953 resultados para Semiconductor field-effect transistors (mosfets)
En la actualidad, la gran cantidad de aplicaciones que surgen dentro del ámbito de la radiofrecuencia hacen que el desarrollo de dispositivos dentro de este campo sea constante. Estos dispositivos cada vez requieren mayor potencia para frecuencias de trabajo elevadas, lo que sugiere abrir vías de investigación sobre dispositivos de potencia que ofrezcan los resultados deseados para altas frecuencias de operación (GHz). Dentro de este ámbito, el objetivo principal de este proyecto es el de realizar un estudio sobre este tipo de dispositivos, siendo el transistor LDMOS el candidato elegido para tal efecto, debido a su buen comportamiento en frecuencia para tensiones elevadas de funcionamiento.
In a visceral leishmaniasis endemic locality of northeast of Brasil where all settlements were treated with cypermethrin, a follow-up of Lutzomyia longipalpis populations was carried out by regular collections. The residual effect of the insecticide was studied using biological assays on three different types of walls. The results showed that the insecticides had an effect on intradomiciliar Lu. longipalpis populations limited to two months, and had no significant effect on peridomiciliar vector populations. The mortality rates of the tested sandflies were variable according to the type of wall. The decreasing of the insecticide effect was marked since the 3rd month, and mortality rates were identical whatever the type of wall since the 4th month. Unsufficient residual effect was detected after the 4th month.
Résumé Malgré l'apparition de nouvelles techniques chirurgicales dites « sans tension », l'antalgie post-opératoire après cure de hernie inguinale reste un défi pour les anesthésiologistes. Récemment on a suggéré que l'addition de ketamine ou d'un anti-inflammatoire non-stéroïdien (AINS) à un anesthésique local pourrait améliorer et prolonger l'analgésie postopératoire. Le but de cette étude, à laquelle ont participé 36 patients ASA I-II, était d'évaluer si la coadministration de S(+) ketamine ou de ketorolac renforcerait les effets analgésiques de la bupivacaïne après cure ambulatoire de hernie inguinale sous anesthésie générale. L'analgésie a consisté en une infiltration de la plaie associé à un bloc inguinal avec soit 30 ml de bupivacaïne 0,5 % (n=12), soit 27 ml de bupivacaïne 0,5 % + 3 ml de S(+) ketamine (75 mg) (n=12), soit 28 ml de bupivacaïne 0,5 % + 2 ml de ketorolac (60 mg) (n=12). La prise orale d'antalgique en phase postopératoire était standardisée. L'intensité des douleurs a été évaluée au moyen d'une échelle visuelle analogique (EVA), d'un score verbal d'estimation et par algométrie de pression respectivement 2, 4, 6, 24 et 48 heures après l'intervention. Les trois groupes de patients ont présenté le score de douleur évalué par EVA le plus élevé à 24 heures, score significativement différent de ceux mesurés à 6 et 48 heures (P <0.05). A part une sensation de douleurs significativement moindre (score verbal d'estimation) dans le groupe ketorolac à 24 et 48 heures et seulement à 48 heures dans le groupe ketamine, il n'y avait aucune autre différence entre les groupes pour la durée de l'étude (48 heures) en ce qui concerne les scores de douleur, les seuils de douleur à la pression ou la prise postopératoire d'antalgiques « de secours ». En conclusion, l'addition de S(+) ketamine ou de ketorolac, n'améliore que marginalement l'effet analgésique de la bupivacaïne. Ceci peut-être mis en relation avec la technique de cure de hernie « sans tension » induisant un bas niveau de douleur postopératoire. Abstract Objective: The aim of the study was to assess whether coadministration of S(±) ketamine or ketorolac would enhance or prolong local analgesic effect of bupivacaine after inguinal hernia repair. Design: Prospective double-blind randomized study evaluating pain intensity after surgery under general anesthesia. Setting: Outpatient facilities of the University Hospital of Lausanne. Patient: Thirty-six ASA I-II outpatients scheduled for elective day-case inguinal herniorraphy. Intervention: Analgesia strategy consisted of a wound infiltration and an inguinal field block either with 30 mL bupivacairie (0.5%) or with the same volume of a mixture of 27 mL bupivacaine (0.5%) + 3 mL S(+) ketamine (75 mg) or a 28 mL bupivacaine (0.5%) + 2 ML ketorolac (60 mg). Postoperative analgesic regimen was standardized. Outcome Measures: Pain intensity was assessed with a Visual Analog Seale, a verbal rating score, and by pressure algometry 2, 4, 6, 24, and 48 hours after surgery. Results: The 3 groups of patients experienced the highest Visual Analog Scale pain score at 24 hours, which was different from those at 6 and 48 hours (P < 0.05). Apart from a significantly lower pain sensation (verbal rating score) in the ketorolac group at 24 and 48 hours and only at 48 hours with ketamine, there were no other differences in pain scores, pain pressure thresholds, or rescue analgesic consumption between groups throughout the 48-hour study period. Conclusion: The addition of S (+)-ketamine or ketorolac only minimally improves the analgesic effect of bupivacaine. This may be related to the tension-free hernia repair technique associated with low postoperative pain.
