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OBJETIVO: Estudar uma série de pacientes submetidos a ablação por cateter, com radiofreqüência (RF) de vias acessórias (VA) esquerdas mediante abordagem transeptal (TS), comparando-os aos pacientes submetidos ao mesmo tipo de procedimento por abordagem arterial retrógrada (AR) convencional. MÉTODOS: Cem pacientes consecutivos (56 masculinos; 34,3 ± 11 anos de idade), portadores de 100 VA esquerdas (62 manifestas e 38 ocultas) foram submetidos a ablação por cateter por via TS (50 pacientes) e por via AR (50 pacientes), de forma alternada. A análise foi baseada na intenção de tratar. RESULTADOS: A punção transeptal foi realizada com sucesso em 48 (96%) pacientes. Por esse acesso foi obtido sucesso primário na ablação em todos os pacientes e nenhuma complicação foi observada. Ao compararmos com o grupo AR não verificamos diferença em relação ao sucesso primário (p = 0,2), taxa de recorrências (p = 1,0), tempos de fluoroscopia (p = 0,63) e total (p = 0,47). No grupo AR um paciente apresentou complicação vascular. A abordagem TS proporcionou um menor tempo de ablação (p = 0,01) e número de aplicações de RF (p = 0,003) em relação à abordagem AR convencional. As recorrências e insucessos da primeira sessão de cada grupo foram submetidos a novo procedimento pela técnica oposta (cross-over), obtendo-se assim um sucesso final na ablação de 100%. CONCLUSÃO: As abordagens TS e AR apresentam eficácia e segurança semelhantes para ablação de vias acessórias esquerdas. O tempo de ablação e o número de aplicações de RF foram menores com a abordagem TS. Quando as técnicas foram utilizadas de forma complementar, aumentaram a eficácia final da ablação.


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OBJETIVO: Pretende-se avaliar em pacientes com cardiomiopatia hipertrófica e risco de MSC, submetidos a implante de cardioversor-desfibrilador implantável (CDI): a) ocorrência de eventos arrítmicos; b) ocorrência de eventos clínicos e correlações com eventos arrítmicos; c) ocorrência de terapia de choque do CDI e correlações clínico-funcionais; d) preditores clínico-funcionais de prognóstico. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 26 pacientes com cardiomiopatia hipertrófica e fatores de risco de MSC, submetidos a implante de CDI no período de maio de 2000 a janeiro de 2004 (seguimento médio = 20 meses). Quatorze pacientes (53,8%) eram do sexo feminino e a idade média foi de 42,7 anos. Em 16 pacientes (61,5%), a indicação do CDI foi para prevenção primária de morte súbita cardíaca, e em 10 (38,5%), para prevenção secundária. Vinte pacientes (76,9%) apresentavam síncope prévia ao implante de CDI, metade desses relacionados a fibrilação ventricular ou taquicardia ventricular sustentada; 15 (57,7%) tinham história de morte súbita familiar; 12 pacientes (46,2%), taquicardia ventricular não-sustentada ao Holter de 24 horas; e 5 (19,2%) apresentavam o septo interventricular com espessura maior que 30 mm. RESULTADOS: No seguimento foram registrados no CDI 4 terapias de choque em arritmias potencialmente letais (3 pacientes com taquicardia ventricular sustentada e 1 paciente com fibrilação ventricular). Ocorreu um óbito por provável acidente vascular cerebral tromboembólico. Quatro pacientes tiveram recorrência de síncope sem evento arrítmico registrado pelo CDI. A análise estatística demonstrou significância da precocidade do choque do CDI em pacientes cujo septo interventricular tinha espessura maior que 30 mm. CONCLUSÃO: 1- ocorrência de eventos arrítmicos em 50% dos pacientes: a maioria (62%) foi taquicardia ventricular, sustentada (31%) e não-sustentada (31%); nos outros pacientes ocorreu taquicardia paroxística supraventricular; 2- síncopes recorrentes na minoria dos pacientes (16%), que, entretanto, não se associaram à presença de eventos arrítmicos; 3- presença de septo interventricular superior a 30 mm, ao ecocardiograma, se associou à ocorrência de terapia de choque precoce (p = 0,003); 4- ausência de preditores clínicos ou funcionais.


