975 resultados para Shallow-water Crinoids


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The shallow water equations are solved using a mesh of polygons on the sphere, which adapts infrequently to the predicted future solution. Infrequent mesh adaptation reduces the cost of adaptation and load-balancing and will thus allow for more accurate mapping on adaptation. We simulate the growth of a barotropically unstable jet adapting the mesh every 12 h. Using an adaptation criterion based largely on the gradient of the vorticity leads to a mesh with around 20 per cent of the cells of a uniform mesh that gives equivalent results. This is a similar proportion to previous studies of the same test case with mesh adaptation every 1–20 min. The prediction of the mesh density involves solving the shallow water equations on a coarse mesh in advance of the locally refined mesh in order to estimate where features requiring higher resolution will grow, decay or move to. The adaptation criterion consists of two parts: that resolved on the coarse mesh, and that which is not resolved and so is passively advected on the coarse mesh. This combination leads to a balance between resolving features controlled by the large-scale dynamics and maintaining fine-scale features.


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The P-1-P-1 finite element pair is known to allow the existence of spurious pressure (surface elevation) modes for the shallow water equations and to be unstable for mixed formulations. We show that this behavior is strongly influenced by the strong or the weak enforcement of the impermeability boundary conditions. A numerical analysis of the Stommel model is performed for both P-1-P-1 and P-1(NC)-P-1 mixed formulations. Steady and transient test cases are considered. We observe that the P-1-P-1 element exhibits stable discrete solutions with weak boundary conditions or with fully unstructured meshes. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two-dimensional flood inundation modelling is a widely used tool to aid flood risk management. In urban areas, where asset value and population density are greatest, the model spatial resolution required to represent flows through a typical street network (i.e. < 10m) often results in impractical computational cost at the whole city scale. Explicit diffusive storage cell models become very inefficient at such high resolutions, relative to shallow water models, because the stable time step in such schemes scales as a quadratic of resolution. This paper presents the calibration and evaluation of a recently developed new formulation of the LISFLOOD-FP model, where stability is controlled by the Courant–Freidrichs–Levy condition for the shallow water equations, such that, the stable time step instead scales linearly with resolution. The case study used is based on observations during the summer 2007 floods in Tewkesbury, UK. Aerial photography is available for model evaluation on three separate days from the 24th to the 31st of July. The model covered a 3.6 km by 2 km domain and was calibrated using gauge data from high flows during the previous month. The new formulation was benchmarked against the original version of the model at 20 m and 40 m resolutions, demonstrating equally accurate performance given the available validation data but at 67x faster computation time. The July event was then simulated at the 2 m resolution of the available airborne LiDAR DEM. This resulted in a significantly more accurate simulation of the drying dynamics compared to that simulated by the coarse resolution models, although estimates of peak inundation depth were similar.


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A shock capturing scheme is presented for the equations of isentropic flow based on upwind differencing applied to a locally linearized set of Riemann problems. This includes the two-dimensional shallow water equations using the familiar gas dynamics analogy. An average of the flow variables across the interface between cells is required, and this average is chosen to be the arithmetic mean for computational efficiency, leading to arithmetic averaging. This is in contrast to usual ‘square root’ averages found in this type of Riemann solver where the computational expense can be prohibitive. The scheme is applied to a two-dimensional dam-break problem and the approximate solution compares well with those given by other authors.


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A weak formulation of Roe's approximate Riemann solver is applied to the equations of ‘barotropic’ flow, including the shallow water equations, and it is shown that this leads to an approximate Riemann solver recently presented for such flows.


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Abstract A finite difference scheme is presented for the solution of the two-dimensional shallow water equations in steady, supercritical flow. The scheme incorporates numerical characteristic decomposition, is shock capturing by design and incorporates space-marching as a result of the assumption that the flow is wholly supercritical in at least one space dimension. Results are shown for problems involving oblique hydraulic jumps and reflection from a wall.


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An efficient algorithm based on flux difference splitting is presented for the solution of the three-dimensional equations of isentropic flow in a generalised coordinate system, and with a general convex gas law. The scheme is based on solving linearised Riemann problems approximately and in more than one dimension incorporates operator splitting. The algorithm requires only one function evaluation of the gas law in each computational cell. The scheme has good shock capturing properties and the advantage of using body-fitted meshes. Numerical results are shown for Mach 3 flow of air past a circular cylinder. Furthermore, the algorithm also applies to shallow water flows by employing the familiar gas dynamics analogy.


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A finite difference scheme based on flux difference splitting is presented for the solution of the one-dimensional shallow water equations in open channels. A linearised problem, analogous to that of Riemann for gas dynamics, is defined and a scheme, based on numerical characteristic decomposition, is presented for obtaining approximate solutions to the linearised problem. The method of upwind differencing is used for the resulting scalar problems, together with a flux limiter for obtaining a second order scheme which avoids non-physical, spurious oscillations. The scheme is applied to a problem of flow in a river whose geometry induces a region of supercritical flow.


