935 resultados para Schools of economics
Concern has been expressed in the professional literature - borne out by professional experience and observation - that the supply and demand relationship existing between the 13 English and Welsh Library and Information Studies (LIS) Schools (as providers of `First Professional' staff) and the Higher Education Library and Information Services (HE LIS) sector of England and Wales (as one group of employers of such staff) is unsatisfactory and needs attention. An appropriate methodology to investigate this problem was devised. A basic content analysis of Schools' curricular and recruitment material intended for public consumption was undertaken to establish an overview of the LIS initial professional education system in England and Wales, and to identify and analyse any covert messages imparted to readers. This was followed by a mix of Main Questionnaires and Semi-Structured Interviews with appropriate populations. The investigation revealed some serious areas of dissatisfaction by the HE LIS Chiefs with the role and function of the Schools. Considerable divergence of views emerged on the state of the working relationships between the two sectors and on the Schools' successes in meeting the needs of the HE LIS sector and on CPD provision. There were, however, areas of substantial and consistent agreement between the two sectors. The main implications of the findings were that those areas encompassing divergence of views were worrying and needed addressing by both sides. Possible ways forward included recommendations on improving the image of the profession purveyed by the Schools; the forming of closer and more effective inter-sectoral relationships; recognising fully the importance of `practicum' and increasing and sustaining the network of `practicum' providers.
Poster session - A review of the postgraduate training courses offered by the 15 schools of pharmacy within Britain was undertaken - The training currently on offer was compared with that offered by the same schools of pharmacy five years ago - It was found that although the numbers of training courses offered by the 15 schools had significantly increased, the orientation of the courses remained more or less as it was five years ago - The increases in the number of courses had not reflected the increased roles that pharmacists currently have and are hoping to undertake in the future - Any new training offered will need to reflect a wider “modernising and managing NHS organisations” agenda
The object of this paper is presenting the University of Economics – Varna, using a 3D model with 3Ds MAX. Created in 1920, May 14, University of Economics - Varna is a cultural institution with a place and style of its own. With the emergence of the three-dimensional modeling we entered a new stage of the evolution of computer graphics. The main target is to preserve the historical vision, to demonstrate forward-thinking and using of future-oriented approaches.
A közgazdaság-tudomány számos problémája a fizika analóg modelljeinek segítségével nyert megoldást. A közgazdászok körében erőteljesen megoszlanak a vélemények, hogy a közgazdasági modellek mennyire redukálhatók a fizika, vagy más természettudományok eredményeire. Vannak,akik pontosan ezzel magyarázzák,hogy a mai mainstream közgazdasági elmélet átalakult alkalmazott matematikává,ami a gazdasági kérdéseket csak a társadalom-tudományi vonatkozásaitól eltekintve képes vizsgálni. Mások, e tanulmányszerzője is, viszont úgy vélekednek, hogy a közgazdasági problémák egy része, ahol lehetőség van a mérésre, jól modellezhetők a természettudományok technikai arzenáljával. A másik része, amelyekben nem lehet mérni,s tipikusan ilyenek a társadalomtudományi kérdések, ott sokkal komplexebb technikákra lesz szükség. Etanulmány célkitűzése, hogy felvázolja a fizika legújabb, az irreverzibilis dinamika, a relativitáselmélet és a kvantummechanika sztochasztikus matematikai összefüggéseit, amelyekből a közgazdászok választhatnak egy-egy probléma megfogalmazásában és megoldásában. Például az időoperátorok pontos értelmezése jelentős fordulatot hozhat a makroökonómiai elméletekben; vagy az eddigi statikus egyensúlyi referencia pontokat felválthatják a dinamikus,időben változó sztochasztikus egyensúlyi referenciafüggvények, ami forradalmian új megvilágításba helyezhet számos társadalomtudományi, s főleg nemegyensúlyi közgazdasági kérdést.A termodinamika és a biológiai evolúció fogalmait és definícióit Paul A. Samuelson (1947) már adaptálta a közgazdaságtanban, viszont a kvantummechanika legújabb eredményeit, az időoperátorokat stb. nem érintette. E cikk azokat a legújabb fizikai, kémiai és biológiai matematikai összefüggéseket foglalja össze,amelyek hasznosak lehetnek a közgazdasági modellek komplexebb megfogalmazásához. ___________________ The aim of this paper is to out line the newest results of physics,i.e.,the stochastic mathematical relations of relativity theory and quantum mechanics as well as irreversible dynamics which can be applied for some economic problems.For example,the correct interpretation of time operators using for the macroeconomic theories may provide a serious improvement in approach to the reality.The stochastic dynamic equilibrium reference functions will take over the role of recent static equilibrium reference points,which may also reveal some nonequilibrium questions of macroeconomics.The concepts and definitions of thermodynamics and biological evolution have been adopted in economics by Paul A. Samuelson, but he did not concern the newest results of quantum mechanics, e.g., the time operators. Now we do it.In addition, following Samuelson,we show that von Neumann growth model cannot be explained as a peculiar extension of thermodynamic irreversibility.