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FUNDAMENTO: A síndrome de Berardinelli-Seip (SBS) ou lipodistrofia generalizada congênita acomete, frequentemente, o aparelho cardiovascular e também promove anormalidades metabólicas que envolvem os metabolismos glicídico e lipídico. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência das anormalidades cardiovasculares e metabólicas em portadores da SBS. MÉTODOS: Vinte e dois pacientes do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (Brasil), com diagnóstico da SBS, foram submetidos a avaliação clínica, eletrocardiograma de repouso, ecodopplercardiograma, radiografia de tórax, eletrocardiografia dinâmica de 24 horas, teste ergométrico e análise laboratorial. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes eram, predominantemente, adultos jovens, sendo a maioria do sexo feminino. A totalidade da amostra apresentou resistência à insulina, acanthosis nigricans e HDL-colesterol diminuído. A presença de esplenomegalia, hepatomegalia, diabetes mellitus tipo II e triglicérides elevados era constante. A síndrome metabólica foi caracterizada na maioria dos pacientes, com predominância no sexo feminino e com um alto grau de consanguinidade paterna. A hipertensão arterial sistêmica e a pré-hipertensão foram encontradas em mais da metade dos pacientes (77,3%). O ecodopplercardiograma mostrou a presença de hipertrofia concêntrica do ventrículo esquerdo (50%), hipertrofia excêntrica do ventrículo esquerdo (4,5%) e geometria normal do ventrículo esquerdo (45,5%). Elevada taxa de arritmia foi evidenciada no holter, tais como extrassístoles ventriculares, extrassístoles supraventriculares e taquicardia supraventricular sustentada. A incompetência cronotrópica (54,5%) foi observada no teste ergométrico. CONCLUSÃO: Anormalidades cardiovasculares e metabólicas foram observadas em elevada prevalência em indivíduos jovens e assintomáticos com SBS. Esses achados apontam para a necessidade de acompanhamento cardiológico sistemático e de medidas preventivas nesse grupo de risco.


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FUNDAMENTO: Idade maior a 80 anos não é, por si só, o único fator de risco para a mortalidade em revascularização miocárdica. OBJETIVO: Identificar fatores de risco para a mortalidade em pacientes octogenários submetidos a revascularização miocárdica. MÉTODOS: Estudamos 164 pacientes, com idade igual ou maior a 80 anos. As variáveis estudadas foram: sexo, idade (em anos), fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE), reoperação, cirurgia de emergência, número de artérias revascularizadas, uso da artéria torácica interna esquerda (ATIE), uso de circulação extracorpórea (CEC), cirurgia associada, revascularização da artéria interventricular anterior (AIVA) e uso de balão intra-aórtico (BIA). A análise estatística foi feita por meio de análises descritiva, univariada e multivariada por regressão logística. Foram considerados significância estatística os valores de p < 0,05, e a análise multivariada foi realizada com variáveis cujo valor era p < 0,20. RESULTADOS: A mortalidade foi de 11%. Na análise univariada, evidenciou-se que baixa FEVE (p = 0,008), cirurgia de emergência (p < 0,001) e uso de balão intra-aórtico (p = 0,049) relacionaram-se à maior chance de mortalidade. Ao ajustar pela regressão logística, revelou-se que a idade acima de 85 anos correlacionou-se com uma chance de mortalidade 6,31 vezes maior (p = 0,012) e que a cirurgia de emergência esteve relacionada a uma chance de mortalidade 55,39 vezes maior (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Em octogenários submetidos a cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica, idade superior a 85 anos e cirurgia de emergência são fatores preditivos importantes de maior mortalidade.


