202 resultados para SMELL


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To establish the prevalence of olfactory dysfunction in smoking and non-smoking students of our Faculty who attend the Department of Otolaryngology (ENT) of our Hospital. Materials and method: Students (smokers and non-smokers) that do and do not suffer from olfactory dysfunction. We applied a questionnaire and a pocket smell test for screening all of the students. Results: We evaluated 207 students, between 18 and 30 years old; 50.7% (n=105) were women and 49.3% (n=102) were men. The smokers among them smoked up to 6 packs per year. One hundred twenty three students were non-smokers and 84 students were smokers. Of the 84 students who were smokers, 67 (79.7%) answered the Pocket Smell Test correctly (3/3) and 17 (20.2%) students had one or more errors. We had 123 non-smoker students and 103 (83.7%) students answered the Pocket Smell Test correctly and 20 (16.2%) answered with one or more errors. The prevalence of olfactory dysfunction in young smokers with a 95% conidence interval would be 32.8%. Conclusions: This study informed us about olfactory dysfunctions in our student population and their smoking habits. We corroborate that the Pocket Smell Test is reliable with the questionnaire; nevertheless it is a screening test. We have a population of young people who smoke one cigarette per day and who didn’t have a signiicant alteration in their ability of smell at the time of the study. This is consistent with medical literature. More studies should be conducted in order to expand this information.


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The honeydew moth Cryptoblabes gnidiella is the main problem for the wineries in the Northeast of the Brazil, because it attacks the bunch and reduces the quality of the grapes and the wines. In order to stretch out the bunch to facilitate the penetration of the insecticides, it was used gibberellic acid. Six treatments with different concentrations and different dates of application, and the control were compared. The bunches are compact, characteristic of the "Syrah" grapes in the region. The grape berries were analysed at harvest and wines were made by microvinifications. The grape berries showed different qualitative characteristics, as berry weight, number of berries. °Brix, total acidity and heterogeneity of the maturation. The microvinifications were carried out with 50 kg of grapeberries into glass bottles of 20 L at 22°C, for the alcoholic and malolactic fermentations, then stabilized and bottled. The wines were tasted by a panel of ten people and compared on smell and taste plans. The tasting results showed that the control treatment was the best graded wine. The application of gibberellic acid allowed to control the honeydew moth attack, but it caused a heterogeneity on grape maturation, with a lower quality of the grapes and wines compared to the control.


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Este estudo pretende identificar os fatores que influenciam os pais fumadores a fumar ou não dentro de casa. Realizaram-se, por telefone, entrevistas semiestruturadas a 10 pais e 10 mães, de crianças do 4º ano de escolaridade, fumadores que fumavam em casa, e a 10 pais e 10 mães fumadores, mas que não o faziam em casa. A análise de conteúdo mostrou que a preocupação com a saúde dos filhos e o mau cheiro foram os principais motivos mencionados pelos progenitores para não fumarem no domicílio. A comodidade e as condições meteorológicas foram as principais razões dos progenitores para fumarem no domicílio. Os pais fumadores que não fumam em casa parecem ter maior consciência dos riscos de fumar no domicílio para a saúde dos filhos, enquanto que os pais que fumam no domicílio fazem-no essencialmente por comodismo e desconhecimento aparente das consequências negativas desse comportamento. Deverá ser prioridade da educação para a saúde melhorar o conhecimento dos pais sobre as consequências da exposição ao fumo passivo. É indispensável que os profissionais de saúde das várias especialidades se envolvam no tratamento da dependência tabágica, promovendo a cessação tabágica dos pais, sendo esta a via mais segura para garantir casas livres de fumo.


