943 resultados para Sensores eletroquímicos
El envejecimiento de la poblaci on, el sobrepeso, y el aumento de enfermedades cr onicas, tales como: afecciones cardiacas, diabetes e hipertensi on, plantean nuevos retos al sistema de salud p ublica. En este contexto, las redes de sensores inal ambricas corporales (Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN)/Wireless Body Sensor Networks (WBSN)) tienen gran potencial para revolucionar el sistema de salud ya que facilitan el seguimiento, la monitorizaci on y el diagn ostico de pacientes en casa, mejorando as su calidad de vida y reduciendo los costes asociados la asistencia sanitaria. Las redes WBAN/WBSN est an constituidas por nodos sensores que miden diferentes variables siol ogicas y cin eticas y disponen de interfaces inal ambricas de bajo coste para transmitir en tiempo real la informaci on a dispositivos en otros niveles de la red. En este tipo de redes, la transmisi on inal ambrica de datos es probablemente la tarea que presenta mayor consumo de energ a, por lo que dicho consumo debe ser reducido para maximizar su vida util. Adicionalmente, en escenarios WBAN/WBSN, el cuerpo humano juega un papel muy importante en la calidad de la comunicaci on. El cuerpo act ua como un canal de comunicaci on para la propagaci on de ondas electromagn eticas, por lo que el comportamiento de este tipo de canal representa un conjunto unico de desaf os para la transferencia able de datos...
O uso de veículos aéreos não tripulados (VANTs) tem se tornado cada vez mais comum, principalmente em aplicações de uso civil. No cenário militar, o uso de VANTs tem focado o cumprimento de missões específicas que podem ser divididas em duas grandes categorias: sensoriamento remoto e transporte de material de emprego militar. Este trabalho se concentra na categoria do sensoriamento remoto. O trabalho foca a definição de um modelo e uma arquitetura de referência para o desenvolvimento de sensores inteligentes orientados a missões específicas. O principal objetivo destas missões é a geração de mapas temáticos. Neste trabalho são investigados processos e mecanismos que possibilitem a geração desta categoria de mapas. Neste sentido, o conceito de MOSA (Mission Oriented Sensor Array) é proposto e modelado. Como estudos de caso dos conceitos apresentados são propostos dois sistemas de mapeamento automático de fontes sonoras, um para o caso civil e outro para o caso militar. Essas fontes podem ter origem no ruído gerado por grandes animais (inclusive humanos), por motores de combustão interna de veículos ou por atividade de artilharia (incluindo caçadores). Os MOSAs modelados para esta aplicação são baseados na integração de dados provenientes de um sensor de imageamento termal e uma rede de sensores acústicos em solo. A integração das informações de posicionamento providas pelos sensores utilizados, em uma base cartográfica única, é um dos aspectos importantes tratados neste trabalho. As principais contribuições do trabalho são a proposta de sistemas MOSA, incluindo conceitos, modelos, arquitetura e a implementação de referência representada pelo sistema de mapeamento automático de fontes sonoras.
En Argentina, en consonancia con el resto del mundo, la Nanotecnología es considerada un área estratégica. Sin embargo, las investigaciones en Nanobiotecnología todavía constituyen un área de vacancia. El uso de nanomateriales para desarrollar plataformas bioanalíticas que permitan la construcción de biosensores ofrece múltiples ventajas y una promisoria perspectiva de aplicación en diversas áreas. En la actualidad, los laboratorios de análisis clínicos, la industria farmacéutica y alimentaria, y los laboratorios de control bromatológico y ambiental requieren de metodologías analíticas que proporcionen resultados exactos, reproducibles, rápidos, sensibles y selectivos empleando pequeños volúmenes de muestra, con un mínimo consumo de reactivos y una producción de deshechos limpia y escasa. Las investigaciones en nanobiosensores se encuentran dirigidas hacia el logro de estas metas. Uno de los grandes desafíos es lograr biosensores miniaturizados con potencialidad para el desarrollo de dispositivos de medición descentralizada (“point of care”) y la detección simultánea de multianalitos. Aún