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FUNDAMENTO: O tratamento da fibrilação atrial com dispositivo de ablação de tecidos por radiofrequência bipolar em concomitância à cirurgia cardíaca tem se mostrado método eficaz no tratamento desta arritmia. OBJETIVO: Descrever a experiência inicial do Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia no tratamento cirúrgico da fibrilação atrial com uso de dispositivo de radiofrequência bipolar em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca, relatando o resultado de acompanhamento pós-operatório de um ano. MÉTODOS: Entre janeiro de 2008 e março de 2009, 47 pacientes (36 mulheres) consecutivos, com idade média de 53,7 ± 10,6 anos, apresentando fibrilação atrial por um período médio de 34,6 meses (3 a 192 meses) foram submetidos à ablação cirúrgica desta arritmia, por radiofrequência bipolar, durante o procedimento que motivou a indicação da cirurgia. Oito apresentavam fibrilação atrial intermitente e 39, contínua. Oitenta e um por cento foram submetidos à cirurgia valvar como procedimento principal. Esta é uma análise retrospectiva, observacional, com avaliação de um ano de pós-operatório das variáveis clínicas e de Holter 24 h. RESULTADOS: Dos 47 pacientes, 40 sobreviveram um ano. Desses, 33 foram submetidos a Holter 24 h, em um intervalo médio de 401 dias após a cirurgia. Encontrou-se a seguinte distribuição de ritmos: 24 (73%) sinusal, 5 (15%) fibrilação atrial, três (9%) Flutter atrial e um (3%) ritmo juncional. Foram observados dois acidentes vasculares encefálicos, sendo um associado à arritmia supraventricular. CONCLUSÃO: A ablação cirúrgica de fibrilação atrial com dispositivo de radiofrequência bipolar concomitante à cirurgia cardíaca é método eficaz para o tratamento desta arritmia.


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FUNDAMENTO: A ablação por cateter possibilita tratamento curativo para diversas arritmias cardíacas. A fluoroscopia é utilizada para localizar e direcionar os cateteres aos pontos causadores de arritmias. Contudo, a fluoroscopia apresenta diversos riscos. O mapeamento eletroanatômico (MEA) apresenta imagem tridimensional sem utilizar raios X, reduzindo os riscos da fluoroscopia. OBJETIVO: Descrevemos uma série de pacientes nos quais foi realizada ablação de arritmias cardíacas com o uso exclusivo de MEA. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados prospectivamente, de março de 2011 a março de 2012, pacientes com arritmias cardíacas refratárias ao tratamento farmacológico para realização de ablação de arritmias com o uso exclusivo de MEA. Não participaram aqueles com indicação de estudo eletrofisiológico diagnóstico e ablação de fibrilação atrial, taquiarritmias de átrio esquerdo e arritmia ventricular hemodinamicamente instável. Observamos tempo total de procedimento, taxa de sucesso, complicações e se ocorreu necessidade de uso de fluoroscopia durante o procedimento. RESULTADOS: Participaram 11 pacientes, sendo sete do sexo feminino (63%), com idade média de 50 anos (DP ± 16,5). As indicações dos procedimentos foram quatro casos (35%) de flutter atrial, três casos (27%) de síndrome de pré-excitação, dois casos (19%) de taquicardia supraventricular paroxística e dois casos (19%) de extrassístoles ventriculares. A média de duração do procedimento foi de 86,6 min (DP ± 26 min). O sucesso imediato (na alta hospitalar) do procedimento ocorreu em nove pacientes (81%). Não houve complicações durante os procedimentos. CONCLUSÃO: Neste estudo, foi demonstrado que é viável a realização de ablação de arritmias apenas com o uso do MEA, com resultados satisfatórios.


