998 resultados para Roos, Ole


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General Introduction This thesis can be divided into two main parts :the first one, corresponding to the first three chapters, studies Rules of Origin (RoOs) in Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs); the second part -the fourth chapter- is concerned with Anti-Dumping (AD) measures. Despite wide-ranging preferential access granted to developing countries by industrial ones under North-South Trade Agreements -whether reciprocal, like the Europe Agreements (EAs) or NAFTA, or not, such as the GSP, AGOA, or EBA-, it has been claimed that the benefits from improved market access keep falling short of the full potential benefits. RoOs are largely regarded as a primary cause of the under-utilization of improved market access of PTAs. RoOs are the rules that determine the eligibility of goods to preferential treatment. Their economic justification is to prevent trade deflection, i.e. to prevent non-preferred exporters from using the tariff preferences. However, they are complex, cost raising and cumbersome, and can be manipulated by organised special interest groups. As a result, RoOs can restrain trade beyond what it is needed to prevent trade deflection and hence restrict market access in a statistically significant and quantitatively large proportion. Part l In order to further our understanding of the effects of RoOs in PTAs, the first chapter, written with Pr. Olivier Cadot, Celine Carrère and Pr. Jaime de Melo, describes and evaluates the RoOs governing EU and US PTAs. It draws on utilization-rate data for Mexican exports to the US in 2001 and on similar data for ACP exports to the EU in 2002. The paper makes two contributions. First, we construct an R-index of restrictiveness of RoOs along the lines first proposed by Estevadeordal (2000) for NAFTA, modifying it and extending it for the EU's single-list (SL). This synthetic R-index is then used to compare Roos under NAFTA and PANEURO. The two main findings of the chapter are as follows. First, it shows, in the case of PANEURO, that the R-index is useful to summarize how countries are differently affected by the same set of RoOs because of their different export baskets to the EU. Second, it is shown that the Rindex is a relatively reliable statistic in the sense that, subject to caveats, after controlling for the extent of tariff preference at the tariff-line level, it accounts for differences in utilization rates at the tariff line level. Finally, together with utilization rates, the index can be used to estimate total compliance costs of RoOs. The second chapter proposes a reform of preferential Roos with the aim of making them more transparent and less discriminatory. Such a reform would make preferential blocs more "cross-compatible" and would therefore facilitate cumulation. It would also contribute to move regionalism toward more openness and hence to make it more compatible with the multilateral trading system. It focuses on NAFTA, one of the most restrictive FTAs (see Estevadeordal and Suominen 2006), and proposes a way forward that is close in spirit to what the EU Commission is considering for the PANEURO system. In a nutshell, the idea is to replace the current array of RoOs by a single instrument- Maximum Foreign Content (MFC). An MFC is a conceptually clear and transparent instrument, like a tariff. Therefore changing all instruments into an MFC would bring improved transparency pretty much like the "tariffication" of NTBs. The methodology for this exercise is as follows: In step 1, I estimate the relationship between utilization rates, tariff preferences and RoOs. In step 2, I retrieve the estimates and invert the relationship to get a simulated MFC that gives, line by line, the same utilization rate as the old array of Roos. In step 3, I calculate the trade-weighted average of the simulated MFC across all lines to get an overall equivalent of the current system and explore the possibility of setting this unique instrument at a uniform rate across lines. This would have two advantages. First, like a uniform tariff, a uniform MFC would make it difficult for lobbies to manipulate the instrument at the margin. This argument is standard in the political-economy literature and has been used time and again in support of reductions in the variance of tariffs (together with standard welfare considerations). Second, uniformity across lines is the only way to eliminate the indirect source of discrimination alluded to earlier. Only if two countries face uniform RoOs and tariff preference will they face uniform incentives irrespective of their initial export structure. The result of this exercise is striking: the average simulated MFC is 25% of good value, a very low (i.e. restrictive) level, confirming Estevadeordal and Suominen's critical assessment of NAFTA's RoOs. Adopting a uniform MFC would imply a relaxation from the benchmark level for sectors like chemicals or textiles & apparel, and a stiffening for wood products, papers and base metals. Overall, however, the changes are not drastic, suggesting perhaps only moderate resistance to change from special interests. The third chapter of the thesis considers whether Europe Agreements of the EU, with the current sets of RoOs, could be the potential model for future EU-centered PTAs. First, I have studied and coded at the six-digit level of the Harmonised System (HS) .both the old RoOs -used before 1997- and the "Single list" Roos -used since 1997. Second, using a Constant Elasticity Transformation function where CEEC exporters smoothly mix sales between the EU and the rest of the world by comparing producer prices on each market, I have estimated the trade effects of the EU RoOs. The estimates suggest that much of the market access conferred by the EAs -outside sensitive sectors- was undone by the cost-raising effects of RoOs. The chapter also contains an analysis of the evolution of the CEECs' trade with the EU from post-communism to accession. Part II The last chapter of the thesis is concerned with anti-dumping, another trade-policy instrument having the effect of reducing market access. In 1995, the Uruguay Round introduced in the Anti-Dumping Agreement (ADA) a mandatory "sunset-review" clause (Article 11.3 ADA) under which anti-dumping measures should be reviewed no later than five years from their imposition and terminated unless there was a serious risk of resumption of injurious dumping. The last chapter, written with Pr. Olivier Cadot and Pr. Jaime de Melo, uses a new database on Anti-Dumping (AD) measures worldwide to assess whether the sunset-review agreement had any effect. The question we address is whether the WTO Agreement succeeded in imposing the discipline of a five-year cycle on AD measures and, ultimately, in curbing their length. Two methods are used; count data analysis and survival analysis. First, using Poisson and Negative Binomial regressions, the count of AD measures' revocations is regressed on (inter alia) the count of "initiations" lagged five years. The analysis yields a coefficient on measures' initiations lagged five years that is larger and more precisely estimated after the agreement than before, suggesting some effect. However the coefficient estimate is nowhere near the value that would give a one-for-one relationship between initiations and revocations after five years. We also find that (i) if the agreement affected EU AD practices, the effect went the wrong way, the five-year cycle being quantitatively weaker after the agreement than before; (ii) the agreement had no visible effect on the United States except for aone-time peak in 2000, suggesting a mopping-up of old cases. Second, the survival analysis of AD measures around the world suggests a shortening of their expected lifetime after the agreement, and this shortening effect (a downward shift in the survival function postagreement) was larger and more significant for measures targeted at WTO members than for those targeted at non-members (for which WTO disciplines do not bind), suggesting that compliance was de jure. A difference-in-differences Cox regression confirms this diagnosis: controlling for the countries imposing the measures, for the investigated countries and for the products' sector, we find a larger increase in the hazard rate of AD measures covered by the Agreement than for other measures.