cuando se han hecho innumerables desarrollos en los casi 50 años de vida de los biosensores, todavía hay numerosos interrogantes por dilucidar. La modificación con nanomateriales juega un rol preponderante en los transductores tanto en los electroquímicos como en los plasmónicos. El uso de películas delgadas de Au para SPR modificadas con grafeno u óxido de grafeno, es un campo de una enorme potencialidad y sin embargo es muy poco explotado, por lo que reviste gran importancia. En lo referido a la capa de biorreconocimiento, se trabajará con moléculas capaces de establecer interacciones de bioafinidad, como los anticuerpos y también moléculas que son muy poco usadas en nuestro país y en Latinoamérica como ADN, aptámeros, PNA y lectinas. RESUMEN: El Objetivo general de este proyecto es desarrollar nuevas plataformas bioanalíticas para la detección de diferentes eventos de bioafinidad a partir de la integración de transductores electroquímicos (EQ) y plasmónicos con materiales nanoestructurados (nanotubos de carbono, nanoláminas de grafeno, nanoalambres metálicos); biomoléculas (ADN, “peptide nucleic acid” (PNA), aptámeros, anticuerpos, lectinas) y polímeros funcionalizados con moléculas bioactivas. Las arquitecturas supramoleculares resultantes estarán dirigidas al desarrollo de biosensores EQ y plasmónicos para la cuantificación de biomarcadores de relevancia clínica y medioambiental. Se funcionalizarán CNT, grafeno, óxido de grafeno, nanoalambres metálicos empleando homopéptidos y proteínas con alta afinidad por cationes metálicos, los que se integrarán a transductores de carbono y oro y biomoléculas de reconocimiento capaces de formar complejos de afinidad (antígeno-anticuerpo, aptámero-molécula blanco, ADN-ADN, PNA-ADN, lectinas-hidratos de carbono, ligandos-cationes metálicos y avidina-biotina). Se sintetizarán y caracterizarán nuevos monómeros y polímeros funcionalizados con moléculas bioactivas y/o grupos rédox empleando diferentes rutas sintéticas. Se desarrollarán genosensores para la detección del evento de hibridación de secuencias de interés médico (cáncer de colon y de mama, tuberculosis); aptasensores para la detección de marcadores proteicos de T. cruzi, enfermedades cardiovasculares y contaminantes catiónicos; inmunosensores para la detección de biomarcadores proteicos relacionados con enfermedades cardiovasculares y cáncer; y biosensores de afinidad con lectinas para la detección de hidratos de carbono. La caracterización de las plataformas y las señales analíticas se obtendrán empleando las siguientes técnicas: voltamperometrías cíclica, de pulso diferencial y de onda cuadrada; stripping; resonancia de plasmón superficial; espectroscopía de impedancia electroquímica; microscopías de barrido electroquímico, SEM, TEM, AFM,SNOM, espectroscopías: UV-vis, FTIR,Raman;RMN, TGA y DSC.
Tese de doutoramento, Química (Química Física), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016
Mais do que um projeto de mestrado sobre a capacidade de diagnosticar de antemão contusões resultantes de acidentes rodoviários em crianças a viajar em cadeiras automóveis, a presente tese visa documentar todo o processo projetual desenvolvido para que tal se possa tornar possível. Para tal foram tidas em conta não apenas questões meramente estéticas, mas também um desenvolvimento tecnológico para possibilitar o cumprimento das diversas premissas pré-estabelecidas como objetivo. O problema que este projeto visa colmatar advém do avanço da sociedade e do meio cada vez mais tecnológico, uma vez que com o passar do tempo os casos de contusões são cada vez mais recorrentes. Estes são, em grande parte, devido a incidentes de tráfego, e resultam em lesões potencialmente graves, em especial no que toca às crianças envolvidas. Nestes casos, o diagnóstico é complexo, necessitando de uma diversidade considerável de exames médicos e consequentemente um tempo prolongado de espera, mas também de manifestação de sintomas. Seria assim importante a existência de um dispositivo capaz de prever consequências sérias após um acidente. Deste modo, resulta desta tese um dispositivo capaz de identificar impactos dos quais poderão resultar contusões, com um mecanismo de operação simples e robusto, de fácil e intuitiva colocação e leitura.
Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) are a key component in Ubiquitous Computing Systems and have many applications in different knowledge domains. Programming for such networks is very hard and requires developers to know the available sensor platforms specificities, increasing the learning curve for developing WSAN applications. In this work, an MDA (Model-Driven Architecture) approach for WSAN applications development called ArchWiSeN is proposed. The goal of such approach is to facilitate the development task by providing: (i) A WSAN domain-specific language, (ii) a methodology for WSAN application development; and (iii) an MDA infrastructure composed of several software artifacts (PIM, PSMs and transformations). ArchWiSeN allows the direct contribution of domain experts in the WSAN application development without the need of specialized knowledge on WSAN platforms and, at the same time, allows network experts to manage the application requirements without the need for specific knowledge of the application domain. Furthermore, this approach also aims to enable developers to express and validate functional and non-functional requirements of the application, incorporate services offered by WSAN middleware platforms and promote reuse of the developed software artifacts. In this sense, this Thesis proposes an approach that includes all WSAN development stages for current and emerging scenarios through the proposed MDA infrastructure. An evaluation of the proposal was performed by: (i) a proof of concept encompassing three different scenarios performed with the usage of the MDA infrastructure to describe the WSAN development process using the application engineering process, (ii) a controlled experiment to assess the use of the proposed approach compared to traditional method of WSAN application development, (iii) the analysis of ArchWiSeN support of middleware services to ensure that WSAN applications using such services can achieve their requirements ; and (iv) systematic analysis of ArchWiSeN in terms of desired characteristics for MDA tool when compared with other existing MDA tools for WSAN.
This work aims at modeling power consumption at the nodes of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). For doing so, a finite state machine was implemented by means of SystemC-AMS and Stateflow modeling and simulation tools. In order to achieve this goal, communication data in a WSN were collected. Based on the collected data, a simulation environment for power consumption characterization, which aimed at describing the network operation, was developed. Other than performing power consumption simulation, this environment also takes into account a discharging model as to analyze the battery charge level at any given moment. Such analysis result in a graph illustrating the battery voltage variations as well as its state of charge (SOC). Finally, a case study of the WSN power consumption aims to analyze the acquisition mode and network data communication. With this analysis, it is possible make adjustments in node-sensors to reduce the total power consumption of the network.
Electrochemical technologies have been proposed as a promising alternative for the treatment of effluents and contaminated soils. Therefore, the objective of this work was to study the treatment of contaminated soils and wastewaters using electrochemical technologies. Thus, the study regarding the scale-up of the electrochemical system with continuous flow treatment of wastewater of the petrochemical industry was investigated using platinum electrodes supported on titanium (Ti / Pt), and boron-doped diamond (BDD). The results clearly showed that under the operating conditions studied and electrocatalytic materials employed, the better removal efficiency was achieved with BDD electrode reducing the chemical oxygen demand (COD) from 2746 mg L-1 to 200 mg L-1 in 5 h consuming 56.2 kWh m-3 . The decontamination of soils and effluents by petrochemical products was evaluated by studying the effects of electrokinetic remediation for removal of total petroleum hydrocarbons (HTP) from contaminated soil with diesel. The efficiency of this process was dependent on the electrolyte used Na2SO4 (96.46%), citric acid (81.36%) and NaOH (68.03%) for 15 days. Furthermore, the effluent after treatment of the soil was treated by electrochemical oxidation, achieving a good elimination of the organic polluting load dissolved. Depending on the physical behavior of wastewater contaminated with oil (emulsified state); atrazine emulsified effluents were investigated. The main characteristics of the effluent produced during the washing of contaminated soil were studied, being dependent on the surfactant dosage used; which determined its electrolytic treatment with BDD. The electrochemical oxidation of emulsified effluent of atrazine was efficient, but the key to the treatment is reducing the size of micelles.