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Background:Sudden death is the leading cause of death in Chagas disease (CD), even in patients with preserved ejection fraction (EF), suggesting that destabilizing factors of the arrhythmogenic substrate (autonomic modulation) contribute to its occurrence.Objective:To determine baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) in patients with undetermined CD (GI), arrhythmogenic CD with nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (NSVT) (GII) and CD with spontaneous sustained ventricular tachycardia (STV) (GIII), to evaluate its association with the occurrence and complexity of arrhythmias.Method:Forty-two patients with CD underwent ECG and continuous and noninvasive BP monitoring (TASK force monitor). The following were determined: BRS (phenylephrine method); heart rate variability (HRV) on 24-h Holter; and EF (echocardiogram).Results:GIII had lower BRS (6.09 ms/mm Hg) as compared to GII (11.84) and GI (15.23). The difference was significant between GI and GIII (p = 0.01). Correlating BRS with the density of ventricular extrasystoles (VE), low VE density (<10/h) was associated with preserved BRS. Only 59% of the patients with high VE density (> 10/h) had preserved BRS (p = 0.003). Patients with depressed BRS had higher VE density (p = 0.01), regardless of the EF. The BRS was the only variable related to the occurrence of SVT (p = 0.028).Conclusion:The BRS is preserved in undetermined CD. The BRS impairment increases as disease progresses, being more severe in patients with more complex ventricular arrhythmias. The degree of autonomic dysfunction did not correlate with EF, but with the density and complexity of ventricular arrhythmias.


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Background:The QRS-T angle correlates with prognosis in patients with heart failure and coronary artery disease, reflected by an increase in mortality proportional to an increase in the difference between the axes of the QRS complex and T wave in the frontal plane. The value of this correlation in patients with Chagas heart disease is currently unknown.Objective:Determine the correlation of the QRS-T angle and the risk of induction of ventricular tachycardia / ventricular fibrillation (VT / VF) during electrophysiological study (EPS) in patients with Chagas disease.Methods:Case-control study at a tertiary center. Patients without induction of VT / VF on EPS were used as controls. The QRS-T angle was categorized as normal (0-105º), borderline (105-135º) or abnormal (135-180º). Differences between groups for continuous variables were analyzed with the t test or Mann-Whitney test, and for categorical variables with Fisher's exact test. P values < 0.05 were considered significant.Results:Of 116 patients undergoing EPS, 37.9% were excluded due to incomplete information / inactive records or due to the impossibility to correctly calculate the QRS-T angle (presence of left bundle branch block and atrial fibrillation). Of 72 patients included in the study, 31 induced VT / VF on EPS. Of these, the QRS-T angle was normal in 41.9%, borderline in 12.9% and abnormal in 45.2%. Among patients without induction of VT / VF on EPS, the QRS-T angle was normal in 63.4%, borderline in 14.6% and abnormal in 17.1% (p = 0.04). When compared with patients with normal QRS-T angle, those with abnormal angle had a fourfold higher risk of inducing ventricular tachycardia / ventricular fibrillation on EPS [odds ratio (OR) 4; confidence interval (CI) 1.298-12.325; p = 0.028]. After adjustment for other variables such as age, ejection fraction (EF) and QRS size, there was a trend for the abnormal QRS-T angle to identify patients with increased risk of inducing VT / VF during EPS (OR 3.95; CI 0.99-15.82; p = 0.052). The EF also emerged as a predictor of induction of VT / VF: for each point increase in EF, there was a 4% reduction in the rate of sustained ventricular arrhythmia on EPS.Conclusions:Changes in the QRS-T angle and decreases in EF were associated with an increased risk of induction of VT / VF on EPS.


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Background:Ventricular and supraventricular premature complexes (PC) are frequent and usually symptomatic. According to a previous study, magnesium pidolate (MgP) administration to symptomatic patients can improve the PC density and symptoms.Objective:To assess the late follow-up of that clinical intervention in patients treated with MgP or placebo.Methods:In the first phase of the study, 90 symptomatic and consecutive patients with PC were randomized (double-blind) to receive either MgP or placebo for 30 days. Monthly follow-up visits were conducted for 15 months to assess symptoms and control electrolytes. 24-hour Holter was performed twice, regardless of symptoms, or whenever symptoms were present. In the second phase of the study, relapsing patients, who had received MgP or placebo (crossing-over) in the first phase, were treated with MgP according to the same protocol.Results:Of the 45 patients initially treated with MgP, 17 (37.8%) relapsed during the 15-month follow-up, and the relapse time varied. Relapsing patients treated again had a statistically significant reduction in the PC density of 138.25/hour (p < 0.001). The crossing-over patients reduced it by 247/hour (p < 0.001). Patients who did not relapse, had a low PC frequency (3 PC/hour). Retreated patients had a 76.5% improvement in symptom, and crossing-over patients, 71.4%.Conclusion:Some patients on MgP had relapse of symptoms and PC, indicating that MgP is neither a definitive nor a curative treatment for late follow-up. However, improvement in the PC frequency and symptoms was observed in the second phase of treatment, similar to the response in the first phase of treatment.