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The sustainability of buildings associated to the use of raw earth has motivated the studies and the development of techniques and methods in the context of this type of construction. In the region of Huambo, Angola, these construction techniques are widely used, especially for low-income families who represent the majority of the population. Much of the buildings in Huambo province are built with adobe. Due to the climate in this region, subtropical, hot and humid, with altitudes above 1000 meters and extensive river system, these buildings are particularly vulnerable to the action of water and develop, in many situations, early degradation. The Huambo Province is located in central Angola, has 36 km2 area and approximately 2 million inhabitants. This work aims to evaluate, by conducting in-situ tests, physical and mechanical properties of adobe blocks typically used in the construction of those buildings. The methodology is based on field campaigns where in-situ expeditious tests were performed in soils (smell test, color, touch, brightness, sedimentation, ball, hardness, etc.) and tests on adobes blocks made with traditional procedures, particularly in terms of durability and erodibility (erosion test at Geelong method; evaluation test of wet / dry cycle, applying the New Zealand standards 4297: 1998; 4297: 1998 and 4297: 1999). The results will contribute to the characterization of the geomaterials and methods used in construction with earth in Huambo Province, contributing to the improvement of these sustainable solutions, with a strong presence in this region. The results of this study will also contribute to the proposal of constructive solutions with improved performance characteristics, comfort, safety and durability.


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Objective: To identify the main changes in the daily life of people with leg ulcer and how that affects the person’s life’s quality. Methodology: We used the methodology PI [C] OD and were selected four research articles, taken from EBSCO, PubMed, and EWMA. Results: The main changes identified in the people’s daily live with leg’s ulcers are physical (pain, decreased mobility, presence of exudate, bad smell from the wound and change in the style of clothing), psychological (sleep disorders, depression, anxiety, feelings of rejection and low self-esteem), social (isolation, restriction in leisure activities, inability to perform household chores). Conclusions: The literature about person’s life’s quality with leg ulcer reported a significant impact in the daily life of that person. The care provided by nurses should be centred on the person itself, integrating all the kind of needs and the leg ulcer mustn’t be the sole focus of care.


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The Mufarriḥ an-nafs (Soul-Cheerer), attributed to Badr ad-Dīn Muẓaffar Ibn Qāḍī Baʿlabakk, who served under the Ayyubids as the Chief Medical Officer of Damascus in the mid-13th century, was written as a comprehensive guide for physicians outlining different approaches to cheering the soul. The tractate is divided into ten chapters, which explore the nature of the soul, its distinction to the body as well as their connection through sensorial perception. Ibn Qāḍī Baʿlabakk distinguishes the bodily senses – hearing, vision, smell, taste, touch – and the inner senses, which he sees as stimulated through activities such as hunting and engagement in poetry and the sciences. The seventh chapter of the Mufarriḥ an-nafs includes an extended encyclopedia on materia medica as well as dispensatory of simple and compound drugs, which is devoted to treating the soul and remains unparalleled in the history of Islamicate medicine. My doctoral dissertation offers a complete recension and translation of the Mufarriḥ an-nafs based on a stemma codicum drawn from the seventeen extant text witnesses. The dissertation contextualizes the work, its author as well as sources, and features a text commentary that seeks to enable the reader to easily place and understand the Mufarriḥ an-nafs within the tradition of Galenic medicine. The glossaries on materia medica found at the end of the dissertation are aimed at facilitating access to the pharmacological dispensatory included in the seventh chapter.


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Sensory analysis is a scientific discipline used to evoke, measure, analyse and interpret the responses to products that are perceived by the senses of sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. This science is used to highlight the strengths and characteristics of a product, such as in the case of research and development products where alternative ingredients, food waste or by-products are used. It can also be used to evaluate the same characteristics over time, to highlight alterations in one of the sensory components at a given time or over time. This doctoral thesis deals with the valorisation, through characterisation, of various aquaculture fish products. In particular, the products covered by this study were analysed, depending on the objective pursued, with different sensory methods using trained judges and in one case consumers. Therefore, the sensory characterisation of the products was useful for investigating the foods considered in this doctoral research. In particular, specific research topics were taken: 1. The study of alternative ingredients, such as the outcomes of different levels of inclusion of insect larvae (Hermetia illucens) meal on the quality of sea bream (Sparus aurata) fillets. 2. The study of consumer expectations and perceptions on the use of insect meal as a feed for aquaculture products. In particular, this study was done after the characterisation by Quantitative Descriptive analysis (QDA) of the products to exclude sensory differences. 3. Development of a non-destructive and cheap device based on dielectric spectroscopy for assessing fish freshness. In particular in this study, the developed device was evaluated in correlation with a sensory method for assessing the freshness of fish product, the Quality Index Method (QIM)