977 resultados para Sanz del Rio, Julián, 1814-1869.
All’interno del Parco Naturale Paneveggio – Pale di S. Martino, si trova, ad un’altitudine di 1989 m s.l.m., il Passo Rolle, nelle cui vicinanze nasce il torrente Cismon. In questo elaborato viene discussa la geologia a grande scala dell’area di Passo Rolle, esaminata attraverso un rilevamento geologico che ha permesso la suddivisione della Formazione di Werfen in nove Membri. Oltre ad essi, la geologia dell’areale comprende anche due Unità litologicamente molto diverse dal Werfen, ovvero il Piastrone Porfirico Atesino, composto da porfidi, e le arenarie di Val Gardena. Ogni Membro ha infatti caratteristiche distinguibili dagli altri, non solo dal punto di vista litologico, ma anche morfologico e fossilifero. Dal punto di vista sismotettonico, quest’area è particolarmente complessa, in quanto la sua evoluzione comincia nel Permiano Inferiore con la messa in posto delle vulcaniti, per poi terminare nel Neogene, quando si formò il sovrascorrimento della Valsugana. L’areale rilevato corrisponde alla zona 1, che si trova a Nord-Ovest del Passo Rolle e comprende Malga Juribello, parte del Rio Juribello e del Bosco di Costoncella. In base alla colonna stratigrafica, sono affioranti i porfidi, le arenarie e il Werfen Inferiore; significativi sono anche i depositi glaciali e di versante. I dati delle giaciture sono stati suddivisi in due campioni e ognuno è stato inserito all’interno di due stereonet. Tra i due set è stata trovata una correlazione sia per l’immersione sia per l’inclinazione. Sono poi stati trascritti in tabella i dati più significativi. L’approfondimento tematico, dopo un inquadramento generale relativo al clima della Provincia Autonoma di Trento, prende in esame con particolare attenzione le precipitazioni e l’idrogeologia del territorio. Attraverso una ricerca realizzata consultando un database regionale, vengono infine forniti dati sulle sorgenti presenti nell’areale di rilevamento e nelle aree limitrofe alla zona 1.
A better understanding of a species` reproductive physiology can help conservation programs to manage primates in the wild and develop assisted reproductive technologies in captivity. We investigated whether measurements of fecal progestin and estrogen metabolites obtained by a radioimmunoassay could be used to monitor the ovarian cycle of Alouatta caraya. We also compared the occurrence of vaginal bleeding with the hormone profiles. We collected fecal samples from 3 adult and 1 subadult captive female over 5 mo and performed vaginal cytology for the adults. The interval between fecal progestin surges in the adult females was 19.11 +/- 2.14 d (n = 18 cycles). Fecal progestin concentrations remained at basal values for 9.83 +/- 2.21 d (n = 18) and rose to elevated values for 9.47 +/- 0.72 d (n = 19). The subadult female showed basal levels of fecal estrogen and progestin concentrations throughout the study, suggesting that our hormone measurements are valid to monitor the ovarian cycle. Bleeding periods coincided with basal levels of fecal estrogens and progestin at intervals of 19.8 +/- 0.9 d and lasted for 4.1 +/- 1.0 d. Although we obtained these data from only 3 individuals, the results indicate that this species likely has a menstrual-type ovarian cycle. These data provide the first endocrine profile for the Alouatta caraya ovarian cycle and are similar to results obtained for other howler species. This similarity is important for comparative studies of howlers, allowing for a better understanding of their reproductive physiology and contributing to a critical information base for managing Alouatta species.
Temos assistido, especialmente ao longo dos últimos dois anos,a um progressivo aumento da utilização das redes sociais por parte da Presidência da República Portuguesa, com destaque para o Facebook. Tal repete a tendência registada a nível mundial, com especial destaque para os EUA e para o seu actual presidente, Barack Obama. No caso português, a Presidência da República, órgão de soberania liderado pelo Prof. Cavaco Silva,é um dos mais activos nesta frente, procurando utilizar as redes sociais como um barómetro sobre a forma como os portugueses sentem a democracia e o estado da nação.