A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of distributed devices in an area in order to monitor physical variables such as temperature, pressure, vibration, motion and environmental conditions in places where wired networks would be difficult or impractical to implement, for example, industrial applications of difficult access, monitoring and control of oil wells on-shore or off-shore, monitoring of large areas of agricultural and animal farming, among others. To be viable, a WSN should have important requirements such as low cost, low latency, and especially low power consumption. However, to ensure these requirements, these networks suffer from limited resources, and eventually being used in hostile environments, leading to high failure rates, such as segmented routing, mes sage loss, reducing efficiency, and compromising the entire network, inclusive. This work aims to present the FTE-LEACH, a fault tolerant and energy efficient routing protocol that maintains efficiency in communication and dissemination of data.This protocol was developed based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard and suitable for industrial networks with limited energy resources
Hexavalent chromium is a heavy metal present in various industrial effluents, and depending on its concentration may cause irreparable damage to the environment and to humans. Facing this surrounding context, this study aimed on the application of electrochemical methods to determine and remove the hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) in simulated wastewater. To determine was applied to cathodic stripping voltammetry (CSV) using ultra trace graphite electrodes ultra trace (work), Ag/AgCl (reference) and platinum (counter electrode), the samples were complexed with 1,5- diphenylcarbazide and then subjected to analysis. The removal of Cr6+ was applied electrocoagulation process (EC) using Fe and Al electrodes. The variables that constituted the factorial design 24, applied to optimizing the EC process, were: current density (5 and 10 mA.cm-2), temperature (25 and 60 ºC), concentration (50 and 100 ppm) and agitation rate (400 and 600 RPM). Through the preliminary test it was possible the adequacy of applying the CSV for determining of Cr6+, removed during the EC process. The Fe and Al electrodes as anodes sacrifice showed satisfactory results in the EC process, however Fe favored complete removal in 30 min, whereas with Al occurred at 240 min. In the application of factorial design 24 and analysis of Response Surface Methodology was possible to optimize the EC process for removal of Cr6+ in H2SO4 solution (0.5 mol.L-1), in which the temperature, with positive effect, was the variable that presented higher statistical significance compared with other variables and interactions, while in optimizing the EC process for removal of Cr6+ in NaCl solution (0.1 mol.L-1) the current density, with positive effect, and concentration, with a negative effect were the variables that had greater statistical significance with greater statistical significance compared with other variables and interactions. The utilization of electrolytes supports NaCl and Na2SO4 showed no significant differences, however NaCl resulted in rapid improvement in Cr6+ removal kinetics and increasing the NaCl concentration provided an increase in conductivity of the solution, resulting in lower energy consumption. The wear of the electrodes evaluated in all the process of EC showed that the Al in H2SO4 solution (0.5 mol.L-1), undergoes during the process of anodization CE, then the experimental mass loss is less than the theoretical mass loss, however, the Fe in the same medium showed a loss of mass greater experimental estimated theoretically. This fact is due to a spontaneous reaction of Fe with H2SO4, and when the reaction medium was the NaCl and Na2SO4 loss experimental mass approached the theoretical mass loss. Furthermore, it was observed the energy consumption of all processes involved in this study had a low operating cost, thus enabling the application of the EC process for treating industrial effluents. The results were satisfactory, it was achieved complete removal of Cr6+ in all processes used in this study.
Organic dyes have been widely used in various branches of dyeing industries. These compounds are known to be very toxic, mutagenic, cancinogenic only cause aesthetic pollution and irreversible damage to aquatic ecosystems and human health. Are recalcitrant contaminants due to its high stability and resistance to photobleaching and bio. Given this context, the search for technologies that can minimize the effects of such pollutants is required. In recent decades the Electrochemical Oxidation Process Advanced (PEOAs) based on the generation of strongly oxidizing species (radicals ●OH) offer promising approaches for the prevention of problems caused by industrial effluents. This study analyzed the degradation and mineralization of textile dyes and the study of a real effluent in order to assess the feasibility of PEOAs: Electro-Fenton (EF), Photo Electro-Fenton (PEF) and anodic oxidation (AO), and these methods still was studied the Solar Fotoelectro-Fenton (SPEF) in a pre-pilot plant, in order to study the electrochemical treatment on an industrial scale. In the study has compared the effect of PEOAs in the removal of color, TOC and decay kinetics of degradation of the compounds, and also for using the Congo Red (CR) SPEF studies were performed mineralization current efficiency (MCE). The best results are given to the treatment of the PEF for all the studied dyes. From the results it was possible to choose the PEF as the most effective and promising for application of treatment when compared to other methods of treatment, and prove from SPEF that the process can be used in industrial scales, since this method PEF has been improved and solar irradiation replaced the UVA lamp.