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Este Relatório sobre a Saúde no Mundo foi produzido sob a direcção geral de Carissa Etienne, Assistente do Director-Geral, Sistemas e Serviços de Saúde e Anarfi Asamoa-Baah, Director Geral Adjunto. Os redactores principais froam David B Evans, Riku Elovainio e Gary Humphreys; com contribuições de Daniel Chisholm, Joseph Kutzin, Sarah Russell, Priyanka Saksena e Ke Xu. Contribuições sob a forma de caixas de texto e análises foram fornecidos por: Ole Doetinchem, Adelio Fernandes Antunes, Justine Hsu, Chandika K. Indikadahena, Jeremy Lauer, Nathalie van de Maele, Belgacem Sabri, Hossein Salehi, Xenia Scheil-Adlung (ILO) and Karin Stenberg. Sugestões e comentários foram recebidos dos Directores Regionais, Assistentes do Director-Geral e respectivas equipas. Análises, dados e revisões da organização do texto, vários rascunhos ou secções específicas foram fornecidos por (em adição às pessoas jáacima mencionadas): Dele Abegunde, Michael Adelhardt, Hector Arreola, Guitelle Baghdadi-Sabeti, Dina Balabanova, Dorjsuren Bayarsaikhan, Peter Berman, Melanie Bertram, Michael Borowitz, Reinhard Busse, Alexandra Cameron, Guy Carrin, Andrew Cassels, Eleonora Cavagnero, John Connell, David de Ferranti, Don de Savigny, Varatharajan Durairaj, Tamás Evetovits, Josep Figueras, Emma Fitzpatrick, Julio Frenk, Daniela Fuhr, Ramiro Guerrero, Patricia Hernandez Pena, Hans V Hogerzeil, Kathleen Holloway, Melitta Jakab, Elke Jakubowski, Christopher James, Mira Johri, Matthew Jowett, Joses Kirigia, Felicia Knaul, Richard Laing, Nora Markova, Awad Mataria, Inke Mathauer, Don Matheson, Anne Mills, Eduardo Missoni, Laurent Musango, Helena Nygren-Krug, Ariel Pablos-Mendez, Anne-Marie Perucic, Claudia Pescetto, Jean Perrot, Alexander Preker, Magdalena Rathe, Dag Rekve, Ritu Sadana, Rocio Saenz, Thomas Shakespeare, Ian Smith, Peter C Smith, Alaka Singh, Ruben Suarez Berenguela, Tessa Tan-Torres Edejer, Richard Scheffler, Viroj Tangcharoensathien, Fabrizio Tediosi, Sarah Thomson, Ewout van Ginneken, Cornelis van Mosseveld e Julia Watson. A redacção do Relatório foi informada por muitos indivíduos de várias instituições que forneceram documentos de suporte; estes documentos de suporte podem ser encontrados em: http://www.who.int/healthsystems/topics/financing/healthreport/whr_background/en Michael Reid editou as cópias do Relatório, Gaël Kernen produziu as figuras e Evelyn Omukubi forneceu o valioso apoio secretarial e administrativo. O desenho e paginação foi feito por Sophie Guetaneh Aguettant e Cristina Ortiz. Ilustração por Edel Tripp (http://edeltripp.daportfolio.com). A tradução foi realizada por Jorge Cabral e Aurélio Floriano e revista por Aurélio Floriano e Paulo Ferrinho, do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, da Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Lisboa, Portugal. A publicação foi produzida com o apoio da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP), sob autorização do Director Geral da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). As informações contidas neste Relatório não podem, de forma alguma, ser tomadas como a expressão das posições da CPLP


