986 resultados para Scalar field theory


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This article reviews recent theoretical developments in heavy-quarkonium physics from the point of view of effective-field theories of QCD. We discuss nonrelativistic QCD and concentrate on potential nonrelativistic QCD. The main goal will be to derive Schrödinger equations based on QCD that govern heavy-quarkonium physics in the weak- and strong-coupling regimes. Finally, the review discusses a selected set of applications, which include spectroscopy, inclusive decays, and electromagnetic threshold production.


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A semiclassical coupled-wave theory is developed for TE waves in one-dimensional periodic structures. The theory is used to calculate the bandwidths and reflection/transmission characteristics of such structures, as functions of the incident wave frequency. The results are in good agreement with exact numerical simulations for an arbitrary angle of incidence and for any achievable refractive index contrast on a period of the structure.


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We derive analytical expressions for the excitation energy of the isoscalar giant monopole and quadrupole resonances in finite nuclei, by using the scaling method and the extended ThomasFermi approach to relativistic mean-field theory. We study the ability of several nonlinear σω parameter sets of common use in reproducing the experimental data. For monopole oscillations the calculations agree better with experiment when the nuclear matter incompressibility of the relativistic interaction lies in the range 220260 MeV. The breathing-mode energies of the scaling method compare satisfactorily with those obtained in relativistic RPA and time-dependent mean-field calculations. For quadrupole oscillations, all the analyzed nonlinear parameter sets reproduce the empirical trends reasonably well.


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The integral representation of the electromagnetic two-form, defined on Minkowski space-time, is studied from a new point of view. The aim of the paper is to obtain an invariant criteria in order to define the radiative field. This criteria generalizes the well-known structureless charge case. We begin with the curvature two-form, because its field equations incorporate the motion of the sources. The gauge theory methods (connection one-forms) are not suited because their field equations do not incorporate the motion of the sources. We obtain an integral solution of the Maxwell equations in the case of a flow of charges in irrotational motion. This solution induces us to propose a new method of solving the problem of the nature of the retarded radiative field. This method is based on a projection tensor operator which, being local, is suited to being implemented on general relativity. We propose the field equations for the pair {electromagnetic field, projection tensor J. These field equations are an algebraic differential first-order system of oneforms, which verifies automatically the integrability conditions.


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We derive the back reaction on the gravitational field of a straight cosmic string during its formation due to the gravitational coupling of the string to quantum matter fields. A very simple model of string formation is considered. The gravitational field of the string is computed in the linear approximation. The vacuum expectation value of the stress tensor of a massless scalar quantum field coupled to the string gravitational field is computed to one loop order. Finally, the back-reaction effect is obtained by solving perturbatively the semiclassical Einsteins equations.


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A semiclassical cosmological model is considered which consists of a closed Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetime in the presence of a cosmological constant, which mimics the effect of an inflaton field, and a massless, non-conformally coupled quantum scalar field. We show that the back-reaction of the quantum field, which consists basically of a nonlocal term due to gravitational particle creation and a noise term induced by the quantum fluctuations of the field, are able to drive the cosmological scale factor over the barrier of the classical potential so that if the universe starts near a zero scale factor (initial singularity), it can make the transition to an exponentially expanding de Sitter phase. We compute the probability of this transition and it turns out to be comparable with the probability that the universe tunnels from ``nothing'' into an inflationary stage in quantum cosmology. This suggests that in the presence of matter fields the back-reaction on the spacetime should not be neglected in quantum cosmology.


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We develop a covariant quantum theory of fluctuations on vacuum domain walls and strings. The fluctuations are described by a scalar field defined on the classical world sheet of the defects. We consider the following cases: straight strings and planar walls in flat space, true vacuum bubbles nucleating in false vacuum, and strings and walls nucleating during inflation. The quantum state for the perturbations is constructed so that it respects the original symmetries of the classical solution. In particular, for the case of vacuum bubbles and nucleating strings and walls, the geometry of the world sheet is that of a lower-dimensional de Sitter space, and the problem reduces to the quantization of a scalar field of tachyonic mass in de Sitter space. In all cases, the root-mean-squared fluctuation is evaluated in detail, and the physical implications are briefly discussed.


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The issue of de Sitter invariance for a massless minimally coupled scalar field is examined. Formally, it is possible to construct a de Sitterinvariant state for this case provided that the zero mode of the field is quantized properly. Here we take the point of view that this state is physically acceptable, in the sense that physical observables can be computed and have a reasonable interpretation. In particular, we use this vacuum to derive a new result: that the squared difference between the field at two points along a geodesic observers spacetime path grows linearly with the observers proper time for a quantum state that does not break de Sitter invariance. Also, we use the Hadamard formalism to compute the renormalized expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor, both in the O(4)-invariant states introduced by Allen and Follaci, and in the de Sitterinvariant vacuum. We find that the vacuum energy density in the O(4)-invariant case is larger than in the de Sitterinvariant case.