This study evaluates the dosimetric impact caused by an air cavity located at 2 mm depth from the top surface in a PMMA phantom irradiated by electron beams produced by a Siemens Primus linear accelerator. A systematic evaluation of the effect related to the cavity area and thickness as well as to the electron beam energy was performed by using Monte Carlo simulations (EGSnrc code), Pencil Beam algorithm and Gafchromic EBT2 films. A home-PMMA phantom with the same geometry as the simulated one was specifically constructed for the measurements. Our results indicate that the presence of the cavity causes an increase (up to 70%) of the dose maximum value as well as a shift forward of the position of the depthedose curve, compared to the homogeneous one. Pronounced dose discontinuities in the regions close to the lateral cavity edges are observed. The shape and magnitude of these discontinuities change with the dimension of the cavity. It is also found that the cavity effect is more pronounced (6%) for the 12 MeV electron beam and the presence of cavities with large thickness and small area introduces more significant variations (up to 70%) on the depthedose curves. Overall, the Gafchromic EBT2 film measurements were found in agreement within 3% with Monte Carlo calculations and predict well the fine details of the dosimetric change near the cavity interface. The Pencil Beam calculations underestimate the dose up to 40% compared to Monte Carlo simulations; in particular for the largest cavity thickness (2.8 cm).
Anthelmintics used for intestinal helminthiasis treatment are generally effective; however, their effectiveness in tissue parasitosis (i.e. visceral toxocariasis) is moderate. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitroactivity of lapachol, β-lapachone and phenazines in relation to the viability of Toxocara canis larvae. A concentration of 2 mg/mL (in duplicate) of the compounds was tested using microculture plates containing Toxocara canis larvae in an RPMI-1640 environment, incubated at 37 °C in 5% CO2 tension for 48 hours. In the 2 mg/mL concentration, four phenazines, lapachol and three of its derivatives presented a larvicide/larvistatic activity of 100%. Then, the minimum larvicide/larvistatic concentration (MLC) test was conducted. The compounds that presented the best results were nor-lapachol (MLC, 1 mg/mL), lapachol (MLC 0.5 mg/mL), β-lapachone, and β-C-allyl-lawsone (MLC, 0.25 mg/mL). The larvae exposed to the compounds, at best MLC with 100% in vitro activity larvicide, were inoculated into healthy BALB/c mice and were not capable of causing infection, confirming the larvicide potential in vitro of these compounds.
En 1984 se inició un estudio a largo plazo sobre el crecimento, reproduxxión y dinâmica poblacional del camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia) en Sahua cocha, Rio Ucayali, Perú. El presente artículo describe la biologia floral de la especie y reporta dos años de datos de la producción de frutos. Las flores de M. dubia son hermafroditas pero muestran protógino durante antésis que ayuda a evitar la autofecundación. Los polinizadores mas importantes son dos especies de abejas (Melipona y Trigona). La producción de frutos fue altamente relacionada com el tamaño del individuo ambos em 1984 (r2 = 0.97) y 1985 (r2= 0.99). Se calcula que las poblaciones naturales de la especie producen entre 9.5 y 12.7 toneladas de fruto/ha/año segun las crecientes del Rio Ucayali.
OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre tratamentos psicológicos oferecidos para usuários de crack. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática por meio de uma busca na literatura internacional e nacional, indexada nas bases de dados Medline, SciELO, Lilacs e Web of Science. Os descritores utilizados foram: crack or crack cocaine or cocaine smokers (crack) and psychosocial treatment or psycotherapy or psychosocial treatment (tratamento psicológico) e a busca incluiu artigos publicados no período de 2001 a 2011. RESULTADOS: No total foram encontrados 155 artigos por meio dos descritores utilizados. Os artigos foram agrupados em três dimensões: tratamentos psicossociais na internação e cuidados continuados, relaxamento respiratório e outras técnicas comportamentais e abordagens fundamentadas na Entrevista Motivacional, Cognitivo-Comportamental e Modelo Transteórico de Mudança. CONCLUSÃO: Com base nos estudos examinados, pode ser formulado um elenco de algumas intervenções que estão sendo estudadas para o tratamento de usuários de crack e algumas apresentam resultados satisfatórios. Os poucos esforços de comparação entre técnicas resultaram em evidências de pouca ou nenhuma diferença, ainda que se registre o benefício para os usuários na aplicação de qualquer delas. Não existe consenso acerca da efetividade no tratamento de usuários de crack. Parece oportuno e necessário o aprofundamento dos estudos nesse campo.
Después de un recorrido por la historia de los Juegos Olímpicos, el documento analiza el papel de la mujer en los Juegos de Sydney 2000 y Atenas 2004 , y elabora una serie de retos para los futuros Juegos de Beijing 2008. Este trabajo fue presentado por la autora en la Academia Olímpica Española, en la convocatoria 2005.
We sought to provide a contemporary picture of the presentation, etiology, and outcome of infective endocarditis (IE) in a large patient cohort from multiple locations worldwide. Prospective cohort study of 2781 adults with definite IE who were admitted to 58 hospitals in 25 countries from June 1, 2000, through September 1, 2005. The median age of the cohort was 57.9 (interquartile range, 43.2-71.8) years, and 72.1% had native valve IE. Most patients (77.0%) presented early in the disease (<30 days) with few of the classic clinical hallmarks of IE. Recent health care exposure was found in one-quarter of patients. Staphylococcus aureus was the most common pathogen (31.2%). The mitral (41.1%) and aortic (37.6%) valves were infected most commonly. The following complications were common: stroke (16.9%), embolization other than stroke (22.6%), heart failure (32.3%), and intracardiac abscess (14.4%). Surgical therapy was common (48.2%), and in-hospital mortality remained high (17.7%). Prosthetic valve involvement (odds ratio, 1.47; 95% confidence interval, 1.13-1.90), increasing age (1.30; 1.17-1.46 per 10-year interval), pulmonary edema (1.79; 1.39-2.30), S aureus infection (1.54; 1.14-2.08), coagulase-negative staphylococcal infection (1.50; 1.07-2.10), mitral valve vegetation (1.34; 1.06-1.68), and paravalvular complications (2.25; 1.64-3.09) were associated with an increased risk of in-hospital death, whereas viridans streptococcal infection (0.52; 0.33-0.81) and surgery (0.61; 0.44-0.83) were associated with a decreased risk. In the early 21st century, IE is more often an acute disease, characterized by a high rate of S aureus infection. Mortality remains relatively high.
Por medio de este estudio se pretende describir la evolución cronológica (1987, 1992, 1997 y 2002) que ha tenido el uso del suelo, en toda el área que comprende la Cuenca del rio Tordera, localizada en Catalunya, entre las provincias de Barcelona y Girona. Dentro de la cuenca se encuentra el rio Tordera, que tiene al norte como zona de inicio principal al Parque Natural Montseny, pero que también recibe aportes desde Arbúcies y Santa Coloma de Farners, y desemboca en el delta de la Tordera ubicado entre Blanes y Malgrat de Mar. El análisis se enfoca en toda el área de la Cuenca, tratando de describir la dinámica en los usos de suelo y paisajes, además de como ha sido esta durante los periodos estudiados, considerando un poco a las posibles consecuencias y causas de los cambios. Esto gracias a la información extraída de mapas de uso de suelo de los años 1987,1992, 1997 y 2002, aunado también a la consulta de bibliografía que aporte mejores bases a la información. La amplitud e influencia de este cuenca, hacen que sea una zona de gran importancia, no solo por los servicios ambientales que ofrece a los ecosistemas de la zona, sino también desde un punto social, ya que favorece diferentes actividades económicas, que van desde las primarias hasta el sector de servicios, sin dejar de lado al sector industrial y a la construcción. Las razones por las cuales resulta interesante un estudio de este tipo, derivan de la necesidad, de conocer las transformaciones que ha sufrido la cuenca, en sus usos de suelo, ya sea por causas naturales ó también debido a la presión sufrida por actividades antropicas, que la han llevado a una diversifican de usos y sistemas ecológicos y sociales, etc. Lo cual tiene impactos no solo desde un punto de vista paisajístico sino que altera, la dinámica ecológica que se ha mantenido desde épocas muy remotas, generando variaciones en la ecología del paisaje, que deseamos expresar en este estudio.