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Background:Radiofrequency ablation is the standard non-pharmacological treatment for arrhythmias in pediatric patients. However, arrhythmias and their associated causes have particular features in this population.Objective:To analyze the epidemiological characteristics and findings of electrophysiological diagnostic studies and radiofrequency ablations in pediatric patients referred to the Electrophysiology Unit at Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul, in order to characterize the particularities of this population.Methods:Cross-sectional study with 330 electrophysiological procedures performed in patients aged less than 20 years between June 1997 and August 2013.Results:In total, 330 procedures (9.6% of the overall procedures) were performed in patients aged less than 20 years (14.33 ± 3.25 years, age range 3 months to 19 years), 201 of which were males (60.9%). A total of 108 (32.7%) electrophysiological diagnostic studies were performed and of these, 48.1% showed abnormal findings. Overall, 219 radiofrequency ablations were performed (66.3%) with a success rate of 84.8%. The presence of an accessory pathway was the most prevalent finding, occurring in 158 cases (72.1%), followed by atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (16.8%), typical atrial flutter (3.1%) and extrasystoles originating from the right ventricular outflow tract (2.7%). Three patients developed complications during ablation (1.4%). Among congenital heart diseases, which occurred in 51 (15.4%) patients, atrial sept defect was the most frequent (27.4%), followed by ventricular sept defect (25.4%) and Ebstein's anomaly (17.6%).Conclusion:Electrophysiological study and radiofrequency ablation are effective tools for diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias in the pediatric population.


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Background:Heart failure and atrial fibrillation (AF) often coexist in a deleterious cycle.Objective:To evaluate the clinical and echocardiographic outcomes of patients with ventricular systolic dysfunction and AF treated with radiofrequency (RF) ablation.Methods:Patients with ventricular systolic dysfunction [ejection fraction (EF) <50%] and AF refractory to drug therapy underwent stepwise RF ablation in the same session with pulmonary vein isolation, ablation of AF nests and of residual atrial tachycardia, named "background tachycardia". Clinical (NYHA functional class) and echocardiographic (EF, left atrial diameter) data were compared (McNemar test and t test) before and after ablation.Results:31 patients (6 women, 25 men), aged 37 to 77 years (mean, 59.8±10.6), underwent RF ablation. The etiology was mainly idiopathic (19 p, 61%). During a mean follow-up of 20.3±17 months, 24 patients (77%) were in sinus rhythm, 11 (35%) being on amiodarone. Eight patients (26%) underwent more than one procedure (6 underwent 2 procedures, and 2 underwent 3 procedures). Significant NYHA functional class improvement was observed (pre-ablation: 2.23±0.56; postablation: 1.13±0.35; p<0.0001). The echocardiographic outcome also showed significant ventricular function improvement (EF pre: 44.68%±6.02%, post: 59%±13.2%, p=0.0005) and a significant left atrial diameter reduction (pre: 46.61±7.3 mm; post: 43.59±6.6 mm; p=0.026). No major complications occurred.Conclusion:Our findings suggest that AF ablation in patients with ventricular systolic dysfunction is a safe and highly effective procedure. Arrhythmia control has a great impact on ventricular function recovery and functional class improvement.


