989 resultados para Sink nodes


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Wireless sensor networks can transform our buildings in smart environments, improving comfort, energy efficiency and safety. Today however, wireless sensor networks are not considered reliable enough for being deployed on large scale. In this thesis, we study the main failure causes for wireless sensor networks, the existing solutions to improve reliability and investigate the possibility to implement self-diagnosis through power consumption measurements on the sensor nodes. Especially, we focus our interest on faults that generate in-range errors: those are wrong readings but belong to the range of the sensor and can therefore be missed by external observers. Using a wireless sensor network deployed in the R\&D building of NXP at the High Tech Campus of Eindhoven, we performed a power consumption characterization of the Wireless Autonomous Sensor (WAS), and studied through some experiments the effect that faults have in the power consumption of the sensor.


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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are getting wide-spread attention since they became easily accessible with their low costs. One of the key elements of WSNs is distributed sensing. When the precise location of a signal of interest is unknown across the monitored region, distributing many sensors randomly/uniformly may yield with a better representation of the monitored random process than a traditional sensor deployment. In a typical WSN application the data sensed by nodes is usually sent to one (or more) central device, denoted as sink, which collects the information and can either act as a gateway towards other networks (e.g. Internet), where data can be stored, or be processed in order to command the actuators to perform special tasks. In such a scenario, a dense sensor deployment may create bottlenecks when many nodes competing to access the channel. Even though there are mitigation methods on the channel access, concurrent (parallel) transmissions may occur. In this study, always on the scope of monitoring applications, the involved development progress of two industrial projects with dense sensor deployments (eDIANA Project funded by European Commission and Centrale Adritica Project funded by Coop Italy) and the measurement results coming from several different test-beds evoked the necessity of a mathematical analysis on concurrent transmissions. To the best of our knowledge, in the literature there is no mathematical analysis of concurrent transmission in 2.4 GHz PHY of IEEE 802.15.4. In the thesis, experience stories of eDIANA and Centrale Adriatica Projects and a mathematical analysis of concurrent transmissions starting from O-QPSK chip demodulation to the packet reception rate with several different types of theoretical demodulators, are presented. There is a very good agreement between the measurements so far in the literature and the mathematical analysis.


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La tesi si propone di sviluppare un modello, l'architettura e la tecnologia per il sistema di denominazione del Middleware Coordinato TuCSoN, compresi gli agenti, i nodi e le risorse. Identità universali che rappresentano queste entità, sia per la mobilità fisica sia per quella virtuale, per un Management System (AMS, NMS, RMS) distribuito; tale modulo si occupa anche di ACC e trasduttori, prevedendo questioni come la tolleranza ai guasti, la persistenza, la coerenza, insieme con il coordinamento disincarnata in rete, come accade con le tecnologie Cloud. All’interno dell’elaborato, per prima cosa si è fatta una introduzione andando a descrivere tutto ciò che è contenuto nell’elaborato in modo da dare una visione iniziale globale del lavoro eseguito. Di seguito (1° capitolo) si è descritta tutta la parte relativa alle conoscenze di base che bisogna avere per la comprensione dell’elaborato; tali conoscenze sono relative a TuCSoN (il middleware coordinato con cui il modulo progettato dovrà interfacciarsi) e Cassandra (sistema server distribuito su cui si appoggia la parte di mantenimento e salvataggio dati del modulo). In seguito (2° capitolo) si è descritto JADE, un middleware da cui si è partiti con lo studio per la progettazione del modello e dell’architettura del modulo. Successivamente (3° capitolo) si è andati a spiegare la struttura e il modello del modulo considerato andando ad esaminare tutti i dettagli relativi alle entità interne e di tutti i legami fra esse. In questa parte si è anche dettagliata tutta la parte relativa alla distribuzione sulla rete del modulo e dei suoi componenti. In seguito (4° capitolo) è stata dettagliata e spiegata tutta la parte relativa al sistema di denominazione del modulo, quindi la sintassi e l’insieme di procedure che l’entità consumatrice esterna deve effettuare per ottenere un “nome universale” e quindi anche tutti i passaggi interni del modulo per fornire l’identificatore all’entità consumatrice. Nel capitolo successivo (5° capitolo) si sono descritti tutti i casi di studio relativi alle interazioni con le entità esterne, alle entità interne in caso in cui il modulo sia o meno distribuito sulla rete, e i casi di studio relativi alle politiche, paradigmi e procedure per la tolleranza ai guasti ed agli errori in modo da dettagliare i metodi di riparazione ad essi. Successivamente (6° capitolo) sono stati descritti i possibili sviluppi futuri relativi a nuove forme di interazione fra le entità che utilizzano questo modulo ed alle possibili migliorie e sviluppi tecnologici di questo modulo. Infine sono state descritte le conclusioni relative al modulo progettato con tutti i dettagli in modo da fornire una visione globale di quanto inserito e descritto nell’elaborato.