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Objective To identify and analyze the necessary competencies in primary health care for attending to older adults. Method An exploratory, descriptive, and quali-quantitative study was developed. Three rounds of the Delphi Technique were conducted with participants from primary health care services and a multidisciplinary committee. The first questionnaire asked participants to indicate the competencies needed for attending to older adults in primary health care. They were compiled into a list and added to a Likert Scale (from 1 to 5) for the second and third questionnaires. A consensus criterion of 70% was adopted. Results Twenty eight competencies were reached by consensus and were classified into twelve domains. Conclusion The competencies reflect Brazilian health care policy and constitute a reference for professional health practice and education when caring for the older adult in primary health care.


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We describe an original case of disseminated infection with Histoplasma capsulatum (Hc) var. duboisii in an African patient with AIDS who migrated to Switzerland. The diagnosis of histoplasmosis was suggested using direct examination of tissues and confirmed in 24 h with a panfungal polymerase chain reaction assay. The variety duboisii of Hc was established using DNA sequencing of the polymorphic genomic region OLE. Molecular tools allow diagnosis of histoplasmosis in 24 h, which is drastically shorter than culture procedures.


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Liittynee johonkin seuraavista v. 1938/1939 käsitellyistä asioista: Isänmaallinen kansanliike, Lapuanliike, Mäntsälän kapina, Oikeudenkäynti, Painovapaus, Poliittiset tunnusmerkit, Tasavallan suojelulaki. - Puhe


