997 resultados para Roberts, Royston M.: Sattuma tieteessä


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In ultraperipheral relativistic heavy-ion collisions, a photon from the electromagnetic field of one nucleus can fluctuate to a quark-antiquark pair and scatter from the other nucleus, emerging as a rho(0). The rho(0) production occurs in two well-separated (median impact parameters of 20 and 40 F for the cases considered here) nuclei, so the system forms a two-source interferometer. At low transverse momenta, the two amplitudes interfere destructively, suppressing rho(0) production. Since the rho(0) decays before the production amplitudes from the two sources can overlap, the two-pion system can only be described with an entangled nonlocal wave function, and is thus an example of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. We observe this suppression in 200 GeV per nucleon-pair gold-gold collisions. The interference is 87%+/- 5%(stat.)+/- 8%(syst.) of the expected level. This translates into a limit on decoherence due to wave function collapse or other factors of 23% at the 90% confidence level.


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We present the first measurements of the rho(770)(0),K(*)(892),Delta(1232)(++),Sigma(1385), and Lambda(1520) resonances in d+Au collisions at s(NN)=200 GeV, reconstructed via their hadronic decay channels using the STAR detector (the solenoidal tracker at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider). The masses and widths of these resonances are studied as a function of transverse momentum p(T). We observe that the resonance spectra follow a generalized scaling law with the transverse mass m(T). The < p(T)> of resonances in minimum bias collisions are compared with the < p(T)> of pi,K, and p. The rho(0)/pi(-),K(*)/K(-),Delta(++)/p,Sigma(1385)/Lambda, and Lambda(1520)/Lambda ratios in d+Au collisions are compared with the measurements in minimum bias p+p interactions, where we observe that both measurements are comparable. The nuclear modification factors (R(dAu)) of the rho(0),K(*), and Sigma(*) scale with the number of binary collisions (N(bin)) for p(T)> 1.2 GeV/c.


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Angular distributions for the elastic scattering of (8)B, (7)Be, and (6)Li on a (12)C target have been measured at E(lab) = 25.8, 18.8, and 12.3 MeV, respectively. The analyses of these angular distributions have been performed in terms of the optical model using Woods-Saxon and double-folding type potentials. The effect of breakup in the elastic scattering of (8)B + (12)C is investigated by performing coupled-channels calculations with the continuum discretized coupled-channel method and cluster-model folding potentials. Total reaction cross sections were deduced from the elastic-scattering analysis and compared with published data on elastic scattering of other weakly and tightly bound projectiles on (12)C, as a function of energy. With the exception of (4)He and (16)O, the data can be described using a universal function for the reduced cross sections.


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The STAR Collaboration at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider has measured two-pion correlation functions from p + p collisions at root s = 200 GeV. Spatial scales are extracted via a femtoscopic analysis of the correlations, though this analysis is complicated by the presence of strong nonfemtoscopic effects. Our results are put into the context of the world data set of femtoscopy in hadron-hadron collisions. We present the first direct comparison of femtoscopy in p + p and heavy ion collisions, under identical analysis and detector conditions.


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Solar radiation is one of the major factors responsible for the control of fungus populations in the environment. Inactivation by UVA and UVB radiation is especially important for the control of fungi that disperse infective units through the air, including fungi such as Cryptococcus spp. that infect their vertebrate hosts by inhalation. Cryptococcus neoformans produces melanin in the presence of certain exogenous substrates such as l-3,4 dihydroxyphenylalanine and melanization may protect the fungus against biotic and abiotic environmental factors. In the present study, we investigated the effect of exposure to an UVB irradiance of 1000 mW m(-2) (biologically effective weighted irradiance) on the survival of melanized and nonmelanized cells of four strains of C. neoformans and four strains of C. laurentii. The relative survival (survival of cells exposed to radiation in relation to cells not exposed) of cells grown 2, 4, 6 or 8 days on medium with or without L-dopa was determined after exposure to UVB doses of 1.8 and 3.6 kJ m(-2). Both the irradiance spectrum and the intensities of those doses are environmentally realistic, and, in fact, occur routinely during summer months in temperate regions. Differences in tolerance to UVB radiation were observed between the C. neoformans and C. laurentii strains. The C. neoformans strains were more susceptible to UVB radiation than the C. laurentii strains. In C. neoformans, differences in tolerance to radiation were observed during development of both melanized and nonmelanized cells. For most treatments (strain, time of growth and UVB dose), there were virtually no differences in tolerances between melanized and nonmelanized cells, but when differences occurred they were smaller than those previously observed with UVC. In tests with two strains of C. laurentii, there was no difference in tolerance to UVB radiation between melanized and nonmelanized cells during 8 days of culture; and in tests with four strains for less culture time (4 days) there were no significant differences in tolerance between melanized and nonmelanized cells of any strain of this species.


