950 resultados para Simulation methods.
The new Brazilian ABNT NBR 15575 Standard (the ―Standard‖) recommends two methods for analyzing housing thermal performance: a simplified and a computational simulation method. The aim of this paper is to evaluate both methods and the coherence between each. For this, the thermal performance of a low-cost single-family house was evaluated through the application of the procedures prescribed by the Standard. To accomplish this study, the EnergyPlus software was selected. Comparative analyses of the house with varying envelope U-values and solar absorptance of external walls were performed in order to evaluate the influence of these parameters on the results. The results have shown limitations in the current Standard computational simulation method, due to different aspects: weather files, lack of consideration of passive strategies, and inconsistency with the simplified method. Therefore, this research indicates that there are some aspects to be improved in this Standard, so it could better represent the real thermal performance of social housing in Brazil.
This thesis is based on five papers addressing variance reduction in different ways. The papers have in common that they all present new numerical methods. Paper I investigates quantitative structure-retention relationships from an image processing perspective, using an artificial neural network to preprocess three-dimensional structural descriptions of the studied steroid molecules. Paper II presents a new method for computing free energies. Free energy is the quantity that determines chemical equilibria and partition coefficients. The proposed method may be used for estimating, e.g., chromatographic retention without performing experiments. Two papers (III and IV) deal with correcting deviations from bilinearity by so-called peak alignment. Bilinearity is a theoretical assumption about the distribution of instrumental data that is often violated by measured data. Deviations from bilinearity lead to increased variance, both in the data and in inferences from the data, unless invariance to the deviations is built into the model, e.g., by the use of the method proposed in paper III and extended in paper IV. Paper V addresses a generic problem in classification; namely, how to measure the goodness of different data representations, so that the best classifier may be constructed. Variance reduction is one of the pillars on which analytical chemistry rests. This thesis considers two aspects on variance reduction: before and after experiments are performed. Before experimenting, theoretical predictions of experimental outcomes may be used to direct which experiments to perform, and how to perform them (papers I and II). After experiments are performed, the variance of inferences from the measured data are affected by the method of data analysis (papers III-V).
(1) A mathematical theory for computing the probabilities of various nucleotide configurations is developed, and the probability of obtaining the correct phylogenetic tree (model tree) from sequence data is evaluated for six phylogenetic tree-making methods (UPGMA, distance Wagner method, transformed distance method, Fitch-Margoliash's method, maximum parsimony method, and compatibility method). The number of nucleotides (m*) necessary to obtain the correct tree with a probability of 95% is estimated with special reference to the human, chimpanzee, and gorilla divergence. m* is at least 4,200, but the availability of outgroup species greatly reduces m* for all methods except UPGMA. m* increases if transitions occur more frequently than transversions as in the case of mitochondrial DNA. (2) A new tree-making method called the neighbor-joining method is proposed. This method is applicable either for distance data or character state data. Computer simulation has shown that the neighbor-joining method is generally better than UPGMA, Farris' method, Li's method, and modified Farris method on recovering the true topology when distance data are used. A related method, the simultaneous partitioning method, is also discussed. (3) The maximum likelihood (ML) method for phylogeny reconstruction under the assumption of both constant and varying evolutionary rates is studied, and a new algorithm for obtaining the ML tree is presented. This method gives a tree similar to that obtained by UPGMA when constant evolutionary rate is assumed, whereas it gives a tree similar to that obtained by the maximum parsimony tree and the neighbor-joining method when varying evolutionary rate is assumed. ^
Phase-sensitive X-ray imaging shows a high sensitivity towards electron density variations, making it well suited for imaging of soft tissue matter. However, there are still open questions about the details of the image formation process. Here, a framework for numerical simulations of phase-sensitive X-ray imaging is presented, which takes both particle- and wave-like properties of X-rays into consideration. A split approach is presented where we combine a Monte Carlo method (MC) based sample part with a wave optics simulation based propagation part, leading to a framework that takes both particle- and wave-like properties into account. The framework can be adapted to different phase-sensitive imaging methods and has been validated through comparisons with experiments for grating interferometry and propagation-based imaging. The validation of the framework shows that the combination of wave optics and MC has been successfully implemented and yields good agreement between measurements and simulations. This demonstrates that the physical processes relevant for developing a deeper understanding of scattering in the context of phase-sensitive imaging are modelled in a sufficiently accurate manner. The framework can be used for the simulation of phase-sensitive X-ray imaging, for instance for the simulation of grating interferometry or propagation-based imaging.
