953 resultados para Santa Clara del Atuel (Complejo turístico)
Éste estudio describe la dinámica del sistema complejo emergente de la salud pública ambiental y su aplicación en el distrito capital, mediante la medición, ajuste, análisis y comparación de actividades y resultados en salud, obtenidos por el componente territorios ambientalmente saludables, en el área de mortalidad infantil asociada a EDA, IRA y neumonía, del proyecto Salud para el Buen Vivir ejecutado en el año 2013. De igual manera realiza aportes, mediante los cuales se proponen alternativas de solución que, por medio de la focalización poblacional, buscan superar las restricciones del sistema en pro del mejoramiento y el avance en la utilización de los recursos públicos de la salud ambiental.
Our aim was to determine the normative reference values of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and to establish the proportion of subjects with low CRF suggestive of future cardio-metabolic risk.
El objetivo general de esta monografía es explicar cómo se ha desarrollado la participación política de las Fuerzas Militares en la democracia colombiana; lo cual permitirá tener una visión clara del problema, y entender el cómo y el porqué de esta participación. La pregunta de investigación, guía de esta monografía, es la siguiente: ¿cómo se ha desarrollado la participación política de las Fuerzas Militares en la democracia colombiana?. A partir de esta pregunta se planteó la siguiente hipótesis: las Fuerzas Militares han participado dentro de la política colombiana, ya sea por medio de la formulación de la política de seguridad y defensa nacional o por las opiniones y actuaciones de los altos mandos militares, lo cual ha convertido a la institución en uno de los actores más importantes dentro de la democracia nacional. A su vez, se estableció cómo se llevan a cabo las relaciones entre las Fuerzas Militares y el Estado, en qué situaciones las Fuerzas Militares han recibido funciones constitucionales que no les corresponden y, qué tipo de actores y factores han motivado a las Fuerzas Militares a participar en política.
The aim was to verify if the fungigation via drip irrigation is an alternative to the conventional method of spraying on tomato for controlling early blight. Tomato plants (variety Santa Clara) were grown in pots inside a greenhouse. Fifty days after transplanting, the plants were inoculated with Alternaria solani and treated with four different fungicides: azoxystrobin (8 g 100 L(-1)), difeconazole (50 mL 100 L(-1)), metiram+piraclostrobin (200 g 100 L(-1)) and tebuconazole (100 mL 100 L(-1)) using two applications methods: conventional spraying and fiingigation dripping. The control plants did not receive fungicide application. To assess the severity of the disease, we used a rating scale expressed as the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) and production factors, such as number, weight and average diameter of the fruit and its productivity. The experimental design was completely randomized in factorial scheme 4 x 2 + 1 with eight replicates. Each plot had one plant in one pot. A 27% reduction in disease severity was observed when compared with the control plants, with no significant difference noted regarding the application method. The number of fruits did not statistically differ between the treatments. The average weight and diameter of the fruits were superior in the plants that had fungicide application compared to the control plant, reflecting an increase in productivity. Fungigation through water dripping is an alternative to the conventional method of spraying cultured tomatoes.
Foi avaliada a qualidade dos frutos de 29 acessos de tomateiro do Banco de Germoplasma de Hortaliças (BGH-UFV) e de três cultivares comerciais, Santa Clara, Débora Plus e Fanny. As variáveis avaliadas foram: sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez titulável (AT), pH e relação SS/AT. Foi observada, para os acessos, variação significativa das características avaliadas, com exceção do pH. Os acessos BGH700, BGH2000, BGH2008, BGH2013, BGH2014 e BGH2017 destacaram-se no que se refere ao teor de SS, tendo estes sido superiores em 4,2 ºBrix aos dos cultivares comerciais. Com relação à acidez titulável, os acessos BGH2013, BGH2019, BGH2020 e BGH2033 apresentaram os maiores valores, com acidez acima de 0,57%. Os cultivares comerciais foram alocados no grupo de menor acidez, com valores inferiores a 0,46%. Para a relação SS/AT, destacaram-se os acessos BGH700, BGH2000, BGH2008 e o cultivar comercial Débora Plus com valores de 11,1; 11,9; 10,9; e 10,0, respectivamente.