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Light conditions during mycelial growth are known to influence fungi in many ways. The effect of visible-light exposure during mycelial growth was investigated on conidial tolerance to UVB irradiation and wet heat of Metarhizium robertsii, an insect-pathogenic fungus. Two nutrient media and two light regimens were compared. Conidia were produced on (A) potato dextrose agar plus yeast extract medium (PDAY) (A1) under dark conditions or (A2) under continuous visible light (provided by two fluorescent lamps with intensity 5.4 W m-2). For comparison, the fungus was also produced on (B) minimal medium (MM) under continuous-dark incubation, which is known to produce conidia with increased tolerance to heat and UVB radiation. The UVB tolerances of conidia produced on PDAY under continuous visible light were twofold higher than conidia produced on PDAY medium under dark conditions, and this elevated UVB tolerance was similar to that of conidia produced on MM in the dark. The heat tolerance of conidia produced under continuous light was, however, similar to that of conidia produced on MM or PDAY in the dark. Conidial yield on PDAY medium was equivalent when the fungus was grown either under continuous-dark or under continuous-light conditions.


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Conidia are responsible for reproduction, dispersal, environmental persistence and host infection of many fungal species. One of the main environmental factors that can kill and/or damage conidia is solar UV radiation. Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD) are the major DNA photoproducts induced by UVB. We examined the conidial germination kinetics and the occurrence of CPD in DNA of conidia exposed to different doses of UVB radiation. Conidia of Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus nidulans and Metarhizium acridum were exposed to UVB doses of 0.9, 1.8, 3.6 and 5.4 kJ m-2. CPD were quantified using T4 endonuclease V and alkaline agarose gel electrophoresis. Most of the doses were sublethal for all three species. Exposures to UVB delayed conidial germination and the delays were directly related both to UVB doses and CPD frequencies. The frequencies of dimers also were linear and directly proportional to the UVB doses, but the CPD yields differed among species. We also evaluated the impact of conidial pigmentation on germination and CPD induction on Metarhizium robertsii. The frequency of dimers in an albino mutant was approximately 10 times higher than of its green wild-type parent strain after exposure to a sublethal dose (1.8 kJ m-2) of UVB radiation.


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Metarhizium spp. is an important worldwide group of entomopathogenic fungi used as an interesting alternative to chemical insecticides in programs of agricultural pest and disease vector control. Metarhizium conidia are important in fungal propagation and also are responsible for host infection. Despite their importance, several aspects of conidial biology, including their proteome, are still unknown. We have established conidial and mycelial proteome reference maps for Metarhizium acridum using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). In all, 1130 +/- 102 and 1200 +/- 97 protein spots were detected in ungerminated conidia and fast-growing mycelia, respectively. Comparison of the two protein-expression profiles reveled that only 35 % of the protein spots were common to both developmental stages. Out of 94 2-DE protein spots (65 from conidia, 25 from mycelia and two common to both) analyzed using mass spectrometry, seven proteins from conidia, 15 from mycelia and one common to both stages were identified. The identified protein spots exclusive to conidia contained sequences similar to known fungal stress-protector proteins (such as heat shock proteins (HSP) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase) plus the fungal allergen Alt a 7, actin and the enzyme cobalamin-independent methionine synthase. The identified protein spots exclusive to mycelia included proteins involved in several cell housekeeping biological processes. Three proteins (HSP 90, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase and allergen Alt a 7) were present in spots in conidial and mycelial gels, but they differed in their locations on the two gels. (c) 2010 The British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Antimicrobial photodynamic treatment (PDT) is a promising method that can be used to control localized mycoses or kill fungi in the environment. A major objective of the current study was to compare the conidial photosensitization of two fungal species (Metarhizium anisopliae and Aspergillus nidulans) with methylene blue (MB) and toluidine blue (TBO) under different incubation and light conditions. Parameters examined were media, photosensitizer (PS) concentration and light source. PDT with MB and TBO resulted in an incomplete inactivation of the conidia of both fungal species. Conidial inactivation reached up to 99.7%, but none of the treatments was sufficient to achieve a 100% fungicidal effect using either MB or TBO. PDT delayed the germination of the surviving conidia. Washing the conidia to remove unbound PS before light exposure drastically reduced the photosensitization of A. nidulans. The reduction was much smaller in M. anisopliae conidia, indicating that the conidia of the two species interact differently with MB and TBO. Conidia of green and yellow M. anisopliae mutants were less affected by PDT than mutants with white and violet conidia. In contrast to what occurred in PBS, photosensitization of M. anisopliae and A. nidulans conidia was not observed when PDT was performed in potato dextrose media.