Selostus: Maan fosforitilan muutos pitkäaikaisessa kenttäkokeessa hietamaalla
A general asymptotic analysis of the Gunn effect in n-type GaAs under general boundary conditions for metal-semiconductor contacts is presented. Depending on the parameter values in the boundary condition of the injecting contact, different types of waves mediate the Gunn effect. The periodic current oscillation typical of the Gunn effect may be caused by moving charge-monopole accumulation or depletion layers, or by low- or high-field charge-dipole solitary waves. A new instability caused by multiple shedding of (low-field) dipole waves is found. In all cases the shape of the current oscillation is described in detail: we show the direct relationship between its major features (maxima, minima, plateaus, etc.) and several critical currents (which depend on the values of the contact parameters). Our results open the possibility of measuring contact parameters from the analysis of the shape of the current oscillation.
Within local-spin-density functional theory, we have investigated the ¿dissociation¿ of few-electron circular vertical semiconductor double quantum ring artificial molecules at zero magnetic field as a function of interring distance. In a first step, the molecules are constituted by two identical quantum rings. When the rings are quantum mechanically strongly coupled, the electronic states are substantially delocalized, and the addition energy spectra of the artificial molecule resemble those of a single quantum ring in the few-electron limit. When the rings are quantum mechanically weakly coupled, the electronic states in the molecule are substantially localized in one ring or the other, although the rings can be electrostatically coupled. The effect of a slight mismatch introduced in the molecules from nominally identical quantum wells, or from changes in the inner radius of the constituent rings, induces localization by offsetting the energy levels in the quantum rings. This plays a crucial role in the appearance of the addition spectra as a function of coupling strength particularly in the weak coupling limit.
A general asymptotic analysis of the Gunn effect in n-type GaAs under general boundary conditions for metal-semiconductor contacts is presented. Depending on the parameter values in the boundary condition of the injecting contact, different types of waves mediate the Gunn effect. The periodic current oscillation typical of the Gunn effect may be caused by moving charge-monopole accumulation or depletion layers, or by low- or high-field charge-dipole solitary waves. A new instability caused by multiple shedding of (low-field) dipole waves is found. In all cases the shape of the current oscillation is described in detail: we show the direct relationship between its major features (maxima, minima, plateaus, etc.) and several critical currents (which depend on the values of the contact parameters). Our results open the possibility of measuring contact parameters from the analysis of the shape of the current oscillation.
The recent observation of steps at regular intervals of magnetic field in the hysteresis loops of oriented crystals of the spin-10 molecular magnet Mn12O12(CH3COO)16(H2O)4 has been attributed to resonant tunneling between spin states. Here, we investigate the effect on the relaxation rate of applying the magnetic field at an angle with respect to the easy axis of magnetization. We find that the position of the resonances is independent of the transverse component of the field, and is determined solely by the longitudinal component. On the other hand, a transverse field significantly increases the relaxation rate, both on and off resonance. We discuss classical and quantum mechanical interpretations of this effect
The experiment was carried out on unsterilized field soil with low phosphorus availability with the objective of examining the effect of cultural practices on mycorrhizal colonization and growth of common bean. The treatments were: three pre-crops (maize, wheat and fallow) followed by three soil management practices ("ploughing", mulching and bare fallow without "ploughing" during the winter months). After the cultural practices, Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Canadian Wonder was grown in this soil. Fallowing and soil disturbance reduced natural soil infectivity. Mycorrhizal infection of the bean roots occurred more rapidly in the recently cropped soil than in the fallow soil. Prior cropping with a strongly mycorrhizal plant (maize) increased infectivity even further.