Organic dyes have been widely used in various branches of dyeing industries. These compounds are known to be very toxic, mutagenic, cancinogenic only cause aesthetic pollution and irreversible damage to aquatic ecosystems and human health. Are recalcitrant contaminants due to its high stability and resistance to photobleaching and bio. Given this context, the search for technologies that can minimize the effects of such pollutants is required. In recent decades the Electrochemical Oxidation Process Advanced (PEOAs) based on the generation of strongly oxidizing species (radicals ●OH) offer promising approaches for the prevention of problems caused by industrial effluents. This study analyzed the degradation and mineralization of textile dyes and the study of a real effluent in order to assess the feasibility of PEOAs: Electro-Fenton (EF), Photo Electro-Fenton (PEF) and anodic oxidation (AO), and these methods still was studied the Solar Fotoelectro-Fenton (SPEF) in a pre-pilot plant, in order to study the electrochemical treatment on an industrial scale. In the study has compared the effect of PEOAs in the removal of color, TOC and decay kinetics of degradation of the compounds, and also for using the Congo Red (CR) SPEF studies were performed mineralization current efficiency (MCE). The best results are given to the treatment of the PEF for all the studied dyes. From the results it was possible to choose the PEF as the most effective and promising for application of treatment when compared to other methods of treatment, and prove from SPEF that the process can be used in industrial scales, since this method PEF has been improved and solar irradiation replaced the UVA lamp.
Cryptography is the main form to obtain security in any network. Even in networks with great energy consumption restrictions, processing and memory limitations, as the Wireless Sensors Networks (WSN), this is no different. Aiming to improve the cryptography performance, security and the lifetime of these networks, we propose a new cryptographic algorithm developed through the Genetic Programming (GP) techniques. For the development of the cryptographic algorithm’s fitness criteria, established by the genetic GP, nine new cryptographic algorithms were tested: AES, Blowfish, DES, RC6, Skipjack, Twofish, T-DES, XTEA and XXTEA. Starting from these tests, fitness functions was build taking into account the execution time, occupied memory space, maximum deviation, irregular deviation and correlation coefficient. After obtaining the genetic GP, the CRYSEED and CRYSEED2 was created, algorithms for the 8-bits devices, optimized for WSNs, i.e., with low complexity, few memory consumption and good security for sensing and instrumentation applications.
Cryptography is the main form to obtain security in any network. Even in networks with great energy consumption restrictions, processing and memory limitations, as the Wireless Sensors Networks (WSN), this is no different. Aiming to improve the cryptography performance, security and the lifetime of these networks, we propose a new cryptographic algorithm developed through the Genetic Programming (GP) techniques. For the development of the cryptographic algorithm’s fitness criteria, established by the genetic GP, nine new cryptographic algorithms were tested: AES, Blowfish, DES, RC6, Skipjack, Twofish, T-DES, XTEA and XXTEA. Starting from these tests, fitness functions was build taking into account the execution time, occupied memory space, maximum deviation, irregular deviation and correlation coefficient. After obtaining the genetic GP, the CRYSEED and CRYSEED2 was created, algorithms for the 8-bits devices, optimized for WSNs, i.e., with low complexity, few memory consumption and good security for sensing and instrumentation applications.
Data variability analysis has been the focus of a number of studies seeking to capture differences of patterns generated by biological systems. Although several studies related to gait employ the analysis of variability in their observations, we noticed a lack of such information for subjects with unilateral coxarthrosis undergoing total hip arthroplasty (THA). To tackle this deficiency of information, we conducted a study of the gait on a treadmill with10 healthy subjects (30.7 ± 6.75 years old) from G1 and 24 subjects (65 ± 8.5 years old) with unilateral THA from G2. Thus, by means of two inertial measurement units (IMUs) positioned in the pelvis, we have developed a detection method of the step and stride for calculating these intervals and extract the signal characteristics. The variability analysis (coefficient of variation) was performed, taking into consideration the extracted features and the step and stride times. The average and the 95% confidence interval estimate for the average of the step and stride times to each group were in agreement with literature. The mean coefficient of variation for the step and stride times was calculated and compared among groups by the Kruskal-Wallis test with 95% confidence interval. Each component X, Y and Z of the two IMUs (accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope) corresponded to a variable. The resultants of each sensor, the linear velocity (accelerometers) and the instantaneous angular displacement (gyroscopes) completed the set of variables. The characteristics were extracted from the signals of these variables to check the variability in the G1 and G2 groups . There were significant differences (p <0.05) between G1 and G2 for the average of the step and stride times. The variability of the step and stride, as well as the variability of all other evaluated characteristics were higher for the group G2 (p <0.05). The method proposed in this study proved to be suitable for the measuring of variability of biomechanical parameters related to the extracted features. All the extracted features categorized the groups. The G2 group showed greater variability, so it is possible that the age and the pathological condition of the hip both contributed to this result.