature and non-human lifeforms is fundamental for sustainable development; different framings of nature – as commodity, as threat, as sacred etc. – imply different responses to future challenges. The body of research on nature repre-sentations in various symbolic contexts is growing, but the ways in which nature is framed by people in the everyday has received scant attention. This paper aims to contribute to our understanding of the framing of nature by studying how wild-boar hunting is depicted on YouTube. The qualitative frame analysis identified three interrelated frames depicting hunting as battle, as consumption, and as privilege, all of which constitute and are constituted by the underlying notion of human as superior to nature. It is suggested that these hegemonic nature frames suppress more constructive ways of framing the human-nature relationship, but also that the identification of such potential counter-hegemonic frames enables their discursive manifestation.
La modifica nelle abitudini alimentari della popolazione è un fenomeno a cui si è potuto assistere negli ultimi anni e che ha visto un incremento nel consumo di alcuni alimenti, e conseguentemente nutrienti, a discapito di altri. Mediante l'uso di un questionario si sono raccolti e analizzati dati relativi alle abitudini alimentari del campione (556 soggetti) l’eventuale influenza dei social network e del profilo instagram “jo_incucina” nella scelta delle assunzioni alimentari del campione (130 soggetti) ed infine l'aderenza alla Dieta Mediterranea Sono state inoltre effettuate delle interviste ad un piccolo campione di popolazione (10 soggetti) di età superiore a 75 per considerare le differenze tra i regimi alimentari seguiti in passato da questi soggetti, nel periodo dell’infanzia e adolescenza, e quelli attuali, per confrontarli poi con quelli della popolazione ed evincere le principali discrepanze. I risultati ottenuti hanno confermato i dati presenti in letteratura riguardo alle diverse modifiche nell'alimentazione degli ultimi decenni, legate in particolar modo all'incremento del consumo di grassi saturi e zuccheri semplici ed alla scarsa aderenza alla Dieta Mediterranea, soprattutto nel sesso maschile, che si contrappone alla forte convinzione di seguire una dieta adeguata e salutare riferita dal campione. Inoltre sebbene i social media siano un potente mezzo di comunicazione di massa, il loro ruolo nell'educazione alimentare sembra essere attualmente controverso e non così incisivo nel determinare veri e propri cambiamenti nelle scelte quotidiane della popolazione.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
THE MAP AS A COLLABORATIVE MEDIUM FOR SPATIO-TEMPORAL VISUALIZATION This dissertation focuses on the relationship between maps and spatio-temporal data visualization. It is divided into two components: theoretical framework and practical approach. The study begins by questioning the role of the map in today’s digital society and particularly its role in visualization, and finishes with the conceptualization and development of an interactive dot map that visualizes data from Instagram and Twitter. Nowadays, geographic information is no longer produced just by experts, but also by ordinary people that are able to participate in data creation and exchange. The Web 2.0 lies in the heart of this change, where social media represent a significant tool for producing geotagged content, allowing its users to share their location and to spatially reference their publications. Furthermore, amateur mapmaking and neogeography have benefited from the emergence of several new devices that enable the creation of digital maps that are interactive, adaptable and easily shared on the Web. This study adopts a descriptive approach calling upon the diverse aspects of the map and its evolution as a medium for visualizing geotagged data, highlighting collaborative mapping as an emerging subject area that is of mandatory future research. Relevant projects are also analyzed in order to identify trends and different approaches for visualizing social media data in its spatial context, intended to support the project’s conceptualization, development and evaluation. The created map demonstrates how spatial knowledge and perception of place are now redefined by the contributions of individuals; it also shows how that activity produces new sources of geographic information, forcing the development of new techniques and approaches that allow an adequate exploration of content and visualization methods of the contemporary map
Social media data are produced continuously by a large and uncontrolled number of users. The dynamic nature of such data requires the sentiment and topic analysis model to be also dynamically updated, capturing the most recent language use of sentiments and topics in text. We propose a dynamic Joint Sentiment-Topic model (dJST) which allows the detection and tracking of views of current and recurrent interests and shifts in topic and sentiment. Both topic and sentiment dynamics are captured by assuming that the current sentiment-topic-specific word distributions are generated according to the word distributions at previous epochs. We study three different ways of accounting for such dependency information: (1) Sliding window where the current sentiment-topic word distributions are dependent on the previous sentiment-topic-specific word distributions in the last S epochs; (2) skip model where history sentiment topic word distributions are considered by skipping some epochs in between; and (3) multiscale model where previous long- and shorttimescale distributions are taken into consideration. We derive efficient online inference procedures to sequentially update the model with newly arrived data and show the effectiveness of our proposed model on the Mozilla add-on reviews crawled between 2007 and 2011. © 2013 ACM 2157-6904/2013/12-ART5 $ 15.00.
