810 resultados para Saude - Planejamento municipal - Paraná


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Este trabalho trata da requalificação urbana da orla fluvial da cidade de Panorama – SP, com a proposta de implantação de um parque à beira rio, proporcionando uma ampla área de lazer e permanência à população, bem como uma área compensatória de reflorestamento da mata ciliar. Para que esta proposta fosse adequada foi realizado um estudo urbano da cidade, que culminou na necessidade de analisar a Planta Urbana da cidade realizada pelo arquiteto urbanista Prestes Maia. Diante das características históricas, econômicas e culturais da cidade constatou-se a real necessidade de um de uma área de lazer associada à orla do rio Paraná, porem de características diferentes das oferecidas pelo Balneário Municipal. Esta área foi assim diagnosticada, como um parque público aberto à população e que oferecesse serviços de recreação, esportes, lazer e náuticos, como um depósito e atracadouro de barcos. O parque à beira rio surge por fim, sanando necessidades da população e realizando resgates históricos a muito esquecidos


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A city is a place, is a housing, is the birthing place of economics. A city is made of routes, is made of people, by people and must also be structured for people. However, with the consolidation of a neoliberal economic system where ownership and economic generation prevail over the citizen's rights and the needs of those who have less, the city becomes a space of buying, exchange and increasingly commercial. The city of São Paulo is part of this context and is the result of the transformation process driven by real estate speculation, and the presented study area, the surroundings of the Municipal Market of São Paulo, is a new area in transformation. This work has the goal to bring a historical perspective and current status of the locality, with their revitalization projects, landscape changes and changes in housing, audience and resident citizens


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The urban arborization planning must consider technical criteria, to avoid future conflicts between trees and the urban space, and sociocultural criteria, to satisfy the local population necessities. Considering this principle, the present work proposes an arborization plan for a pilot area enclosing three of the principal streets from Alvinopolis District, county of Atibaia – SP. In order to tackle this objective, requests of tree removal were analyzed to get a panorama of how the subject takes place in the county. After that, promising sites for tree planting were selected in the enclosing area, and urban arborization of the three (3) main streets were retake, proposing necessary substitutions. Finally, 238 residents all over Alvinopolis County have been interviewed, with the objective of appraising their subject sense and focus on environmental education. Then three maps were made: the first one representing characteristics that influence in arborization, the second representing the present arborization and the nine (9) necessary substitutions, and the third representing the plan for the arborization of the pilot area. From the interviewed people, 79% shown themselves favorable to urban arborization, otherwise it does not discard the necessity to inform population about adequate species, county laws and adequate handling of trees.


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In Brazil, rates of urban solid waste generation increase proportionally more than the annual growing of the population. The government, from its federal authority to the municipal spheres, faces increasing challenges for Urban and Environmental management regarding to solid waste in general and, in particular, municipal solid waste. Financial problems added to public health problems that worsen with the serious environmental impacts generated every year. In August 2010 Brazil the PNRS (National Policy on Solid Waste) was approved and sanctioned in which represented a true watershed in the country as a legal framework extremely ambitious and visionary. This work presents the successes and challenges that the municipality of Sorocaba/SP is facing after more than three years of PNRS sanctioned to conduct an Urban and Environmental management suited to the new legal bases towards the subject of solid waste. The results show a large gap between the content proposed by the law and the technical, financial and temporal reality to practical implementation by the municipal government. New legislation and federal incentives, consortiums among the cities, flexible deadlines and environmental education at all levels are certainly some proposals to catalyze processes that aim to solve and overcome the challenges of solid waste


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A memória de uma cidade está intimamente ligada aos edifícios e as intervenções urbanas que fizeram parte de sua história, principalmente no que diz respeito a espaços e estabelecimentos públicos, como o antigo Mercado Municipal de Tupã, SP que, juntamente com a igreja matriz de São Pedro, o Museu Histórico e Pedagógico Índia Vanuíre, o Solar Luiz de Souza Leão (antiga casa do fundador da cidade), a escola Bartíra e a linha férrea formam o eixo histórico da cidade. Tendo o antigo Mercado Municipal como objeto de trabalho, pretende-se propor a requalificação do local, transformando-o em um Centro de Educação e Artes com espaço para exposições permanentes e temporárias, onde a população possa interagir e participar das atividades do local. O resgate da memória delimitada pelo eixo histórico e a preservação das características dessa área também serão estudados servindo como fundamentação e ligação entre o projeto proposto e o espaço analisado


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The use of trails in protected areas allows a closer relationship with the elements of nature and the realization of dynamic activities of environmental education. Through these, individuals, school groups or other affinity groups can uncover the environment, to know him better and act with greater consistency in its conservation. The idea of settleling an interpretative trail in the Parque Natural Municipal Petronilla Markowicz (PNMPM), located 05 km from the center of Bragança Paulista (SP), comes up with the need for planning to use the tracks of the Unit for Environmental Education. It is therefore in the context of interpreting the environments of tracks with minimal environmental impact that this study sought to survey all the tracks PNMPM for future deployment of an interpretative trail seeking the quality of environmental experience and easy use by visitors.


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This study aims to identify the environmental and social elements that should underpin the creation of a Municipal Natural Park in accordance with Law 9985/2000, establishing the SISTEMA NACIONAL DE UNIDADES DE CONSERVAÇÃO ( SNUC ) . The northeast sector of the city of Rio Claro - SP , envolving, among others , the neighborhood Mãe Preta, the most significant of the site is consolidated as an area of significant environmental value for the consolidation of a conservation area . The proposed establishment of this unit has been discussed since the beginning of this year by Secretaria Municipal de Planejamento, Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente de Rio Claro- SP (SEPLADEMA ) and meets the Municipal Director Plan that provides for the establishment of several protected areas in the City . The study area suffers severe pressure due to peripheral urbanization and characterized environmental fragility according to numerous studies by researchers at UNESP, Rio Claro - SP and research in situ. Stand out in soils susceptible to sheet erosion area, the presence of a large proportion of gully area subject to flooding and significant breeding capitation water for public supply


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This work, presented in order to obtain the environmental engeneer title, is to raise the current status of environmental conditions in the watershed of the stream of Olga and thus contribute to environmental planning for the recovery, conservation and preservation. To this end, we conducted literature surveys and survey of the characteristics of the watershed, analysis of water fron stream of Olga and making use of remote sensingand of the soil, environmental fragiityand spatialization of APPs in order to carry out further research on the environmental conditions of the basin, as well as inferences about possible causes of degradation of watershed.Most of the basin of the stream Olga had a high environmental fargility and the main problem was the lack of riparian vegetation is also considered the cause of environmental problems of the watershed.The results will be available to municipal governments in order to contribute to their planning and management of UGRHI the teh watershed pertence


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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"This paper aims to examine three regional development plans proposed for the region of the valleys of rivers Tietê and Paraná: Rail Project (ISCO, 1994), the Development Plan (CESP, 1996) and Máster Plan (ADTP, 1996). The interest in conducting the study relies on the possibility that it may contribute to the debate on the reshaping of public policy and style necessary to establish a new pattern of regional development in the country"