The variation of abundances of intermediate snail hosts of Fasciola hepatica in Cuba (Fossaria cubensis and Pseudosuccinea columella) was studied during one year under natural conditions at five sampling sites in San Juan y Martinez municipality, Pinar del Rio province, Cuba. The effect of some environmental variables on the lymnaeid abundances was also studied. A canonical correspondence analysis showed that both species do not generally occur together in the same habitat and that most factors affect them in an opposite fashion, although both of them correlate positively through time to the diversity of the habitats. F. cubensis prefers the sites that are in or closer to the city whereas P. columella is more abundant in rural sites. Lymnaeid abundances are mainly affected by nitrite and nitrate concentrations as well as by the abundance of the thiarid Tarebia granifera. F. cubensis is more abundant in polluted habitats with low densities (or absence) of T. granifera whereas P. columella prefers cleaner habitats and can coexist with the thiarid, even at its higher densities. The implications of divergent preferences of the two lymnaeids for the control of fasciolosis are discussed.
Estudi seriós sobre les interfícies gràfiques destinades al sector industrial. En aquest sentit, s'analitza el perfil d'usuari o usuaris més freqüent en aquest sector (les seves característiques i les seves necessitats), es presenten i es descriuen diverses pautes de disseny i diversos elements gràfics que compleixen una sèrie de requisits predefinits, es procedeix a fer un muntatge d'exemple presentant una sèrie de pantalles (se n'explica i justifica el funcionament) i, per acabar, es proposa un mètode per a fer la validació del disseny, mètode que pot comportar modificacions sobre el disseny inicial.
BACKGROUND: Tumor necrosis factor/tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily members conform a group of molecular interaction pathways of essential relevance during the process of T-cell activation and differentiation toward effector cells and particularly for the maintenance phase of the immune response. Specific blockade of these interacting pathways, such as CD40-CD40L, contributes to modulate the deleterious outcome of allogeneic immune responses. We postulated that antagonizing the interaction of LIGHT expression on activated T cells with its receptors, herpesvirus entry mediator and lymphotoxin β receptor, may decrease T cell-mediated allogeneic responses. METHODS: A flow cytometry competition assay was designed to identify anti-LIGHT monoclonal antibodies capable to prevent the interaction of mouse LIGHT with its receptors expressed on transfected cells. An antibody with the desired specificity was evaluated in a short-term in vivo allogeneic cytotoxic assay and tested for its ability to detect endogenous mouse LIGHT. RESULTS: We provide evidence for the first time that in mice, as previously described in humans, LIGHT protein is rapidly and transiently expressed after T-cell activation, and this expression was stronger on CD8 T cells than on CD4 T cells. Two anti-LIGHT antibodies prevented interactions of mouse LIGHT with its two known receptors, herpesvirus entry mediator and lymphotoxin β receptor. In vivo administration of anti-LIGHT antibody (clone 10F12) ameliorated host antidonor short-term cytotoxic response in wild type B6 mice, although to a lesser extent than that observed in LIGHT-deficient mice. CONCLUSION: The therapeutic targeting of LIGHT may contribute to achieve a better control of cytotoxic responses refractory to current immunosuppressive drugs in transplantation.