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Le reti ottiche, grazie alla loro elevata capacità, hanno acquisito sempre maggiore importanza negli ultimi anni, sia per via del crescente volume di dati scambiati, legato soprattutto alla larga diffusione di Internet, sia per la necessità di comunicazioni in tempo reale. Dati i (relativamente) lunghi tempi di adattamento, questa tecnologia nativamente non è quella ottimale per il trasporto di un traffico a burst, tipico delle telecomunicazioni odierne. Le reti ibride cercano, quindi, di coniugare al meglio le potenzialità della commutazione ottica di circuito e della commutazione ottica a pacchetto. In questo lavoro, in particolare, ci si è concentrati su un'architettura di rete ibrida denominata 3LIHON (3-Level Integrated Hybrid Optical Network). Essa prevede tre distinti livelli di qualità di servizio (QoS) per soddisfare differenti necessità: - Guaranteed Service Type (GST): simile ad un servizio a commutazione di circuito, non ammette perdita di dati. - Statistically Multiplexed Real Time (SM/RT): simile ad un servizio a commutazione di pacchetto, garantisce ritardo nullo o molto basso all'interno della rete, permette un piccolo tasso di perdita di dati e ammette la contesa della banda. - Statistically Multiplexed Best Effort (SM/BE): simile ad un servizio a commutazione di pacchetto, non garantisce alcun ritardo tra i nodi ed ammette un basso tasso di perdita dei dati. In un nodo 3LIHON, il traffico SM/BE impossibile da servire, a causa ad es. dell'interruzione da parte di pacchetti aventi un livello di QoS più prioritario, viene irrimediabilmente perso. Questo implica anche lo spreco del tempo e delle risorse impiegati per trasmettere un pacchetto SM/BE fino alla sua interruzione. Nel presente lavoro si è cercato di limitare, per quanto possibile, questo comportamento sconveniente, adottando e comparando tre strategie, che hanno portato alla modifica del nodo 3LIHON standard ed alla nascita di tre sue varianti.


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We performed a histopathologic analysis to assess the extent of the extracapsular extension (ECE) beyond the capsule of metastatic lymph nodes (LN) in head and neck cancer to determine appropriate clinical target volume (CTV) expansions.


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To evaluate the number of lymph nodes and the lymph node tumour burden in different anatomical pelvic regions to better asses the impact of variations in the extent of lymphadenectomy on reported LN parameters and pelvic tumour clearance.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the pathological findings and the method of tissue harvesting in those patients who have both suspicious axillary lymph nodes and normal imaging of the breast.


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Naive T cells continuously recirculate between secondary lymphoid tissue via the blood and lymphatic systems, a process that maximizes the chances of an encounter between a T cell and its cognate antigen. This recirculation depends on signals from chemokine receptors, integrins, and the sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor. The authors of previous studies in other cell types have shown that Rac GTPases transduce signals leading to cell migration and adhesion; however, their roles in T cells are unknown. By using both 3-dimensional intravital and in vitro approaches, we show that Rac1- and Rac2-deficient T cells have multiple defects in this recirculation process. Rac-deficient T cells home very inefficiently to lymph nodes and the white pulp of the spleen, show reduced interstitial migration within lymph node parenchyma, and are defective in egress from lymph nodes. These mutant T cells show defective chemokine-induced chemotaxis, chemokinesis, and adhesion to integrin ligands. They have reduced lateral motility on endothelial cells and transmigrate in-efficiently. These multiple defects stem from critical roles for Rac1 and Rac2 in transducing chemokine and sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 signals leading to motility and adhesion.


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The membrane glycoprotein podoplanin is expressed by several types of human cancers and might be associated with their malignant progression. Its exact biological function and molecular targets are unclear, however. Here, we assessed the relevance of tumor cell expression of podoplanin in cancer metastasis to lymph nodes, using a human MCF7 breast carcinoma xenograft model. We found that podoplanin expression promoted tumor cell motility in vitro and, unexpectedly, increased tumor lymphangiogenesis and metastasis to regional lymph nodes in vivo, without promoting primary tumor growth. Importantly, high cancer cell expression levels of podoplanin correlated with lymph node metastasis and reduced survival times in a large cohort of 252 oral squamous cell carcinoma patients. Based on comparative transcriptional profiling of tumor xenografts, we identified endothelin-1, villin-1, and tenascin-C as potential mediators of podoplanin-induced tumor lymphangiogenesis and metastasis. These unexpected findings identify a novel mechanism of tumor lymphangiogenesis and metastasis induced by cancer cell expression of podoplanin, suggesting that reagents designed to interfere with podoplanin function might be developed as therapeutics for patients with advanced cancer.