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A finite difference scheme based on flux difference splitting is presented for the solution of the one-dimensional shallow-water equations in open channels, together with an extension to two-dimensional flows. A linearized problem, analogous to that of Riemann for gas dynamics, is defined and a scheme, based on numerical characteristic decomposition, is presented for obtaining approximate solutions to the linearized problem. The method of upwind differencing is used for the resulting scalar problems, together with a flux limiter for obtaining a second-order scheme which avoids non-physical, spurious oscillations. The scheme is applied to a one-dimensional dam-break problem, and to a problem of flow in a river whose geometry induces a region of supercritical flow. The scheme is also applied to a two-dimensional dam-break problem. The numerical results are compared with the exact solution, or other numerical results, where available.


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An algorithm based on flux difference splitting is presented for the solution of two-dimensional, open channel flows. A transformation maps a non-rectangular, physical domain into a rectangular one. The governing equations are then the shallow water equations, including terms of slope and friction, in a generalized coordinate system. A regular mesh on a rectangular computational domain can then be employed. The resulting scheme has good jump capturing properties and the advantage of using boundary/body-fitted meshes. The scheme is applied to a problem of flow in a river whose geometry induces a region of supercritical flow.


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The analysis-error variance of a 3D-FGAT assimilation is examined analytically using a simple scalar equation. It is shown that the analysis-error variance may be greater than the error variances of the inputs. The results are illustrated numerically with a scalar example and a shallow-water model.


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Variational data assimilation systems for numerical weather prediction rely on a transformation of model variables to a set of control variables that are assumed to be uncorrelated. Most implementations of this transformation are based on the assumption that the balanced part of the flow can be represented by the vorticity. However, this assumption is likely to break down in dynamical regimes characterized by low Burger number. It has recently been proposed that a variable transformation based on potential vorticity should lead to control variables that are uncorrelated over a wider range of regimes. In this paper we test the assumption that a transform based on vorticity and one based on potential vorticity produce an uncorrelated set of control variables. Using a shallow-water model we calculate the correlations between the transformed variables in the different methods. We show that the control variables resulting from a vorticity-based transformation may retain large correlations in some dynamical regimes, whereas a potential vorticity based transformation successfully produces a set of uncorrelated control variables. Calculations of spatial correlations show that the benefit of the potential vorticity transformation is linked to its ability to capture more accurately the balanced component of the flow.


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Currently, most operational forecasting models use latitude-longitude grids, whose convergence of meridians towards the poles limits parallel scaling. Quasi-uniform grids might avoid this limitation. Thuburn et al, JCP, 2009 and Ringler et al, JCP, 2010 have developed a method for arbitrarily-structured, orthogonal C-grids (TRiSK), which has many of the desirable properties of the C-grid on latitude-longitude grids but which works on a variety of quasi-uniform grids. Here, five quasi-uniform, orthogonal grids of the sphere are investigated using TRiSK to solve the shallow-water equations. We demonstrate some of the advantages and disadvantages of the hexagonal and triangular icosahedra, a Voronoi-ised cubed sphere, a Voronoi-ised skipped latitude-longitude grid and a grid of kites in comparison to a full latitude-longitude grid. We will show that the hexagonal-icosahedron gives the most accurate results (for least computational cost). All of the grids suffer from spurious computational modes; this is especially true of the kite grid, despite it having exactly twice as many velocity degrees of freedom as height degrees of freedom. However, the computational modes are easiest to control on the hexagonal icosahedron since they consist of vorticity oscillations on the dual grid which can be controlled using a diffusive advection scheme for potential vorticity.


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Data assimilation aims to incorporate measured observations into a dynamical system model in order to produce accurate estimates of all the current (and future) state variables of the system. The optimal estimates minimize a variational principle and can be found using adjoint methods. The model equations are treated as strong constraints on the problem. In reality, the model does not represent the system behaviour exactly and errors arise due to lack of resolution and inaccuracies in physical parameters, boundary conditions and forcing terms. A technique for estimating systematic and time-correlated errors as part of the variational assimilation procedure is described here. The modified method determines a correction term that compensates for model error and leads to improved predictions of the system states. The technique is illustrated in two test cases. Applications to the 1-D nonlinear shallow water equations demonstrate the effectiveness of the new procedure.


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The arbitrarily structured C-grid, TRiSK (Thuburn, Ringler, Skamarock and Klemp, 2009, 2010) is being used in the ``Model for Prediction Across Scales'' (MPAS) and is being considered by the UK Met Office for their next dynamical core. However the hexagonal C-grid supports a branch of spurious Rossby modes which lead to erroneous grid-scale oscillations of potential vorticity (PV). It is shown how these modes can be harmlessly controlled by using upwind-biased interpolation schemes for PV. A number of existing advection schemes for PV are tested, including that used in MPAS, and none are found to give adequate results for all grids and all cases. Therefore a new scheme is proposed; continuous, linear-upwind stabilised transport (CLUST), a blend between centred and linear-upwind with the blend dependent on the flow direction with respect to the cell edge. A diagnostic of grid-scale oscillations is proposed which gives further discrimination between schemes than using potential enstrophy alone and indeed some schemes are found to destroy potential enstrophy while grid-scale oscillations grow. CLUST performs well on hexagonal-icosahedral grids and unrotated skipped latitude-longitude grids of the sphere for various shallow water test cases. Despite the computational modes, the hexagonal icosahedral grid performs well since these modes are easy and harmless to filter. As a result TRiSK appears to perform better than a spectral shallow water model.