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We use the method of Bogolubov transformations to compute the rate of pair production by an electric field in (1+1)-dimensional de Sitter space. The results are in agreement with those obtained previously using the instanton methods. This is true even when the size of the instanton is comparable to the size of the de Sitter horizon.


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The singularity in the Hawking-Turok model of open inflation has some appealing properties, such as the fact that its action is integrable. Also, if one thinks of the singularity as the boundary of spacetime, then the Gibbons-Hawking term is nonvanishing and finite. Here, we consider a model where the gravitational and scalar fields are coupled to a dynamical membrane. The singular instanton can then be obtained as the limit of a family of no-boundary solutions where both the geometry and the scalar field are regular. Using this procedure, the contribution of the singularity to the Euclidean action is just 1/3 of the Gibbons-Hawking term. Unrelated to this issue, we also point out that the singularity acts as a reflecting boundary for scalar perturbations and gravity waves. Therefore, the quantization of cosmological perturbations seems to be well posed in this background.


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It has been argued that a black hole horizon can support the long-range fields of a Nielsen-Olesen string and that one can think of such a vortex as black hole "hair." In this paper, we examine the properties of an Abelian Higgs vortex in the presence of a charged black hole as we allow the hole to approach extremality. Using both analytical and numerical techniques, we show that the magnetic field lines (as well as the scalar field) of the vortex are completely expelled from the black hole in the extreme limit. This was to be expected, since extreme black holes in Einstein-Maxwell theory are known to exhibit such a "Meissner effect" in general. This would seem to imply that a vortex does not want to be attached to an extreme black hole. We calculate the total energy of the vortex fields in the presence of an extreme black hole. When the hole is small relative to the size of the vortex, it is energetically favored for the hole to remain inside the vortex region, contrary to the intuition that the hole should be expelled. However, as we allow the extreme horizon radius to become very large compared to the radius of the vortex, we do find evidence of an instability. This proves that it is energetically unfavorable for a thin vortex to interact with a large extreme black hole. This would seem to dispel the notion that a black hole can support "long" Abelian Higgs hair in the extreme limit. We show that these considerations do not go through in the near-extreme limit. Finally, we discuss the implications for strings that end at black holes, as in the processes where a string snaps by nucleating black holes.


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It is well known that radiative corrections evaluated in nontrivial backgrounds lead to effective dispersion relations which are not Lorentz invariant. Since gravitational interactions increase with energy, gravity-induced radiative corrections could be relevant for the trans-Planckian problem. As a first step to explore this possibility, we compute the one-loop radiative corrections to the self-energy of a scalar particle propagating in a thermal bath of gravitons in Minkowski spacetime. We obtain terms which originate from the thermal bath and which indeed break the Lorentz invariance that possessed the propagator in the vacuum. Rather unexpectedly, however, the terms which break Lorentz invariance vanish in the high three-momentum limit. We also found that the imaginary part, which gives the rate of approach to thermal equilibrium, vanishes at one loop.


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In inflationary cosmological models driven by an inflaton field the origin of the primordial inhomogeneities which are responsible for large-scale structure formation are the quantum fluctuations of the inflaton field. These are usually calculated using the standard theory of cosmological perturbations, where both the gravitational and the inflaton fields are linearly perturbed and quantized. The correlation functions for the primordial metric fluctuations and their power spectrum are then computed. Here we introduce an alternative procedure for calculating the metric correlations based on the Einstein-Langevin equation which emerges in the framework of stochastic semiclassical gravity. We show that the correlation functions for the metric perturbations that follow from the Einstein-Langevin formalism coincide with those obtained with the usual quantization procedures when the scalar field perturbations are linearized. This method is explicitly applied to a simple model of chaotic inflation consisting of a Robertson-Walker background, which undergoes a quasi-de Sitter expansion, minimally coupled to a free massive quantum scalar field. The technique based on the Einstein-Langevin equation can, however, deal naturally with the perturbations of the scalar field even beyond the linear approximation, as is actually required in inflationary models which are not driven by an inflaton field, such as Starobinsky¿s trace-anomaly driven inflation or when calculating corrections due to nonlinear quantum effects in the usual inflaton driven models.


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A spatially flat Robertson-Walker spacetime driven by a cosmological constant is nonconformally coupled to a massless scalar field. The equations of semiclassical gravity are explicitly solved for this case, and a self-consistent de Sitter solution associated with the Bunch-Davies vacuum state is found (the effect of the quantum field is to shift slightly the effective cosmological constant). Furthermore, it is shown that the corrected de Sitter spacetime is stable under spatially isotropic perturbations of the metric and the quantum state. These results are independent of the free renormalization parameters.


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We consider the coupling of quantum massless and massive scalar particles with exact gravitational plane waves. The cross section for scattering of the quantum particles by the waves is shown to coincide with the classical cross section for scattering of geodesics. The expectation value of the scalar field stress tensor between scattering states diverges at the points where classical test particles focus after colliding with the wave. This indicates that back-reaction effects cannot be ignored for plane waves propagating in the presence of quantum particles and that classical singularities are likely to develop.