Ebben a cikkben bemutatjuk az MTA KRTK KTI munkaerő-piaci előrejelző rendszerének nagy léptékű szerkezetét, a szerkezet kialakítása során követett főbb elveket. Ismertetjük a hazai gyakorlatban egyedülállóan összetett és széles körű adatrendszert, amelyen a becslést és az előrejelzést elvégeztük. Röviden kitérünk az ágazati GDP előrejelzésére, a modell keresleti és kínálati oldalának működésére, valamint a kereslet és kínálat közötti eltérések dinamikájának vizsgálatára. ______ The article presents the overall structure, and main principles followed in devising the structure, of the labour-market forecasting system developed by the Institute of Economics of the Research Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA KRTK KTI). The authors present the broad, comprehensive data system unprecedented in Hungarian practice, from which the estimate and forecast are made. The article diverges briefly onto the forecasting of branch GDP, the mode of operation of the supply and demand sides of the model, and examination of the dynamics of discrepancies between supply and demand.
A tanulmány az identitás-gazdaságtan megközelítését és az általa felvetett elméleti kérdéseket kívánja bemutatni. E tan kiinduló tétele George A. Akerlof és Rachel E. Kranton szerint az, hogy a közgazdaságtanban használt hasznosságfüggvénybe be kell emelni az emberek énképének és az ezzel kapcsolatos egyéni mérlegelésnek a szempontjait. Ezt az indokolja, hogy az emberek társadalmi csoportokhoz/kategóriákhoz tartoznak, amelyekhez normarendszer társul, azaz ha viselkedésükkel megsértik a normákat, akkor önképük sérül, és ezáltal csökken a hasznosságuk is. A tanulmányban bemutatjuk, hogy ez a szemlélet az embereket "túlszocializált" társadalmi szereplőkként mutatja be, akik kevéssé reflektálnak a helyzetükre. További kérdéseket vetnek fel az elmúlt években végzett szociálpszichológiai és viselkedés- gazdaságtani kísérletek, amelyek rámutatnak, hogy az identitás- gazdaságtani elmélet egyik alapját jelentő normák erősen függnek szituációs tényezőktől. _____ The paper introduces the approach of identity economics and the theoretical questions raised by its arguments. According to Akerlof and Kranton, individual identity and personal calculations in relation to this identity should be incorporated into the utility function applied in economics, so that people are placed in social categories that involve normative systems. In line with this, if their actions breach the social norms, this affects negatively their self-image, so in turn decreasing their utility. The paper argues that this approach presents humans as "overly socialized" social actors who do not reflect on their situation. Further questions could be raised by experiments in social psychology and behavioral economics conducted in recent years. The results highlight the fact that the norms which serve as the basis for the theory of identity economics depend strongly on the context and given situation.
This study assesses and describes the perception of clinical competency and the relationship to clinical practice of full-time nursing faculty in the associate degree nursing programs in the state of Florida. The study was developed around one major hypothesis and four research questions. The Hygiene-Motivators Theory proposed by Herzberg, Mausner, and Snyderman (1959) provided the conceptual framework to explain factors that would motivate a person to expand workload and maintain job satisfaction.^ Data were collected from the 244 faculty members teaching full-time at the 15 associate degree schools of nursing accredited by the National League for Nursing in the state of Florida. A total of 186 faculty (76%) responded and 175 (72%) cases were used for data analysis.^ Two instruments were modified and combined for the investigation. The instruments were the Faculty Perception of Practice Questionnaire (Parascenzo, 1983) and a three-part Attributes Deemed Necessary for Faculty to Proclaim Clinical Competency (Smith, 1991) scale. Computer analyses employing descriptive and inferential statistics were performed.^ The findings revealed that faculty were closely divided as to practice activities with more faculty nonpracticing than practicing. Factors identified as impediments to increased clinical practice were identified as teaching load and personal/family responsibilities that lead to a lack of time and lack of opportunity. Those faculty who practice did so as moonlighters in positions that would not require advanced training. Both the practicing and nonpracticing faculty reported a high level of satisfaction with their activities as a means of maintaining clinical practice. While both groups reported a high level of expertise, those practicing faculty perceived themselves to be more clinically competent on the attributes of knowledge, skills, and on the total attribute scale. It was further revealed that perception of competency declined with the length of time spent out of practice. There was no difference in the two groups on the attributes of values/attitude. ^
A history of specialties in economics since the late 1950s is constructed on the basis of a large corpus of documents from economics journals. The production of this history relies on a combination of algorithmic methods that avoid subjective assessments of the boundaries of specialties: bibliographic coupling, automated community detection in dynamic networks, and text mining. These methods uncover a structuring of economics around recognizable specialties with some significant changes over the period covered (1956–2014). Among our results, especially noteworthy are (1) the clear-cut existence of ten families of specialties, (2) the disappearance in the late 1970s of a specialty focused on general economic theory, (3) the dispersal of the econometrics-centered specialty in the early 1990s and the ensuing importance of specific econometric methods for the identity of many specialties since the 1990s, and (4) the low level of specialization of individual economists throughout the period in contrast to physicists as early as the late 1960s.