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AbstractBackground:The recording of arrhythmic events (AE) in renal transplant candidates (RTCs) undergoing dialysis is limited by conventional electrocardiography. However, continuous cardiac rhythm monitoring seems to be more appropriate due to automatic detection of arrhythmia, but this method has not been used.Objective:We aimed to investigate the incidence and predictors of AE in RTCs using an implantable loop recorder (ILR).Methods:A prospective observational study conducted from June 2009 to January 2011 included 100 consecutive ambulatory RTCs who underwent ILR and were followed-up for at least 1 year. Multivariate logistic regression was applied to define predictors of AE.Results:During a mean follow-up of 424 ± 127 days, AE could be detected in 98% of patients, and 92% had more than one type of arrhythmia, with most considered potentially not serious. Sustained atrial tachycardia and atrial fibrillation occurred in 7% and 13% of patients, respectively, and bradyarrhythmia and non-sustained or sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) occurred in 25% and 57%, respectively. There were 18 deaths, of which 7 were sudden cardiac events: 3 bradyarrhythmias, 1 ventricular fibrillation, 1 myocardial infarction, and 2 undetermined. The presence of a long QTc (odds ratio [OR] = 7.28; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.01–26.35; p = 0.002), and the duration of the PR interval (OR = 1.05; 95% CI, 1.02–1.08; p < 0.001) were independently associated with bradyarrhythmias. Left ventricular dilatation (LVD) was independently associated with non-sustained VT (OR = 2.83; 95% CI, 1.01–7.96; p = 0.041).Conclusions:In medium-term follow-up of RTCs, ILR helped detect a high incidence of AE, most of which did not have clinical relevance. The PR interval and presence of long QTc were predictive of bradyarrhythmias, whereas LVD was predictive of non-sustained VT.


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1.-Since the parietal endocarditis represents a chapter generally neglected, owing to the relative lack of cases, and somewhat confused because there various terms have been applied to a very same morbid condition, it justifies the work which previously we tried to accomplish, of nosographic classification. Taking into account the functional disturbances and the anatomical changes, all cases of parietal endocarditis referred to in the litterature were distributed by the following groups: A-Group-Valvulo-parietal endocarditis. 1st . type-Valvulo-parietal endocarditis per continuum. 2nd. type-Metastatic valvulo-parietal endocarditis. 3rd. type-Valvulo-parietal endocarditis of the mitral stenosis. B-Group-Genuine parietal endocarditis. a) with primary lesions in the myocardium. b) with primary lesions in the endocardium. 4th type-Fibrous chronic parietal endocarditis (B A Ü M L E R), « endocarditis parietalis simplex». 5th type-Septic acute parietal endocarditis (LESCHKE), «endocarditis parietalis septica». 6th type-Subacute parietal endocarditis (MAGARINOS TORRES), «endocarditis muralis lenta». 2.-Studying a group of 14 cases of fibrous endomyocarditis with formation of thrombi, and carrying together pathological and bacteriological examinations it has been found that some of such cases represent an infectious parietal endocarditis, sometimes post-puerperal, of subacute or slow course, the endocardic vegetations being contamined by pathogenic microörganisms of which the most frequent is the Diplococcus pneumoniae, in most cases of attenuated virulence. Along with the infectious parietal endocarditis, there occur arterial and venous thromboses (abdominal aorta, common illiac and femural arteries and external jugular veins). The case 5,120 is a typical one of this condition which we name subacute parietal endocarditis (endocarditis parietalis s. muralis lenta). 3.-The endocarditis muralis lenta encloses an affection reputed to be of rare occurrence, the «myocardite subaigüe primitive», of which JOSSERAND and GALLAVARDIN published in 1901 the first cases, and ROQUE and LEVY, another, in 1914. The «myocardite subaigüe primitive» was, wrongly, in our opinion, included by WALZER in the syndrome of myocardia of LAUBRY and WALZER, considering that, in the refered cases of JOSSERAND and GALLAVARDIN and in that of ROQUE and LEVY, there are described rather considerable inflammatory changes in the myocardium and endocardium. The designation «myocardia» was however especially created by LAUBRY and WALZER for the cases of heart failure in which the most careful aetiologic inquiries and the most minucious clinical examination were unable to explain, and in which, yet, the post-mortem examination did not reveal any anatomical change at all, it being forcible to admit, then, a primary functional change of the cardiac muscle fibre. This special cardiac condition is thoroughly exemplified in the observation that WALZER reproduces on pages 1 to 7 of his book. 4.-The clinical picture of the subacute parietal endocarditis is that of heart failure with oedemas, effusion in the serous cavities and passive chronic congestion of the lungs, liver, kideys and spleen associated, to that of an infectious disease of subacute course. The fever is rather transient oscillating around 99.5 F., being intersected with apyretic periods of irregular duration; it is not dependent on any evident extracardiac septic infection. In other cases the fever is slight, particularly in the final stage of the disease, when the heart failure is well established. The rule is to observe then, hypothermy. The cardiac-vascular signs consist of enlargement of the cardiac dullness, smoothing of the cardiac sounds, absence of organic murmurs and accentuated and persistent tachycardia up to a certain point independent of fever. The galloprhythm is present, in most cases. The signs of the pulmonary infarct are rather expressed by the aspect of the sputum, which is foamy and blood-streaked than by the classic signs. Cerebral embolism was a terminal accident on various cases. Yet, in some of them, along with the signs of septicemia and of cardiac insufficiency, occurred vascular, arterial (abdominal aorta, common illiac and femurals arteries) and venous (extern jugular veins) thromboses. 5. The autopsy revealed an inflammatory process located on the parietal endocardium, accompanied by abundant formation of ancient and recent thrombi, being the apex of the left ventricle, the junction of the anterior wall of the same ventricle, with the interventricular septum, and the right auricular appendage, the usual seats of the inflammatory changes. The region of the left branch of HIS’ bundle is spared. The other changes found consist of fibrosis of the myocardium (healed infarcts and circumscribed interstitial myocarditis), of recent visceral infarcts chiefly in lungs, spleen and brain, of recent or old infarcts in the kidneys (embolic nephrocirrhosis) and in the spleen, and of vascular thromboses (abdominal aorta, common illiacs and femurals arteries and external jugular veins), aside from hydrothorax, hydroperitoneum, cutaneous oedema, chronic passive congestion of the liver, lungs, spleen and kidneys and slight ictericia. 6. In the subacute parietal endocarditis the primary lesions sometimes locate themselves at the myocardium, depending on the ischemic necrosis associated to the arteriosclerosis of the coronariae arteries, or on an specific myocarditis. Other times, the absence of these conditions is suggestive of a primary attack to the parietal endocardium which is then the primary seat of the lesions. It matters little whatever may be the initial pathogenic mechanism; once injured the parietal endocardium and there being settled the infectious injury, the endocarditis develops with peculiar clinical and anatomical characters of remarkable uniformity, constituting an anatomo-clinical syndrome. 7.-The histologic sections show that recent lesions…