Connectivity analysis on diffusion MRI data of the whole-brain suffers from distortions caused by the standard echo-planar imaging acquisition strategies. These images show characteristic geometrical deformations and signal destruction that are an important drawback limiting the success of tractography algorithms. Several retrospective correction techniques are readily available. In this work, we use a digital phantom designed for the evaluation of connectivity pipelines. We subject the phantom to a “theoretically correct” and plausible deformation that resembles the artifact under investigation. We correct data back, with three standard methodologies (namely fieldmap-based, reversed encoding-based, and registration- based). Finally, we rank the methods based on their geometrical accuracy, the dropout compensation, and their impact on the resulting connectivity matrices.
Anew, simple, and quick-calculationmethodology to obtain a solar panel model, based on the manufacturers’ datasheet, to perform MPPT simulations, is described. The method takes into account variations on the ambient conditions (sun irradiation and solar cells temperature) and allows fast MPPT methods comparison or their performance prediction when applied to a particular solar panel. The feasibility of the described methodology is checked with four different MPPT methods applied to a commercial solar panel, within a day, and under realistic ambient conditions.
En esta tesis presentamos una teoría adaptada a la simulación de fenómenos lentos de transporte en sistemas atomísticos. En primer lugar, desarrollamos el marco teórico para modelizar colectividades estadísticas de equilibrio. A continuación, lo adaptamos para construir modelos de colectividades estadísticas fuera de equilibrio. Esta teoría reposa sobre los principios de la mecánica estadística, en particular el principio de máxima entropía de Jaynes, utilizado tanto para sistemas en equilibrio como fuera de equilibrio, y la teoría de las aproximaciones del campo medio. Expresamos matemáticamente el problema como un principio variacional en el que maximizamos una entropía libre, en lugar de una energía libre. La formulación propuesta permite definir equivalentes atomísticos de variables macroscópicas como la temperatura y la fracción molar. De esta forma podemos considerar campos macroscópicos no uniformes. Completamos el marco teórico con reglas de cuadratura de Monte Carlo, gracias a las cuales obtenemos modelos computables. A continuación, desarrollamos el conjunto completo de ecuaciones que gobiernan procesos de transporte. Deducimos la desigualdad de disipación entrópica a partir de fuerzas y flujos termodinámicos discretos. Esta desigualdad nos permite identificar la estructura que deben cumplir los potenciales cinéticos discretos. Dichos potenciales acoplan las tasas de variación en el tiempo de las variables microscópicas con las fuerzas correspondientes. Estos potenciales cinéticos deben ser completados con una relación fenomenológica, del tipo definido por la teoría de Onsanger. Por último, aportamos validaciones numéricas. Con ellas ilustramos la capacidad de la teoría presentada para simular propiedades de equilibrio y segregación superficial en aleaciones metálicas. Primero, simulamos propiedades termodinámicas de equilibrio en el sistema atomístico. A continuación evaluamos la habilidad del modelo para reproducir procesos de transporte en sistemas complejos que duran tiempos largos con respecto a los tiempos característicos a escala atómica. ABSTRACT In this work, we formulate a theory to address simulations of slow time transport effects in atomic systems. We first develop this theoretical framework in the context of equilibrium of atomic ensembles, based on statistical mechanics. We then adapt it to model ensembles away from equilibrium. The theory stands on Jaynes' maximum entropy principle, valid for the treatment of both, systems in equilibrium and away from equilibrium and on meanfield approximation theory. It is expressed in the entropy formulation as a variational principle. We interpret atomistic equivalents of macroscopic variables such as the temperature and the molar fractions, wich are not required to be uniform, but can vary from particle to particle. We complement this theory with Monte Carlo summation rules for further approximation. In addition, we provide a framework for studying transport processes with the full set of equations driving the evolution of the system. We first derive a dissipation inequality for the entropic production involving discrete thermodynamic forces and fluxes. This discrete dissipation inequality identifies the adequate structure for discrete kinetic potentials which couple the microscopic field rates to the corresponding driving forces. Those kinetic potentials must finally be expressed as a phenomenological rule of the Onsanger Type. We present several validation cases, illustrating equilibrium properties and surface segregation of metallic alloys. We first assess the ability of a simple meanfield model to reproduce thermodynamic equilibrium properties in systems with atomic resolution. Then, we evaluate the ability of the model to reproduce a long-term transport process in complex systems.