Larvae of the genus Spodoptera spp. are highly polyphagous and can cause economical losses in several agricultural crops. Given their growing importance in the tomato crop, especially for industry, this work aimed to evaluate the feeding non-preference by larvae of Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) and Spodoptera eridania (Cramer, 1782) on tomato genotypes and classify them by the levels of resistance. The commercial cultivar Santa Clara was set as the susceptible standard and line PI 134417 as the resistant standard to evaluate the lines PI 134418, PI 126931, LA 462 and LA 716. Feeding non-preference tests were performed under non-choice and free-choice conditions to evaluate the genotype attractiveness to larvae at predetermined times after their release, as well as the leaf area consumed. Overall, the genotypes LA 716 and PI 126931 were the least attractive to S. frugiperda, whereas Santa Clara was the most attractive and consumed. For S. eridania, the genotypes PI 126931, LA 462, LA 716 and PI 134418 were the least preferred for feeding, and Santa Clara and PI 134417 were the most attractive and consumed. The genotypes LA 716 and PI 126931 are moderately resistant to S. frugiperda and S. eridania; PI 134418 and LA 462 are moderately resistant to S. eridania; PI 134417 is susceptible to S. frugiperda and S. eridania; and Santa Clara is highly susceptible to both S. frugiperda and S. eridania.
Understanding the genetic variability of a species is crucial for the progress of a genetic breeding program and requires characterization and evaluation of germplasm. This study aimed to characterize and evaluate 101 tomato subsamples of the Salad group (fresh market) and two commercial controls, one of the Salad group (cv. Fanny) and another of the Santa Cruz group (cv. Santa Clara). Four experiments were conducted in a randomized block design with three replications and five plants per plot. The joint analysis of variance was performed and characteristics with significant complex interaction between control and experiment were excluded. Subsequently, the multicollinearity diagnostic test was carried out and characteristics that contributed to severe multicollinearity were excluded. The relative importance of each characteristics for genetic divergence was calculated by the Singh's method (Singh, 1981), and the less important ones were excluded according to Garcia (1998). Results showed large genetic divergence among the subsamples for morphological, agronomic and organoleptic characteristics, indicating potential for genetic improvement. The characteristics total soluble solids, mean number of good fruits per plant, endocarp thickness, mean mass of marketable fruit per plant, total acidity, mean number of unmarketable fruit per plant, internode diameter, internode length, main stem thickness and leaf width contributed little to the genetic divergence between the subsamples and may be excluded in future studies.
Ao longo de todo o século XX os organismos internacionais reconhecem a necessidade de definir os conceitos básicos do turismo com o fim de obter estatísticas comparáveis. Inicialmente fizeram-no tendo em vista apenas as relações internacionais de que resultou um conceito restritivo do turismo. À medida que as viagens se foram alargando a todos os países e estratos populacionais, tais organismos foram adoptando as definições até chegar à actual, aprovada pela Comissão de Estatísticas da ONU em 1993. Apesar do largo consenso que obteve, apresenta, contudo, algumas dificuldades. Ao mesmo tempo, os autores e investigadores procuraram definir o turismo, não já com a preocupação de elaborar estatísticas, mas na tentativa de caracterizar uma actividade complexa que emergindo no princípio do século, se viria a transformar numa das maiores actividades económicas mundiais. Contudo, também destas definições não resulta a clara compreensão do fenómeno turístico nem abarcam toda a sua realidade. O presente trabalho pretende identificar as insuficiências de uma e de outras com o objectivo de contribuir para encontrar uma definição que possa merecer a aceitação por parte da comunidade científica.