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Fungi, including the entomopathogenic deuteromycete Metarhizium anisopliae, produce a wide diversity of secondary metabolites that either can be secreted or stored in specific developmental structures, e.g., conidia. Some secondary metabolites, such as pigments, polyols and mycosporines, are associated with pathogenicity and/or fungal tolerance to several stress-inducing environmental factors, including temperature and solar radiation extremes. Extracts of M. anisopliae var. anisopliae (strain ESALQ-1037) conidia were purified by chromatographic procedures and the isolated compounds analyzed by (1)H and (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and high-resolution mass spectrometry. LC-MS analyses were carried out to search for mycosporines (the initial targets), but no compounds of this class were detected. A molecule whose natural occurrence was previously undescribed was identified. It consists of betaine conjugated with tyrosine, and the structure was identified as 2-([1-carboxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethyl]amino)-N,N,N-trimethyl-2-oxoethanammonium. mannitol was the predominant compound in the alcoholic conidial extract, but no amino acids other than tyrosine were found to be conjugated with betaine in conidia. The fungal tyrosine betaine was detected also in conidial extracts of three other M. anisopliae var. anisopliae (ARSEF 1095, 5626 and 5749) and three M. anisopliae var. acridum isolates (ARSEF 324, 3391 and 7486), but it was not detected in Aspergillus nidulans conidial extract (ATCC 10074). (C) 2010 The British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Anglo cluster comprises Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa (White sample), and the United States of America. These countries are all developed nations, predominantly English speaking, and were all once British colonies. Today, they are amongst the wealthiest countries in the world. The GLOBE results show that the Anglo cluster is characterized by an individualistic performance orientation. Further, although they value gender equality, the Anglo cluster countries tend to be male-dominated in practice. Effective leadership in the Anglo cultures is affected by a combination of charismatic inspiration and a articipative style.


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This paper reports a comparative study of Australian and New Zealand leadership attributes, based on the GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) program. Responses from 344 Australian managers and 184 New Zealand managers in three industries were analyzed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Results supported some of the etic leadership dimensions identified in the GLOBE study, but also found some emic dimensions of leadership for each country. An interesting finding of the study was that the New Zealand data fitted the Australian model, but not vice versa, suggesting asymmetric perceptions of leadership in the two countries.


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In this work the in-situ perfused rat liver has been used to examine the effect of changing the protein content of the perfusate on the hepatic extraction of O-acyl esters of salicylic acid. The hepatic availability (F) of these solutes was studied at a flow-rate of 30 mt min(-1) with perfusate albumin concentrations of 0, 2, and 4% w/v. The hepatic availability of the esters was shown to decrease with increasing carbon-chain length in the O-acyl group; for all the esters the hepatic availability increased with increasing albumin concentration in the perfusate. The dispersion-model-derived efficiency number (R-N) Of the esters was shown to increase with increasing lipophilicity and decrease with increasing albumin concentration in the perfusate. The unbound fraction (f(u),) of the esters decreased with lipophilicity. R-N/f(u), for acetylsalicylic acid remained relatively constant as the albumin concentration was increased. However, R-N/f(u), for n-pentanoyl- and n-hexanoylsalicylic acids increased significantly as albumin concentration increased from 0% to 4%. Thus, for the more lipophilic solutes (n-pentanoyl- and n-hexanoylsalicylic acids) the presence of albumin apparently facilitates the uptake of unbound solute relative to acetylsalicylic acid.