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Lightmicroscopical (LM) and electron microscopi cal (EM) techniques, have had a major influence on the development and direction of cell biology, and particularly also on the investigation of complex host-parasite relationships. Earlier, microscopy has been rather descriptive, but new technical and scientific advances have changed the situation. Microscopy has now become analytical, quantitative and three-dimensional, with greater emphasis on analysis of live cells with fluorescent markers. The new or improved techniques that have become available include immunocytochemistry using immunogold labeling techniques or fluorescent probes, cryopreservation and cryosectioning, in situ hybridization, fluorescent reporters for subcellular localization, micro-analytical methods for elemental distribution, confocal laser scanning microscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy and live-imaging. Taken together, these tools are providing both researchers and students with a novel and multidimensional view of the intricate biological processes during parasite development in the host.


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Nanoscale research in energy storage has recently focused on investigating the properties of nanostructures in order to increase energy density, power rate, and capacity. To better understand the intrinsic properties of nanomaterials, a new and advanced in situ system was designed that allows atomic scale observation of materials under external fields. A special holder equipped with a scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) probe inside a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) system was used to perform the in situ studies on mechanical, electrical, and electrochemical properties of nanomaterials. The nanostructures of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanotubes are characterized by electron imaging, diffraction, and chemical analysis techniques inside TEM. TiO2 nanotube is one of the candidates as anode materials for lithium ion batteries. It is necessary to study their morphological, mechanical, electrical, and electrochemical properties at atomic level. The synthesis of TiO2 nanotubes showed that the aspect ratio of TiO2 could be controlled by processing parameters, such as anodization time and voltage. Ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) treated TiO2 nanotubes showed unexpected instability. Observation revealed the nanotubes were disintegrated into nanoparticles and the tubular morphology was vanished after annealing. The nitrogen compounds incorporated in surface defects weaken the nanotube and result in the collapse of nanotube into nanoparticles during phase transformation. Next, the electrical and mechanical properties of TiO2 nanotubes were studied by in situ TEM system. Phase transformation of anatase TiO2 nanotubes into rutile nanoparticles was studied by in situ Joule heating. The results showed that single anatase TiO2 nanotubes broke into ultrafine small anatase nanoparticles. On further increasing the bias, the nanoclusters of anatase particles became prone to a solid state reaction and were grown into stable large rutile nanoparticles. The relationship between mechanical and electrical properties of TiO2 nanotubes was also investigated. Initially, both anatase and amorphous TiO2 nanotubes were characterized by using I-V test to demonstrate the semiconductor properties. The observation of mechanical bending on TiO2 nanotubes revealed that the conductivity would increase when bending deformation happened. The defects on the nanotubes created by deformation helped electron transportation to increase the conductivity. Lastly, the electrochemical properties of amorphous TiO2 nanotubes were characterized by in situ TEM system. The direct chemical and imaging evidence of lithium-induced atomic ordering in amorphous TiO2 nanotubes was studied. The results indicated that the lithiation started with the valance reduction of Ti4+ to Ti3+ leading to a LixTiO2 intercalation compound. The continued intercalation of Li ions in TiO2 nanotubes triggered an amorphous to crystalline phase transformation. The crystals were formed as nano islands and identified to be Li2Ti2O4 with cubic structure (a = 8.375 Å). This phase transformation is associated with local inhomogeneities in Li distribution. Based on these observations, a new reaction mechanism is proposed to explain the first cycle lithiation behavior in amorphous TiO2 nanotubes.


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The synapses in the cerebral cortex can be classified into two main types, Gray’s type I and type II, which correspond to asymmetric (mostly glutamatergic excitatory) and symmetric (inhibitory GABAergic) synapses, respectively. Hence, the quantification and identification of their different types and the proportions in which they are found, is extraordinarily important in terms of brain function. The ideal approach to calculate the number of synapses per unit volume is to analyze 3D samples reconstructed from serial sections. However, obtaining serial sections by transmission electron microscopy is an extremely time consuming and technically demanding task. Using focused ion beam/scanning electron microscope microscopy, we recently showed that virtually all synapses can be accurately identified as asymmetric or symmetric synapses when they are visualized, reconstructed, and quantified from large 3D tissue samples obtained in an automated manner. Nevertheless, the analysis, segmentation, and quantification of synapses is still a labor intensive procedure. Thus, novel solutions are currently necessary to deal with the large volume of data that is being generated by automated 3D electron microscopy. Accordingly, we have developed ESPINA, a software tool that performs the automated segmentation and counting of synapses in a reconstructed 3D volume of the cerebral cortex, and that greatly facilitates and accelerates these processes.


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Type II DNA topoisomerases, which create a transient gate in duplex DNA and transfer a second duplex DNA through this gate, are essential for topological transformations of DNA in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and are of interest not only from a mechanistic perspective but also because they are targets of agents for anticancer and antimicrobial chemotherapy. Here we describe the structure of the molecule of human topoisomerase II [DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolyzing), EC] as seen by scanning transmission electron microscopy. A globular approximately 90-angstrom diameter core is connected by linkers to two approximately 50-angstrom domains, which were shown by comparison with genetically truncated Saccharomyces cerevisiae topoisomerase II to contain the N-terminal region of the approximately 170-kDa subunits and that are seen in different orientations. When the ATP-binding site is occupied by a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog, a quite different structure is seen that results from a major conformational change and consists of two domains approximately 90 angstrom and approximately 60 angstrom in diameter connected by a linker, and in which the N-terminal domains have interacted. About two-thirds of the molecules show an approximately 25 A tunnel in the apical part of the large domain, and the remainder contain an internal cavity approximately 30 A wide in the large domain close to the linker region. We propose that structural rearrangements lead to this displacement of an internal tunnel. The tunnel is likely to represent the channel through which one DNA duplex, after capture in the clamp formed by the N-terminal domains, is transferred across the interface between the enzyme's subunits. These images are consistent with biochemical observations and provide a structural basis for understanding the reaction of topoisomerase II.


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A series of molybdate bearing minerals including wulfenite, powellite, lindgrenite and iriginite have been analysed by Raman microscopy. These minerals are closely related and often have related paragenesis. Raman microscopy enables the selection of individual crystals of these minerals for spectroscopic analysis even though several of the minerals can be found in the same matrix because of the paragenetic relationships between the minerals. The molybdenum bearing minerals lindgrenite, iriginite and koechlinite were studied by scanning electron microscopy and compositionally analysed by EDX methods using an electron probe before Raman spectroscopic analyses. The Raman spectra are assigned according to factor group analysis and related to the structure of the minerals. These minerals have characteristically different Raman spectra.


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One of the next great challenges of cell biology is the determination of the enormous number of protein structures encoded in genomes. In recent years, advances in electron cryo-microscopy and high-resolution single particle analysis have developed to the point where they now provide a methodology for high resolution structure determination. Using this approach, images of randomly oriented single particles are aligned computationally to reconstruct 3-D structures of proteins and even whole viruses. One of the limiting factors in obtaining high-resolution reconstructions is obtaining a large enough representative dataset ($>100,000$ particles). Traditionally particles have been manually picked which is an extremely labour intensive process. The problem is made especially difficult by the low signal-to-noise ratio of the images. This paper describes the development of automatic particle picking software, which has been tested with both negatively stained and cryo-electron micrographs. This algorithm has been shown to be capable of selecting most of the particles, with few false positives. Further work will involve extending the software to detect differently shaped and oriented particles.