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Koska panhuilu on vasta "aloitteleva" musiikkioppilaitossoitin, sille ei vielä ole valmiita tasokurssiohjelmistotaulukoita. Panhuilunsoiton opetuksen aloittamisen edellytyksenä on kurssivaatimusten ja ohjelmistoluetteloiden laatiminen myös perusasteelle ja musiikkiopistoasteelle (I/D). Työn tarkoituksena oli siis laatia panhuilulle peruskurssien 1-3 ja I-tason kurssivaatimukset ja tutkinto-ohjelmistoluettelot. Työ sisältää myös tasosuoritusten arviointiohjeet ja osion opettajalle, jossa esitellään tasosuoritukseen sopivia esimerkkisävellyksiä soitinkoulujen, etydivihkojen ja kokoelmavihkojen sisällöistä. Näin opettaja tai itsenäisesti opiskeleva harrastaja pystyy sijoittamaan muitakin teoksia eri suoritustasoille. Aineisto koostuu panhuilulle sävelletyn materiaalin lisäksi oboe-, poikkihuilu-, nokkahuilu-, ja viulukirjallisuudesta, joita olen kerännyt Sibelius-Akatemian, Helsingin Konservatorion sekä Helsingin kaupunginkirjastoista. Nimittäin varsinaisesti panhuilulle sävellettyjä kappaleita on erittäin vähän ja ne ovat vaihtelevan tasoisia. Tasosuoritusten arviointiohjeita käyttäen keräsin kirjastoista tai ostin sopivat nuottimateriaalit ja mapitin kaikki kokoelmavihkot, soitinkoulut ja säestykselliset sävellykset. Tämän jälkeen lajittelin materiaalit omiin kansioihinsa tasokurssien mukaan. Ohjelmistotaulukot ovat eriteltyinä kunkin tasokurssin mukaan. Ne sisältävät seuraavia osa-alueita: soitinkoulut, etydit, kokoelmat, säestykselliset sävellykset, sarjat, konsertot, sonaatit ja kamarimusiikki. Näiden lisäksi jokaiselle tasokurssille on mukana asteikkovaatimukset. Opinnäytetyö on samalla pieni ohjekirja panhuiluopettajalle tai itsenäisesti opiskelevalle oppilaalle: hän saa tietoa panhuilun hengitystekniikasta ja ansatsista verrattuna poikkihuiluun ja oboeen sekä siitä, mitä liikkeitä hänen tulisi varoa soittaessaan panhuilua. Tämän tyyppinen tieto on tärkeää, sillä panhuilu on hyvin fyysinen soitin ja jos sitä "väärinkäyttää", se saattaa aiheuttaa nuorelle oppilaalle pysyviä niskavammoja tms. Osaa aineistosta olen päässyt kokeilemaan eritasoisilla ja -ikäisillä oppilailla Raahessa kesällä 2006 pidetyllä panhuiluleirillä.


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Opinnäytetyöni on kirjallinen tutkielma ja käsittelen siinä uuden kristillisiin arvoihin pohjaavan tv-ohjelmasarjan ennakkosuunnitteluvaihetta kristilliselle televisiokanavalle. Varsinainen tavoitteeni oli selvittää ennakkosuunnitteluvaiheen erityispiirteitä kristityn tuottajan näkökulmasta. Tutkimukseni perustuu teemahaastatteluun, ja haastattelin kolmea kristittyä av-tuottajaa, jotka ovat aiemmin tuottaneet kristillisiä ohjelmia, sekä oman työni havainnointiin ja reflektointiin tuottajana. Aluksi määrittelen kristillisyyden käsitteen ja sen, mitä sillä tässä työssä tarkoitetaan. Lisäksi esittelen viitekehyksenä kristilliseen tv-toimintaan liittyvää tietoa kotimaassa ja ulkomailla. Haastattelut paljastivat, että kristillistä tv-ohjelmaa suunniteltaessa on tärkeää huomioida se, että kristilliselle tv-kanavalle tehdyistä ohjelmista ei makseta, vaan kustannukset jäävät ohjelman tekijöille. Rahanpuute ilmeneekin kristillisten ohjelmien tuotantojen ongelmana. Ohjelman sisällöllä on keskeinen merkitys suunnitteluvaiheessa. Sen on oltava sisällöllisesti syvällistä ja tarkkaan mietittyä ja suunniteltua. Ohjelman tekijöiltä tarvitaankin kristillistä näkökulmaa, jotta haluttu lopputulos saavutettaisiin. Rukous oli haastateltujen tuottajien kristillisyyden ilmentymä ohjelman suunnittelussa. Sen avulla he kokivat, että Jumala pääsee vaikuttamaan heissä tahtomisen ja tekemisen. Kun halutaan välittää kristillistä sanomaa, ohjelman sisällöntuottajien, eli käsikirjoittajan ja ohjaajan, on oltava kristittyjä, mikäli he vaikuttavat suoraan sisältöön. Muun työryhmän kristillisyydellä ei ole niin suurta merkitystä, jos asenne on positiivinen kristillisiä arvoja, muuta työryhmää ja työtä kohtaan. Tuottajien kristillisyys vaikuttaa heidän tekemiinsä valintoihin, ohjelmien sisältöön ja kanssakäymiseen muiden ihmisten kanssa.