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of a six months exercise training program on walking capacity, fatigue and health related quality of life (HRQL). Relevance: Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy disease (FAP) is an autossomic neurodegenerative disease, related with systemic deposition of amyloidal fibre mainly on peripheral nervous system and mainly produced in the liver. FAP often results in severe functional limitations. Liver transplantation is used as the only therapy so far, that stop the progression of some aspects of this disease. Transplantation requires aggressive medication which impairs muscle metabolism and associated to surgery process and previous possible functional impairments, could lead to serious deconditioning. Reports of fatigue are common feature in transplanted patients. The effect of supervised or home-based exercise training programs in FAP patients after a liver transplant (FAPTX) is currently unknown.
Introdução: A polineuropatia amiloidótica familiar (PAF) é uma doença autossómica dominante neurodegenerativa relacionada com a deposição sistémica de fibras de amiloide essencialmente a nível do sistema nervoso periférico. Clinicamente, caracteriza-se por uma neuropatia sensitivo-motora iniciando-se quase sempre nos membros inferiores e comprometendo subsequentemente as mãos. Até agora, o único tratamento conhecido com efeitos positivos no atrasar da progressão da doença é o transplante hepático com medicação com efeitos negativos para o metabolismo muscular e consequentemente para a capacidade de produção de força. Do nosso conhecimento, não existem caracterizações quantitativas dos níveis de força nestes indivíduos nem comparações com a população saudável. Este conhecimento seria extremamente importante para verificar a evolução clínica e funcional desta doença e para a eventual prescrição adequada de um programa de reabilitação. Objectivo: O objectivo deste estudo foi descrever e comparar os níveis de força de preensão (peak force) entre doentes PAF com ou sem transplante de fígado (PAFTx e PAFNTx, respectivamente) com um grupo de indivíduos saudáveis (GC). Material e métodos: A amostra total foi constituída por 206 indivíduos, divididos em três grupos: 59 indivíduos PAFNTx (23 homens, 36 mulheres; idade 35 ± 8 anos); 85 indivíduos PAFTx (52 homens, 33 mulheres; idade 34 ± 8 anos) e 62 GC (30 homens, 32 mulheres; idade 33 ± 9 anos). A força de preensão foi avaliada com um dinamómetro de preensão portátil E-Link (Biometrics Ltd, UK). Tanto as posições de medição como as ordens fornecidas foram estandardizadas. O valor de força máxima considerado foi classificado de acordo com as normas do American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) para a força de preensão. Resultados: Os três grupos são diferentes (p < 0,05) no peso, no IMC e na força de preensão em ambas as mãos, bem como na resistência da mão esquerda. Foram encontradas correlações negativas entre a força e a idade, para os grupos PAFNTx e PAFTx, mas não para o grupo GC. Conclusões: De acordo com os nossos resultados, os indivíduos portadores de PAF apresentaram valores mais baixos para a força de preensão em ambas as mãos do que os indivíduos aparentemente saudáveis e consequentemente uma pior classificação nas normas do ACSM. A maioria dos doentes apresenta valores de força de preensão abaixo da média ou mesmo precária. Estes resultados poderão mostrar as implicações negativas na funcionalidade destes indivíduos e indicam também a necessidade de um programa de reabilitação com especificidade ao nível da motricidade da mão.
Abstract: Background: Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) is a neurodegenerative disease leading to sensory and motor polyneuropathies, and functional limitations. Liver transplantation is the only treatment for FAP, requiring medication that negatively affects bone and muscle metabolism. The aim of this study was to compare body composition, levels of specific strength, level of physical disability risk, and functional capacity of transplanted FAP patients (FAPTx) with a group of healthy individuals (CON). Methods: A group of patients with 48 FAPTx (28 men, 20 women) was compared with 24 CON individuals (14 men, 10 women). Body composition was assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, and total skeletal muscle mass (TBSMM) and skeletal muscle index (SMI) were calculated. Handgrip strength was measured for both hands as was isometric strength of quadriceps. Muscle quality (MQ) was ascertained by the ratio of strength to muscle mass. Functional capacity was assessed by the six-minute walk test. Results: Patients with FAPTx had significantly lower functional capacity, weight, body mass index, total fat mass, TBSMM, SMI, lean mass, muscle strength, MQ, and bone mineral density. Conclusion: Patients with FAPTx appear to be at particularly high risk of functional disability, suggesting an important role for an early and appropriately designed rehabilitation program.