The thesis is devoted to a theoretical study of resonant tunneling phenomena in semiconductor heterostructures and nanostructures. It considers several problems relevant to modern solid state physics. Namely these are tunneling between 2D electron layers with spin-orbit interaction, tunnel injection into molecular solid material, resonant tunnel coupling of a bound state with continuum and resonant indirect exchange interaction mediated by a remote conducting channel. A manifestation of spin-orbit interaction in the tunneling between two 2D electron layers is considered. General expression is obtained for the tunneling current with account of Rashba and Dresselhaus types of spin-orbit interaction and elastic scattering. It is demonstrated that the tunneling conductance is very sensitive to relation between Rashba and Dresselhaus contributions and opens possibility to determine the spin-orbit interaction parameters and electron quantum lifetime in direct tunneling experiments with no external magnetic field applied. A microscopic mechanism of hole injection from metallic electrode into organic molecular solid (OMS) in high electric field is proposed for the case when the molecules ionization energy exceeds work function of the metal. It is shown that the main contribution to the injection current comes from direct isoenergetic transitions from localized states in OMS to empty states in the metal. Strong dependence of the injection current on applied voltage originates from variation of the number of empty states available in the metal rather than from distortion of the interface barrier. A theory of tunnel coupling between an impurity bound state and the 2D delocalized states in the quantum well (QW) is developed. The problem is formulated in terms of Anderson-Fano model as configuration interaction between the carrier bound state at the impurity and the continuum of delocalized states in the QW. An effect of this interaction on the interband optical transitions in the QW is analyzed. The results are discussed regarding the series of experiments on the GaAs structures with a -Mn layer. A new mechanism of ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductor heterosructures is considered, namely the resonant enhancement of indirect exchange interaction between paramagnetic centers via a spatially separated conducting channel. The underlying physical model is similar to the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction; however, an important difference relevant to the low-dimensional structures is a resonant hybridization of a bound state at the paramagnetic ion with the continuum of delocalized states in the conducting channel. An approach is developed, which unlike RKKY is not based on the perturbation theory and demonstrates that the resonant hybridization leads to a strong enhancement of the indirect exchange. This finding is discussed in the context of the known experimental data supporting the phenomenon.
High magnetic fields and extremely low temperatures are essential in the study of new semiconductor materials for example in the field of spintronics. Typical phenomenons that arise in such conditions are: Hall Effect, Anomalous Hall effect and Shubnikov de-Haas effect. In this thesis a device capable for such conditions was described. A strong magnetic field pulse generator situated in the laboratory of physics and the Lappeenranta University of Technology was studied. The device is introduced in three parts. First one is the pulsed field magnetic generator, which is responsible for generating the high magnetic field. Next one is the measurement systems, which are responsible for monitoring the sample and the system itself. The last part describes the cryostat system, which allows the extremely cold temperatures in the system.
The frequency and type of agonistic displays involved in male-male encounters should be significantly influenced by the presence of females. Discrete agonistic displays vary in energy expenditure and risk, and therefore should be dependent on available resources. The influence of live females and the scent of females, on the frequency of male agonistic displays was observed in a laboratory terrarium using the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. The effect of energy constraints on display frequency was also determined. Half the males were fed a diet high in protein and fet; the other males were fed a lower quality diet, for a 7-11 day period. The frequency of five individual displays and mating frequency were recorded using an Event Recorder and notebook. Each group of males was presented with three experimental conditions, over three days, involving the presence or absence of live females and female scent. The presence of females elicited an increase in all displays except antennation; female scent increased the frequency of antennations, mandible flares and grapples, but to a lesser extent than did live females. The frequency of grapples significantly increased for males fed the high quality diet; however diet did not influence the other displays. The combined influence of diet and condition was significant for mandible flare only. Mating frequency was not influenced by diet. However, the frequency ofthe displays were positively correlated with mating frequency for high quality fed males. Escalated displays involving high costs, such as grapple and mandible flare, increased in frequency when the benefits of winning contests were high in G.bimaculatus. Escalation to grapple behaviour was less evident for males fed the lower quality diet as this imposed energy constraints on high cost displays.