943 resultados para SR– (R–, RC–, EF–) Proximities


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The end of the last interglacial period, ~118 kyr ago, was characterized by substantial ocean circulation and climate perturbations resulting from instabilities of polar ice sheets. These perturbations are crucial for a better understanding of future climate change. The seasonal temperature changes of the tropical ocean, however, which play an important role in seasonal climate extremes such as hurricanes, floods and droughts at the present day, are not well known for this period that led into the last glacial. Here we present a monthly resolved snapshot of reconstructed sea surface temperature in the tropical North Atlantic Ocean for 117.7±0.8 kyr ago, using coral Sr/Ca and d18O records. We find that temperature seasonality was similar to today, which is consistent with the orbital insolation forcing. Our coral and climate model results suggest that temperature seasonality of the tropical surface ocean is controlled mainly by orbital insolation changes during interglacials.


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In the South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ), the variability in a sub-seasonally resolved microatoll Porites colony Sr/Ca record from Tonga and a previously published high-resolution record from Fiji are strongly influenced by sea surface temperature (SST) over the calibration period from 1981 to 2004 (R^2 = 0.67 - 0.68). However, the Sr/Ca-derived SST correlation to instrumental SST decreases back in time. The lower frequency secular trend (~1°C) and decadal-scale (~2 - 3°C) modes in Sr/Ca-derived SST are almost two times larger than that observed in instrumental SST. The coral Sr/Ca records suggest that local effects on SST generate larger amplitude variability than gridded SST products indicate. Reconstructed d18O of seawater (d18Osw) at these sites correlate with instrumental sea surface salinity (SSS; r = 0.64 - 0.67) but not local precipitation (r = -0.10 to - 0.22) demonstrating that the advection and mixing of different salinity water masses may be the predominant control on d18Osw in this region. The Sr/Ca records indicate SST warming over the last 100 years and appears to be related to the expansion of the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) including an increasing rate of expansion in the last ~20 years. The reconstructed d18Osw over the last 100 years also shows surface water freshening across the SPCZ. The warming and freshening of the surface ocean in our study area suggests that the SPCZ has been shifting (expanding) southeast, possibly related to the southward shift and intensification of the South Pacific gyre over the last 50 years in response to strengthened westerly winds.


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Proxy reconstructions of tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) that extend beyond the period of instrumental observations have primarily focused on centennial to millennial variability rather than on seasonal to multidecadal variability. Here we present monthly-resolved records of Sr/Ca (a proxy of SST) from fossil annually-banded Diploria strigosa corals from Bonaire (southern Caribbean Sea). The individual corals provide time-windows of up to 68 years length, and the total number of 295 years of record allows for assessing the natural range of seasonal to multidecadal SST variability in the western tropical Atlantic during snapshots of the mid- to late Holocene. Comparable to modern climate, the coral Sr/Ca records reveal that mid- to late Holocene SST was characterised by clear seasonal cycles, persistent quasi-biennial and prominent interannual as well as inter- to multidecadal-scale variability. However, the magnitude of SST variations on these timescales has varied over the last 6.2 ka. The coral records show increased seasonality during the mid-Holocene consistent with climate model simulations indicating that southern Caribbean SST seasonality is induced by insolation changes on orbital timescales, whereas internal dynamics of the climate system play an important role on shorter timescales. Interannual SST variability is linked to ocean-atmosphere interactions of Atlantic and Pacific origin. Pronounced interannual variability in the western tropical Atlantic is indicated by a 2.35 ka coral, possibly related to a strengthening of the variability of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation throughout the Holocene. Prominent inter- to multidecadal SST variability is evident in the coral records and slightly more pronounced in the mid-Holocene. We finally argue that our coral data provide a target for studying Holocene climate variability on seasonal and interannual to multidecadal timescales, when using further numerical models and high-resolution proxy data.


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Examination of the geotechnical characteristics of Weddell Sea, Maud Rise, and South Orkney microcontinental margin sediments recovered during ODP Leg 113 reveals that the reduction in porosity (consolidation) of the siliciclastic, calcareous, and diatomaceous sediments is primarily a process governed by vertical stresses created by overburden. The initial porosity of the sediments in these areas is governed by the amount of diatoms present. The more diatoms, the higher the porosity. Surficial diatom-rich sediments are everywhere overconsolidated. This is attributed to the strong microfabric created by the diatoms, calcareous and clay particles. The deeper diatom-free sediments of Maud Rise range from slightly underconsolidated to normally consolidated. The silty clays and clays of the Weddell Sea and South Orkney margin are underconsolidated. The degree of underconsolidation of these sediments is similar to that determined in a number of different locations throughout the world's oceans. The very low permeability of the Weddell Sea and South Orkney margin sediments appears to account for this underconsolidation.


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Sediments undergoing accretion in trench-forearc systems are subjected to conditions of large lateral thrusting. This stress regime controls the mechanism of faulting as well as the yield and strength properties of the sediment. Understanding them is therefore crucial for the construction of quantitative models of sediment dynamics in convergent margin settings. For this purpose triaxial and oedometer tests were performed on six whole-round core samples recovered from Site 808 from depths between 173 and 705 mbsf. Samples from five depth intervals were subjected to a triaxial test program that was primarily designed to define yield and strength behavior. Test specimens were cut parallel and normal to the core axis. Additional five oedometer tests with similarly prepared specimens were performed on samples from four depth intervals to evaluate the directional state and degree of sediment compaction. Test results show that the degree of sediment compaction is higher than expected from overburden. This overcompaction increases with depth. A well-developed mechanical anisotropy is evident in all samples tested, regardless of their depth and lithology. Values of yield limit, stiffness, and shear strength are up to 40% higher in the horizontal direction compared to the vertical direction. In addition the test data demonstrate that the axis of the volumetric yield loci have rotated into extensional stress field. This verifies that the mechanical state of sediment in the accretionary wedge is controlled by in-situ stress conditions of extensional nature. The coefficients of lateral stress inferred suggest that the extensional stress regime becomes increasingly effective with depth.


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Abundances of rare earth elements (REE), Ba, and Sr and isotopic ratios of Sr, Nd, and Ce were determined for six samples of basalts drilled at Hole 504B on Leg 111 of the Ocean Drilling Program. Analyses found that these basalts are the most depleted in Sr, Ba, and light REE among mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB); Ba depletion is especially notable. On the other hand, Sr, Nd, and Ce isotopic ratios for basalts from Hole 504B are within the range of typical MORB values.


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The lithological-facies, biostratigraphic, and geochemical studies of ore-bearing and metalliferous sediments were carried out using original material from six cores taken in the MAR 16°38' N area during 28th Cruise of the R/V Professor Logachev.