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Intraoperative examination of sentinel axillary lymph nodes can be done by imprint cytology, frozen section, or, most recently, by PCR-based amplification of a cytokeratin signal. Using this technique, benign epithelial inclusions, representing mammary tissue displaced along the milk line, will likely generate a positive PCR signal and lead to a false-positive diagnosis of metastatic disease. To better appreciate the incidence of ectopic epithelial inclusions in axillary lymph nodes, we have performed an autopsy study, examining on 100 μm step sections 3,904 lymph nodes obtained from 160 axillary dissections in 80 patients. The median number of lymph nodes per axilla was 23 (15, 6, and 1 in levels 1, 2, and 3, respectively). A total of 30,450 hematoxylin-eosin stained slides were examined, as well as 8,825 slides immunostained with pan-cytokeratin antibodies. Despite this meticulous work-up, not a single epithelial inclusion was found in this study, suggesting that the incidence of such inclusions is much lower than the assumed 5% reported in the literature.


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P>1. There are a number of models describing population structure, many of which have the capacity to incorporate spatial habitat effects. One such model is the source-sink model, that describes a system where some habitats have a natality that is higher than mortality (source) and others have a mortality that exceeds natality (sink). A source can be maintained in the absence of migration, whereas a sink will go extinct. 2. However, the interaction between population dynamics and habitat quality is complex, and concerns have been raised about the validity of published empirical studies addressing source-sink dynamics. In particular, some of these studies fail to provide data on survival, a significant component in disentangling a sink from a low quality source. Moreover, failing to account for a density-dependent increase in mortality, or decrease in fecundity, can result in a territory being falsely assigned as a sink, when in fact, this density-dependent suppression only decreases the population size to a lower level, hence indicating a 'pseudo-sink'. 3. In this study, we investigate a long-term data set for key components of territory-specific demography (mortality and reproduction) and their relationship to habitat characteristics in the territorial, group-living Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus). We also assess territory-specific population growth rates (r), to test whether spatial population dynamics are consistent with the ideas of source-sink dynamics. 4. Although average mortality did not differ between sexes, habitat-specific mortality did. Female mortality was higher in older forests, a pattern not observed in males. Male mortality only increased with an increasing amount of open areas. Moreover, reproductive success was higher further away from human settlement, indicating a strong effect of human-associated nest predators. 5. Averaged over all years, 76% of the territories were sources. These territories generally consisted of less open areas, and were located further away from human settlement. 6. The source-sink model provides a tool for modelling demography in distinct habitat patches of different quality, which can aid in identifying key habitats within the landscape, and thus, reduce the risk of implementing unsound management decisions.


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The histological status of the sentinel lymph node (SLN) is one of the most relevant prognostic factors for the overall survival of patients with cutaneous malignancies, independent of tumour depth of the primary tumour.


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There is some controversy around the value of sentinel lymph node excision (SLNE). Especially SLNE of cutaneous head and neck malignancies has been debated intensively, in part because of the complexity of the lymphatic drainage in this region associated with potential high morbidity. In order to improve preoperative three-dimensional mapping of sentinel lymph nodes (SLN), in the head and neck region, by means of hybrid single photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) is gaining significance. Our study seeks to identify the potential medical and economic advantages of preoperative SPECT/CT in direct comparison to standard SLNE without SPECT/CT in patients with cutaneous head and neck malignancies.


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Ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) particles are promising contrast media, especially for molecular and cellular imaging besides lymph node staging owing to their superior NMR efficacy, macrophage uptake and lymphotropic properties. The goal of the present prospective clinical work was to validate quantification of signal decrease on high-resolution T(2)-weighted MR sequences before and 24-36 h after USPIO administration for accurate differentiation between benign and malignant normal-sized pelvic lymph nodes. Fifty-eight patients with bladder or prostate cancer were examined on a 3 T MR unit and their respective lymph node signal intensities (SI), signal-to-noise (SNR) and contrast-to-noise (CNR) were determined on pre- and post-contrast 3D T(2)-weighted turbo spin echo (TSE) images. Based on histology and/or localization, USPIO-uptake-related SI/SNR decrease of benign vs malignant and pelvic vs inguinal lymph nodes was compared. Out of 2182 resected lymph nodes 366 were selected for MRI post-processing. Benign pelvic lymph nodes showed a significantly higher SI/SNR decrease compared with malignant nodes (p < 0.0001). Inguinal lymph nodes in comparison to pelvic lymph nodes presented a reduced SI/SNR decrease (p < 0.0001). CNR did not differ significantly between benign and malignant lymph nodes. The receiver operating curve analysis yielded an area under the curve of 0.96, and the point with optimal accuracy was found at a threshold value of 13.5% SNR decrease. Overlap of SI and SNR changes between benign and malignant lymph nodes were attributed to partial voluming, lipomatosis, histiocytosis or focal lymphoreticular hyperplasia. USPIO-enhanced MRI improves the diagnostic ability of lymph node staging in normal-sized lymph nodes, although some overlap of SI/SNR-changes remained. Quantification of USPIO-dependent SNR decrease will enable the validation of this promising technique with the final goal of improving and individualizing patient care.