810 resultados para Sexual promiscuity
Tackling Sexual Violence and Abuse
Tackling Sexual Violence and Abuse - A regional Strategy 2008-2013
Las cefaleas tusígena, de esfuerzo y sexual son entidades infrecuentes y poco descritas. Hemos realizado un estudio retrospectivo de pacientes que consultaron durante 5 años por dicha patología en nuestro centro. De una muestra de 50 pacientes, 25 consultaron por cefalea tusigena, 15 por esfuerzo y 10 relacionadas con actividad sexual (74%, 80% y 80% de formas respectivamente). Las tres entidades podrían tratarse del espectro de una misma patología. Los principales elementos diferenciadores respecto a las formas secundarias fueron la asociación en estas de sintomatología neurológica, exploración patológica y la edad de debut más temprana. Ambas pueden responder a Indometacina
Sexual Offending in Northern Ireland - Managing the Risk
Sexual Health Promotion Strategy
This study on determinants of sexual protection behavior among HIV-positive gay men used the empirically tested information-motivation-behavioral skills (IMB) model. HIV-specific variables were added to the model to determine factors decisive for condom use with steady and casual partners. Data were collected using an anonymous, standardized self-administered questionnaire. Study participants were recruited at HIV outpatient clinics associated with the Eurosupport Study Group and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. To identify factors associated with condom use, backward elimination regression analyses were performed. Overall, 838 HIV-infected gay men from 14 European countries were included in this analysis. About 53% of them reported at least one sexual contact with a steady partner; 62.5% had sex with a casual partner during the last 6 months. Forty-three percent always used condoms with steady partners and 44% with casual partners. High self-efficacy and subjective norms in favor of condom-use were associated with increased condom use with casual and steady partners, whereas feeling depressed was associated with decreased condom use with casual partners. Condoms were used less often with HIV-positive partners. Self-efficacy as an important behavioral skill to perform protection behavior was influenced by lower perceived vulnerability, higher subjective norms, and more positive safer sex attitudes. The IMB-model constructs appeared to be valid; however, not all the model predictors could be determined as hypothesized. Besides the original IMB constructs, HIV-specific variables, including sexual partners' serostatus and mental health, explained condom use. Such factors should be considered in clinical interventions to promote "positive prevention."
The aim of this review is to examine the provision of Sexual Assault Treatment Services in Ireland and in doing so: Click here to access the publication. Â
This study was commissioned by the Department of Health and Children and the Crisis Pregnancy Agency (CPA) in response to a recommendation of the National AIDS Strategy Committee. The findings of this report will be considered by various organisations and will inform the future development and strategic direction of the Crisis Pregnancy Agency’s work in reducing the number of crisis pregnancies. Read the report (PDF, 2.2mb) View the summary report (PDF, 859KB) View the survey questionnaire (PDF, 235kb)
This booklet explains the importance of having a check up at a Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinic and what happens at the clinic.
The latest series of sexual health factsheets, produced by Sexual Health Information, a partnership between FPA in Northern Ireland and the Public Health Agency, provide updated information and statistics on a wide range of sexual health matters. Each factsheet presents key facts, relevant data, and user-friendly examples to support the advice given. Where appropriate, the factsheets also include details of recommended additional resources.
Obesity concerns more than 200 million people in the world, with an increasing prevalence in western countries. It is closely related to multiple medical conditions, such as diabetes and hypertension. It was recently shown that testosterone deficiency syndrome and erectile dysfunction (ED) are also linked to male obesity. In this group of patients, ED may be due to defects in corpus cavernosum relaxation, endocrine modifications and nerve signal alterations. Weight loss and increased physical activities can improve erectile function in 30% of obese patients. Additional medical treatments of ED enhance erectile function in more than 80% of patients. Self image improvement associated with appropriate erectile dysfunction medical treatment allow better sexual life and potentially increased motivation for weight loss.
The factors affecting the sexual behaviour of Panstrongylus megistus were studied under laboratory conditions. A general description of mating behaviour is presented for this species. The effect of the time elapsed after the first imaginal feeding on the mating frequency, the motivation of males to mate and the rejection behaviour by females, were analyzed. We also determined the number of copulas accepted by females of this species. Finally, the possible existence of a sexual chemical signal promoting male aggregation around mating couples was evaluated. Results showed that mating frequency increased with the time elapsed since the first adult meal. Despite the number of male copulatory attempts did not change as a function of time, the rejection behaviour of females became gradually less frequent. Females rejected mating by means of body flattening on the substrate, abdominal movements, evasion or stridulation. After a single copula, females did not usually accept to mate again. Neither male nor female aggregation around mating couples was observed, suggesting the absence of a sexual assembling pheromone in P. megistus.
This research aimed to explore the sexual attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of early school leavers and how a group of young people, without the advantage of completing post-primary education, deal with the complicated issues of constructing, defining and experiencing sexual practice.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.