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Patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy and gene targeting in mice revealed an essential role for the SH3TC2 gene in peripheral nerve myelination. SH3TC2 expression is restricted to Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system, and the gene product, SH3TC2, localizes to the perinuclear recycling compartment. Here, we show that SH3TC2 interacts with the small guanosine triphosphatase Rab11, which is known to regulate the recycling of internalized membranes and receptors back to the cell surface. Results of protein binding studies and transferrin receptor trafficking are in line with a role of SH3TC2 as a Rab11 effector molecule. Consistent with a function of Rab11 in Schwann cell myelination, SH3TC2 mutations that cause neuropathy disrupt the SH3TC2/Rab11 interaction, and forced expression of dominant negative Rab11 strongly impairs myelin formation in vitro. Our data indicate that the SH3TC2/Rab11 interaction is relevant for peripheral nerve pathophysiology and place endosomal recycling on the list of cellular mechanisms involved in Schwann cell myelination.


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We construct spectral sequences in the framework of Baues-Wirsching cohomology and homology for functors between small categories and analyze particular cases including Grothendieck fibrations. We also give applications to more classical cohomology and homology theories including Hochschild-Mitchell cohomology and those studied before by Watts, Roos, Quillen and others


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Distal myopathies represent a heterogeneous group of inherited skeletal muscle disorders. One type of adult-onset, progressive autosomal-dominant distal myopathy, frequently associated with dysphagia and dysphonia (vocal cord and pharyngeal weakness with distal myopathy [VCPDM]), has been mapped to chromosome 5q31 in a North American pedigree. Here, we report the identification of a second large VCPDM family of Bulgarian descent and fine mapping of the critical interval. Sequencing of positional candidate genes revealed precisely the same nonconservative S85C missense mutation affecting an interspecies conserved residue in the MATR3 gene in both families. MATR3 is expressed in skeletal muscle and encodes matrin 3, a component of the nuclear matrix, which is a proteinaceous network that extends throughout the nucleus. Different disease related haplotype signatures in the two families provided evidence that two independent mutational events at the same position in MATR3 cause VCPDM. Our data establish proof of principle that the nuclear matrix is crucial for normal skeletal muscle structure and function and put VCPDM on the growing list of monogenic disorders associated with the nuclear proteome.


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Hypertension is a heritable and major contributor to the global burden of disease. The sum of rare and common genetic variants robustly identified so far explain only 1%-2% of the population variation in BP and hypertension. This suggests the existence of more undiscovered common variants. We conducted a genome-wide association study in 1,621 hypertensive cases and 1,699 controls and follow-up validation analyses in 19,845 cases and 16,541 controls using an extreme case-control design. We identified a locus on chromosome 16 in the 5' region of Uromodulin (UMOD; rs13333226, combined P value of 3.6×10(-11)). The minor G allele is associated with a lower risk of hypertension (OR [95%CI]: 0.87 [0.84-0.91]), reduced urinary uromodulin excretion, better renal function; and each copy of the G allele is associated with a 7.7% reduction in risk of CVD events after adjusting for age, sex, BMI, and smoking status (H.R. = 0.923, 95% CI 0.860-0.991; p = 0.027). In a subset of 13,446 individuals with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) measurements, we show that rs13333226 is independently associated with hypertension (unadjusted for eGFR: 0.89 [0.83-0.96], p = 0.004; after eGFR adjustment: 0.89 [0.83-0.96], p = 0.003). In clinical functional studies, we also consistently show the minor G allele is associated with lower urinary uromodulin excretion. The exclusive expression of uromodulin in the thick portion of the ascending limb of Henle suggests a putative role of this variant in hypertension through an effect on sodium homeostasis. The newly discovered UMOD locus for hypertension has the potential to give new insights into the role of uromodulin in BP regulation and to identify novel drugable targets for reducing cardiovascular risk.


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