The deposition of amyloid fibers at the peripheral nervous system can induce motor neuropathy in Familial Amiloidotic Polyneuropethy (FAP) patients. This produces progressive reductions in functional capacity. The only treatment for FAP is a liver transplant, followed by aggressive medication that can affect patients' metabolism. To our knowledge, there are no data on body fat distribution or comparison between healthy and FAP subjects, which may be important for clinical assessment and management of this disease. PURPOSE: To analyze body fat content and distribution between FAP patients and healthy subjects. METHODS: Body fat content and distribution were measured through Double Energy X-ray Densitometry (DXA) in two groups. Group 1 consisted of 43 Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy patients (19 males, 32 + 8 Yrs, and 24 females, 37 + 5 yrs), who had liver transplant less than 2 months before. Group 2 consisted of 18 healthy subjects of similar age (8 males, 36 + 7 yrs, and 10 females, 39 + 5 yrs). RESULTS: Healthy subjects showed higher values than FAP patients for: BMI (24,2+2,3kg/m2 vs 22,3+3,8 kg/m2 respectively, p<0,05), % trunk BF (26,21+8,34kg vs 20,78+9,05kg respectively, p<0,05), % visceral BF (24,43+7,97% vs 19,21+9,30% respectively, p<0,05), % abdominal BF (26,63+8,51% vs 20,63+10,35% respectively, p<0,05) abdominal subcutaneous BF (0,533+0,421kg vs 0,353+0,257kg respectively, p=0,05), abdominal BF/BF ratio (0,09+0,02 vs 0,08+0,02 respectively, p<0,05) and abdominal BF/trunk BF ratio (0,19+0,03 vs 0,17+0,03 respectively, p<0,05). CONCLUSIONS: These results showed that FAP patients soon after liver transplantation exhibited a healthier body fat profile compared to controls. However, fat content and distribution varied widely in FAP subjects, suggesting an individualized approach for assessment and intervention rather than general guidelines. Future research is needed to investigate the long term consequences on body fat following liver transplant in this population.
Introduction: Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) is a neurodegenerative disease that leads to sensory and motor polyneuropathies as well as functional limitations. So far, liver transplantation is the only treatment for FAP because the mutated protein causing the disease is mainly produced in the liver. With the increasing survival of transplant recipients, functional and cardiovascular problems as consequences of immunosuppressant side effects are increasing associated with sedentary lifestyles and/or retransplantation status. We sought to analyze the impact of exercise training programs on 1 FAP patient’s course long-term after liver transplantation. Methodology. A FAP patient (female; 49 years of age; body mass index 18.8 kg/m2) underwent a liver transplantation 133 months before assessment. She was assessed for body composition, isometric quadriceps muscle strength, functional capacity, fatigue, and levels of physical activity before and after a 6-month period of combined exercise training. Results: After the exercise training program, almost all variables were improved, namely, total body skeletal muscle mass, proximal femoral bone mineral density, quadriceps strength, maximal oxygen consumption on 6 minutes walk test (6mwt) or VO2peak, total ventilation on 6mwt, and fatigue. The improvement in distance on 6mwt (69.2 m) was clinically significant. Preintervention the levels of physical activity were below international recommendations for health; after the program they achieved the recommendations. Conclusion: The results showed an improvement in functional capacity with a decrease in future disability risk associated with a better lifestyle with respect to physical activity levels in 1 patient.