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AIMS: Estimates of the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in patients with life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias related to coronary artery disease (CAD) have rarely been reported despite it has become the basis for determining patient's eligibility for prophylactic defibrillator. We aimed to determine the extent and distribution of reduced LVEF in patients with sustained ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. METHODS AND RESULTS: 252 patients admitted for ventricular arrhythmia related to CAD were included: 149 had acute myocardial infarction (MI) (Group I, 59%), 54 had significant chronic obstructive CAD suggestive of an ischaemic arrhythmic trigger (Group II, 21%) and 49 patients had an old MI without residual ischaemia (Group III, 19%). 34% of the patients with scar-related arrhythmias had an LVEF > or =40%. Based on pre-event LVEF evaluation, it can be estimated that less than one quarter of the whole study population had a known chronic MI with severely reduced LVEF. In Group III, the proportion of inferior MI was significantly higher than anterior MI (81 vs. 19%; absolute difference, -62; 95% confidence interval, -45 to -79; P < or = 0.0001), though median LVEF was higher in inferior MI (0.37 +/- 10 vs. 0.29 +/- 10; P = 0.0499). CONCLUSION: Patients included in defibrillator trials represent only a minority of the patients at risk of sudden cardiac death. By applying the current risk stratification strategy based on LVEF, more than one third of the patients with old MI would not have qualified for a prophylactic defibrillator. Our study also suggests that inferior scars may be more prone to ventricular arrhythmia compared to anterior scars.