Friction in hydrodynamic bearings are a major source of losses in car engines ([69]). The extreme loading conditions in those bearings lead to contact between the matching surfaces. In such conditions not only the overall geometry of the bearing is relevant, but also the small-scale topography of the surface determines the bearing performance. The possibility of shaping the surface of lubricated bearings down to the micrometer ([57]) opened the question of whether friction can be reduced by mean of micro-textures, with mixed results. This work focuses in the development of efficient numerical methods to solve thin film (lubrication) problems down to the roughness scale of measured surfaces. Due to the high velocities and the convergent-divergent geometries of hydrodynamic bearings, cavitation takes place. To treat cavitation in the lubrication problem the Elrod- Adams model is used, a mass-conserving model which has proven in careful numerical ([12]) and experimental ([119]) tests to be essential to obtain physically meaningful results. Another relevant aspect of the modeling is that the bearing inertial effects are considered, which is necessary to correctly simulate moving textures. As an application, the effects of micro-texturing the moving surface of the bearing were studied. Realistic values are assumed for the physical parameters defining the problems. Extensive fundamental studies were carried out in the hydrodynamic lubrication regime. Mesh-converged simulations considering the topography of real measured surfaces were also run, and the validity of the lubrication approximation was assessed for such rough surfaces.
Genetic assignment methods use genotype likelihoods to draw inference about where individuals were or were not born, potentially allowing direct, real-time estimates of dispersal. We used simulated data sets to test the power and accuracy of Monte Carlo resampling methods in generating statistical thresholds for identifying F-0 immigrants in populations with ongoing gene flow, and hence for providing direct, real-time estimates of migration rates. The identification of accurate critical values required that resampling methods preserved the linkage disequilibrium deriving from recent generations of immigrants and reflected the sampling variance present in the data set being analysed. A novel Monte Carlo resampling method taking into account these aspects was proposed and its efficiency was evaluated. Power and error were relatively insensitive to the frequency assumed for missing alleles. Power to identify F-0 immigrants was improved by using large sample size (up to about 50 individuals) and by sampling all populations from which migrants may have originated. A combination of plotting genotype likelihoods and calculating mean genotype likelihood ratios (D-LR) appeared to be an effective way to predict whether F-0 immigrants could be identified for a particular pair of populations using a given set of markers.
This study analyzes the validity of different Q-factor models in the BER estimation in RZ-DPSK transmission at 40 Gb/s channel rate. The impact of the duty cycle of the carrier pulses on the accuracy of the BER estimates through the different models has also been studied.
Applying direct error counting, we compare the accuracy and evaluate the validity of different available numerical approaches to the estimation of the bit-error rate (BER) in 40-Gb/s return-to-zero differential phase-shift-keying transmission. As a particular example, we consider a system with in-line semiconductor optical amplifiers. We demonstrate that none of the existing models has an absolute superiority over the others. We also reveal the impact of the duty cycle on the accuracy of the BER estimates through the differently introduced Q-factors.
This study analyzes the validity of different Q-factor models in the BER estimation in RZ-DPSK transmission at 40 Gb/s channel rate. The impact of the duty cycle of the carrier pulses on the accuracy of the BER estimates through the different models has also been studied.