The Semantic Web has come a long way since its inception in 2001, especially in terms of technical development and research progress. However, adoption by non- technical practitioners is still an ongoing process, and in some areas this process is just now starting. Emergency response is an area where reliability and timeliness of information and technologies is of essence. Therefore it is quite natural that more widespread adoption in this area has not been seen until now, when Semantic Web technologies are mature enough to support the high requirements of the application area. Nevertheless, to leverage the full potential of Semantic Web research results for this application area, there is need for an arena where practitioners and researchers can meet and exchange ideas and results. Our intention is for this workshop, and hopefully coming workshops in the same series, to be such an arena for discussion. The Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC - formerly the European Semantic Web conference) is one of the major research conferences in the Semantic Web field, whereas this is a suitable location for this workshop in order to discuss the application of Semantic Web technology to our specific area of applications. Hence, we chose to arrange our first SMILE workshop at ESWC 2013. However, this workshop does not focus solely on semantic technologies for emergency response, but rather Semantic Web technologies in combination with technologies and principles for what is sometimes called the "social web". Social media has already been used successfully in many cases, as a tool for supporting emergency response. The aim of this workshop is therefore to take this to the next level and answer questions like: "how can we make sense of, and furthermore make use of, all the data that is produced by different kinds of social media platforms in an emergency situation?" For the first edition of this workshop the chairs collected the following main topics of interest: • Semantic Annotation for understanding the content and context of social media streams. • Integration of Social Media with Linked Data. • Interactive Interfaces and visual analytics methodologies for managing multiple large-scale, dynamic, evolving datasets. • Stream reasoning and event detection. • Social Data Mining. • Collaborative tools and services for Citizens, Organisations, Communities. • Privacy, ethics, trustworthiness and legal issues in the Social Semantic Web. • Use case analysis, with specific interest for use cases that involve the application of Social Media and Linked Data methodologies in real-life scenarios. All of these, applied in the context of: • Crisis and Disaster Management • Emergency Response • Security and Citizen Journalism The workshop received 6 high-quality paper submissions and based on a thorough review process, thanks to our program committee, the decision was made to accept four of these papers for the workshop (67% acceptance rate). These four papers can be found later in this proceedings volume. Three out of four of these papers particularly discuss the integration and analysis of social media data, using Semantic Web technologies, e.g. for detecting complex events in social media streams, for visualizing and analysing sentiments with respect to certain topics in social media, or for detecting small-scale incidents entirely through the use of social media information. Finally, the fourth paper presents an architecture for using Semantic Web technologies in resource management during a disaster. Additionally, the workshop featured an invited keynote speech by Dr. Tomi Kauppinen from Aalto university. Dr. Kauppinen shared experiences from his work on applying Semantic Web technologies to application fields such as geoinformatics and scientific research, i.e. so-called Linked Science, but also recent ideas and applications in the emergency response field. His input was also highly valuable for the roadmapping discussion, which was held at the end of the workshop. A separate summary of the roadmapping session can be found at the end of these proceedings. Finally, we would like to thank our invited speaker Dr. Tomi Kauppinen, all our program committee members, as well as the workshop chair of ESWC2013, Johanna Völker (University of Mannheim), for helping us to make this first SMILE workshop a highly interesting and successful event!
En este trabajo aplicamos a la red social Twitter un modelo de análisis del discurso político y mediático desarrollado en publicaciones previas, que permite hacer compatible el estudio de los datos discursivos con propuestas explicativas surgidas a propósito de la comunicación política (neurocomunicación) y de la comunicación digital (la red como quinto estado, convergencia, inteligencia colectiva). Asumimos que hay categorías del encuadre discursivo (frame) que pueden ser tratadas como indicadores de habilidades cognitivas y comunicativas. Analizamos estas categorías agrupándolas en tres dimensiones fundamentales: la intencional (ilocutividad del tuit, encuadre interpretativo de las etiquetas), referencial (temas, protagonistas), e interactiva (alineamiento estructural, predictibilidad; marcas de intertextualidad y dialogismo; afiliación partidista). El corpus consta de 4116 tuits: 3000 tuits pertenecientes a los programas Al Rojo Vivo (La Sexta: A3 Media), Las Mañanas Cuatro (Cuatro: Mediaset) y Los Desayunos de TVE (RTVE), 1116 tuits de seguidores de los programas, que corresponden a 45 tuits de cada programa. Los resultados confirman que el modelo permite establecer diferentes perfiles de subjetividad política en las cuentas de Twitter.