Student Digital Ambassadors for Digital Literacy at London School of Economics case study. Student Ambassadors for Digital Literacy (SADL) is a programme coordinated by Learning Technology and Innovation and LSE Library and open to LSE undergraduate students. It has been running since 2013, when it started as a pilot in two academic departments. LSE is a specialist social science institution, research led with a relatively small undergraduate population (approximately 4500 students). Students study across the social sciences in quantitative subjects such as economics, maths and statistics, and qualitative subjects such as social policy, international history and anthropology. The student population is highly international and LSE has an excellent rating for graduate employment. LSE Students Union offer support and promote SADL which aims to develop students digital literacies, but provides an opportunity to understand more about what their needs might be.
Education is one of the main industries in the world, which needs to focus more than other types of industries. As Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world” (www.brainyquote.com). Global economic recession era put serious pressure on private Higher Education Institutions (HEI), which resulted as decrease in the university spending`s budget. Therefore, HEI forced to develop more competitive ways to find new financial resources for rapid technological and organizational changes (Savsar, 2012). Students are the motive of being of Higher Education. The aim of this study is to implement İmportance-Satisfaction Analysis (IPA) matrix to evaluate the student`s satisfaction and assess importance of different attributes in terms of student`s perception. The students that participated in this study enrolled in the present academic year, 2015/2016, in the Economics and Administration Faculty-Qafqaz University. In order to perform study, survey method applied to collect the data and number of received valid questionnaire were 266. Questionnaire used to collect demographic information of students, identify importance given to each attribute and satisfaction degree of each attribute. Descriptive analysis used to identify profile of respondents, also find satisfaction and importance degree for each attributes. To evaluate differences between groups, built association between variables, find relation between variables and answering to the research hypothesis inferential analysis applied. Moreover, IPA matrix was been used to explore the attributes that needs improvement that perceived as attributes that are more important for the students. The result showed that generally students are satisfied with service quality offered by HEI-on sample of the Qafqaz University. In addition, research found that there are no differences in overall satisfaction and importance by department, gender, academic year and grade point average. IPA matrix highlighted the main attributes, which performs well, namely Academic Services and Teaching aspects, and in another hand needs to concentrate in Undergraduate program and External Relations. In addition, research found that loyalty of students is very low and there is a negative correlation between loyalty and satisfaction.
Cover title: Loan exhibition in aid of the Society of Decorative Art, 1878.
A history of specialties in economics since the late 1950s is constructed on the basis of a large corpus of documents from economics journals. The production of this history relies on a combination of algorithmic methods that avoid subjective assessments of the boundaries of specialties: bibliographic coupling, automated community detection in dynamic networks and text mining. these methods uncover a structuring of economics around recognizable specialties with some significant changes over the time-period covered (1956-2014). Among our results, especially noteworthy are (a) the clearcut existence of 10 families of specialties, (b) the disappearance in the late 1970s of a specialty focused on general economic theory, (c) the dispersal of the econometrics-centered specialty in the early 1990s and the ensuing importance of specific econometric methods for the identity of many specialties since the 1990s, (d) the low level of specialization of individual economists throughout the period in contrast to physicists as early as the late 1960s.
Education management in the schools of indigenous rural areas faces a number of difficulties to implement and comply with the guidelines and requirements of the laws related to budgetary management of resources allocated to Education or Administrative Boards. In addition to being located in scattered rural areas, far from the municipal heads and regional offices of the Ministry of Public Education, one of the main obstacles is that all regulations, laws and guidelines are written in Spanish, and there is people, in this indigenous rural communities, who do not speak, write, read or understand this language. This puts them at an enormous disadvantage, which has a direct impact on the indigenous children’s right to education.